RCA LED24G45RQ Owner’s Manual

Please rn{Sis er your p_o(Juct a WWWorCaocom Please keep your sales recept and keep he reeo_) of the serial number
a!td he dse of purchase in caller to receive warnan N par_s altd serv[ee. The serial no;tuber s foea e(:Jat he baek of Ihe TM
Serial Number
Date of Purchase
02 O2
O4 O5
Check Accessories 05
Setup TV]Ss,ble Stand 05 Select TV Location 05
O5 O5
Cable Connections 05 Side Panel Connections 05
Conrlecting ,,_/Composite video device 05 ConrlectingYPbPr Comporlerlt device 06 Connecting HDMI device 06
O6 O7
Keypad Buttons 07
Front Panel 07
Turning On and Off 07
Choosin{t 77'VChanr/el 07 Selecting Input Source 07
Channel Bar 08
Adjusting Volume 08
Adjust the OSD Screen 08 Quick Menu 08
Charlrlel Merlu 08
Picture Menu 08 Audio Menu 09 Time Menu 09
Setup Menu 10
Lock Merlu 10
Product S_ecification 14
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Congratulationson your purchase!As you enjoyyour new product, ple_sekeeptheses_fetytips in mind:
The Issue
Fhe i_ome rhea er et!tertair_nlen experier!ce }s a growing rend and larger fa panel displays and
poplJ ar pur(shases How(_vei: fiat par_e displays are no aways support:ed
on he proper stands of ir_sailed according o the
R_anuh_; iJ_en:__eco,_,_menda_ions fat panel displays ha are ]ar}propra ey siuaed
on dresses bookcases st_eves desks speakers chess or cals r_'_ayfal! over and cause inj_ry
This Hanufacturer Cares!
Ihe consumer eiec ror!cs indus _y is commit ed t:o
h f
nakir_g on-e en ertai,_,,:,_enl enjoyable and sae
....Use rs mo_st_ th;:_ has been recon-_m_nd_d by th_ disDay rnanufach_r(_r arid/or strNS by ar_ r_d(},oor_dc_r_
abora or,>; (s_sch as UI CSA_E[L).
....Foiow a} ir_stn_c!ions s_sppi}ed by t:he display and wall rnount rnan_facl_rers
....If you i_ave airy doub[s a_}o_ t you abifty to safely igs all yo_ fia pagel display cog a()[ you eaie abou[
profess}ona ir_s!:al}a ion
.... _r ....
Make s's,e hs he wa} whe,e yo are mozart ir_g he dispiav is appropria e Sonde hock cons!ruclioN, if you are
rsur_ corttac a pro essonai inslal}er
....A nir_nun of wo [x_pie are _{_quired f_._r nslalia ion Flat panel dspla.ys ca,, be heavy
Tune Into Safety
....Ot_e size does NOt f al. !ellow i_e mar_u act_r_}r's
reconlmenda }or! k>r he safe ir_sta}iatot_ and use of yo_r fa panel d}spiay,
....Carefuly read and unders arid all enc osed
ir_struc ions for proper use of lhis product,
....[Z)or_' alow children o ci}mb on or play w h
furni ur(,_ and el(_vision sets
....Don't place fa. panel d}spays or_ furntur_ hr_1 can
(}a,<@be used as s1(}ps such as a cl'te._1of drawers
....Remember f_d chiidren can become t_xcied while
wa chng a program (_sp_dsiailyon a "larger han I}!_"fla panel display Care shoud be tak_._nto place or instal
t:he dsplay wher<__ canno! be pushed p_ied ovec or kr_ockod down.
....Car_} should be taken to ro_de all cords and cables
conttec ed o he p_ne dsplr_y so tha t:hey ca'_not be p_iled or g_abbed by c_rous ch IdI_}n
Caution and Warning
Cauion:]_>redicetheriskofelectroshock,donotremove coverorba_k No i;ser,-serviceab[epartsnsde
}_efe_servicingto qualfedserviceperso*snel
tie _ightr k:g flash wth arrowhead ymb(_l, wfhn an [
prese_,ce of u n insulated dangerou,, vo_ta!_e _;th _ the
equilateral t_ atsg_e s ir_[er, ded to alert the user to the prod ct endo,,tre that may be of st_ff,cierIf
tt ag_ rude to cons thte a rsk of electr c shock
The exclarn_t or pont w}thir_ _snequilateral triangle 1
2_,,_ intended to alert the t_ser to the pYe e*'ce of
importarlt op_,atklg and mainten_rtce(evicing) instruct ons }r' the liter,_ture accompa_ y ng the 7V
_ '_:Ja E " / ...............L......._
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iHuchas gracias per su use del presente producto! Cuando usted disfru_:_ade su nuevo producto, per f_svortongs en cuens_ los consejos de seguridsd:
Posibles Problemeas
....La exper}en( }a de entr_denl,,r_leno de clne er_casa
es _snaendencia creciente yos star,des moni oF._}s de panta}a plarta son muy populares
eN!bargo os l_,_oniores de panala pianat_o se han instalado sernpre enos sopoKes adecuados o ir_saiado de acuerdo con a:s reconler_dac}ones de
....los monitores de pan alla piana que se han
ins aado inadecuadament en tocadores_ estar_ter£_s esantes esc_itorios orrs.dor_s baOle s o cantos se
p_eder_ caer y causar el daf'_ocorporal.
iAI Fabricante le Importa
....la ndus ra _,'l_,'c rdr_ica del cor_sum dor e_ :'_
comprometlda a hacer e enlre en n-ien!o de casa agradabie y segi_ro
....Use una men ura que se ha recomendadop or el fabrican!e de moni!or y/o islado per _r_ iaboralorio
ir_deper!d}en!e(como U L CSA Ell)
....Si{]a ,odas ms ns[rscc ones o,_{,_cidasper el fabricante de merci or y men!!le de pared
....Si used iese cualquie duda sobe su h,_}ilidad paa isst:ala seg_ a Pe_t:e s_ isqo _ilo de pat al_._pl_._sa
con acle a su distribudor paa a ns aiaeiOn p_ofes[onai
....Compnsebe que ia pared adode se est_ montando el monet es adec_sada AIf,_tir_osn on qes de a park',_d
no sot! d[seiiados para set montados a paredes con achoges de acero o a vea cot_s rucciOn de bioq_e de cet_za Si usled esri ir_se{luro contac e a _n ir_sta ador prr_fesionai
....Per o r_,_enosdos personas se requie_{,_npara a ns alaciCn los n-oni ores de panial a plana pi_ede set pesados
F(tc Infotynafion
This eqlJi::,me it os been tested and found to com::,iy wth t;e tints for a Ciass B digital device, p rs}_a _t to Pal 15 o the FCC l_ies,
these In!its am desig led to prey}de reasonable proeM:ion aga r_st harmf_i i _ter!erence i_ a residential [ _staf[at}on.
ih[s eq_ipment ger_erates, _ses arid can "ad ate radio frequer_cy enegy aid, f _ot nstailed and _sed in accordance
witl t_e instn_ctior_s, may ca _se harmful interference to radio Comm_nicat[o _s,
However, there, s r_o G_ara ]tee tiat nterferer_ce will tot cocker n a oad:ic_lar nslalla fen.
El O6_o y DoOnde Usted usual Su
Mo_lftor d Panrltails Plan,
Ma_;a[a Diferrend;is
Ajustar Hasta Seguridad
Ur_ / na:!o fie NO e_ (_de,<_uado para lodes, ,_qa }as
reco nendacione _ de fabr cante papa Is i/_s aaciCn seo, u_a y ei isso de su nlon tot de p:/ntalla pia_a
.ulc(_ o vent en(!(_ :oda_:; }_s h'lr_tH_cc ones
iea COn r. '" .
adjunt is plra e} uso p/opio de este producto,
- No peru/ira a los nifios a subir al equpo o jugar con
rr_lJeb es y televisiones, o No cioq _e los n/ol![tores de pal_l:a}ia p!a/_a en e! nueble
quese puede issar fi_ci!mente eomo escalon, as[ eomo una c0mod _,
- I::_(_}uerdeque los n[fios )u_xJen }legal a ser exci ados al ver una progranlaciCn, especia ne/_te en el nol![tor de pa _l:alla
pia/!a "has grsnde que vials". El cudado se tiene que e/npezar por porter o t_tai ir el rr_ort}otr d>nde no se pJede e/npujar, detener al eas ado de! calnino ni echar abajo.
- El cu}dado se tiene que en/pezo pc/encaminar todos os cordones y cables eor_ectados a! n/o _itor de pa it i}a
plal_ / pits que no se puedan tirar o agorar conectados ai nor!itor de partials plans para qlJe no se pueden tirar o
agarral pot os n os elJr[osos.
If thN eq_}an!er_t does cause _am!ful he,'+ _f,ere_ce _o "ado or
nterfe/ence fayerie or Ino"e of the follow ng ineasures:
Reorient or relocate the rece[v[ _gantenna. Ii_crease the separation between tie eq_lipmen a_d the receiver, Connect the eq_ ipmer!t [no al o_ let on a crc_it d ff<-,_rentfrom
that to which tie r_,ceNer s con _ected,
Co _s_sltthe dealer or an ex)erienced radio/]N/technician for
Device complies with FDA "adiator_ performance standards, 21 CFR s_bchapter. Ca/tie _:(inv Nble) laser I:/ad atio ] wher_ opera.
Do sot stare r_o beam.
1, Read these Ustr ctions, 2, Keep these instru(Nons. 3, Heed all w;:e _ir!gs, 4, Follow all nstr_ct[ons.
5, Do let _se this appa'att s r/ear water, For example, do io use sear a ia_l/dry tb, i/ a wet basemert , or sear a swilnmng ::,ool, asd the like.
6. Cican only wgh dry cloth.
7. Do to block any ventilation openUgs, hstail n accor_iance wth the r_ar_l act_lrer',_s i istr_ctions, Slots and ope _irtgs n the cabinet
back or bottom are provded for verttilat[or_, to ens _re reliable operat[ort o the fV aid to protec i from overheating, I_ese openings r_ _lst not be blocked or covered, he ope _irtgs shoukt trivet be blocked by placir_g the I_/oil a bed, sofa, "1% or oher
s[In[lar surface.
8, Do r_ot install r_ear any heat sources s_ch as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or otier af::,/::,arat/;s (i]cl_;d ]g a nf::,iifiers) tha ::,reduce heat.
9, Do r_ot d_>ea the satiety p_rpose of the polarized or gra_;r_ding type _,l_lg, A polarized [;lug has two blades with one wider thai the other. A 9ro_nd r_g y[se piing os two blades and a thirst 9re_r_d ng ::,ror_g, Ihe wide blade or the third prong s provided for you safM:y, l[ the p"ovided plug does r!ct fit [_to yo_;r o/tier, const !t as
electrician for replaceme/t et the obsolete o/tier,
10, Protect the ower cord from being walked on or /}inched pa/ticuiariy at pl_gs, convenience receptacles, and tie poir_t where tiey exit fror_ the appa'ati_s,
1 !, O_iy _Jse attachmer_ts/accessories specified by the
maNllt_ictt FeB
12, Use only with cad:, stand, tripod, bracket, or table spec[fNd by t_e man_fact_ rer, or sold wit_ the ap/}arat_s.
Wher_ a car-!: [s _sed, _se cau!:ion when r__ov r_gthe ca/Wa ::,par,_;_t_s cort_bi ia ion to avoid [n]_ry from t p-over,
A [V and car_ combinatiort should be noved with care, Quick stops, excesslve force, and _lneven si_rh-_ces r_ay cayuse the [S_ aid
cafti conJb[[}ai_}on to overtlJm,
13, Unplug this apparatus during Ightn}ng storms or when _ni_sed for iong/;er ods e time,
For added pretect o _for this TV "_xsever tiring a iigh ni ig storm or when it [s le!T unused for long/)eriodr: e tine, unp/g 1: front tie wall o/tk_t arid disconr_ect a _tenr_a or cable ays!em,
This wll prever_! damage to the [M d_o to lightning a_d pewer liie s/_qyes.
14, Ref_r a[ serv[cin{_ to quali ied service ::}ersol/nel, Servcng s r_x_l/ired whe!_ the apparatt s/as been dar_ ag<_'<J[n ar_y way, such
as powepsupp!y cord or plug s damaged quid has beer_ spilled or objects have f_}len into the ap:)ara us, the apparatus has been exposed to rail or moisture, does no operate ]orma y or ]as been dropp_.
15, his fV sho_[d be operated only fr_,l/the type o power s_p/::qy [ i<_cared on the rati _g label.
If customer is lot sum the type of power s ipply 1_ your home, co _s_llt yo_lr applia ice dealer or local power compa _y, For [V r_)mete co/troi baS_ery power. "_}f_r to the operat ]g [nstrl_(No is.
le lhe fV set shaf[ riot be exposed to drippillg or SF,lashing, No obj{_ets filled wih liq/ <is, siJch as vases, shall be plac_xJ on !:_e]V se,
!7. Never push objects of any kirtd it!to this IV through openirlgs
as they may touch dangerous voltage or other ei_strcal [;arts tha! could res/t [/fire or elect [c shock. Never spill q_id of arty kid flute
the M
18, Unph/g the TV from the wall o_£1e__before cleanir!g, Do not use fiq_id or aero dealers. Use a damp cle!:h for clear_[/g,
19, T}_is [V sho/Id i_,v'er be/::,laced near or over a "adfator or hea reso_;rce, fhs fV shot ld sot be p'lac<xt n a bt }It in [ _stallatio I stch
as a bookcase or rack tit!less proper yen i}at[or_ is provided or tie mar_/f_clurers [nstrt c 1o/s have b_x_,n adhered to,
20, Do riM: place this ]V on a_ unstable cart, sta Id, tripod, bracke, or table. The fV may f_il, ca_sng se"o_s r@_ry !:o so_eone, aid set}o/s damage to the a/::,plia ice,
2!. Do/o atten![,t to sewice this ::_,yyo_:rself b_ause ope ling or "emovi ig covers may expose yo to dangero/s high voltage or
other hazards, Refer all sewici ig to q_al[ ied sewice personr/el,
22. ]his d_,vice corn }lice w[h Part 15 o the Fee R_ ies, Oper_._tior! s si_bject to the foilowi _g two co Idftions: (!) t_[s device may not cause harmful! }llte terence, and (2) this d(;vice must accept
a_y rlterference /eceNed, [_cl/d _g [ _terfere _ce !:_at r_ay cayuse _ndesi_ed opera iota,
23, WARNING: le preve _t injury, this apparatus rn_st be sec_ rely attached to the f!oor/wail in accorda]ce wth tie nstaiiatlon
r_strlJ_;i ons.
24. ]b/educe the/isk of ei(xstric shock, the greunding of center pin of pi_sg r_ust be ma rttar_ed.
5. f an o/tside anle ina or cable sys!em [s co!_r_ected to the [k/, be sure the a /tel}/a or cable sysem is tJ,ro/ ided to provide son!e
pmtectiort against voltage s(s {_es and b_l[It _Ip static charges. Sect[o i 810 of the Nat ona [ lectricai Code, ANSI/NF[6_\ 1',,10.70,
previd(_; []formatior_ with respect to proper 9rotlrtdr_g of the mas arid supporlillg stn;cture, (_,rour_dir_g of the eadin wire to an
antenna d schar!tfe ur/it, sl/e of {_rotlnd[/g co idtlctors, location of
a ite/_r_a discharge _;r_it, cor_nectio i to grc)_lnd r_'_ elec redes, aid requiremer_ts fo" the gro/;r_d[/g electrodes, (See f[g_re A)
Sofety Strap
Oaulio _: Pushug pulling or climbing on the It/ n!_y case the TV f;-_llir!c_.Do r_ct let c/ idren chnb or hale on he fM Aiw_ys f)iace ti_e
TV on a st_/nJy, ieve}, stable smi_ace that cart hold the weight of fV
Al_d }f l_ossible, secl re ti_e TV accordir/r_ to the [/str_;ctior-'. be!ow
(Note: lhe f;-_steni;_g comportents s/_ch as screws are ]e si_ppli(x_
with IM).
Step one: insert the M6 mounting scr_,ws r_to the tpper two wail
mou _t[ _gscr_yw holes a_d fast_ _ther_ (Fgtlrr} B), Step two: Insed: a _chors to wall aid cor_ _e_;_t_e bols aid a ]chors with ropes or cha r_s (Fgt re C).
._. /. .........
_ig_re B Figur_
......... ;),_i_
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Before _Jrning On TV
¢ ¢
Check Accessories
C_eck the accessories that are packed wth yo_r iV,
(reef to Qtick Start G_ide)
@ @
Setup _/Table Stand
@ @
[_Nase refer to Q_ck Star!: Gl_e to ca/ry out sta_td r_stail ]g,
@ @
Select TV Location
Select a fla, stable able to place your [V so, Please follow the
sa,ety r_strlJct ons w/on plac ng the [\/.
@ @ @
Connection and Using
?_fi:er _lac[r!g your fV p'oper[y_ you ca_ connect the fV w[h power
s If;ply and cable comporter_ts, rot fi_rt:!ter [/_forma [o], see [::,age 5
to page 6.
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F!e fi"st step [r_ cor_r_ecting your TV is obtain[ _g tie signal. Your
[M [ [ DS;4(:}45i_Q has a back panel, which alows you o receive a/aog al_d/or di(_[ta televsior_ char!]els va AN F/CA[_L[ jack. [@efor_>co in_yctr!c_ your iV, de emd_e _s[_tg a] ante irmaor a cabie
service to ot)tai_t the sigr_ai.
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A, Antenna
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Co/inecl the ar!ter na to IV va coax[ai cable on AN]YCABLE jack
of the back pael. Ye_ are ready !:o receive air local d[7[tai and
analog char_ne}s,
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B. Cob/e TV service
Co/r_ec! the cable fV waif jack to TV via coax[ai cable or!
AN IYCABLE jack of the back panel, _,'_>_are ready to "eceive o!/ air
local d g}tai a_d analog cha _r_els,
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C. Set-Tep Bex
If you tse a set top box, you may need to call your cable col/pal_y
@ @
or sateil}te service/)revider, wh}c/tse a special conned:ion, picase
r_d_,rto the t ser',_sglide of setop box.
i',/ote: D,:>ot o/I g 27e AC c(/: _ry!i;i ou r__ve ;_cce; >//:>/e(: /_//tf,e
:oryf,_ (:) <>/?_}/-@;; 7_/(//:>_:_;eo s{!#)/o t ([_/@./,__e:_(_/ca/bf(_ c*_er_(:/
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( abl_ TV A _te _na
Choose Yeur Connections
]_i f ED24G45RQ suppod:s various connections to other devices (s_ch as DVD, VCR, Set top box, etc,), Please follow the 1_abe to choose tie cables whch adap <o yo/r device,
Jacks Cables lr forr_la_:on
L-AUDIO,oR 7ideo/A_ldio cable
COMPO_,_NT %Pb, Pr
L,-AUDIO,-R COMPONENT video cable
HDMI oab[e Go to page 6
riot h/L])B4/, !'e h/DB4i /(>go -,, h gi )% _ o f_.•f,iM _ di _ Jtt,lfle( //': / o' _1/,;, el / (/: /<_o' / _d(/}7 //,;, e h/[])f_•#/
Lx:e_:/_glZ C
in(:_'_i//7)/? _)!_/] _?e N(_' :)o/d whe/_ ',,'ou :)o/_/_e:: ok?e/de'/ces o
:[/ .............................{[:!
Aide c, _)k) wit;
See tf_e below
Connecting A V Composite de_,4ce
(Good t4_deoQua/it}l)
Composite conr!ector will be shared with Con po/le _tY connecter, }_>connect a con_pos te AV device, s_ch as a DV[) piayer, foiiow
these steps:
!,Conl_ect the COMPOSi] E jack oil the side of IV to the video
o_t/::,_t jacks o device via video cable (yellow),
2,Co _r!ect the L-AUDIO R jacks on the side of iV to the audo out/::,_rtiacks of d_vice via a_d[o cable.
Notre the felt channel jack aid ::,ii_gs ale w]ite and the iybt cha ]r_el iack and ::,itgs are red,
f',/oe AY g )core e (;o/7/:?os/ k'/deo n_/s k//_d ) k'/deo s/9_/h:_s/eg_//goe{: h',':>Uy c _ kl,:
Composite Video Connection
] _, pict_we below s an example of a conn(Y;<:o] using the cort _posi evideo jack,
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Connecting Y£t_Pr Component device
(,Better/,",,_:_eo Quality)
e ¢
]b con lect a cort_po _er_t devce, s_c_ as a DVD player, foilow
these sops:
1 ,Conner the COMPONENT IN Y/Pb/Pr jack ol the side of fV to
the video o_1: _1: iacks of device via video cable (green, bite and
2,()onlect the LAUDiON jacka on tie side o IM otheaudo
o_tput iacks of d(>vice via a_dio cable.
Notice the let channel jack and pl_Jgs ale white aid tie rigit
cha ]nel }ack and pitgs ar_._ red,
/',/o_: _:_ 'N'%-_:/<:;/_, a(' corr,,_o e_t/_o'eo 7?,';,/,',<: ci/_i:-c ,<,/L_;_/
¢ ¢ @
Component Video Connection
the pic1_o_ below is an exam::4e of a con/i_x:lio sing the component
video> jack.
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Connecting HDMI device (Beet I//dec Quality)
@ @
]b connec a HDMI d_;vice, s_ch as a D_./D ;layer, please Connect
the NDM}/MI L jack on the side of [_ to tie o_Jt/::,/_tjacks of
d_e,ice via i-IDMf cable.
!, Conner the i-_DMI/MHL tack or_ the side o TV !:o t_e MHL
port of Mobile High Definition Link via MNLcable,
@ @
2, Conner the i AUDIO-R jack on the side of fV to the audio
o_ltp_lt tack o cor_ pt ter wth audio cable (d_laf-cha ]nel RCA jacks
!:o 3,5ram stereo jack or the L ?_UD!O R jack).
Nolo': 7 hiDf_,•_/t-/igh L)( //,_i!ien f/;_ /Pn;>e(_/ int_ e/ /r; r_ (; >p,r_act
aL:(:_,'o/_i(?'rto /,T ctr/ Tc( /OI 7"2)YTr>F )sP//?g i/!?c :)/Tf/ )/(J, a(>d (:,,gs!:*/ {:i17!:s i
ca/Tir-s the _ 7:ir:) arTd /;o%o ,<,sL_l)a/_'/a k_e :_;_in+: :aL>/:; at):7 haa UT+:
£)(:r;t (i,of)k_y qi,7#/i
@ @
HDM! Connection
tie ::>ct_re below is an exalnpie of a connec<:}on _Jsr_g the vdeo ac<.
@ @ @
The output panel of otfler device,
..r<, x' MHL .......................................
_\\ //
-___ jJ
Connecting a computer
]o connect a compt ter, follow these steps:
1,Con ]ect the VGA port o_ the back o IV to the VGA o_tl::::,_tjack of d(>vice via Ds_b !Spin cable. 2,Con _ect t[_e PC SOUNi} lack on h_ back of IV to t_e at_do o_ tptlt tack of comp_ter w[h a_dio cable (3..Smm).
Note: If yot want o tse your fV as a mo _ior, _lease r_o fee that the maxin_un! "esoh_t[o _for LED24G45RQ s 1920"!080. Please
se_° the corn _,_ter graphic correc [y,
PC Connection
The pict_lre below s at exalnple o a con iect}on _sng yo_;r }V as a I:_C nlonitor.
How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources
After connection is done, tress NPUI buton on remote con roi
or f_i top palel to choose the npl£ sour_e you teed, S_c_page 7, Basc Otx_retion of /\/,
i'i ii!ili!!ii
!ii!:!i_i_3iii!_iiiii!;;;;$:;7@!! i_ii
@ @
_EAD PNONE,_ Conr_ect a 3.Smm head/::,hor_e for pers_or_ai audo,
ND_al _NL
q[)MI : (Iqgh D_!fir_tiol_ Multim_d[a I_terfac_') It pr_'v[des ar_
_sncompress_J digital connectio _tha_ carries both vid(x_ arid asdio
data by way of a _, _te _rated m _iplcg cable.
MNL: (Mobile His _ Defi _ition iink)[o stal_dard HDMI input, tral_smit
the video/audio fro_ portable eiect/on c device (cellphone,d gital
ca!ner,__, dig tal-video can!er_) to rV set.
VGA: Connect your comptiler or ethel device wth a V(}A output to this
lack tsing a 15 pin, Dsub cabf(_,
Digital Audio o_t: Corinect a coax al cable for distal a_sdio
eO_ON_NT ¥/_b/_': Connect a d_;v[ce tha has con!pc ent
video jacks, sch as a DVD plrlyer. [k_' access devce co inected
to the Y/Pb/P jack,, pless the INPUt buttoft el yotw lefrlote; theft
press the tli)/dowl} arrow to select Compor_er_t. [_"eas the OK
bt_ ton at last to cor_f[rm.
V/_b/_r (Oom_'_o_e_t Video}: ]hey f)rovide good t>bttlre quality
because the vdeo s[qnal is se/:::,arated rite three compo/e its. Use
three video t_rade or compon_/_t video cables for the co inec on.
When using Y/Pb/P', make strn yo/cort/ect eft aid "iqh atd[o
cables to the AUDIO iN It_/L jacks.
SOUND :Dse 3.5ram sereo raft%pin cable to co!_ !ed PC dNece to [M.
VID/O : Use video cabe to cor_nect video files to TV.
L=ANDIOoR_ OO_IPOSlT£: Co /rlect al AV de/ice that has
composite video jacks, s',lc _as a VCR or a DVD piayer, ]b access
device con leered to these jacks, press the INPUi b_ ton on your
remote the_ press the _ /Ndown arrow to select AV, Press the
ON b_tton at last to confim!,
_ANDIO IN L: Left atd[o chan/lel co inec or!, fhe ief! aJdio
cortnector [S lJS)iJrJlly wh[e, for morlo atJ(Jio solJrcer:>, be aiJm to
use the._ left AUDIO fNPU f,
A_DIO IN R: Right atd[o cha _nel conr_ec [orl, The "gh attire
co _r_ector is ust ally "ed,
ANT/CABLE= Connect to "eceve the sg]al from yotr a /tenna or
cable via coaxial cable,
_dB.* Con _ect yo/r USB s orage device to e_joy muNc/pholo files on yo_r fV (/\lso used for servce purpose),
Keypad Buttons
ff you can lot locate yore remote, yol_ can use the keypad blJttons on yol_r fV to operate rtany fV features.
e @ e @ @ @
@ e @ @ e ¢
@ @
INPUT Displays the Sotece oelect List,
M_NU Displays the fV Mair_ Me/u.
e @
CH,& Scans _/:) thrc>_gb tie cha ]r_el I[s.
@ @
@ e e @
e @ @ @ @ e
e @ e
I/the IV ment syslem, it acts ![ke the up arrow on the
rer_ ote co _trel and can be used to se!e_t menu OF,!:ions.
OH _ Seals dow] throt gh he chan/el list, Ii the ]V menlJ
system, acls f[ke the down arrow on th_ rcmoe
co Itrol and ca/be lJs(_J to select menu opt ons,
VOL+ f icreases the voltlme, n tie TV nenll aystem, it acs
Ike the right arrow on the remote control al_d can be lJsed to select me/tJ opl:ons,
VOL-' Decreases the voh_me, fn t_e V menu aystem, it acts
Ike tie left arrow on the u_ note conoi aid can be _sed
to select menl options.
(!) f_rns the fV on aid off,
Front Panel
Abot_t remote co _trol
worNng distance and a_gle, se_> the quick
star1 gtde.
ii Remote eontrot Sensor i
PowedSta_dby Indic_bI' i
_ower/$tand_r_y I_dicator: fight ur; [I red when the [N_[s [/
standby mode. L%Tht o_t whe/the TV [s ol. _emote Control Sensor: i_en!ote oontroi i[:_ser_sor, which
recew_s i ifrared "ay se,, ,,! by remote control. Codes for Cox Communications: 0178 Codes for Comcast: 10178
Codes for Dish Network: 627 Codes for F[os Ver[zon: 0205, 0057, 0493, 0775
Turning On and Off
Con _ect tie AC cord to power the LED LCD fV, At this time the ]V vvl e_ter sta _by mode and power ir-_db_-:_tor,,',.,illtur_ "ed, Use
f*ower but o_ (O) on the top pane! of IV or on the remoe centre to turn on the rv, After sw tchir_g off the fX//(>r 5 seconds you ca]
!:l_r ] on IM agars,
Choosing W Channel
T_ning To A_alog Ohan_els ar_ analog c _a _r_el has a cha _nel n imber begin ihg wih "A",
inp_ the dgitai nt tuber wgh ]_mer c buttons d rectiy aid press OK b'dtton to confirm. For example, to watch analog cha _r_ef"AS I ",
press "5", <'!", 'OK" on remote control in sequence,
i',/o!_ : A!#>< lgt there ia no _ a/og 7',/a/gi_/av;_//uL:_/e ir_ A," _<_//_o,
:OS/(s(:/ve/_, Tt/ /_ t?C;7(/)(; /e/ SO/'(_ (_O0/?S/i>/:_ _S(:
T_i_g To Digital Oha_els A dig[lei cha _r!ci ha,_ _,_cl]anr_el r:tsr:+:ber beg[/_rtir_g with "r)", fr-tp_st
the main digilal rt_MT)ber with /urlleric buf!:ore directly, thefl pres
"-" t;,tJttorl o[/remote co/trol, at) irlput the sub ilJml.)er _-._tlast.
For example, to w_Ich ar_aio{_ el]an/el "DS! ! ", press '3", "! ", ' ", '1", "OK" o/ "el/ote con rol [n seq_le/co,
Cha/Iging C]a ]nels Directly "¢o_1can _lse CilA b_tton to increase cha ine! _mber and CHv to decrease chan _el r_/n_ber,
When no OSD (Or_ Scree _ Display) is _sed, the _p/dow ] arrows can also work as Ci-_A/Ci-_v b_;ttons,
Source Select
Selecting Input Source
P"ess INPUT b.ltl:o _ on remote control to display Source Select list.
Use _p/dow] ar"ows to highlight tie so_ree yo_ teed aid ::,tess OK to
con irm.
Channel Bar
Press !he (-)K/>,'tton el the _emote co@o!, when OSD (on screen
display)is not used the channe bar w[li appear o/the Bottom ef tie soree/, it d s@ays !he c arent channei% inferrr atbp,, The fd owing fist
descrbes tie items (:>rltie c[ anrg hr.
0 t 4- t ATS6 t
Air English :3 80
Jab@ 07:i0 Sst
Iftie channel is anabg A is d s@ayed, if lls a d[g!_al c[ ar!riel, D s d[q:blayed, _or
example, h the pictures above, A2 is an
Ai Stereo
CC 480
Jab@ 07:10 Sat
anabg channel, sd DS0 I is a d[!7tal
channel ( 1 is a sub channel p,umbeM
Dbplay ti_e curre@ ff signal type.
Displays whether the cuaer_t channel is being breadcasted in stereo or mone, If
the c arent uha _nel s dgita[, this space
will be SAP (SecorJ Audio Pregram) fang lage,
Dbplays tie signal resolution.
Dspays tie screen aspect ratio, Display t[_ CC st/tus (on or off).
Jan°@ 07d0 S4
Display.'; c arent program (]ate and tirTe,
Adjusting Volume
Pre.'s the vet/VO[ button o/ tie remote contrel to adjust the volume, if yol want te switch solnd off, press MUTE, When OSD
(On Screen Dis i?) is not ised, ti_e ara;ws feftMight can also werk asVe[ AJe[ b ttons,
EPG (Ebctronb Program Guido
Press EPG button on the remote control the electronic program guide wilt appear °1 ti!e ce iter of screen, The ebetren[c Fegram
guide gves the fV program playing prelect, '4:8 can use bf!/@ht arrows to switci_ pages,
Adiust the OSD Screen
] he oaf) (On Screen [)[splay) men enabbs yet to appre_c to tb
]V fl_rdions. 7e use OqD rnen] system pre._s Or*( )utter/en remote uo _t/ol, the
use left/right arrew to hi@ilight an optbn f/ore O[/ICK CHANNE[ , PBTURE, AU[)K), TIME, RETtP er[ OCK and press OWdewn
button. Press the up and dewl a/few !e move to a dfferent epton within
each menu, if necessary, press eK or ight arrev/to display !he chobes ef tie option you've h[ghlgled, f[ ava[labb, use the text at tb beltom e! eacl screen 1or hdb. ]e return to tie p'evh s Tenu p'ess the MENtl btton.
To exit the CaD meHu:
Press the EXiT button, [_e menu will char from the screen, Press the MENU bu!ton repeatedly ur',t[I tb _nls dis/ppear,
Quick Menu o
Tie Quci Menu ce@a ns menus and brev[des you a q_[ck way to e approao tile ma _,sett _,gs bat may be most poss[biy and frequently e
approac _,ed, Peas MENU on the mxote al@ then yoi w[li see file e Quk;k k/le _,ushowhg (:>l_you screen. Press the down button to e
p oceed _,e edck ,Me a_, Use u b/dew _,to choo._;e the fu _,et on you ÷ need, press OK to rater a s_bmep_an(: press eftiight arrow to e
adjust a s5 _Fenu, e
Picture Mode
Sound Mode
Closed Caption
Sleep Timer 4 Off
Charms List
4&_ Move
Channel Menu
The Channel Menu enabbs you to seamh, view a@ edt channel
it s avaifabb in ff node oh, Press MENt/and choose CHANNEl
frol_ tie Main [neni, Pess tie eKidewl bu!ton to breceed to CHANNEl nenu,
Auto Searl Show / Nde Channel List
Jse IIpidewn to choose the fund[e / yeu need, press OK or ight e arrow to adj ist er enter a sub menu, The (]eta[bd explanatbp, e
are shown below. ÷
Auto Scan
I-xectl!e ati a@e e[snne} sear(;h,
Show / Hide e Enter sub-menu and press .;K to stlow or hide the rv chssneL e
Channel List ÷
Display." a channel bt, It shows the earet chsnefs, Press ()K to ®
ge te iV ehannei directly il sb renu, ÷
Signal Type
Select yet iV signal type: Air or Cabb, e DTY Signal( In DT?" Mode) e
Displ/y how stong your ff signal is, e
Signal Type _ Air _"
DTV Signal rill Good
Picture Menu *
The Peture Melu contains ments and cen[rols to confg ae tie
way the picture appears, The Pcture Menu eptk)ns apply to the e video for the mail 7\/ a@ VD[:O iNPUT seiections, Ali pictt re e opt ens cal be appbd te ech input, e
Press [_FNLJ on the remote, Sebct Plot ae frol _ithe Main rertu, Pres_ the (}_idewr_ btten te proceed to P ("[UR[ meu,
Picture Mode
Cob Mode 4 Wam-i Sereerl Sze 4 Wide _,
Noise Reduction <_ Low _,
Oynam e Contrast 4 Low
Video Styb '_ Video
_:_ Move
Use Ip/down to choose tie f Inct on yel led press OK or right a/row to adil st or enter a sub menu. The deta ed exp}a lat on are
shown bebw, f avai abb, is_:_ti}e text at tie bottom e[ eacl screerl
(}[loose tie preset visual mode of your ]V Standard, Movie User, Dynamc Power Saving,tOny r! User mode
you car! adju _t B@htrless Contrast Color Tnt and Sharpness. Changes !o Power Saving mode can decrease the power
BrigN_ess: Adjust the br[gh!ness o[ pitt ae,
Colorfast,',' Adjust !i_e contrast e[ color,
Oobn' Acijust tie <hness of cobr,
Tint_ Adjus! tie balance be!ween _ed ar<l greel i(-}vel(only
available [r_NTSC sk!nal),
Shar_esa,_ Adj _st tb sharpness evei of pbture.
Color Mode This opton aiiows you to select one of three aldomatic color
adjus nents: Cod for a bluer pabtte ef pbture colors; [iormal o _ Warm for a _edder palette of coot,
Screen Size
Screen Size: Select a screen aspect _ato, (!\va[iabb r;db: Wde, Ci/ema, Zoom, and Normal,) Phase choose tie ratio ti_at app[bs
to your ?<leo signal for nat [best.
h/oise Reduction
Re_ noise reduetbt as Ofi?low/Medhln/H[gh, /'kte f',i,,/te f(:(:£(Ttfi,l o!/:s t_ (2/e ff_e lot,'< st:tit o :a',
o !,to, fife Trt ;!, so&it #e/,'ifo p >v/F_r ,;
(;,_tsiW 1£?W/h) we':£ a/?ahb£ !_:/tai dc>/7(:£i(,f]8
Opam/c Contrst
Sel dynal fc cortast eff/krw/MedhmiHigh,
Vir/eo SUe
f you connect t_e HDM iDV port of PC to HDMI jack of the ff and the video s grial is I 0SOp, pease ciioose the compatible
video aty[e: Video, Graph c,
PC Setthgs (only available h PC mode}
e e
AHto Adjt s!: Adjust the PC picture diq:blay at_to!natically, Horizonta[ Position: Adi[ st t_e horizontal postion of pict ae, Vertical Position: Adjust t_e vert cal _osition of pict as,
Clock: Adjust the clock o[ pict _/e, P _ase: Adjust ti!e phase of Jcture,
Reset: Reset ali the Pn pitt ae s_ttings to factob, dda It,
Audio Menu
The Audio Merit bts yocl adiust a_d[o outptg, Io access the fe!n t[_e Man Meu, Pres_ OK/down b i!ton to proceed to Audio
arv theN sc-;/x.t t, a IoAudio Meu, cress MENU on the remote, ......... A_
Sound Mode
Audio Language 4 English AnaogAudo Output 4 STEREO
D[gita Audio Output _ PCM Surreund < Off
Audo Only v 4 Off
<_ Move _ Se_eet
Use up/down to choose the f inetb', you need press OK or @ht arrow !o adius! or enter asb menu. The detaied expanatop, are
shown [below.
Sound Mode
Choose the preset sound mede of your Bi: S!ar<lard, Seft User. Dynamic. Only [r User o/]e yel can adjHst
nass, hebb, Balance.
Bass: Adjust the bass celnpone _te[ iV sou@. Irebb: Adjust the trebb compors°_t of W so Ird, Balance: Adjust t_e balance b_tween the fdt and @ht channel,
Audo Language
Sebd di@al f\/aHdie language type: English, French or Spanish (only available for DiM channel).
Analog Au(:ho Ouput
Select analog [\/audio solnd tys: S!ereo, RAP or Mop, o only available in iV mode),
Digital Audo Output
Set the audio output type as ell PCM or Raw, Please s_t this option according to yea b(e's art piifie_:
&sound Creales a 3D so_nd siFreund tier standard sterne material, wlth
deep and ieil er',ha lee _lerL
Audio On?
Press eK botch to actvate audo only mode. The fV wll o itput o/iy
seur!d and he [ ED I CD pane wi!l be urned oil, Io rester_ nerma! playin% ho!d POWFR bt[on fer t[ree seconds.
Auto _/olume
Set alto VOl free 0@70 On/Of!
Equalizer Settings
The seven%ard graphic equalizer allows you to adjust t_e audio frequency sett rigs, ?m can select one of tb eq laher resets
(Off Pep, Fbck, ,Jazz) or create yea (>wn perso @1 preset (User). Press the eft or ight aeew to sob;! the freql ency (1001qz, ?50Hz 500hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 4Ki-iz, !0K[iz), you wa@ to adjust. Use ti_e
tlp er dewN arrew to adjHst.
Time Menu
Ti}e Time Menu bts you change tie TV trine settings, b access the The IYienu, [}tess MI F,i[J or} !he _er ]ote, an::[ !hen seed Title
frem the Main B4e u.
Sleep t'imer < Off I_
Time Zone _ Eastern _. Auto Cock _ On
Clock ##
Wake Up 2014/1/18 t 2:0 PM OSD Display Duration _ t5 See.
£_ Move _ SeU;t
Use up/dewl_ to choose the f Inction yel nee<], press eK er right arrew !o adjust er ente _a sub menu. The <Mta[bd explanation are
S[ Z)Wn [)ekrw,
Sleep Timer Pet t_e sleep timer(Off, 5, i0, !5, 30, 60, 90 ! 20 !80,240 Min,), The ff will aHtomalbally enter s andby node after times up,
T/rne Zone
Rhowing t_e countb/s time zone, yeu san Set Time zene eft
Eastea, Central, Mountain, Pacfh Alaska, Hawaii, Parr ca,
Newfe Indfand, Atiartu,
Auto Clock
Rebd atto dock eYoff, Auto clock helps yol syr uhreize your
¢ s
ni tree to star@ard time (fret Drv signal),
!:%t y@w [u t[r_e manually (needs to h.rrt off algo clock), pess up/
¢ @
dcrwn and I_ftir[ght arrow to cop,fig the c irrent time,
Wake L@
e ¢
Pet the Wake Lip tree for your fU, after enters men(, you (;an
ise the up2ewn and fall/fight arrew o°_t[_ rerote control to
ad] ist it,
@ e
OSD Diaplay Duration
Pet the time low b_g to <][splayOSD enu5 Rec, !h Rec, S0 Set,
¢ ¢
45 See, 60 See),
Setup Menu
s @
The Rehp Melu bks yol co@g file ]V with yeu preferences, Select
R[ UP hem the Mail Menu. Pes_ OK/down button to proceed to
R[ UPmertL
e ¢
¢ e s @ @ @
e e s s s
Menu Language 4 English Menu Transpa erley 4 0%
Closed Capt on
A eset
htial Setup Wzard Bhe Background v _ On
_ Move
Use I l}:bi(.bwrl to cheese the fHnetien you need bress OK o" right
arrow to adjust or e@e_ a sb rre_u, The detai ed exp anat[orl are
shown below,
Menu Language
]o goose yeur meu language, pess tie b_Itkight arrew until the }ar!g age yol leuJ a _pears, Availabb Br_g_agea:
Engibh Fred_ and Rpar_}sh,
Trans#s enc]/
]o choose your menu tra @)a/ency mode, press the bft/@ht arrow int[! the trar_sparenuy you need appears: 0%, 2h%, 7h%
! 00%,
Closed Caption
Press OK to enter cbsed (:aptbr_ sub rHenu,the detail sisfollow,
s @ ¢ @ e @
e s @ @ @ ¢
¢ ¢ e s @ @
@ @ ¢
Closed Caption
Move < _ Change Setbng @ _ Return
Caption Display <_ CC Off Dig[ta Captbn Type
D[gta Caption Style
Show or hide dosed eaption
Capt_Dn Display Press ieftir}gi!t arrew to select capt[o°_ <][splay ce <:>-_or ce eft,
Digital Caption Type Pess b[t/ight arrow to select digital dosed ca bt[o°_ !ype:
Rerv[ce!, Service2, SeMceS, Rerviee4, RerviceS, Rervice£ Didta/ Ca#t/on Style
Pess bit/right arrow to ge to digital clost:d caption @yb sub men i
to select tie closed caption style, Sdect t_e bin ye_l want to adjust
in Distal CC Style menu with upidowl_ arrows. After changing, yel can prevbw tie eapt[on style h the bo_tem,
Mode: Decide whether yol can change tie settings en the CC D[spiay Rtyb,
* CC Sze: Set the CC font size (Ddau[t, Norrnal, [ argo< Small).
CC Font: Set tb CC/or',t (Deb lit, Font 0 7), ('C Opacity Cobr: S_-_tthe CC opacity color (D6_u[t, SekL F}ashing, Tra _sl _cent, T@nsparent),
text Color: Set the ec text color {Del4A White, Red, G_een,
Blue, Yelbw Magenta CyaIO, ec Background e badty: 9}i- the CC backgro ind opaci y (Dd, dt Sold, nashr!g Tra @use ¢ Tra ispa/ent}, ec Backgreund Set the CC background color (Dehu!t White, Red, Green, Blue, Yeik;w, Ma@mta, Cyan),
AN reeet
Pess OK boon to exec@e asset to fV syslem, All the set[hgs wi!l be rese_° to fadmy defu£ fT*t 7 eOSL)s _/:>/:>_,<r_i!<:e<fd(xk, its'n,7 dtc tie _<:ti_i
Blue Back
Press eK bitten !o select B! e Back on or off, If t_e Blue Back is
taned on, the ff will display a })ie backgreund when there is no
signal input,
No Signal Power Off
Pa.s_s lefix[ght arrow to select a tins period (Off ! M}n 5 M-_, !0 Min) for "No Signal Power Off', The f\/wilt shut off after that period of tit9 whib no signal We suggtet you turn on this fl#bn when BLie Back _ tur _:J on, Itmay hud th_ [ED [ CD band f blue seamen is on for too b',g,
Lock Menu
] he leek Menu enables you to lock prograrr with spec}ai co/tent, pand key board an] nput so irce, Press MENU on the s_!ote and
c _oose Lock Menu froln tb Main Menu, Aess ti_e down buS.on to proceed the [ock Menu. The menu mage arid ex bBiat on are shown
Parental Control ....
Lec K
<_> Move @ Se set _9 _ Reture
Parent# Control
Who _,the Parental Contrel Meni is accessed !ram the Main Menu
yo_ ueed to e@er password to unlock the menll ful !otior< Pease
enter yo_ bur dirt pas_v/o ( with nu_ eh: keys O-g,/,_ 7 orT;*_J/)as t,'/r_ /_ 0000
After _ 5ckhg, t_e items in parer_tal central men_ can be _ised, Use alrew px/ea/rt to h}ghiight the funcfon you led and press OK el right arrow to use V chib Change PasswoM Keypad Iock and Rourne Ioek, @ear e!tanne[ I [st sub menu.
¢ ¢
e s s @ e e
¢ ¢ e s s @
e ¢ ¢ ¢ s
@ s e e ¢
Change PIN
Char/go !he PIN of pare _tal _en I,
input Block
This option abws you to b(k o _u _loek t_e inpt_t so ace, The
source bh:;ked can r!o[ be chosen from iT) l! list clnbss y( u put
the cerrect parental password. Use upi(]own arrew te select the
source, ores Ok( to eek er ino(;k it,
Change PIN hput Block
Keypad Lock O Cba Chalrle List
Remote 4 Off
Chaege your 4dgit PIN
_j_ Chaege Setting
Press (}K to eter V @lip sub menu, the detail as fo low:
@ s @
@ s s
LOCK Down oadaMe Rating
Restr et movie and TV p ograms by US Ratings
¢ s
s s e ¢
¢ s s s @ e
¢ @ ¢ e s
s @ e ¢ e @
s @ s e e ¢
¢ ¢ s @ s e
e ¢ ¢
us V--Chip
Pesa ()14.to enter US V nhip tt rS._; mell, which ce@ai s twe sub rnenils: rv mtng and Movie R>gng.
P/ Rating
Bin1 ar with Mevb Rating, After' adjustin 1 pm._s MENU t(> "@vn or press EX[ to exit the rne icl,
TV-Y A Children D i Sex la[ly Explict Oialogue
' ' Drectedto (i[dreri ?
T%Y7 Years and Older ,
TV-G GerlenlAudence S Sexla[ Situ@ons
T%PG Parents Gudance Sugqested V Volence
T%14 Parents Strongly Cautioned R/ Fantasy Violerlce
: T%MA : M41re Aud erlce Oily .
Movie Rating
Use arrow keys to select the rating level you want to [)l()ck press OK to h:;k/He(;k fie rating evek ff yel have blocked a ower level
@tis, tie hgher rat[nqs wii! be bocked too For exa r p e, wP en PC 1S is becked, [], [/e 17 and X w be blocked at tie s/me
G Get, era Au_ier_e{no re r._ k>r_s)
PG Parentai9u @nce suggested
PGIS Parentss rongly caut oned
Restrcted Ch dren unde 17
s,tol}_ beaccom/an e_ by an aduit
kC17 ko ch idmn net age 17
X Adukson y
Block UnRated Show 0
Char Downloadabb Data
@ Chaage Sett ng
t. Adult Lan@age
Canada V..Ch©
Press eK er ight arrow to enter Canada V Chip ratings rne _,_, wh (_'h
contains two slb menus: Englks_,Rating an(: F:re t'h Rathg.
English Rating
Pess eK to ente [nglish ating rr e_, I, Use arrow keys te select the rating level you walt te Sock, press OK to }(x kiun}ock file rat[n!i
level, if you have bbcked a bwer bvel rating the igher athgs wll
be bbcked too. Fer exa rr) e, who _,P(:} s blocked, 14r p,d !84 w[} be blocked at the same h_e.
c Pro/tammi/g ntendedforchIdrenund,r age8
C8! f rog amming generalyconsideredacceptilb e[or
cbifd en8 yearsandoverto wad/on tbeirown
G (k,nera proq arnmhg,setable foralla.@eces
PG Pa enta[ Gudance
Poqram _h,g conta _sthem6 or content
/tblch mayno besuabb 1orwelters .rider age(if 4
8+ Adu}t proq arn _i ig
French Rating
Press OK to ente _[::rend rating ffentl, S[ff[br vviti_ Eng} sh Rating.
G (be le a
,ant ....
. ft![Ebn _ Y('e _r,_S'E 7>)t_u_hf_r,hqt f yvr_: ,
PrOgmT/rinq may not be suihb e for
. [ ch_Idr@und,r the age(if :1
6arts, Programrinq isno s@tabfe 1or
8arts, Pmgralnmbgresriotedto adults
I/de af:,E t t#, bi (tiy 't//?: )<: ti:_ : _t/ [,
!tg {O }ae
Block Unrated Show Bbck air the unrated program.
Clear Dol#n/oadab/e Data
Activate or dowr k)/dabb ral:[r_g dat/. f avaifabb.
Keypad Lock
Sdect ti_[s optbn to beck (x inb e(;k tie hi% sk:]e parcel b ttons set,at they ca 't be used.
C/ear Channel L.iet
] his option allows yol to execu!e (}lear Channei ,_ .t f...... eL
] his furdbn will reset t_e wheb ff syste r to factory (]efa It (not only reset OSD menu).
p rpose,
What's the most ee_ve_JeN way to view Nbh Detir@ior_ (HD) video?
Co _neet an a _enna !o ti_e °V h_:)l! jack !_::_vow flee ioeal digi al channel Yx_ nlay need to pumhase all ante ina, (See }:)age for In@e uk_mlat[on about al!tenna se ip), Vist www,antennaweb,org tel ass}stance in deriding what type of anten ia to cse to receive the ioea} digital allan ies available to you.
After entering youl location, thb mapping _legmn tells you w!reh local analog and digital stations am available ldlg a eea}n ante ina.
Are there ether ways to view High _efi_iti@_{N#) video? Bes des usii_g an antenna as mentioned above, yol can alSO use a se
# e ....... _ relrtote2, hs e for specb[sebct yea ren!ote: O., r'.._ote, or
top box to ieeeive digital video. Con act your eabb service _rev[dm or satellte provider !:o pulchase
dig tal pregrar:_lning and have them eol_neet ti_e box to el_sum yol am v[evvh _g ehal_l_els i_!he besl way.
s w _.+
Hew de I tell ar/_analog eha_mel free1 a digital eha_el? Pess the OK :)Litton to dispiay gle Cha i is! Bar, when eSD
(on screen d}s/b}ay)is lot Ised bok at !he top right cornel o[the sores i, AI 'W' is dis :)iayed for an s@og ei s_l_el, A "D" is dis :)iayed
for a d}gila[ c lannel, /Vote: &_ee tie /,rog 7Y//A/'(',/(.I ,,_s tee! ct cg _s,e,sev,
'r mi:;p 7Y/'i/C?'f, 7 (:)i7/_ t7 soi?e tiiTO//>uC{S:/tse
Why are there bare o_ _y eeree% a_d san [ get rid of them?
Most digi!:a} video is self a lg/} format whicl fib your scree i, but is son e in es sent P 4/3 wh}ei_ does i_o fil yoir sores/, It de :beds on low the statbn or devce connec ed !:o your \/is feneatfing tie
vdeo, If there are ba_e on the sores i, Cheek Scree i size in the h_t ire
node !:o try a dif!erent t',;m lat tha! may elbhlah! the bars. Some bars can't be remow_d becau_'e o[ the way the k;imat b selt by the breadcaqtm, The fermat change _"as;you c ioosn screen dze type in the picture mode and the for nat iype isdis@ayed _-_!"the botto n of the scu_m. For tom inl_,;rn!a ion on screen size, 9o to page 9,
Why does eka_r/el search fi_'_d a let ef eharmeB_
b_t when [ try te t_e to the[_ t[/_ere% _'/_eth[r_g there?
Seine ehanneb cio!!'t carry progralls':_ing, such as video On Dema id,
When channels ale inava[iabie, your \/scree i }s blank or appears like
snow. Y',_I probably want to mint:v{ _.these chalthe!s ko!tl your ehal]nel list. Re!tiow_ these P the C _annel Lst Me/u, Go to page 8 !or nora
P!or ration,
Why does ff take a long ti_e whe_ [ seam[_ t_e eha_eB
at first time?
If you have bol:i analog and digital channeb, the iV }s looking br all avaifabb channeb il the cha inel Bt. If you do have digital ehannele, the
T\/b also searching for scralnbled chart ie!s, non scrambled e[st _eis,
and eadq s ib d]annel o !hat digital ehan _eL
dentifying Problems
If there ale any problems when using the product, please consult the
its below, If the i[st doe not solve !he plob!em, eai! el Cus!o ter Service Ceter i n nediately,
TV Problems
The TV east be tumed em
Make sum the AC cord }s @ugged }1,
- Check the walt outlet, make sum the AC o l!put works nounaliy and stably,
he dale paue[ nay be ioeked (disabled). Use !he emoe centre!
!o turn oil the T\/,
Se}eet the Keypad bck fcnc ion }i the If\RENTAL eo itre Menu and press OK to iI dleek the ioeking status.
There is _o piet_re or eo_d but the TV ie on a_d there is a "No Sig_aF eig_ or_ esteem
Am yol tryi ig I:ouse ai iuput souce with no devise con lected !o il? br ushg other video/audio dev ee, make sum the extra ia
devise w@ks normally firet, glel _ress INPU ° and choose !he right
Ppl! souem,
]!e Signal lype option may :be set i _eornsly, Go !o page 8 !or
cleta}ie(J [ istr let:re is,
- he chanr!e may be b!a ik, %/to search ti_e ehanl_el aga[_ or
change another channel.
The se_d is fi_% But tim picture ie 9eel.
If you (;an o y ge bask and w e pc u es f_ exte a dev_e
!ha yo i've eol_neeted to yea V, nay}> t s die !o the vdeo
cables }s not connected well, or they am eomleeted wrongly. Check the connection stab}i b first, then check the correc ne_s,
F@AV iripu1:, the yellow vdeo eabie eel _rleets to the yeibw Video Ii_jack on !he side o your \L
I%1 Component nput, the three Y, Pb, PIvideo cables (red, ble, aud gruel) shouk/_e comlee !o the eorn_sponding i_pl! jacks on the side of yes \A
Cheek the anter!ua connec ions, Make sum a[i of the eab!es am
fi/ nly connected !:o 1:is \/jack on side of your %(
iy adj ist} ig the color/eatuF!s to b, peve,
There ie _e eo_ 6 but the piet_re is fi_e_
]!e souid might :be mu!ed, ty _ressing gle MU°E :) it!on to
mslom sound,
F_r using AV or Corn snen , remember !:o connect the device's }e_ and light audio ouput correctly, The ie_!:cha ine! cable is white and the right channel cable is rod, P}ease mash gle eabies and jacks aeeoMbg
!o !heir cobl s.
- The sound selq]gs may not be set eorrediy. Go to [:)age 9/or
X:)r_ i ik)rm81io i,
If youl audio seuroe ias ol}y one ask or is a (Hion@audio source, take sure you bve )lugged !he so in_dol_ ilto the Audo In L jack (whi@ on the ]M
The b@tone o_ the e[de 9arml defft worL
The side panel may be Iosked (disabed) Use the mmee control to
!un_ on the \L
Seieet the K_y[_ad Lock !;sction in the PARENTAL eo itre Menu s@
press OK to uneheek the iocki ig status.
Unplug the \/fionl the AC pay,st for 10 inbut_!s aid then bK[g t hick,
,ln_ the \/on and !ry agab.
The TV tume eft unexpectedly,
- The electronic protection circuit may have men activated because of a pov,rer eurge, %'<@:go _'neonds and then tirl gle \/on agah
If !his la bpe is fn_que it!y, !he voltage il your house fay be ab i@ _al, If the oher electronic equipn ent il yes here can't work i_o tally,
consult a quali ied sewee pmsonnet
Oafft sober a certaB eha_eL
°he elaine! may :be b!oeked or not approved in !he PAREN °AL
centre! Menu.
°ie channe! Hay :be skipped }1 e lan lel list in CHANNEL Menu.
Check the :)lock[ _gand skip@ _g sta!'us of chart leL
The stereo sour@ 9erterma_ee [e bad.
- Itn!ay be aweak st4 on. Uee the AUDIO Menu aid ant AI elog So;@ ae Mole.
A Naek box agpeare on the screen.
Closed captioning might _e on, Cheek C}osed C ipion i_ ,he SETUP
nenu. Go to page 10 for more ilst/le,io is.
ProNerae with the HD_[ ter_eetion,
- Make sure the HDMI dev[e (DVD, vi@_) garrler, etc,) is turned o_ and the cables aref}IIely oen i_d_.
If preblems still occur, turi df your device a@ moon iect it, Reset !he power by u ip igging gle power so@ and plugging [ agai i.
ff a 'No Signal" nessage appears on screen , t_e HDMI cievbe
sift respond ng, Contact the aiart_ tact aer of the iE)Mf device for fudher assista °_ce,
ff yeu have biaci bars on each side efy(xt pbhte (which rues the i\/can !ot display a fl screen mage) !he devce you connected n}gg have a switch era menl o/btion albvyhqg yel to
change the pbtme @ aiity o@pld that will fx this. Cheese either 720p or 108@.
s s
The Remote control doee#t work.
s @
- There may :be an AC power fail ire or !he power cord
i _pluggd in,
Solneth} ig In}ght be _ioek}ng between the rm_,ore eontroi and the
remoe se isor oil the fn;nt panel o! !he ]M Make sue them is a ee_e pail
@ s
°_e mHiote may not be aimed clirec iy at the \L
he bat efies in the mlnote may be weak, de;K, or installed
bcorn_c iy, Put l_ew batteries i the mince,
@ @
Ye_ are experie_ebg 9reMorse with V-¢hig/_are_tal tentroB.
@ @
If tile raing Im[ts don't work, you tusl bek tile setti _gs. Go to !he
Main Meni ( _ress MENU oi_ yoir remete), select Pi\REN 7\L soS'o! !o
check the setti igs,
What eBe ea_ [ do?
s @
If you've been threugh t_e B_ubbshootin 9 section and nothing has
fixed your problem, try reboot n9 yoir T\/,
@ s
Note I:@ a[br a reboot, you may need !:o rut! your ]V threug[! the
seti) preeess attain, To reboot, ilpli 9 gle x:wer cord from ti_e wall
o@ef or power strp,
Keep your T\/ irl@ugged h_r aboit 5 minutes, ]hel plig in ti_e T\/and
!ur/i t on, See if ti_e xoblem is fixed,
If the prebbm ren_ai e, then please vsit tie Customel Sup >rt Me]u a
www, ca,ecru or updated fT_Qs or eo itae RCA C istemer S ippor! a
the s ippor! _lmber prevded yoir W_rranty card,
s s s s
s @ @ @
s @ @ @
@ s s s @
@ @
LED24G45RQ VESA 100 x 75 i M4 screws_ ength 12mm
@ @ s @ s
/ q(_ !e./e 7,} C(i _SVt !/ P u.(dr,';(//es s(/N h ''_ (qtr{,oi7
P;,_ :,7/_ }) )r'/( 'he r?sr;/;y_ sy_A:/:e;,_s b/ 7< F( _ :i'//_/_>;7/rst, r
/ />/ iV(_/ F( }si<tsn Ko/TS / a,,q _'/?( ioSU 7{ a, tO, ,_ '/t'_A
s @ s
s/>es/r_( a /o/7 we ot d e/ ed ][ i O , flTa/ / /o >t/'} ' flTs a//m 9 _ay ca{so
o;s_[]e X) (im, e <ff;;e</?/a
O 4@ s/;/;(e _;_ rUUi<:<9) _,o; ?Va i,,'_s_ ;:'g6 #<ses 6; s,' _ hx>,' s he
€,aft o p ( v@ Tt cab/( _ mr{ ,r{, YTce
@ @ s
s s s
I. Do not set up the wail !neunt by yeursei[, Phase contact
qualified pref,ess[or',als for [nstalBt[o/,
s @
2, ] he iV shoud nc;t be mounted on was er sur[aces wtk;h lave
an anb morn thai i0 degrees w[h ve_¢iual d[rectbn. Otherwise
the iY set may fa[i.
s s
3, The wails for mour@ng Aiuat have enough strer_gth to hokt the wheb weght ef ]V set. F:er exarr ble, cex_'re!e wall and br ekwerk
100 mm
are eiig}bb, Do not place the mount en soft waB such as ea!h walls and plasterboard,
4, If spare parts of differs _tspecificat ons (slch as screws) ale ised during mour@ng consult with q la@ed professionals to
n@ke sure tlese parts ale safe and ef[ective, h, Before attaching the base to wall ensure tie holes for a d_ors
are in keepin!_ with the installng riles. Ot _erwise t_ere nay exist some pc en%[ probbms,
6, De d place any heating source under your tebis[on, Or else, t can cause fire.
7, Do not place the iV near a ?thhg dripping, ira _sducers and h[gl vofta!:e wbs she id be kept far away fror_ the apparahls too, Or ebb it ay cause creep /go, electrk; sho(;k or bid esenaFse,
8, Do not place ff in a k:>uatior_ where collision o _vbration is i[abb to @ppen,
9, I/ orde _ to avoid unexpected fali[ng of tb FV set, do not pit any strong force en ni or wait molnt aber insla rlg,
10. Be stae to ta!::/k_g tie fV bnfore instal ng, Keep anything hard or sharp away fr(:> _1tie screen panel to prove it tie scu[firlg,
! !. After installing, if there is a? nee(] to ffove tb cabinet, phase
cot',tact tb (balified bro,es @rials,
With I.JSB Media Play, you cal enjoy mtsic and te!e files stored
r_ a USB stora@:_ (Mviee on yea RCA iV.
Connecting a USB storage device
Co _neeta t JSB storage devce to the LJSB )oft in the back ef the iV.
Press INPUT and select LISB', "USB Media P}ay" "nenu wi[[ appear
USB 20
Playing baek Photo files
Press arrow (4/_) te sebet "Pheto" and bress "eft.
] he fib or bider list wit show Jp, Press ar'(e,y(_/v) to select a fie
or folder. P@ss "()K' , and yol will be 9[yen several op!k/ts h/view photo files,
You can d}rec!ly epen and playback the fie, View thu'nbna[is ter
phe!e preview, er blay sl deshew,
Playing back Music flies
Press ar'ow (._/_) to select Mac' and press OK',
] he fib er folder }}st w}i[ show ;p. Press arrow{_!_) to seeet a fe
or f _der, Pros "OK' to playback the mlsic fib yel sobered.
Media Suppo,<* Specification
: _ Photo JPGLPEG files , _ Music WAV fss
UaB Storage USB flash drive
Fie System format FAT32
e s
earth ,')<, ro t' 7, <.>ffits 7!/' or <:/tco'tr_et LL:B so (/e d:;,t::e
'<'//: t/sTY:' r,/,d'gba<ki>ks :eo i} sk:
7%/:, iT,(',' r(sa/ /a ibt,,' b,' :i<:;_ ;r :h,/ a,<ie :. ria, ]<'}'7 S )<g9
#:Y,<_, ret:f 7:;/t ×, ao ,,<k;;rt/5; /oi aa} :slaTe<b: to, :)//o77 oi,
(s< t#7 fho {)(}7//'/o,<e? o(v#e
@ @ e s
@ s @ @ @ @ e
@ s @ @ @ @
@ s @ @
@ @ @ @ s
e @ @ @
Diagonal Display Size i 24 inctles
television ystem [ )U C/NTSCsytem Channel Coverage : VHF : 2-.1{4 UHF : 144;9
, CATV: 1.135
Temperature , -20(:--+60_: -4<'.+140 <'
Power Supply AC100-120V,60Hz
Conn_,ctbn ViSe input Component × 1 I,t_.rrc_ HDM × 1
B,sobtion 1920 × 1080 Compoi]ei}iHDML mode 480]: 4;gp;7?0p; 10Sail 10Sap :
Dimensions Without
Weight Without
] Ameri+s TV standard
Storage Temperature is
Operating Temperaklre is 0(>+50(: +32 <' . +122 <'
StorageHurqktity: Lessthan85%RH (Nocondensation)
OperatiorlHumidih Lessthan80%RH (Nocondensation)
RF input Cable/Antenna ×1
Audio input AV × 1, PC Audio irlx 1 Audiooutput Headphone×L DigitalAudio Out × 1
Withstand 22.4"W × 14iPH × £7'D
stand 22.4%' × 13.3'}1 × 2.6'9
With stand 6.6LBS 3.0KGS stand 6.2LBS(2.8KGS)
Power Consumption less ttlan 26W
},i<:te, _,'r}ee),i4:/,7/¢ (:,)ha de1%'n i> ; i_,e) o e/<_/tT' t>i,/et/,
@ @
©overage _ Labor e For a period ef 12 nenths frorn date of purchase of your RCA e brecl ct, we wit pay at! a ;!herized RCA se,<v}<e center the laber
charge to tepah" any defects rl "natetia[s or work'r!ansh p in y@t
tebvis on, f put telnv sion is ;nrepairable we will previde you with a
refurbbhed l°tt of the same or better model.
s ©o_emge - Pa_
For a period of 12 "no ghs from date of purchase of your RCA e broduct, we will pay an autherked RCA servbe center for the
e _ew,or at mr option tell rbished replacement harts needed to
repair any de!sots in rnateria or wo@ nanship in your televsbn, ff
yola teievision is ;nrtpaira[bb we w provide you with a reflabished
J![t of the sa'ne or }better "r!ode. e
s @overage LED LOD Par!! e For a I:>er[od of 12 mort1 /s from date of @ re rose of ys;r PC!\ e bred sot, we wiil bay a_ aldherized RCA ._::ervce center for the
e new, (:aat our option, efurbished [ ED CD pane -teeded to repar e any defects in matetiai or workma shp in yol;l television, If ymr e tebvis}on s I mepab_bb we wil previde you wth a refill )ished irlt
e of the saree er be!ter medel,
How to Obtah So.be ¢
e For asdsl:anee (U,S,A) if you pure iased RCA pred ;of P e U,S,A, _iease call ! 8889/76722.
@ Or ViSi Www.ma.coFi @
e e e
]-he sew}ee representative will F!view your options br service, As a eolwenience we offer three ways I:o obtain wananty service, You may mail your pro(:uet to the address _revided by the smv[ce
repress itative, you may take your _reduct 1:o an aulhorzed service
een er, or you m w request in hene service (:_erv[cer wit detentl[ue if
plodue s serviceable in home or must be taken back to local service
center h_r repah), Service mprese itat[ve will supply bstructious for
pre[÷!rred service, At the tree of service proof of pure iase sd_ as
oliginal recept, will be required. Ony 3/'" CD size a@ above an! appl[cab!e for i i-honle-sew ee,
bms Not Covered By Limited Warranty
Your limited wananty does not cover the [ollowing items:
U i insta[iatbn, iustaliation and adj is,rnent o e;stomer eontro,s ind
opmat ng instruction,
Batteries ahd e £oleer repiaeelnen fuses Damage doe to !dsuse, abuse, negiige ice or l_egi@;t illduding h;t, not
filnit<<fto, damage @sulti igfrom exF sure to moistcre, ium[dity or sat Inab}i}ty I:o receive a s}g _aldue to proUems not caused by the _reduet,
Damage to the produe due to images bun_ }ire the screen. Produat p; chased or serv eed o dsicie of Co>by of Origbal
P ;rch88e. i,e, Purchased USA can not be smv[ced Mexh;o/Pl chased in
Mexic.o san uo,+be serviced ii USA, Product modified or incolpolated iito o,her _io lue<e,
Daalage due to acts of nature, ine!uding but i_o, limit .d to,} gh,:n}n /
damage or fbodi ig,
Selv ee eais w_eh do _ot involve a@ ebdeet n ateliab o
workr:s iship.
Oommemial Use [xeladed
hb linted warranty ou}y appies to products ised for persona[ lse and does l!ot cover any predtct bsed for nstitu bnal, eo!tln_ercial or
re/al pug)oses,
F(Ln /7 t q(J !77 _, (:t FO'# f)Ja(qn, px/_f,r _gcs 76 7
87_S and i/ss(f iied?_ #ssnss J:}y ON Corporation
c b
b e t Q
@ ¢ @ @ @
Durante ul pefiodo de 12 mess desde ia fecla de co 18ra de su
predueto PC!\, pagammos a un eenlm au1:or}zado de sew}do de RCA
el cargo de mane de obm pare repalar eua[qub ddeco el nlatm[ales
¢ @
o nano de obra en e! te!evison
S} su teiev}sor es }reparabie que le _roporemmra ula ul_ciad
maeondidonada del m[smo modelo o s lperior.
@ @
Oebertu_a I Reea_bbe
Dun]rite ul pefiodo de 12 moses desde ia fecla de compra cie su
predudo RC/\, pagammos a un cenlre a@:orizado de sewBo de RCA
pala un menlp!azar ya sea con tortes nuevas o leacondiconadas, o a
nuesl:ra optic i, pare repaint e lalquier deleeto del material o nano de
obra el e! televisor.
@ @
S[ su te}evbor es irmparabb que le prepom onara ula u lidad
macor@ieionada dd misleo modelo o s ;perioh
Paael de @ebertura%_ LeD
@ @
Duran e tin periodo de ! 2 mess desde ia festa de co npra de su
plodueto RCA, pagammos un ee itre autorizado de se_vdo de PC!\
para un em_,p!azar ia pantala LED It}D, ya sea son mntslia nueva o
maeondieionada, o a westra option, pare mpalar eualqGer del_!eto del
ta mial o mane de obra en la panta[ia cie su te!evsor. Si su teievb@
@ @
es reparabe que fe pre:)oreionara una u_dad maco @[c[o mda cle!
tkmo Inodelo o euper or
@e_e Obtener Servieie
@ @
I:>am as[stenda en Eslados UnUos (E.U.A) si scrape ;n _r)_e_ o Re!\
ei E,U.A, hvor deflama/al: ! 8889776722
o vdte: wwwm.a.eom
El mpresentante de Servido rev[sara sus opciones para el smvieio, Para sc comodidad fe ofreeemes tres forts de obeN@ S@V[C[Ode
garan ia.
e Ueted puede enviar !'u producto a ia direccio i >ro[>orciona(ia por
el representan e cie eervisio, usted >uede Ifevar su >reducto i ul e ee_re de eervicio au!:@kado, o >ue[e eolici,:ar en e! eervicio a e domic[b (adm[r!istrador deter ninara ÷;i e[ xoduc o se encue itm en
s fu @onanlie ito en casa o dnbe set flevado cie vue!ta a smv[c[o local e tecrlico para _l repa acion)
El repress itante del Serv[do ie _lopore[o lara las i _shuedones pare el e
servicio pre mk o,
Se requ[ere del eolrlprobante de eompra original
Solo se ies data sewcie i Don ieifio a eevisores cie 87 " p igadas de
!anFl_K) y n@s gr;:tlides,
" Elernentos no cub[ertos [.)or la garant[a lim[tada Su
garantia limitada no cubre los siguierltes temas:
@ e U _ilstalac'k:>n, norltaje y ajuste de co _tro,es dei t'iie _te
e e instrt cciones de ft rxhbr_ambnte,
f as biias y les fl s[b!e:_ de repl este al el erlte, i)anos )(:)/;so _debido, abl;so r_eglgere;ia e desel;ide
e inc!l yende pex:_ ne !irriitade a, es danes (b vades
de la exposb e _a ia hl;'nedad, la hl;medad o la sat f <;apacidad )ara recibir fa senal debide a os preb emas
@ @e Y) SO) cat]sadas per el pFed ]C e, s Danes e°t el preducte debido a as maoenes de <jrabadas
s erl la panta ia, @ _ _oduotos cenDiades e prestar SeFV(los fuera dei :)as
e de compra et[gi _a, e El: Cemprado en E.tao.s t]nidosne pl;ede presta' @ so@ cios en Mexico/So r)prade eB Mexhb rio blJede
e presta/serv Ckb:_ eq r ,ta. s v, _ ) _. e
s _'"
Ptoduotos rnodifbades o hooKpo@des a etros p,reduotos, Danes (: ebidos a fenomenes (:e la nat n}eza, [nciuyendo
bore no bnitado a, danes )or raps o n sn(:ac[ones,
as Bmadas de servicio qle _(:>i/apl[ql erl eua qubr
de!eete et "nate@ies 0 "narle (Je obra.
Uae Oo_ereial [xehder_ sta garanth iimitsda see se aplica a ios p_od_ ctos di za,qes
pata _se )ersorsl o, y r:e c;bre todos os pred_ chbs _tiiizSos con
fines sttuciena[es, eemetda[es o de alquibr.
CORP EE.UU,, Ine,, e! k/briean e de estepreduefo, udiaza e ialquier eta gas/l_tia, _msada o ira@ cada (INCLUYENDO ODAS LAS GAf_ANTIAS IMPLICI 7\S DE COMERCIAL
I/ACION O IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPOSI O I:>/\R ICUlAR). NO h_h;m adol! vmbal o escrita _or _ar!e
CORP DE EE.UU,, Ine,, sis agen ee, contratk as
Pciependbn es, nT_msen al_tes de ve itas, empleados,
eomereial!tes ininoristas, mayolistaq o nLislq@eroto temere
DI-R[ftAN crer una garan ia ii aurae ital, Al!lpiiar o
n odifear el alealae cie eta gara@a ihnitada. Es[a CAftAN IA LIMI 7\f)A DEL UNICO Y fXCLUSIVe REMEDIO
PARA EL CONSUMIDOR DE REPARACION O REEMH AZO DEL PRODUCrO, EN CORP EEUU,, Ins, ue sma responsabb per danes espeeiales, incidentaies o
eonsecuentes ms iltautes DEL USe DEL PRODUerO O
DERIVADOS DE UNA VIOla\CION gamntia expresa o bpfieita de este _mdue1:o.
BSfT\ GARANTIA I IMI]g\DA Y RESPONSABII IDADES eontenida el e! se rige pol las Leyes de! E<Iado de Indiana. gAI vePROHIfTIDO POR
Pi\R] ICUI/\R [ S[7\RA LIMITADA A LIMITAIDA pnriodo de gs antia (S)
mendonado antefiounenlm. B'ta gamnt}a fedolga dmeehoe legales espedfieoe y UP<rED TAMBIEN PU[DE ]ENER O]ROB DEREOHOB, QUE PUEDEN VARIAR DE [:,gTADO.
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