Keepthis bookfor lateruse.
esure yourovenisinstalledandgroundedprop-
erlyby a qualifiedtechnician.
!ways use care when touching oven heating
elements or inside the oven. Heating elements
couJdbe hot enoughto burn you evenifthey are
darkincolor. The ovenvent duct and oven door
mayalso becomehotduring oven use.
Always keep the appliance area clear and free
from things that will burn, gasoline and other
flammablevapors and liquids.
Always changeoven rackpositionswhile ovenis
After broiling,alwaystakethebroilerpanoutofthe
oven and clean it. Leftovergrease in the broiler
pancan catch on fire nexttime you usethe pan.
Always usedry pot holderswhen removingpans
from the oven. Moist or damp potholders can
causesteam burns.
Always use care when opening oven door. Let
hotair and steam out before moving
Always follow cleaning instructionsin this book.
each children not to play with oven controls or
nyother part of the oven.
Always removethe broilerpanand other utensils
fromthe oven before a self-clean cycle.
‘ DON’T...
Nevertryto repairor replaceany partoftheoven
unlessinstructionsaregiveninthisbook. Allother
workshould bedoneby a skilledtechnician.
Never heatunopenedfoodcontainers. Pressure
build up may make container burst and cause
Never leavejars orcans of fat or drippingson or
nearthe oven. Never letgrease buildup on your
oven. You can keep grease fires from startingif
you clean up grease and spills after each oven
Never use aluminum foil to line oven
bottoms. Improperuse of foil could starta fi(e.
Never block free airflowthroughthe ovenvent.
Never tryto move a pan of hot fat, especiallya
deepfat fryer. Wait untilthe fat hascooled.
Never leavechildren aloneor unattendedwhere
anoven is in use.
Never use your oven for warming or heating a
room. Such use can be dangerous and can
damageoven pans.
Never wear loosefitting or hanging clotheswhile
using your oven. Such clothes could-catch fire
andcause serious injury.
Never use a towel or other bulky cloth as a pot
holder. Such clothes could catch fire on a hot
Never storethings in an oven.
Never rub, move or damage the door gasket on
self-cleaningovens. The gasket is essentialfor a
good seal. Only clean the gasket by soaking it
with hydrogen peroxide, as described in the self-
clean section ofthis manual..
usewaterona greasefire-it willonly
move the pan.