Assembly Instructions for
Stand Model RB3509
The contemporary design of this stand and its companion TV
models will complement the furniture in any room. The stand
gives you beautiful, organized storage for your video and audio

Parts Required for Assembly
All parts shown below may not be packed with your specific stand.
TV "L" Bracket
IO Plastic Dowels (2) (RB2710/RB3110/RB3510)
I_ Hinge Bushings (4)
(Go inside holes for hinges)
_ Wing Nut for Truss Head Screw'
Hinges with Screws (4)
I@ _ _ Truss Head Screw for TV "L" Bracket
I_ GlaSs DOOrs (2) _ Cabinet Screw for TV "L" Bracket
I_ Push Plateswith
Adhesive Foam Pad (2)
I_ Magnetic Calch (Attached_ _ TV "C" Bracket Screws (2)
TV "C" Brackets (RB2710)
TV "Z" Brackets kl_B3510)
Wing Nuts for Truss Head Screws (2)
Truss Head Screw's for TV "Z" Bracket (2)
Tools Required For Assembly
Flat-Blade Scre_river Size 1_" "7'._
Hammer Size 1 and2
Stand Models RB2710/RB3110/RB3510
Do not use this form for any other stand. It applies to models RB2710/RB3110/RB3510 only.
A1 ...... ,_1
A2 ......
B1 .......
B2 ....... O
C1 ...... :_
C2 ....... 02i
C3 ....... _1
D ........
E......... _.1
F1 .......
F2 ....... _ Wing Nut "L" Bracket ...................... 1
F3 ....... _ #8-32 lxli8 Screw for "L" Bracket..1
F4 .......
G_ ...... O
Part Name Qty Needed
Dowels (2) (RB2710) .....................
Dowels (2) (RB3110 or RB3510) .....
Hinge Bushings (4) .......................
Hinges with Screws (4) .................
Glass Doors (2) (RB2710) ............
Glass Doors (2) (RB3110) ............
Glass Doors (2) (RB3510) ............
Push Plate with Pad (2) .................
Magnetic Catch ............................... 1
TV "L" Bracket ................................ 1
Cabinet Screw for "L" Bracket ......... ]
TV "C" Brackets (2) ......................... 1 Pair
If any of these parts are missing or damaged wlaen you fi
open the carton, check the box El next to the part that is
needed. Print your name, address, phone number, date o
purchase, and model number in the blank area below. TI
detach this form and mail it to:
Cabinet Factory
PO Box 208
Santa Claus, IN 47579-0208
Date of Purchase:
Model Number:
Check one:
_l Damage
Two PhillipsScrewdriver