Checkwithyourlocal utilitiesforelectricai codeswhichapplyinyour
area. if there are no kxal codes,the Nafional Electrical Code,
~a- ANS1/NFPANo.70-1987must befollowecf.Youcanget acopyby
—.— .,.——
National Fire ProtectionAssociation
5attetymarch Park
An adequateelectrical supply and outlet mustbe usedto operate
the electrical parts of your oven, The oven cord hasthree prong
plugand mustbe used with a properly groundedthree holeoutlet
with a standard 120volt, 60 cycleAC householdcurrent.
Instalitheelec!ricaloutlet belowtheovenon the rightside. Itshould
be easily reached through cabinet doors below the oven, See
Thepreferredmethodofelectricalhook-upisshowninFig.2. Ifyou
do not have a grounded (three hole) outlet, have a qualifi~d
eiect~icianchange your old outlet or install a newone,
Agroundingadapter plug maybe usedto convert atwo holeoutlet
to athree hole untilagrounded outletcan beinstalled. SeeFigure
3. This should be done only temporarily and only if the two hole
outletis properly polarized andgrounded. Havea qualified electrician test the outlet to be sure it meets all requirements.
Always unplug the oven cord before making anyelectrical repairs
to the oven. When unplugging the oven, always grasp the plug,
neverthe cord. Never use an extensioncord to connectthe oven
to the electrical supply.
FIG. 2
@ ,
0 0“ ‘..
FIG. 3
notoperatethe bwmwsofthlscwm when
wing fW. @ottkdJ gas imfom mnvmting
the prwmm rfaguiakw and burner orifices
for L.P. gas usage.
You must foilow kmai codes when installing your built-in oven.
Checkwith your local utilitiesfor codes andordinancesthat appiy
in your area.
If there are no local codes, you must foilow the
NationalFuelGas CodeANSi/Z225.l -1W?4andAddendaZ223.12-
1987. YOUcan get a capy bywriting:
American Gas Association
1515Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, (Flossiyn),VA22209
Ifthe oven isto ba installedin a mobilehome,the installationmust
conformtothe l’vianufactur~dHomeConstructionandSafetyStandard, Title 24, HUD, Part 3280 or, when not applicable, the
Standard for Manufactured Home installations 19$2 (Manufactured HomeSites, CommunitiesandSet-ups),ANSi A225.I -1984,
orwith localcodes. Youcangetacopyof the FederalStandardby
Office of Mobile HomeStandards
HUD Building
451 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C.24010
Thegas supply mustbe shutoff before removing anold ovenand
stay off until the hookup of the new oven is finished. You should
knowwhere your main gas shut off valve is located.
iVeverreuse an oid connector when installing a new oven.
Besure nostrain isputonthe connectingiineassembly. Toprevent
gasleaks,put apipejoint compoundwhichresiststhe actionofLP.
gas on the male (outside) threads only.
Use 1/2”gas inlet pipe. The hole for the gas inlet pipe should be
8-1/4” right of the center iine ofthe cabinet (see Figure 4) and.23”
behindthe front surfac.eof the cabinet. Connecta l/2’’ couplingto
the inletpipe. Thetopof the coupling shouldbeabout2-1/2’’above
the bottom edgeof the cutout opening (see Figure 4). Beforeyou
put the oven into the cabinet opening, connect the
shut-offvalvetothecoupling(seepointA inFigure4).
This valve
is supplied with the oven and is wire-tied to the backof the unit.
Put the oven into the cabinet. Remove the storage drawer. The
oven door may be removed before inserting the oven into the
cabinetto lessen the weight. Seethe instructions inthe Care and
Cleaning section of the Use and Care Manual.
Whenthe oven is in place, reachthrough the accessopwiing and
connect the oven tubing to the reducer shut off valve (see point B
inFigure5). Usea5/8”wrench to turnthe fitting. Tightenthe fitting
snugly but do not force it. Forcing could damage the fitting and
tubing and cause leaking.
Applyasoap solution to all connections in the supplyline, manifold
andoven to test for gas leaks. Do not use anopen flame to !ookfcx
leaks. Bubbleswill form where anygasisleaking. Turn offthemain
gassupplybefore youtryto stopa leak. Mterali Ieaksare stopped,
turn on the gas supply and recheck all connections for leaksbefore
lighting burners.
Ni leaks must be before any
After electrical and gas connections havebeen made,p!acwaspirit
level cm one of the oven racks and make sure oven is level. If
necessary, adjust leg levelers (see page 6).
Usea 1/8”drill bitto drill hcdesinthe cabinet frcmt,through the holes
intheoven sidetrim. %curethe oven inthe cabirwt with the screvvs