1. After the disc isinstalledandthe compartment
door closed, the disc will begin to spin and
the player will scanthe table of contentsen-
coded inthe lead-in portionof the disc.
• Duringthis time, *cd" willflash inthe display.
2. After the table ofcontents areread, the disc will
stop spinning.
• "cd" will remain in the DISPLAY but will
stop fleshing.
3. Pressthe PLAY/PAUSEloutton.Thefirstselection
(track) on the disc will begin to play.
4. At the beginningof disc play, adjustVOLUME
to suit your listening preference.
5. Switch BASSBOOST and SURROUND "ON" if
6. At the end of disc play:
+ The player will stop automatically.
• The dash willbe displayed.
7. Open the DiscCompartment, removethe disc,
close the Compartment door,and slide
FUNCTION switchto TAPE power Off).
To terminatedisc play beforethe end of the discis
reached, pressthe STOP button.
Youcantemporarilystop disc p_ayduringoperation
bypressingthe PLAY/PAUSEbutto_ asecondtime.
• When PAUSEis activated, the Tracknumber
in play willflesh.
To resume play, pressPLAY/PAUSE again.
During disc PLAYand STOP modes, you can skip
forward or backward to the beginning of any
selection on the disc by usingthe SKIP buttons.
Momentarily press the FORWARD SKIP/SEARCH
button to instantly moveto the beginningof the
next selection onthe disc. To"skip" to a selection
further down the disc,repeatedlypressand releese
the button untilthe desiredTrack Number appears
in the DISPLAY.Whenthe lastselection onthe disc
is reached, skip willreturnto the beginningof the
first Track onthe disc.
DuringDisc PLAY,pressingand holding the FOR-
WARD SKIP/SEARCH button enables youto speed
up disc play(fastforward).The disc materialwillbe
audible,allowing youto scan fora favoritesegment
or skipa segment. Releasethe buttonand normal
Momentarily press the REVERSE SKIP/SEARCH
button to instantly move to the beginning of the
Trackbeingplayed.To "skip"backwardto a selection
further upthe disc, repeatedly pressand release
the button untilthe desiredTrack Numberappears
inthe Display.
When the beginningof the firstTrackon the disc is
reached, skipwill go back to the beginningof the
lest Trackon the disc.
During Disc PLAY, pressing and holding the
REVERSE SKIP/SEARCH button enables you to
move quickly backward. The disc material will be
heard in reverse play, enabling you to select a
segmentto be listened to again. Releasethe button
and normalPLAYwill resume.
You can also use SKIP when disc play is in the
PAUSEmode. UponcompletionofSKIP,the player
will returnto the PAUSEmode.
Press the REPEAT button for repeated play of all
Tracks on the disc.
• The REPEATINDICATORwill lightwhen
REPEATmode is activated.
PressingREPEATbuttonagaincancelsRepeat play
and normal play resumesfrom the Trackcurrently
in play.
Press the SHUFFLE button and then the PLAY
button for automatic random play of allthe Tracks
on the disc.
• The SHUFFLE INDICATOR will lightwhen
SHUFFLE mode is activated.
• Randomsegments ofthe DISPLAYwill flesh
whileSHUFFLE selects the track for play.
PressingSHUFFLE again cancelsShuffle play and
normal play resumes from the Track currently in