Old Motor Removal Instructions
Firstly, remove the two black screws located on the motor cover
housing, then lift off the motor cover housing. Fig. 1
Remove the PCB mounting screw
located in the centre of the PCB.
The PCB will now be released
from its mounting. Fig. 2
De-solder the mains lead (Brown/Blue) from their eyelets. Also de-solder the
switch wires (White/White), so that no leads are left connected to the PCB,
except those of the motor itself. The PCB should now be free from the
Undo the motor mounting screws (located on the top surface of the turntable
plinth Fig. 3) using a jewellers screwdriver. At the same time the motor must
be supported. The PCB and motor should now come out as one complete
New Motor Installation Instructions
You should now have an empty turntable with the wires
leading to the correct positions ready to take the new P3
PCB and motor assembly. Re-cut, strip and re-tin both of the
mains lead wires (Brown/Blue). On older variations please
loosen the mains lead knot, or remove the mains lead
grommet to aid motor installation. See Fig.4 for variations.
Now taking the sticky pad, stick it into the motor housing on the underside of the turntable
plinth making sure the pad is firmly secured, ensuring not to press too hard as the laminate
will crack. Steady judgement is required to ensure that the pad is concentric with the hol e
in the turntable plinth laminate. Fig. 5
The next thing is to fit the PCB tray making sure
that the mains lead is securely fixed to the clamp
to allow for soldering.
Re-sit the PCB tray on the existing mounting
block, ready to take the new PCB. Fig.6
Insert the PCB in such a way that the two eyelets
are nearest the mains flex that you have just
correctly adjusted. (Do not screw in). Now solder
the brown wire into the top eyelet and the blue
wire into the eyelet just below it.
Warning! Disconnect your
turntable from the mains
before attempting any work.
Do not operate turntable with
motor cover removed!
Planar 3 Upgrade Kit
Installation Instructions
Fig. 1
Switch Wires
Motor Mounting Plate
Brown (Live)
Blue (Neutral)
Grey x2
Grey Red Blue
Grey Red Blue
Variations exist on some older motors
Fig. 4
Remove two screws
Lift off case
Fig. 5
Sticky Pad
Mains Flex
Fig. 6
PCB Tray
Planar 3 Upgrade Kit Installation Instructions
Switch connectors
Fig. 7
PCB Tray
Insert the PCB mounting screw through the PCB and
the mounting tray until it makes contact with the wooden
mounting block, tighten until the PCB and tray are
securely fixed.
The next wires to be soldered in are the switch wires.
They may be connected either way round. These two
wires are soldered into the top right hand terminals.
The PCB and tray are now ready to be screwed
together. Fig. 7
Take care that no wire is showing between the
mains flex insulation and PCB.
Care must be taken not to damage the PCB, PCB
Fig. 8
tray and most importantly the turntables top
Next, peel off the backing on the sticky pad, uncovering
the pads second adhesive side. Insert the motor corner
to corner, insuring that the wires leading from the motor
to the PCB are at the top (Nearest the PCB tray). Fig. 8
When inserting the motor, make sure the pulley is
central, placing the plinth on its side on a soft cloth
helps you as you can then see both top and bottom,
allowing the pulley to be placed concentric (from the
top). Viewing the underside allows you to see motor
Press the motor firmly into place
onto the sticky pad, being careful,
as brut force may cause the
laminate to crack, although force
must be ample to stick the motor
in place.
Fig. 9
The motor cover should then be refitted, with the small white circular pad over the motor biasing, but do not
remove the circles backing. Once in place, take the two new motor cover screws, (two black screws) and screw
the cover into place. Fig. 9
There are two black circular stickers that need to cover the holes in the
plinths top laminate. Fig. 10