RCR4283 / RCR4383
Universal Remote Control
Owner's Manual
Manual del Propietario (parte posterior)
INFO key
for the
SKIP and
SLOW, give
you better
0 0®
mode/ may
vary from
The INPUT and — (dash) key has three
funaions: (1) it toggles through all the video
sources connected to your TV; (2) when the
remote is in VCR mode, this button toggles
between VCR and the TV Input; (3) when
you're entering digital channel numbers
directly, this button lets you separate the main
channel number from the subchannel number
Care and Maintenance
• Keep the remote dry. if it gets wet. wipe it dry Immediately.
• Use and store the remote only in normal tenrtperature
• Handle the remote gently arwl carefully. Don't drop it
• Keep the rentóte away from dust and dirt.
• Wipe the remote with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it
locking new.
• Modifying or tampering with the remote's irrternal components
can cause malfunction and invalidate its warranty.
keys (TV.
Dedicated MENU and
keys let
you access
Universal Remote
Cbngraiuüúons on youx purchase of this four-component
universal remote. This tmiscnal remote controls up to lour
electronic compfmmts and makes fugglmg, remote controls
a chmg of the past. Your remote ts guaranteed to work with
all brands of components. This remote is unusoaOy versatile
because ir has a DVR«AUX key that you can piognm to conooi
any \*idco component. The four-compODent onivenal temóte is
easy TO use, easy to program and gives you control at the touch
of your fingertips,
Rfmair comtroh can umeitMUS lou tbeir proffommin^ wbotyou
dbaitff dk kattents, <VLiLr suxtycu ¡utf the manual and code lists in
a ud'e place so that you can reprogram the remote ^'ytm need to.
Tip: The four-component universal remote is alrea^ programnud
to operate most RCA, GE tvtd PROSCAN branded T\>% VCRs,
DVD players and satellite receivers, just press the corresponding
kjy-DVD*VCRjor a DVD player, TV jin a television, SAT*CBL
for a satellite receiver. DVR»AUXfor a DVft
Battery Installation and Information
Your universal remote requires two A\A alkaline batteries
(batteries may or may not be included, depending on model).
1b install the batteries:
1. Press and push the battery
oHnpaitment cover to remove it.
2. Insert the batteries matching die
batteries to the (4-) and (-) marks
inside the battery compartment
3. I\ish the battery cover back into place.
Note: Ij'you are replacing batteries, tjy not to press any buttons efier
you’ve taken the old halteries out. Pressing buttons while replacing
batteries causes the remote to lose the devices you Vv programmed. You
will need to program the remote again.
Battery Prccautíons:
• Do not mix .aid and new oaUerm,
• Do not mix alkaline, standard(carhon-r.hic) orreSargahk (niekel-
cadmium) batteries.
• Always remente old, weak or worn-out batteries prompt^ and ruyde or
dispose of them in accordance with Local and National Regulations.
Battery Saver
Your universal remote control saves battery power by
aulomaiically turning off if any key is pressed for more than
60 seconds. This saves your battery lire should your remote
gel stuck in a place where the keys remain depressed, such as
between sofa cushions.
Programming Your Remote
Your universal remote can operate a vaneiy oi brands ot
components. In order for your universal remote to control your
components, you need to program the remote with the codes
that match the components (See Code Lists enclosed or go to
rca.com/codcfinder). These code^s enable the remote to
communicate with your components. Each brand and each
component has its own “language,” and, by programming the
correct codes into your remote, you ttU the remote to “speak the
same language' as your components.

The RCA Easy Interactive Code Finder
The online intcficiiv« axle finder at wwwjci-coni/codcfirtder nukes it
easier to find exaeth’ the nghr cx?dcs tixyour components, 'llte code finder
takes yr>u ri}dtt to the best uxM») ior >x»ur component-no need to go
through long code lists!
There are four methods you can use to program your remote
control to operate yourcomponeius:
• Brand Code Search and Hmry
• Direct Code Entry
• Manual Code Search and Entry
• Auto Code Search and Entr>'
Most components can be programmed in one of these four
ways. Try them in the order listed.
In order to control combo TVA^CR or TV/DVD units, you
must program both the TV key and the DVD*VCR key. Once
programmed successfully, the TV key controls the TV ilmetions
on your unit, and the OVD'VCR key controls the DVD or
VCR functions. There is a specific section in the Code Lists
for combo units. The codes in this section should be tried first,
using Direct Code Entry on the TV and DVD-VCR keys. If this
IS uusuccessriiL follow the normal programming methods tor
both the TV and the DVT>VCR keys.
Important: Tlie DVD'VCR key defaults to program a DVD
player. Tf’you want the D\T)*VCR key to control a VCR, you
must preprogram the DVD»VCR key. See the section entitled
“Programming the DVD-VCR Key To Control a VCR" on
page 3.
Important: The DVTl*AUX key defaults to program a DVR.
If you w'ant the DVR-AUX key to control a component
uiliei titan a DVR (an additional TV^ or DVD. for example),
you inu.st preprogram the DVR-AUX key. See tlie section
entitled "Programming the DVR*AUX Key To Control Other
Components” on page 4.
Brand Code Search and Entry
It your brand i.s listed in the Brand Code List (See Code Li.sts
enclosed), you may be able to program your universal remote
by searching througli only the Code Lists for that specificmanufacturer. Brand Code Search and Entr>' can be the
quickest method to program your remote, if your component is
one of those brands listed.
If your brand is not listed in the Brand Code List, use one of
the other programming metliods that follow.
Follow Uiese instructions to program your remote using the
Brand Code Search and Entry method.
TIP: To exit •without saving at any point in the Brand
Code Search, press and release the CLEAR key.
1. Manually turn on the component you want the remote to
control (TV, VCR, DVD, DVR, satellite receiver, or cable
2. Locate the Brand C^des in Uie Clode Lists and keep it handy.
Note: If you press an im’oJid key during the Brand Code Search,
the remote does not respond. If you do not press a valid Brand Code
CLEAR, and number kns 0-9), (he search times out after two
minutes. WIsen the search times out, the LED blinks four times and
turns off. The last programmed code under that component key is
• To proj^am the DVD*VCR key to control a VCR. see piej^e 3.
• lu program the DVR*A UX key to control a component other than
a DVR, see page 4.
3. Press and hold the component
DVR-AUX) you wish to program.
i o o o o
4. While holding the component ke>' down, press and hold the
POWER key. Tlie LED turns off. y\fter holding both keys
down for three seconds, the LED turns back on.
5. Release both keys. The LED remains on.
6. Refer to the Brand Codes in the enclosed Code Lists. Use
die number keys to enter the number for your brand. The
T.ED blinks once.
TIP: Throughout the programming ofead) key, be sure to keep the
remote pointed at the IR sensor of the component you are current^
programming the remote to control.
1. I^ess and release the POWER key repeatedly until your
component turns off. Each time you press the POWER key,
the LED blinks and the next code is sent. The Brand Code
Search begins with die first code in :he chosen brand list for
that component and cycles through all the codes for that
If your component turns off, you have found die correct
code. If the remote cycles through and die LED blinks four
times and turns off^ all codes in the chosen brand lists have
been searched and another programming method should be
tried. Die Brand Code Search mode is exited.
8. Once you have found the correct code, you must
save that code by pressing and releasing the STOP
key. Die LED turns off
IMPORTANT: You must press the STOP key to save the code or the
correct code will not he stored!
The I.ED turns on and remains
on. Keep holding down llie
component key.
Testing the Code for Maximum
Different remote control codes can provide different levels
of funciionalit>-. To confirm that the component key is
programmed with the correct code for maximum fimoionality,
follow the steps below.
1. Attempt to control a variety of the component’s functions
wnfh the remote. If some features of your components do
not work, go to step 2 to try a different code.
2. Repeat the Brand Code Search and Entry Method from
step 1. When the component turns eff for the first time,
do not press die ST OP key, which would store the code.
Instead, with the unit now off, conrinue to press the
POWER key repeatedly until the unit turns back on.
3. Once the unit turns back on, you have found another code
diat operates the component. Press the STOP key.
4. Test the key’s functionality again by attempting to control
a variety of the component’s functions. If the code dial
has been stored controls die majority of the component’s
functions, programming is complete. If the code stored docs
nor give maximum functionality, try another code.
5. Repeat the Brand Code Search and Entry Method from
.step 1. Each time a code turns the component on or off you
have found a code that operatc.s the component and needs
to be tested for maximum iunctional:ty. Continue through
the code lists, cycling throujdi the codes you have already
tried, until you find one that ofTers rraximum functionality.