Squeezebox Owner’s Guide
Owner’s Guide
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide
Table of Contents
About Squeezebox ..................................................................................2
System Requirements .........................................................................2
Before You Begin .....................................................................................3
Installing the SlimServer Software ........................................................4
Installing on Windows .........................................................................4
Installing on Mac OS X ........................................................................5
Installing on Linux or Other Operating System ................................5
Connecting Squeezebox ........................................................................6
Configuring Squeezebox .........................................................................7
Set Up Networking ..............................................................................7
Connecting to SlimServer ...................................................................8
Using the Remote ...................................................................................9
Using the Remote to Play Music ........................................................12
Searching for Music with the Remote ...............................................13
Creating and Saving a Playlist ............................................................14
Alarm Clock ..........................................................................................18
Using Squeezebox as a Wireless Bridge ...........................................20
Crossfading Between Tracks ..............................................................20
RSS News Ticker ..................................................................................21
Controlling Multiple Squeezeboxes with one SlimServer ...............22
Wake-on-LAN .......................................................................................22
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide

About Squeezebox

Thank you for purchasing a Squeezebox network music player. Squeezebox lets you play your digitized music collection through your stereo system using your wireless or ethernet network. With Squeezebox, you can also listen to internet radio stations, set alarms, display RSS feeds, and more!
This user guide includes setup and basic operating instructions for your new player. Since Slim Devices is continually adding new features to Squeezebox, some new capabilities may not be covered here. You can find additional information about the latest Squeezebox features, as well as detailed documentation for developers, on the Slim Devices web site,
Squeezebox is powered by the open source SlimServer software, which is the result of the efforts of software developers worldwide working together in an open community. We are grateful to everyone in the Slim Devices community who helped create Squeezebox.
We hope you enjoy Squeezebox and that you’ll tell a friend about Slim Devices.

System Requirements

• Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.3 or later, 256MB RAM, ethernet or wireless network, and 20MB of hard disk space for SlimServer
• Windows XP/2000/NT: 733 MHz Pentium, 256MB RAM, ethernet or wireless network, and 20MB hard disk space for SlimServer
• Linux/BSD/Solaris/Other: Perl 5.8.3 or later, 256MB RAM, ethernet or wireless network, and 20MB hard disk space for SlimServer
• Broadband internet connection for internet radio and SqueezeNetwork
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide

Before You Begin

If you already have a wireless or ethernet network and a computer to use as a server, setting up Squeezebox and SlimServer takes just a few minutes—all you need to get your music playing through Squeezebox is in this owner’s guide.
1. First, collect your digitized music into one place on your computer. You can put all the files in a single directory, or create a series of subdirectories. The software you use to ‘rip’ your CDs, such as iTunes, may already do this and organize your music files by album or by artist.
2. Next, download the latest version of the SlimServer software to the same computer as your music collection. You can find the latest version of SlimServer here:
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide

Installing the SlimServer Software

Installing on Windows

1. Download the SlimServer installer program to a location you can find again on your computer. Your Desktop is a good choice.
2. When the file has finished downloading, double-click on the SlimServer installer icon. The SlimServer Setup Wizard starts.
Tip: You may see an ‘Open File - Security Warning’, if so, click Run.
3. Follow the instructions to set up SlimServer, and specify:
• Where to install the SlimServer software
• Where on your computer your music collection is (you can change this later)
• Where to save and look for any playlists you create
• Where to place shortcuts and icons for the application
4. Click Next to accept the default value at each panel. If you want to go back and change your selection, click Back.
When you have finished configuring your installation, the Setup
Wizard displays a summary of your choices.
5. Click Install.
SlimServer is installed and the “Completing the SlimServer Setup
Wizard” panel is displayed.
6. Click OK.
7. A Squeezebox icon will appear in your Windows System Tray at the bottom right of your screen, right-click on this icon to show a menu and choose to open the SlimServer software, Stop SlimServer or go to the Slim Devices web site.
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide

Installing on Mac OS X

1. Save the .dmg file to your Desktop.
2. When the file has finished downloading, double-click on the disk image file (.dmg) to make it appear on your desktop. Your web browser may do this for you automatically.
3. Double-click on the SlimServer Installer icon. The SlimServer Installer will start.
4. You can choose whether you want to install SlimServer for all users or just for the current user. If you want to install SlimServer for all users, you must provide an administrator password. (If you install SlimServer for all users, the user that starts SlimServer will be the only user who can stop SlimServer later on.)
5. Click Install. After the Installer completes the installation, click OK.
6. System Preferences will open and show you the SlimServer preference pane. Here you can choose whether you would like the SlimServer to start automatically whenever you start or log in to your computer.
7. Click Start Server. After a few seconds you can click on the Web Access button. The SlimServer web interface will open in your web browser. Feel free to bookmark this page so you can get back to it quickly in the future.

Installing on Linux or Other Operating System

If you are running Red Hat Linux or other compatible distributions, you can install the RPM file using the rpm tool.
If you are using another Unix platform, you can download the SlimServer software perl scripts available in gzipped tar or zip format. Instructions for starting the perl server are included with the scripts.
Additional information about installing SlimServer on other platforms can be found on our web site at http://wiki.slimdevices.com or in our forums at
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide

Connecting Squeezebox

Headphone Analog Digital Digital Ethernet Power Mini Jack Audio Optical Coax (RCA) Output Output
1. Connect Squeezebox to your stereo amplifier or receiver using the included RCA cable with the red and white connectors.
You can also connect a digital optical cable to the square connector
or digital coaxial cable to the orange connector. (These cables are not included.) If you are using headphones or powered speakers, you can connect them to the 1/8” mini-jack.
2. If you have a wired-only Squeezebox, connect an ethernet cable from your hub or switch to Squeezebox.
3. Put the two AAA batteries into the remote control.
4. Connect the power supply to Squeezebox and plug it in.
You can leave Squeezebox plugged in at all times. When not in use, it
enters standby mode and powers down the display.
Note: Squeezebox comes with a regulated power adaptor. Do not use a different power supply; this may damage the player.
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide
Configuring Squeezebox
When you plug in Squeezebox, the Slim Devices logo is displayed briefly, followed by a welcome message.

Set Up Networking

1. Press the RIGHT arrow on the remote control. The Set Up Networking menu option is displayed.
2. Press the RIGHT arrow to enter networking setup.
3. If you have a wired-only Squeezebox, skip to step 7. If you have a wireless Squeezebox, choose whether you want to connect Squeezebox to a wireless or wired network by pressing the UP and
DOWN arrows on the remote. When you have made your selection,
press the RIGHT arrow.
4. Squeezebox asks you for your local region or country. Scroll using the DOWN arrow on the remote until you find the local region. Press the RIGHT arrow to select your region.
Note: Failure to select the appropriate region may violate local laws.
5. Squeezebox will scan to find your wireless network. Select your network name (SSID) and press the RIGHT arrow.
If you are in an area where there are multiple wireless networks, you
can scroll down using the remote until you find the one you want to use. If your router is not broadcasting your network name, you will need to select “Enter a network name”.
Tip: You can use the number buttons on the remote to enter text as you might on a cell phone. Use the ADD button on the remote as a backspace and the PLAY button to insert a letter.
6. If your network is secured with WEP or WPA encryption, you’ll need to enter the network password or key using the numbers and letters on the remote and press the RIGHT arrow. If your network supports more than one type of encryption at a time or is not broadcasting its SSID, Squeezebox may first ask you to choose your encryption method first.
Tip: WEP keys consist of a string of ten or twenty-six digits or letters A through F. WPA passwords are a string of letters, numbers or punctuation.
Squeezebox connects to your wireless network. If Squeezebox does
not connect to your wireless access point, you can press the LEFT arrow to go back and fix your settings. If you are still having trouble, check the Troubleshooting section at the end of this guide.
7. Choose whether you want the Squeezebox to obtain an IP address automatically using DHCP, or whether you want to assign it a static IP address. Most networks will let Squeezebox obtain an address automatically. Press the RIGHT arrow.
If you chose to assign Squeezebox a static IP, enter it using the
numbers on the remote. Press the RIGHT arrow to save the address.
Tip: Use leading zeroes to specify numbers with fewer than 3 digits, for example, you would enter for
Enter the subnet mask for the network, the default gateway IP
address, and the address of your DNS server, pressing the RIGHT arrow on the remote to move to each one.
Squeezebox Owner’s Guide

Connecting to SlimServer

1. If SlimServer isn’t already running, start it now.
Squeezebox will scan your local network to find the computer that’s
running SlimServer. If you started SlimServer after configuring Squeezebox, you may need to scroll to find it.
2. Select the computer you want to use. If you are running SlimServer on multiple computers on your local network, you can use the DOWN arrow to scroll to the one you want to use.
3. Press the RIGHT arrow on the remote to connect.
Setup is complete.
Tip: If you want to go back to setup later press the LEFT arrow on the remote down and hold it for five seconds. Squeezebox will return to the Set Up Networking menu.
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