Audio Menu" Basic Functions continued
Receiving Stereo Broadcasts
Your TV is fully capable of reproducing stereo sound from
[ %," -.tatlt',11'-, tr:m'.,n]Itting ,,tcte_ '.,Otltld it] \OUl arc.t. ,.\11
you have to do to enjoy stereo sound is to make sure the
TVs STEREO,:SAPfttnction is set to STEREOSOthe TV can
t-Loci<,c ,,,terco broadcasts.
Not-trtall'_ thi.., luncti,an can l+,cIclt in the STEREOmode.
Your TV will then atttomatically reproduce either stereo or
IttHlaLlra[ '_Ol_llld. \\ hichc'+ L'r IS brt)adt.'aM.
hi some fringe viewing areas, however, the stereo signal
rr,ay not be strong enough for quality reception. The sig-
nal may drill, or the reproduction may become noisy.
.Should that occur, change the STEREOSAPfunction to the
MONOFnode to receive ct,zarcr, cleanm ,',,outld
Helpful Hint: Some telewmon stations transmit a "'pdot '+stgnal that
makes ,,.'our TV think it's rccci\ ing stereo, even though the broadca.',t
',l.7.nal p, monaural The "pilot" signal x,,fll make the <,tereo mdicator
appear on the screen next to the channel number, however, wm v,fll not
bt able to hear stereo sound It the stereo indicator appears but you can
not hear ,,terco -,.rand. check v, ith the television siatitm to inqutrc
'._.hcthcr the prt+gtam ['lCl[l_ brt,'Jklca.M IS 111 true ",tcrco or motlaurdI 'Judlo
ResettingtheAudio Functionto Receive Stereo
with or without remote
1 Pre,-,s the MENU button repeatedly to select the AUDIOMENU
and then pre_,', + to display the audio menu.
Receiving SAP Broadcasts
Some TV stations that broadcast stereo also broadcast
<tilt',thcr <ttiditl progr lilt callcd ',';,.\+..SAP ',tailcl._ [or
Second Audio l)rogranl and is botnetinIeb ubcd to broad-
cast a ,,econd attdio track for a bilingnal movie.
l]cc< u'+c N.\]) i-, only a,+'allablc wlttl <,teico bioadca'q>,, tile
] \ ",, STEREO SLtP IUllCII+<II1 illii.'+,l bc ill tttc STEREO rnocle It)
see if SAP audio is available. After you have set the
STEREO SAP ttillCliOll it) the STEREO llOdc. \,,',tlr TV v.. ill dis-
pht) the \<,ord STERE()nu\t tc the uhanncl nut]lbct \_,hcil
stcreo audio i.,,being received. If SAP audio is also avail-
able. \ our TV \,,'ill disphty an ask risk (*) after the _,ord
'_tiu can then h-,tcn to the SAP audio b'_ cha]tging the
STERI_-O,,SAPfunction to its SAPsetting as explained below.
Although SAP audio is transmitted with the stereo signal,
it is not broadcast in stereo. That means the SAP audio
will be monatiral sound.
51+titTV \\.'ill reproduce SAP audio until you change chan-
Turningon SAPChannel
with or without remotecontrol
1 Press the MENU button repeatedly to select the AUDIOMENU
at,d then pro+,, + to display the au,Jio menu.
Video Menu
I'-.lln_It_ LvjmL
Setup Menu
Press the MENU bttttc, n rcpeatcdl,, to '-,elect the STEREO/SAP
[ LIlle[ I+,)II
Video Menu
Setup Menu
[_.,:pc,itcdly i'tcss the MEI'.JU htllhm until STEREO,'SA _ t', ,,elect-
Equahzer Equalizer
Balance - ...I....... -,- Balance - I ..... +
!,,,"1(.:tlX,TiI_'.I.,II ill[,lit
Surround Off Surround Off
Rear Vol - .I ...+ Rear Vol -. !. +
Pro,,', citllur t- or rcpc,itcdl\ until thc ',\ord STEREO appc<tt',
<it the right
Note: Each tlnlu you pros,, the + or - button, the on-<,crccn dl,,pl,t.x
,.',ill change from STEREO tt MONO. (The ,.,.ord s',t' re<iv also JppCill
il SAP audltl i., prc'.cnt) .S _,P t_ t'd at the / tk'ht
Stereo 12
Note: \\ hun tim STEREO/S_P |UtlCtlon I_, '+,Ci It) the STEREO triode.
; otir "IV '¢, Ill let \'ou kntv,_, when :t channel is being broudca'q and
reccl'., cd in -.t,.'rc{) b\ dlspla_,, lllg tilt_' \_,ord STEREO next to thc ch<lllllC[
lltlnlbcr t',rl [hc ,,crcLrl I_i_rt'-.h the TV or DISPLAY htlttOll to ".,CO the
chdlrHlcl nunlbct )
Eqaahzer Eqbahzer
Balance -. .... I ...... +
Ba,ance -. ..... I ..... +
[+'_1=]_:+.Yl,,_';I_ _,1.1I[. l_'_i(:li[:z'7_'_!l-'_"_'_I 1:]i[:l'
Surround Off Surround: Off
Rear Vol . I ... + Rear Vol -. ..... I .. +
3 Rt:pcatcdl} pro<,,,etthcr + or until the u.ord ..;APappear+., at
thz right
Nntes: Each tllnC _.otl riTeS'-, the + or -- button, the tunctlon will
change lrom STEREO lo SAP io MONO [It SAP nsavailable) It sAP is
tlclt .t'.anl,tblc Ihc ftin.'tlon t,. ill ch,Lng__ lrom STEREO to MONO
[ t c v, ord SAP ',_.tll appear next to the channel numt_cr when _,uu arc
h',iunmg to N ",,1' audio (Pro<, -, t[ic TV +r DISPLAY htllttln I,I ncc this
di',pla'. )
4 It) turn off S,XP, change the ch<tn]lcl