RCA Small Wonder EZ217, EZ217GR, EZ217PK, EZ217PL, EZ217RD User Manual

For the best user experience, it is highly recommended to update the software for the RCA Small Wonder Camcorder and RCA Memory Manager. To do this, please follow these important steps BEFORE you use this product:
Open your web browser and enter the following text into the address bar:
http://download.rcaaudiovideo.com/downloads/mm.html When the webpage opens, click the link “Download RCA Memory Manager” and select “Run” when this option appears. Note: You may have to disable your pop up blockers to allow this download.
You will be prompted automatically for any future updates. To use your Small Wonder with other PC’s, please use the above web address to install the latest RCA Memory Manager software.
MicroSD card info:
For your convenience, the 2GB microSD card has already been installed in the camcorder. The microSD slot is inside the battery door.
For more information on this product, please visit www.rcaaudiovideo.com. RCA’s customer support line is available at (800) 290-6650.
EZ217 EN v1.0