Customizing the SOUND
Customizing the TIME Se ngs
Select TV source for example. (Press SOURCE bu on to select TV mode)
1. Press the POWER bu
on to turn the LED TV on.
2. Press the MENU bu
on on the remote control to display the Main menu, and use the ◄/►
ons to select the TIME.
3. Use the ▲/▼ bu
ons to highlight an individual TIME , use the ◄/► to
change the se
and press the MENU to exit.
The TIME menu includes the following op
Time Format
Auto Clock
This opon adjusts the display format for the me.
This opon adjusts the me and date of the TV. You need to disable
AUTO CLOCK in order to use this funcon.
Please Note:
The TIME funcon will only keep accurate me if the TV is plugged into
a power source. If the TV is unplugged or the power strip is turned off.
the TV’s me will not be accurate.
This opon enables the TV to sync me with the antenna.
(Put it on AUTO if you have an antenna aached to the TV. If you have
CABLE or SATELLITE of anything else please use make sure AUTO CLOCK
is turned off.
ow you to set up the sleep
among: 5min, 10min, 15min,
30min, 60min, 90min, 120min, 180min, 240min and off.
Time Zone
Allow you to set up the sleep
among: Pacific, Alaska, Hawaii,
Eastern, Samoa, Atlanc, Newfoundland, Central and Mountain.
Daylight Saving Time Allow you to turn on or off the daylight saving
Select TV source for example. (Press SOURCE bu on to select TV mode)
1. Press the POWER bu
on to turn the LED TV on.
2. Press the MENU bu
on on the remote control to display the Main menu, and use the ◄/►
to select the SOUND.
3. Use the ▲/▼ bu
ons to highlight an individual SOUND , use the ◄/► to
change the se
and press the MENU to exit the menu.
The SOUND menu includes the following op
Equalizer Sengs
Allow you to select among: Standard, Music, Movie, Sports and User.
Surround Allow you to select between Off and On.
This feature adjusts the auto volume leveler enabling volume protecon
from overly loud commercials.
This feature adjusts the second audio programming in analog channels.
Digital Audio
Allow you to select between PCM, RAW and OFF.
Audio Language Allow you to select audio language among: English, French and Spanish.