RCA J22DE220 User Manual

User Manual
Model: J22DE220
Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read the manual completely.
Please keep this manual for future reference.
Table of Contents
Important Safety Instructions............... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................. ....... 1
Important Notice ........ ....... ..................................... ....... .............................. ....... ....... ......................4
Preparations . ....... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................5
Identification of Controls ............... ....... ..................................... ....... .............................. ....... ....... 7
Connections........ ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................1 0
Basic Operations....................... ....... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................. ....... ......1 3
Getting Started .............................. ....... ..................................... ....... .............................. ....... ....... ..14
USB (Multimedia) Menu........ ....... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................. ....... ...........22
Troubleshooting.............................. ....... ....... .............................. ....... ..................................... ....... .24
Specifications.............................. ....... ..................................... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .....25
Wall mounting operation ....... ....... .............................. ....... ....... .............................. ....... .......................26
Important Safety Instructions
Elect rical e nergy can perform m any useful functi ons, but it can also ca use per sonal inju ries an d property d amage i f improperly handled. This pro duct ha s been engin eered a nd manufac tured w ith the highest pri ority on safety. But IMPR OPER USE CAN RESULT IN POT ENTIAL ELECTRICAL SHO CK OR FIRE HAZARD. In o rder to prevent pot ential danger, ple ase obs erve the fol lowin g instructions wh en installing, op erating and clean ing the p roduct. To ensure your saf ety and prolong the s ervice life of y our TV produ ct, please read the f ollow ing precau tions c arefully b efore u sing the product.
1. Read t hese in structions--- All operating ins tructions must be r ead and understoo d befor e the produc t is oper ated.
2. Keep t hese in structions--- These safety and op erating instruc tions must be kept in a s afe pla ce for futur e refer ence.
3. Heed a ll warn ings---A ll warn ings on the product a nd in the instructi ons must be observe d close ly.
4. Foll ow all in structio ns--- All operat ing ins tructions must be f ollowed.
5. Do not u se this a pparatus n ear wat er---for exampl e, near a bathtub,
washb owl, ki tchen sink, or laun dry tub, in a wet basem ent, or near a swimmi ng pool, and the li ke. Do not us e immed iately after movi ng from a low tempera ture to high tempe ratur e environment, as t his causes conden sation, which may r esult i n fire, elect ric sho ck, or other hazard s. The app aratu s shall not be expose d to dripping or spla shing a nd that no obj ects fille d with li quids, such as vase s, shall be placed on t he apparatus.
6. Clea n only wi th dry cloth ---Un plug this product f rom the wall outlet b efore cleaning. Do n ot use liquid clean ers or aerosol clea ners. Use a damp clot h for cleaning.
7. Venti latio n---Do not block an y ventilation ope nings. Install in a ccordance with th e manuf acturer instruc tions. The v ents and oth er open ings in the ca binet are des igned f or ventilation. D o not cover or block th ese vents and openi ngs since i nsuffici ent ventilation c an caus e overheat ing and /or shorte n the lif e of the produ ct. Do no t place the product o n a bed, sofa, rug or oth er similar surfac e, since t hey can b lock ventilatio n openings. This produ ct is not d esigned fo r built in insta llati on; do not place the pr oduct in an enclose d place such as a bookc ase or rack , unles s proper ventilat ion is provided or th e manufacturer' s instructions are fol lowed .
8.Hea t sourc es---Do not insta ll near any heat sour ces such as radiato rs, hea t registers, s toves, or other app aratus (includi ng amplifiers) th at produce heat.
9.Gro undin g or Polariz ation ---Do not de feat th e safety purpose of t he polarized or gro unding-type plu g. A polari zed plug has two b lades w ith one wider than th e other. A grounding typ e plug ha s two blades a nd a thir d groundin g prong . The w ide blade or the thi rd prong are provid ed for your safety. If the pr ovide d plug does no t fit int o your outle t, cons ult an electricia n for rep lacem ent of the obsolete o utlet.
10.Po wer cor d protection--- Protect the power c ord from being walk ed on or pinched part icula rly at plugs , conve nience recep tacle s, and the point wher e they exit from the ap paratus. NOTE: w here th e mains plug or an appl iance coupler is us ed as the disconnec t devic e, the disco nnect d evice shal l remai n readily oper able.
11.Attachme nts---Only use at tachments/acc essories specif ied by the manufact urer. Do n ot use attac hment s not recom mende d by the manufactur er. Use of improper at tachments can res ult in accidents.
Important Safety Instructions (Continued)
12. Sta nd--- Use only with the car t, stand, tripod, b racket, or table sp ecified by the
manuf actur er, or sold with the app aratus. Do not plac e the product on an uns table troll ey, stand, tr ipod or table. Plac ing the p roduct on an u nstab le base can ca use the produ ct to fal l, resulting inse rious personal in juries as well as dam age to th e product. When mo untin g the product on a wall , be sure to follow the m anufacturer's i nstructions. Use onl y the mou nting hardware re commended by the ma nufacturer.
13. Mov e caref ully---When a car t is used, use cautio n when moving the car t/apparatus combi natio n to avoid injury fro m tip-over. Sudden s tops, excessive f orce an d uneven floor s urfac es can cause the prod uct to fall from the tr olley. Never a ttemp t to move the TV unless the AC po wer cor d has been dis conne cted.
14. Lig htnin g---Unpl ug this a pparatus during l ightning storms o r when unused for lon g perio ds of tim e. For add ed prot ection for this tel evision equipme nt during a lightni ng stor m, or when it is left un atten ded and unused for lo ng periods of time, u nplug it from the wal l outle t and disco nnect t he antenna. This will pr event d amage to the e quipm ent due to lig htnin g and power-line s urges.
15. Ser vicin g---Refer all ser vicing to qualifi ed service person nel. Se rvicing is r equir ed when the ap parat us has been damaged in any wa y, such as powe r-supply cord or pl ug is dam aged, liqu id has be en spilled or objec ts have fallen into t he apparatus, the apparatus ha s been exposed to rai n or moisture, does n ot operate normal ly, or h as been d ropped.
16. Rep lacem ent parts---In ca se the product need s replacement par ts, make sure that th e servi ce person us es repla cemen t parts specified b y the manufacture r, or those with the sam e characteristi cs and pe rformanc e as the origi nal par ts. Use of unauthor ized parts can resu lt in fire, electri c shock and/or othe r dange r.
17.Ov erloa ding---D o not ove rload wall outlet s, extension cord s, or convenience r ecept acles on oth er equi pment as thi s can res ult in a ri sk of fire or electri c shock.
18.En terin g of objects a nd liqu ids---Ne ver ins ert an object into th e product through v ents or openings. H igh voltage flows in the pr oduct , and inserting an ob ject can cause elec tric shock and/or s hort in ternal par ts. For t he same reas on, do no t spill water o r liqui d on the product.
19.Da mage re quiring service ---If any of the foll owing condition s occurs, unplug th e power c ord from the AC o utlet , and reque st a qual ified service per son to perform repa irs. a. When t he powe r cord or plug is damag ed. b. When a l iquid i s spilled on the prod uct or when objects h ave fallen into the p roduc t. c. When t he prod uct has been expose d to rain or water. d. When t he prod uct does not operat e properly as descr ibed in the operati ng inst ructions . Do not to uch the c ontrols other tha n those described i n the operating ins tructions. Impr oper ad justment o f contr ols not descr ibed in t he instructions c an cause damage, wh ich often require s exten sive adjus tment w ork by a quali fied te chnician. e. If the p roduc t has been dropped or t he cabinet has been d amaged in any way. f. When t he prod uct displays an abn ormal condition o r exhibits a distin ct chan ge in perfor mance . Any not iceab le abnormality in the pr oduct i ndicates that the p roduct needs serv icing.
20.Sa fety ch ecks---Upon com pletion of servic e or repair work, req uest the service te chnic ian to perfo rm safe ty check s to ensu re that the product i s in proper operati ng condition.
21.Wall or c eiling mou nting ---When mo untin g the produc t on a wall o r ceiling, b e sure to i nstall the produc t according to the met hod rec ommended by the man ufacturer. This is a safe ty feat ure.
Important Safety Instructions (Continued)
22. Pow er sour ce---This produ ct is intended to be su pplied by a listed po wer sup ply indica ted on th e marking la bel. If y ou
are not s ure of th e type of power suppl y to your home, consu lt your product dea ler or local power co mpany. For ad ded prote ction f or this product dur ing a lightning sto rm, or when it is left un attended and unus ed for lo ng periods o f time, u nplug it from th e wall ou tlet and disconne ct the cable system . Thi s will pr event dama ge to the p roduct due t o light ning and power line surge s. When t he unit has to be used wi th another power su pply voltage, the p ower ca ble must be ch anged . Consult yo ur produ ct deal er. Th e socke t outlet sho uld be in stalled ne ar the eq uipment an d easil y accessible. Use o nly the power cord desig nated b y our dealer to ensur e safety and EMC. Whe n connecting othe r produ cts such as VC Rs and pe rsonal com puter s, you sho uld tur n off t he power of the unit fo r prote ction agai nst ele ctric shoc k.
23.Pa nel pro tection- --The d isplay panel used i n this product is mad e of glass. There fore, i t can break when the pr oduct is dropped or i mpacted upon by oth er obje cts. Be care ful not t o be injured by broke n glass pieces in cas e the display panel b reaks .
24.Pi xel def ect---The displ ay panel is a very high t echnology produ ct, giv ing you fine ly deta iled pictu res. Oc casional ly, a few non-a ctive p ixels may appear on t he screen as a fixed po int of blue, green or r ed. Ple ase note tha t this do es not affect the perfo rmanc e of your product.
WARNING: For co ntinued safety, appar atus wi th class I con struc tion shall b e conne cted to a main s socke t outlet with a prote ctive e arthing connect ion.
Important Notice
About Temperature
About After-Image
Do not us e in hot an d cold rooms ( locat ions)
● When th e unit is u sed in rooms (locat ions) with low temp erature, the pict ure may
leave trails o r appear slightly d elayed. Th is is not a malf uncti on, and the un it will
recov er when t he temperature re turns to normal.
● Do not le ave the u nit in a hot or cold loca tion. Also, do not lea ve the unit in a locati on
exposed to dir ect sunlight or nea r a heater, as this may ca use the cabinet to de form
and the t o malfu nction.
● Stora ge temp erature: 32°F to +1 22°F
● Working tempera ture: 41°F to +104° F
The ext ended u se of fixed image pro gram material can c ause a permanent af ter-i mage
on the sc reen.
This ba ckgro und image is viewab le on normal progra ms in the form of a stati onary f ixed
image. This type of i rreversible scr een det eriorati on can be l imited by ob servi ng the
follo wing st eps:
A. Redu ce the br ightness/cont rast setting to a min imum viewing leve l.
B. Do not d ispla y the fixed image for e xtended periods o f time.
C. Turn th e power o ff wh en not in actual use.
Important Info rmati on Regarding Use of Vid eo Game s, Computers,
Captions or Othe r Fixed I mage Displays.
● Do not al low a sti ll picture to be disp layed for an extend ed period, as this ca n cause a
perma nent af ter-image to rema in on the screen.
Examp les of st ill pictures incl ude logos, video ga mes, computer ima ges, te letext and
images displ ayed in 4:3 mode.
Cleaning and Maintenance
● The permanent aft er-image on the scr een res ulting fro m fixed i mage use is no t an
operating de fect and as such is not c overed by the warra nty.
● This product is not d esigned to displa y fixed i mages for ex tende d periods of t ime.
Do not le t image s display in 4 :3 mode f or extende d perio ds of time.
To clean this unit, wi pe with a soft, dry clo th.
If the su rface s are extremely dir ty, us e a soft cloth dipped i n a soap an d water solu tion or
a weak de terge nt solution.
● Use eye glass c leaner to remove st ubborn dirt from th e screen.
● Never u se alco hol, paint thinne r or benzine to clean t his unit.
● Befor e using a c hemically treat ed cloth, read the in structions that c ame with the
cloth c arefu lly.
Using the Remote Control
■ Use the r emote c ontrol by pointin g it towards the remo te sensor window of t he set. Ob jects b etween the remote c ontrol and sensor w indow may prevent p roper opera tion.
16 feet
Cauti ons reg arding use o f remot e control
■ Do not ex pose th e remote control to s hock. In addition , do not expose the rem ote contr ol to liq uids, and do not plac e in an area with high hu midity.
■ Do not in stall o r place the remote co ntrol under direc t sunlight. The heat may c ause de formatio n of the un it.
■ The remote contro l may not work proper ly if the r emote sens or wind ow of the main u nit is un der direct s unlig ht or strong lighting. In s uch a case, change th e angle of the lighti ng or the TV set , or operate t he remo te control c loser t o the remote senso r windo w.
Installing the Batteries
If the re mote co ntrol fails to oper ate the TV fun ctions, re place t he batteri es in the r emote cont rol.
1 Open th e batte ry cover.
2 Inser t two siz e AA batteries.
■ (Plac e the bat teries with their t erminals corres ponding to the (+)
and (- ) indicati ons in th e battery co mpart ment.)
3 Repla ce the co ver.
Precaution on battery use
● Dispo se of batteries i n a designat ed disposal are a.
● Batte ries should alw ays be dispo sed of with the env ironment i n min d. Always rec ycle or disp ose o f batterie s in accordance
with ap plicable l aws a nd regulat ions.
● Impro per use of batter ies can resu lt in a leakage of ch emicals an d/o r explosio n. Be sure to fo llo w the instru ctions below.
1. Plac e batteries wit h their term inals corresp onding to th e (+) a nd (-) indic ations.
2. Differe nt types of batte ries have di ffe ren t characte ristics. Do not m ix batteri es of d iff erent type s.
3. Do not m ix old and new b att eries. Mix ing old and new bat teries can s hor ten the life o f new batter ies a nd/or caus e old batteries
to leak c hemicals .
4. Remo ve batteries as s oon as they ar e non-operabl e. Chemica ls th at leak from b atteries c an ca use a rash. If c hemical leaka ge is
found , wipe with a cl oth .
5. If the r emote control i s not used for a n extended peri od of time, re mov e the batter ies from the remo te control .
6. The batte ries (battery p ack of batte rie s installe d) shall not b e exp osed to exce ssive heat such a s sunshine , fir e or the like.
Preparations (Continued)
Antenna Connection
INSTAL L the unit in a ro om wher e direct light will not fal l upon th e screen. Total da rknes s or a refl ection on the picture
screen may cause e yestr ain. Soft and indirect li ghtin g is recommended for comfortab le view ing.
Optimal pictur e recep tion requires good sign al and wi ll generally mean that an a mplif ied antenna must be used.
The exact type and p ositi on of the antenna will depe nd upon y our particular area.
It is rec ommended that t he 75-ohm co axial cable be us ed to elimin ate i nterfere nce and nois e whi ch may occur d ue to radio wave
condi tions.
The ant enna cable s hou ld not be bund led with the powe r cord and the l ike .
If the an tenna is not inst alled prop erly, con tact your de aler for assist ance.
Power Connection
Insert the AC plug into a conve nient ly located AC outlet.
This pr oduct s hould be operated o nly from the type of po wer source indica ted on th e marking la bel.
Alway s unplu g the AC cord f rom power outlet wh en not using for a long p eriod of time.
Identification of Controls
Main Unit (control panel)
Press t his button t o turn the unit ON from S TAND BY mo de. Press it a gain to turn t he set back to S TAND BY.
To access I NPUT SOURCE menu
3. M ENU Press t his button t o acces s the menu mai n page.
4. C H+/-
Press t hese two but tons to d irectly ch ange the TV chann el; In menu o peration s, thes e buttons se rve as up/do wn buttons .
5. V OL+/-
Press t he VOL+ or VOL - butt on to dir ectly incr ease or decr ease the sou nd volume le vel; In menu o peration s, thes e buttons se rve as right /left butt ons.
Funct ions of CH+/-, V OL+/- , MENU, S OURCE and STANDB Y are a lso provid ed to the r emote cont rol. This op eration manua l provides a descri ption base d on operati ng functio ns with the remote co ntrol.
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