Reliable F1 Installation Manual

Bulletin 140 Rev. J
Model F1 Res and RFC Residential Sprinkler Design and Installation Guide
Bulletin 140 Rev. J
F1 Res 30/30LL,
49/49LL, 58/58LL & 76
F1 Res 44/44LL
& 58/58LL
F1 Res 30/30LL,
49/49LL, 58/58LL & 76
Recessed HSW/F2
Sprinkler Model and Type Sprinkler Identifi cation Number Reliable Bulletin Number
F1 Res 30/30LL Pendent F1 Res 30/30LL Recessed Pendent/F1 F1 Res 30/30LL Recessed Pendent/FP F1 Res 30/30LL Concealed Pendent/CCP
F1 Res 49/49LL Pendent F1 Res 49/49LL Recessed Pendent/F1 F1 Res 49/49LL Recessed Pendent/FP F1 Res 49/49LL Concealed Pendent/CCP
F1 Res 58/58LL Pendent F1 Res 58/58LL Recessed Pendent/F1 F1 Res 58/58LL Recessed Pendent/FP F1 Res 58/58LL Concealed Pendent/CCP
RFC 30/30LL, 43/43LL & 49/49LL Concealed Pendent
RFC 56 Concealed Pendent RA0914 Horizontal Ceilings – 009 F1 Res 44/44LL Horizontal Sidewall
F1 Res 44/44LL Recessed Horizontal Sidewall F1 Res 44/44LL SWC Concealed Horizontal Sidewall R3531, RA3331 Horizontal Ceilings – 135,033 F1 Res 58/58LL Horizontal Sidewall
F1 Res 58/58LL Recessed Horizontal Sidewall/F2 F1 Res 76 PendentF1 Res 76 Recessed Pendent/F1
F1 Res 76 Recessed Pendent/FP F1 Res 76 Concealed Pendent/CCP
F1 Res 30/30LL,
49/49LL, 58/58LL & 76
Recessed Pendent / F1
F1 Res 44/44LL
CCP Pendent
R3516, RA3316
R3513, RA3313 Horizontal Ceilings - 135, 033
RA0611, RA0612, RA0616, RA3211,
RA3212, RA3216
R3531, RA3331
R3533, RA3335 Horizontal Ceilings - 135, 033
F1 Res 30/30LL,
49/49LL, 58/58LL & 76
Recessed Pendent / FP
RFC 30/30LL,
43/43LL, 49/49LL
R7618 Horizontal Ceilings – 135, 176
Horizontal Ceilings – 135, 033
Horizontal Ceilings – 135, 033
Horizontal Ceilings – 006, 032
Horizontal Ceilings – 135, 033
F1 Res 44/44LL
& 58/58LL
RFC 56
Sloped Ceilings - 035
Sloped Ceilings – 035
Sloped Ceilings - 035
Table A
Model F1 Res and Model RFC Residential Sprinklers
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523
Reliable residential sprinklers utilize a fast response thermal element and are intended for use in only wet­pipe residential sprinkler systems designed in accor­dance with the following NFPA standards: NFPA 13D, Installation of Sprinkler Systems for One-and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes; NFPA 13R, Instal­lation of Sprinkler Systems for Residential Occupan­cies Up to and Including Four Stories in Height; and for the residential portions of any occupancy as permitted by NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Fast re­sponse and high wall wetting characteristics of residen­tial sprinklers improve life safety by maintaining a tena­ble environment, providing escape time for occupants.
NFPA 13D is appropriate for protection against fire hazards only in one-and two-family dwellings and manu­factured homes. Residential portions of any other type of building or occupancy should be protected with resi­dential sprinklers in accordance with NFPA 13, or in ac­cordance with NFPA 13R. NFPA 13R is appropriate for use as an option to NFPA 13 only in those residential occupancies up to and including four stories in height. Where buildings are greater than four stories in height, or where buildings are of mixed use where residential is not the predominant occupancy, protect residential por­tions of such buildings with residential or quick response sprinklers in accordance with NFPA 13.
This document provides design guidelines for the Model F1/Res and RFC Residential Sprinklers shown in Table A, which are cULus Listed to provide a minimum density of 0.05 gpm/ft mentioned standards, manufacturer’s instructions, and technical bulletins. Where documentation for residential sprinkler systems does not exist for particular applica­tions, information based on NFPA 13 is used.
Residential fire sprinkler systems should only be de­signed and installed by competent individuals trained and experienced with automatic sprinkler system de­sign and installation. Several criteria may apply to a given installation and the designer and/or installer must be familiar with the applicable codes, standards, and guidelines governing such an installation. The Reliable Model F1/Res and RFC residential sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document manufacturer’s recommendations, with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and with any additional local jurisdictional requirements. Failure to comply may result in the impairment of sprinkler integrity and proper operation. Because of the various features of residential type architecture, there will be some compartment de­signs which cannot be fully sprinklered in accordance with the recommendations of NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. In these instances, consult the Authority Having Jurisdic­tion for guidance and approval.
, in accordance with the above-
The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire pro­tection system and associated devices in proper oper­ating condition. Refer to NFPA 25, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Sys­tems, for guidance on testing and maintenance of auto­matic sprinkler systems.
All Reliable residential sprinklers have been designed and tested in accordance with the latest Edition of Under­writers Laboratories (UL) 1626, Standard for Residential Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service. Typically, they are cULus Listed for installation under smooth, flat ceilings of unobstructed construction, unless otherwise noted in the specific listings, with specific approved spacing, flows, and pressures. Reliable residential sprinklers are cULus Listed for installation on both horizontal ceilings with a maximum slope of 2/12 (9.4°) pitch, and sloped ceilings (where applicable) having maximum slopes of 4/12 (18.4°) and 8/12 (33.7°) pitch. The design criteria for residential sprinklers contained in the current NFPA 13D, 13R, and 13 Standards must be followed except as modified by the individual UL 1626 listing informa­tion, the information in the Reliable residential sprinkler bulletins, and this installation guide. The Authority Hav­ing Jurisdiction (AHJ) must make final approval for all residential sprinkler installations for compliance with all applicable codes, standards, and jurisdictional require­ments.
One of the most important revisions of the Third Edi­tion of UL 1626 is the new minimum density requirement for residential sprinklers manufactured after July 12,
2002. When establishing a minimum cULus Listed flow rate, the manufacturer must use a minimum discharge rate over the specified coverage area corresponding to a 0.05 gpm/ft2 density. In some cases, however, to successfully pass the UL 1626 fire tests, the UL Listed flow rate may be greater than the calculated 0.05 gpm/ ft2 density. Increased flow rates for horizontal sidewall type sprinklers, which exceed this minimum density, is common. Because this minimum density is a listing re­quirement, the use of residential sprinklers meeting this criterion is applicable to all editions of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. The design criteria for residential sprinklers con­tained in the current NFPA Standards must be followed except as modified by the individual cULus Listing infor­mation provided in the technical bulletins referenced in Table A.
Defi nitions
The following NFPA definitions are applicable to the terms used in this installation guide. Where terms are not included, refer to NFPA 13, NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R for official definitions:
Residential Sprinkler – A type of fast-response sprin­kler that has a thermal element with an RTI of 50 (m-s) ½ or less, has been specifically tested for its ability to enhance survivability in the room of fire origin and listed for use in the protection of dwelling units. Residential sprinklers posses a fast response thermal element and produce a spray pattern that discharges water higher on the wall than a standard spray sprinkler.
Dwelling – Any building that contains not more than one or two dwelling units intended to be used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied or that are occu­pied for habitation purposes.
Dwelling Unit – One or more rooms, arranged for the use of one or more individuals living together, as in a single housekeeping unit, that normally have cooking, living, sanitary, and sleeping facilities. Dwelling units include hotel rooms, dormitory rooms, condominiums, apartments, and similar living units.
Compartment – A compartment is a space completely enclosed by walls and a ceiling. The compartment en­closure is permitted to have openings (in walls) to an adjoining space, provided that soffits or lintels along the ceiling over the compartment opening has a minimum depth of 8 in. (203mm) from the ceiling. In other words, areas such as hallways, stairwells, and rooms must be separated by beams, lintels or soffits 8 or more inches in depth to be considered single compartments.
Obstructed Construction – Panel construction and other construction where beams, trusses, or other mem­bers impede heat flow or water distribution in a manner that materially affects the ability of sprinklers to control or suppress a fire. See NFPA 13 Appendix for detailed explanations of this type of construction.
Unobstructed Construction – Construction where beams, trusses, or other members do not impede heat flow or water distribution in a manner that materially af­fects the ability of sprinklers to control or suppress a fire. This type of construction has the following features: (1) horizontal structural members that are not solid; (2) openings of the structural members are at least 70% of the cross sectional area; (3) depth of the structural mem­bers do not exceed the least dimension of the openings; or (4) the spacing of structural members exceeds 7.5
feet on center. See NFPA 13 Appendix for detailed ex­planations of this type of construction.
Flat Ceiling – a continuous ceiling in a single plane.
Smooth Ceiling – A continuous ceiling free from signifi-
cant irregularities, lumps or indentations.
Horizontal Ceiling – A ceiling that does not exceed a
slope of 2/12 pitch (slope of 16.7% or 9.4°).
Sloped Ceiling – A ceiling exceeding a maximum slope
of 2/12 (9.4°) pitch.
Installation Considerations
Residential sprinklers utilizing a glass bulb thermal ele­ment have orange protective caps and straps to provide temporary protection to the frangible glass bulb during shipping and installation.
a. Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is
cracked or there is liquid missing from the bulb. While holding the sprinkler in the horizontal po­sition, a small air bubble having an approximate diameter of 1/16” should be visible.
b. The sprinkler is designed for installation with the
protective strap in place using the appropriate sprinkler wrench.
c. Sprinklers that are dropped during the installa-
tion process or that are installed on piping other than that in accordance with item “a” shall be re­placed, including sprinklers with protective caps or straps.
d. Protective caps and straps shall be removed only
using means in accordance with the manufactur­er’s installation instructions. They are not to be left on the sprinkler after the sprinkler system is placed in service.
e. Protective caps and straps shall be removed only
when water supply is made available to the sprin­kler for the purposes of fire protection and placed in service.
f. A leak-tight ½” NPT sprinkler joint should be ob-
tained with a maximum torque of 14 ft-lbs to 21 ft-lbs. (approximately 2 turns past hand tight. Do not over tighten). Higher levels of torque may dis­tort the sprinkler inlet or bend the frame, causing leakage or impairment of the sprinkler.
Where applicable, escutcheon plates must be in­stalled. Absence of an escutcheon plate, where there is an annular space between the ceiling and the sprinkler, may delay sprinkler operation in the event of a fire.
Never introduce any leak stopping additives to any fire sprinkler system.
Residential sprinklers must be installed with the man­ufacturer’s specified sprinkler wrench. Channel locks, crescent wrenches or anything other than the proper sprinkler wrench shall not be used.
Installing sprinklers in CPVC and copper piping sys­tems require special considerations. Never install the sprinkler into the reducing fitting prior to attaching the reducing fitting to the system piping. When installing residential sprinklers or commercial sprinklers in a CPVC piping system, sprinklers must be installed only after the reducing fitting has been installed and the CPVC man­ufacturer’s setting time for the primer and/or cement has passed. This is to ensure that the cement does not ac­cumulate within the sprinkler. In copper piping systems, sprinklers must be installed only after the inside of the sprinkler drop and associated fittings have been wire­brushed to remove any residual flux.. Residual flux can cause corrosion. Both of these conditions can impair and prevent proper sprinkler operation.
System Design Criteria
Permitted Sprinklers for Residential Sprinkler Systems
For NFPA 13D and 13R sprinkler systems, only listed residential sprinklers shall be used, with the following exceptions:
1. Listed standard dry-pendent or dry sidewall sprinklers
shall be permitted to be extended into unheated areas not intended for living purposes.
2. Quick-response sprinklers shall be permitted to be used
in mechanical closets.
3. For NFPA 13R systems, listed quick-response sprinklers
shall be permitted to be installed in dwelling units meet­ing the definition of a compartment where no more than four (4) sprinklers are located within the dwelling unit.
Non-residential sprinklers are to be installed in accor­dance with the criteria specified by NFPA 13.
Residential Sprinkler Positioning and Spac­ing Requirements
When locating residential sprinklers, consideration must be given to sensitivity, sprinkler spacing, obstruc­tions to discharge, temperature rating, and proximity to heat sources.
Sprinkler Sensitivity - Deflector Positioning
Residential pendent sprinklers not listed with specific positioning criteria must be positioned so that the deflec­tors are within 1 in. to 4 in. (25.4 mm to 102 mm) from the ceiling. On flat, horizontal ceilings, Reliable Model F1 Res 49 pendent and recessed pendent sprinklers may also be positioned with the deflector 4” to 8” (102 mm to 203 mm) from the ceiling, in accordance with the listed flows and pressures shown in Bulletin 135. If located in
closets, it is permitted to install pendent sprinklers so that the deflector is within 12 inches (305 mm) of the ceiling. Residential sidewall sprinklers that have not been listed with specific positioning criteria must be positioned so that the deflectors are within 4 in. to 6 in. (102 mm to 152 mm) from the ceiling. Install sidewall sprinklers having listed positioning criteria in accordance with their listing. Under both horizontal and sloped ceilings, always align sprinkler deflectors so that the deflector is parallel with the plane of the ceiling surface.
Sprinkler Spacing Under Horizontal Ceilings
Several maximum coverage areas are used for resi­dential sprinklers in accordance with minimum listed flows and pressures. The area of coverage must be equal to or greater than both the length and width of the hazard area. Residential sprinklers must be located not more than half the listed spacing nor less than 4” (102 mm) from walls. Adjacent sprinklers must be located no farther apart than the listed spacing; the minimum dis­tance to prevent cold soldering, unless otherwise speci­fied, is 8 feet (2.44 m).
When selecting an area of coverage, the suggested practice is to select one that can be adequately supplied by the available water supply, allowing for the installa­tion of as few sprinklers as possible while observing all guidelines pertaining to obstructions and spacing. Af­ter selection of an area of coverage, sprinklers must be spaced according to the criteria set forth in the NFPA standards and this document.
Sprinkler Spacing Under Sloped Ceilings
For installation under sloped ceilings, several maxi­mum coverage areas are also provided, but at different minimum flows and pressures than those for horizontal ceilings. The spacing of sprinklers is measured along the slope when determining the distance off of walls and between sprinklers. Residential sprinklers may be lo­cated no more than ½ the listed spacing nor less than 4” (102 mm) from the peak of the sloped ceiling. Residen­tial sprinklers located at the highest elevation must not be located more than 3 feet (0.9 m) measured vertically down from the peak. Refer to Reliable Bulletin 035 for listed coverage areas, flow and pressure requirements, and positioning criteria for residential sprinklers installed under sloped ceilings.
Obstruction to Water Distribution
Refer to Figures 1 through 13 for the location of sprin­klers relative to obstructions. The discharge from resi­dential sprinklers is directed radially outward and down­ward from the sprinkler. Sprinklers must be located such that there will not be any spaces shielded from distribution by walls, dividing partitions, or other dwell-
ing construction features. If the sprinkler water distribu­tion pattern is obstructed, the obstruction is to be con­sidered the maximum distance of coverage for a given sprinkler. Additional sprinklers beyond the obstruction may be necessary unless the obstruction criteria con­tained herein can be met. Consult the appropriate NFPA standard and/or the AHJ for guidance regarding these situations.
Reliable flat plate concealed sprinklers, the Mod­els RFC30 (30LL), RFC43 (43LL), RFC49 (49LL) and RFC56, utilize a drop-down style deflector. The distance the deflector drops below the ceiling is needed when determining the position of the deflector above the bot­tom of an obstruction. These distance are as follows:
Nonadjusted (cover plate flush to cup) - 7/8” (22mm)
At full (1/2”) adjustment - 3/8” (9.5mm)
Continuous and Noncontinuous Obstructions
A minimum distance is required to be maintained be­tween sprinklers and continuous obstructions, such as beams, soffits, and long horizontal light fixtures. See Fig­ures 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and/or 13.
A minimum distance is also required to be maintained between sprinklers and noncontinuous obstructions, such as ceiling fans and certain light fixtures. The ceil­ing fan motor housing is the primary element that can obstruct the sprinkler discharge pattern. Testing has demonstrated that no adverse effects occur as a result of the ceiling fan’s blade rotation in either direction.
With regards to location of sprinklers near light fixtures, there are two considerations; the amount of heat the light gives off and the light fixture as an obstruction. The minimum distance of a sprinkler relative to the light as a heat source is given in Table B. If the light is also an ob­struction, then the obstruction criteria must be applied,
relative to the minimum distance required from Table B.
For noncontinuous obstructions, apply the “four times rule” as provided in NFPA 13 where it is determined that the sprinkler can spray to at least two sides of the ob­struction, either over and under or around the obstruc­tion on both sides. Sprinklers shall be positioned away from the obstruction a minimum distance of four times the maximum dimension of the obstruction. The maxi­mum clear distance required shall be 36”(914mm).
Temperature Ratings
Ordinary temperature rated sprinklers (135°F [57°C], 155°F [57°C]) are only permitted for installation where the maximum ambient ceiling temperature will not ex­ceed 100°F (38°C). Where ambient ceiling tempera­tures are expected to exceed 100°F (38°C), use inter­mediate temperature-rated residential sprinklers (175°F [79°C]), which can be exposed to a maximum ambient temperature of 150°F (66°C). The following practices apply, unless higher expected ambient temperatures re­quire a higher temperature rated sprinkler:
1. Sprinklers under glass or plastic skylights exposed to direct rays of the sun shall be of the intermediate temperature classification.
2. Sprinklers in an unventilated concealed space un­der insulated roof or in an unventilated attic shall be of the intermediate temperature classification.
3. Residential sprinklers must be located so as to pre­vent inadvertent operation due to exposure to nor­mal heat sources. Sprinklers must be positioned a sufficient distance away from heat sources such as fireplaces, ovens, kitchen ranges, hot water pipes, water heaters, furnaces and associated duct work, and light fixtures. The following minimum distanc­es in accordance with NFPA 13D and 13R must be maintained as indicated in Table B.
Table B – Minimum Distances for Ordinary and
Intermediate Residential Sprinklers Relative to Specifi c Heat Sources
Minimum Distance
from Edge of Source
Heat Source
Side of open or Recessed fireplace 36 (914) 12 (305) Front of recessed fireplace 60 (1524) 36 (914) Coal or wood-burning stove 42 (1067) 12 (305) Kitchen range 18 (457) 9 (229) Wall oven 18 (457) 9 (229) Hot air flues 18 (457) 9 (229) Uninsulated heat ducts 18 (457) 9 (229) Uninsulated hot water pipes 12 (305) 6 (152) Side of ceiling or wall-mounted hot air diffusers 24 (607) 12 (305) Front of wall-mounted hot air diffusers 36 (914) 18 (457) Hot water heater or furnace 6 (152) 3 (76) Light Fixture
0 W – 250 W 250 W – 499 W
to Ordinary Temperature Sprinkler
(135°F or 155°F)
in. (mm) in. (mm)
6 (152)
12 (305)
from Edge of Source to Intermediate
Minimum Distance
Temperature Sprinkler
3 (76)
6 (152)
Hydraulic Design Requirements
Reliable residential sprinkler listings indicate minimum flow rates for each specified coverage area. Hydrau­lic calculations are required to verify adequate water supply at the hydraulically most remote single sprinkler operating at the minimum flow and pressure listed for single sprinkler operation. Where a compartment has more than one sprinkler, multiple sprinkler calculations are required, and each sprinkler within the design area must be calculated using the flow rates corresponding to its area of coverage. No reduction in minimum flow requirements is provided for flowing multiple sprinklers. More design sprinklers may need to be calculated than the minimum stated by the NFPA standards where un­usual conditions may result in more sprinklers operating. These conditions include sloped ceilings having a pitch greater than 8/12 (33.7°) or beamed ceilings qualify­ing as obstructed construction, as defined by NFPA 13. Consult with the AHJ regarding the number of “design sprinklers” for these types of applications..
The number of design sprinklers under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings shall include all sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of two (2) sprinklers, that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. The cULus Listed specific coverage criteria for systems designed to NFPA 13R are given in the technical bulletins refer­enced in Table A, as a function of the maximum allow­able coverage area and temperature rating. For actual coverage areas less than or between those indicated in the respective bulletin, it is necessary to use the mini­mum required flow for the next largest area, as shown above.
For example, assuming the use of a pendent sprinkler, for an actual coverage area of 12 ft x 14 ft (3.7 m x 4.2 m), the specific coverage criteria for a 14 ft x 14 ft (4.2 m x 4.2 m ) coverage area must be used. For an actual coverage area of 15 ft x 15 ft (4.6 m x 4.6 m), the specific coverage criteria for a 16 ft x 16 ft (4.9 m x 4.9 m) cover­age area must be used.
The number of design sprinklers under flat, smooth, horizontal ceilings shall include all sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of four (4) sprinklers, that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. The cULus Listed specific coverage criteria for systems designed to NFPA 13R are given in the technical bulletins refer­enced in Table A, as a function of the maximum allow­able coverage area and temperature rating. For actual coverage areas less than or between those indicated in the respective bulletin, it is necessary to use the mini­mum required flow for the next largest area, as shown above.
For residential sprinkler systems designed to NFPA 13, a minimum density of 0.1 gpm/ft2 must be provided over the “design area” that includes the four (4) hydraulically most demanding sprinklers for the actual coverage ar­eas being protected by the 4 sprinklers. The minimum required discharge from each of the four most hydrauli­cally demanding sprinklers shall be the greater of the following:
1. The flow rates given in the Reliable Residential Sprinkler Technical Bulletins referenced in Table A for NFPA 13D and 13R as a function of temperature rating and maximum allowable coverage area (for actual coverage areas less than or between those indicated in the respective technical bulletin, it is required to use the minimum required flow for the next largest coverage area); or
2. A minimum discharge density of 0.1 gpm/ft2 ap­plied over the “design area” consisting of the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers for the actual coverage areas being protected by the four sprinklers. The maximum dimension of the actu­al coverage area cannot be any greater than the maximum coverage area indicated in the technical bulletins referenced in Table A. Design Note: Using the As = S x L method to de- termine the sprinkler protection area of coverage in accordance with NFPA 13, apply the 0.1 gpm/ft density to this area to determine the minimum re­quired flow. Compare this flow to the minimum 0.05 gpm/ft2 cULus Listed flow for the appropriate cov­erage area in the technical bulletin for the specific residential sprinkler. If the flow stated in the tech­nical bulletin is less than the calculated 0.1 gpm/ ft2 density flow required, the .1 density flow must then be used in the equation Q=K P, solving for P, to establish the minimum required pressure us­ing the sprinkler K-factor. Note: In many cases the listed flow of individual residential sprinklers may exceed the required minimum 0.05 gpm/ft2 density. Reliable has available residential sprinklers with larger K-factors (K=5.6 and K=5.8) that will provide lower pressure demands for 0.1 gpm/ft2 densities in NFPA 13 residential applications. Example No. 1 If a room is 12 ft wide x 20 ft long (3.6 m x 6.1 m), the coverage area being considered would be 240 ft2 (22.3 m2). Using an F1 Res 49 pendent sprinkler (1”-4” ceiling-to-deflector distance), the flow for a 20 ft x 20 ft (6.1 m x 6.1 m) coverage area is 20 gpm @
16.7 psi (75.7 L/min @ 1.14 bar). However, based on a discharge density of 0.1 gpm/ft2, the flow rate required would be 24 gpm (90.8 L). Therefore, 24 gpm (90.8 L/min) would be the minimum flow re­quired for each design sprinkler. The correspond­ing pressure would be 24 psi (1.65 bar)
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