The attachment is the user’s manual (Regulatory Notice) of the specific Lenovo host PC devices.
Only the related section is picked up for this application concerning the FCC Part 2, 15B, 15C and
IC RSS-102e & RSS-210.
In addition, some electronic user’s guidance referred to in the Regulatory Notice is installed in each
host PC device, and it is displayed on the LCD screen. This exhibit also includes the screen copies
of electronic user’s guidance for ThinkPad T400s Series representatively among the specific Lenovo
host PC devices.
ThinkPad Regulatory Notice
Read first — regulatory information
Read this document before you use the computer. The computer complies
with the radio frequency and safety standards of any country or region in
which it has been approved for wireless use. You must install and use your
computer in strict accordance with the instructions as described hereafter.
Veuillez lire ce document avant d’utiliser l’ordinateur ThinkPad. L’ordinateur
ThinkPad est conforme aux normes de sécurité et de radiofréquence du pays
ou de la région où son utilisation sans fil est agréée. Vous devez installer et
utiliser votre ordinateur en respectant scrupuleusement les instructions
décrites ci-après.
USA — Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Part Number: 45M2254
I. User installable wireless LAN/WiMAX adapter
Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Cards:
v FCC ID: PD9512ANHU (Model: 512AN_HMW)
v FCC ID: PD9533ANHU (Model: 533AN_HMW)
v FCC ID: PPD-AR5BHB63-L (Model: AR5BHB63-L)
v FCC ID: TX2-RTL8191SE-L (Model: RTL8191SE)
Wireless LAN & WiMAX PCI Express Mini combo Card:
Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Cards marketed in the USA and Canada do
not support nor function in the extended channels (12ch, 13ch).
For information concerning the wireless cards announced after the publication
of this notice, visit the We b site at
i)TheFCCRFExposurecompliance: The radiatedoutputpowerofthe
wireless LAN/WiMAX PCI Express Mini Card authorized to use for your
computer is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless,
it shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during
normal operation is minimized as follows:
Caution: To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a
separation distance of at least 20 cm (8 inches) must be maintained between
the antennas for the integrated wireless LAN/WiMAX PCI Express Mini
Cards built into the screen section and all persons. You are not allowed to
disable “sleep (standby) mode” for the power management function, if you
cannot maintain the sufficient antenna separation (at least 20 cm) in any
case the LCD is left opened or closed.
The transmission antennas for the wireless LAN/WiMAX adapter are built in
the screen section. See “Location of the UltraConnect™ wireless antennas” in
Note: The wirelessLAN&WiMAXPCIExpresscomboCard(Model:
512ANXHMW) incorporates two functions: LAN and WiMAX. These
functions operate exclusively, and do not transmit radio frequency
Mini Card shown on the enclosure of your computer. The FCC ID is affixed
on the approved adapter installed in the PCI Express Mini Card slot. For the
location of the slot, see “PCI Express Mini Card slot for wireless
LAN/WiMAX” in Access Help.
iii)Installationoftheapprovedwirelessadapter: If nointegratedwireless
LAN/WiMAX PCI Express Mini Card has been preinstalled in your computer,
you can install one, provided by Lenovo® as an option. Plug the wireless
option adapter into the PCI Express Mini Card slot. For the installation
procedure, see “Installing and replacing the PCI Express Mini Card for
wireless LAN/WiMAX connection” in Access Help.
Attention: The computercontainsanauthenticationmechanism.Ifyou
install an unauthorized wireless LAN/WiMAX PCI Express Mini Card that is
not approved for use in your computer, the computer will not start, but only
displays an error message and emits audible beeps.
v The deviceshavebeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsfora
Class B digital device pursuant to FCC Part 15 Subpart B. The wireless
LAN adapters (Models: AR5BHB63-L and RTL8191SE) were subject to DoC.
Refer to “Electronic emission notices” on page 9. The wireless
LAN/WiMAX adapters (Models: 512ANXHMW, 512AN_HMW, and
533AN_HMW) underwent the certification process with each respective
FCC ID number listed in “I. User installable wireless LAN/WiMAX
adapter” on page 1.
v Each deviceisrestrictedtoindooruseduetoitsoperationinthe5150to
5250 MHz frequency range. FCC requires these products to be used indoors
for the frequency range 5150 to 5250 MHz to reduce the potential for
harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems.
v High powerradarareallocatedasprimaryusersofthe5250to5350MHz
and 5650 to 5850 MHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference
with and/or damage this device.
v FCC ID: QDS-BRCM1033 (Model: BCM92046MD_GEN)
QDS-BRCM1033 on the label at the bottom side of your computer, your
computer integrates the Bluetooth transmitter device (Model:
BCM92046MD_GEN). The Bluetooth device is preinstalled by Lenovo, and is
not removable by yourself. If your device requires replacement via the proper
steps shown in “Getting help and service” of the Service and Troubleshooting Guide, shippedwithyourcomputer,Lenovowillrequestyoutosendyour
computer with the device to Lenovo so that Lenovo will repair it.
ii)TheFCCRFsafetyrequirement: The radiatedoutputpoweroftheBluetooth device isfarbelowtheFCCradiofrequencyexposurelimits.
Therefore, a 20 cm of separation between the Bluetooth antenna and human
body is not required.
The Bluetooth device (Model: BCM92046MD_GEN) is integrated under the
palm rest. See “About your computer” in Access Help.
iii)RadioFrequencyinterferencerequirements: The devicehasbeentested
and found to comply with the limits for both a Class B digital device
regarding FCC Part 15 Subpart B and an intentional radiator regarding FCC
Part 15 Subpart C; then it underwent the certification processes for both rules.
Thus the FCC ID QDS-BRCM1033 of this device includes both certifications of
Part 15 Subpart B and C.
III. Preinstalled integrated Wireless USB adapter
v FCC ID: TX2RTU7305BG13HMC (Model: RTU7305 BG1/3 HMC V2C)
TX2RTU7305BG13HMC on the label at the bottom side of your computer,
your computer integrates the Wireless USB adapter (Model: RTU7305 BG1/3
HMC V2C). The Wireless USB adapter is preinstalled by Lenovo. If the
adapter requires replacement via the proper steps shown in “Getting help and
service” of the Service and Troubleshooting Guide, shipped with your computer,
Lenovo will send you a spare part so that you will replace the original
adapter with it.
ii)TheFCCRFsafetyrequirement: The transmissionantennaforthe
Wireless USB adapter is built in the screen section. See “Location of the
UltraConnect wireless antennas” in Access Help. Any Wireless USB adapter is
not subject to the RF Safety requirement regarding 47 CFR Part 2 section 1091
nor 1093. Therefore there is no restriction on operation of the Wireless USB
iiI)RadioFrequencyinterferencerequirements: The devicehasbeentested
and certified as an intentional radiator regarding FCC Part 15 Subpart F under
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:
1.WhenyouuseanyotherRFoptiondevice,allotherwireless features
including the above integrated devices in your computer are required to
be turned off.
are included in the user manual of the RF option device.
Canada — Industry Canada (IC)
IC Certification number
I) User installable wireless LAN adapters:
v IC: 1000M-512ANHU (Model: 512AN_HMW)
v IC: 1000M-533ANHU (Model: 533AN_HMW)
v IC: 6317A-RTL8191SE (Model: RTL8191SE)
v IC: 4104A-ARBHB63L (Model: AR5BHB63-L)
Wireless LAN PCI Express Mini Cards marketed in the USA and Canada do
not support nor function in the extended channels (12ch, 13ch).
There is no certification number of Industry Canada for PCI Express Mini
Card shown on the enclosure of your computer. The IC certification number is
affixed on the approved adapter installed in the PCI Express Mini Card slot.
For the location of the slot, see “PCI Express Mini Card slot for wireless
LAN/WiMAX” in Access Help.
Attention: The computercontainsanauthenticationmechanism.Yo u can
install or remove each wireless adapter by yourself. If you install an
unauthorized wireless adapter that is not approved for use in the computer,
the computer will not start, but only displays an error message and emits
audible beeps.
v IC: 4324A-BRCM1033(Model:BCM92046MD_GEN)
If you find an indication “Contains Transmitter Module: IC:
4324A-BRCM1033” on the label at the bottom side of your computer, your
computer integrates the Bluetooth transmitter device. The Bluetooth device is
preinstalled by Lenovo, and is not removable by yourself. If your card
requires replacement via the proper steps shown in “Getting help and service”
of the Service and Troubleshooting Guide, Lenovo will request you to send your
computer with the card to Lenovo so that Lenovo will repair it.
III) Low power license-exempt radiocommunication devices (RSS-210):
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
integrated in the computer, and having a maximum gain of within 3 dBi.
The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the 5250-5350 MHz,
5470-5725 MHz, and 5725-5825 MHz bands complies with the e.i.r.p. limit in
section A9.2 of RSS-210.
When you use the wireless LAN adapter (Model: 512AN_HMW or
v The devicesfortheband5150–5250MHzareonlyforindoorusageto
reduce potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite
v High powerradarsareallocatedasprimaryusers(meaningtheyhave
priority) of 5250–5350 MHz and 5650–5850 MHz and these radars could
cause interference and/or damage to LELAN (Licence-Exempt Local Area
Network) devices.
gain integral antennas that do not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada
limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from
Health Canada’s Web site at
The radiated energy from the antennas connected to the wireless adapters
conforms to the IC limit of the RF exposure requirement regarding IC
RSS-102, Issue 2 clause 4.2.
Numéro d’homologation IC
I)Modulesansfilinstallableparl’utilisateur: Les cartesExpressmini-PCI
de réseau local sans fil :
v IC : 1000M-512ANHU (Model : 512AN_HMW)
v IC : 1000M-533ANHU (Model : 533AN_HMW)
v IC : 6317A-RTL8191SE (Model : RTL8191SE)
v IC : 4104A-ARBHB63L (Model : AR5BHB63-L)
Les cartes de réseau local sans fil Express mini-PCI commercialisées aux
Etats-Unis et au Canada ne prennent pas en charge les canaux étendus (12ch,
13ch) et ne fonctionnent donc pas sur de tels canaux.
Le boîtier de votre ordinateur ThinkPad ne comporte pas de numéro
d’homologation IC (Industry Canada) pour la carte mini-PCI Express. Le
numéro d’homologation IC est apposé sur le module installé dans le logement
pour carte mini-PCI Express. Pour savoir où se trouve cet emplacement,
consultez la section ″Logement pour cartes mini-PCI Express pour réseau
local/WiMAX″ dans Access Help.
Attention: L’ordinateur ThinkPad contient un mécanisme d’authentification.
Vous pouvez installer ou désinstaller tout dispositif sans fil. Si vous installez
une carte sans fil qui n’est pas homologuée dans votre ordinateur ThinkPad,
l’ordinateur ne démarrera pas mais affichera un message d’erreur et générera
des bips sonores.
v IC : 4324A-BRCM1033(Model : BCM92046MD_GEN)
Si la mention ″Contains Transmitter Module: IC: 4324A-BRCM1033″ figure sur
l’étiquette située au bas de votre ordinateur, cela signifie que ce dernier
intègre le module de transmission Bluetooth. Le module Bluetooth est
préinstallé par Lenovo et ne peut pas être retiré par les utilisateurs. Si votre
carte doit être remplacée conformément aux étapes du Chapitre relatif à l’aide
et la maintenance dans le manuel Guide de maintenance et d’identification des incidents, Lenovovousdemanderadeluienvoyervotreordinateur
accompagné de la carte pour réparation.
III) Remarque relative aux appareils de communication radio de faible
puissance sans licence (CNR-210): Le fonctionnement de ce type d’appareil
intégrées aux ThinkPad et ayant un gain maximal de moins de 3 dBi.
Le gain d’antenne maximal pour les périphériques dans les bandes de
fréquence 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz, et 5725-5825 MHz est conforme à
la limite p.i.r.e énoncée dans la section A9.2 de la CNR-210.
Lorsque vous utilisez le modèle, 512AN_HMW ou 533AN_HMW :
v Tout appareildestinéàlabande5150-5250MHzdevraêtreexclusivement
utilisé en intérieur afin de réduire les risques de perturbations
électromagnétiques gênantes sur les systèmes de satellite mobile dans un
même canal.
v Les radarsàfortepuissancesontdésignéscommelesutilisateurs
principaux (c’est-à-dire qu’ils sont prioritaires) des bandes 5250-5350 MHz
et 5650-5850 MHz. Ils peuvent provoquer des perturbations
électromagnétiques sur les appareils de type LELAN (réseau de
communication local sans licence) ou les endommager.
(CNR-102): L’ordinateur ThinkPad utilise des antennes intégrales à faible
gain qui n’émettent pas un champ électromagnétique supérieur aux normes
imposées par le Ministére de la santé canadien pour la population. Consultez
le Safety Code 6 sur le site We b du Ministére de la santé canadien à l’adresse
L’énergie émise par les antennes reliées aux adaptateurs sans fil respecte la
limite d’exposition aux radiofréquences telle que définie par Industrie Canada
dans la clause 4.2 du document CNR-102.
Electronic emission notices
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
v Model: AR5BHB63-L
v Model: RTL8191SE
ThewirelessLANadapters(Models:512ANXHMW, 512AN_HMW, and
533AN_HMW) and the Bluetooth device (Model: BCM92046MD_GEN)
underwent certification process for the FCC Part 15 Subpart B compliance
under each respective FCC ID number.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
v Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
v Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
v Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
v Consult anauthorizeddealerorservicerepresentativeforhelp.
unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized
changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Industry Canada Class B Emission Compliance Statement
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Avis de conformité à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du
The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other
countries, or both:
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service
marks of others.
Printed in China
Lenovo(Japan), Ltd., Date: March 02, 2009
Document Number: UY610-03-0055-16
The screen copies of electronic user’s guidance are extracted hereafter.
Location of the FCC ID and IC Certification number label (T400s)
There is no FCC ID or IC Certification number for the PCI Express Mini Card shown on the enclosure of your computer. The FCC ID and IC
Certification number label is affixed on the card installed in the Mini PCI Express Card slot of your ThinkPad computer.
If no integrated wireless PCI Express Mini Card has been preinstalled in your computer, you can install one. To do this, follow the procedure in
Installing and replacing the PCI Express Mini Card for wireless LAN/WiMAX connection
for wireless WAN connection.
or Installing and replacing the PCI Express Mini Card
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