RCA G35851, F35760 Owner's Manual

C 0
This symbol indicates
"dangerous voltage" inside
the product that presents a riseof electric shock or
A This symbol indicates
important instructions
accompanying the product.
To reduce the risk of fire or shock hazard, do not
expose this TV to rain or moisture.
Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock, match w!de blade of plug to wide slot, fully insert.
Attention: Pour dviter les chocs dlectriques, intrOduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la
borne corresp0ndante de la prise et pousser jusqd au fond. "
Refer to the identification/rating.label located on the back
panel of your product for its proper operating Voltage.
FCC Regulations state that unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment may void the user's authority
to operate it.
If fixed (non-moving) images are left on the screen for long peri- ods, they may be permanently imprinted on the screen. Such
images include network Iogos, phone numbers, and video games. This damage is not covered by your warranty. Extended viewing of channels displaying these images should be avoided.
This reminder is provided to call your attention to Article 820-40 of the National Electrical Code (Section 54 of the Canadian
Electrical Code, Part 1)which provides guidelines for proper
grounding and, in particular, spe(_ifies that the cable ground , shall be connected to the grounding system ofthe building as
closeto the point of cable entry as practical.
.- .
First Things •First ....................................... ...... 3
Using the Menu System ........................................... 7
The Menu Rule: Point and Select ............................ " 8
What is Point and Select? ........................................................... _......... 8
Menus and Control Panels ................................................................. 10
Interactive Setup .................................................... 15
Entering Setup i ....................................... ._............................................ 16
Auto Channel Search ......................................... ,................... .....-_..... 16
Set the Time .......................... . ............................................................. .,17
Label the Channels ................... ............................................ .............. 18
Set the VCR1 Channel ......................................................................... 19
Set the DVDNCR2/LD .................... -........................... .......................... 20
Set the DSS/CABLE Channel .......................................................... ....21
Programming the Remote ..................................... 23
About Programming the Remote ...,................................................. 24
Programming the Remote to Control a VCR .................................... 24
Programming the Remote to Control a Laserdisc Player ........ . ...... 26
Programming the Remote to Control an Audio Device: ................ 26
Programming the Remote to Control a ProScan, RCA,
orGE Brand DSS®Receiver .......................................................... 27
Programming the Remote to Control a Satellite
or Cable Box ................................................................................. 27
Using the Remote to Conti'ol a Device .............................................. 28
Tour of the TV .......................................................... 29
Remote Buttons ............................ ,...................................................... 30
Back Panel ............ ;........................................................................ i...... 32
Front Panel ............................ _.............................................................. 34
Channel Marker ................................................................................... 35
Quick Reference ...................................................... 37
,Audio Menu ............................. ...... ...................................................... 38
Picture Quality Menu .......................................................................... 39
:Screen Menu ......................... ,.............................................................. 40
'Time Menu ............................................................................................ 41
Channel Menu .................................. :................................................... 42
Setup,. ............... ............................................ _............................. _.......... :45
Advanced Features ... ............................................. 47
PIP (Picture-in-Picture) Operation .............. ......................... :............. 48
Closed Captioning .................................... .................................. ........ 50
On-screen_Program Details ..:..................... ......................... ............... 52
Choosing an Audio Processor ......... ......................................... ......... 53
Appendix C: Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix A: TV Connections ................................. 55
Things to Do Before Connecting Components ......... .............. _......,55
TV and MONO VCR (Connection A) ............. ..................................... 56
TV and STEREO VCR (Connection B) ._............................................... 57
TV, VCR and Laserdisc Player (Connection C) .................................. 58
TV and (2) VCRs (Connection D) ........................................................ 59
TV and Laserdisc Player(Connection E)............................................. 61
TV and DSSe Receiver (Connection F) ........... ................................ _...62
TV, VCR, and DSS®Receiver (Connection G) .................................... 63
TV, VCR, DSS®Receiver, and Easerdisc Player (Connection H) ....... 64
TV, (2)VCRs; and DSS®Receiver (Connection I) ............. :................. 66
Appendix B: Connecting Other Components ...... 68
Connecting External Speakers ..................... .......... _.......................... 68
Connecting Audio Components ....................................... -................ 69
Connecting a Camcorder ............................................ ....................... 70
Troubleshooting Tips ...................... 72
Limited Warranty ............................ 74
Care and Cleaning. .......................... 75
Accessories .............................................................. 76
v 79
Index ...........................
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DSS® is a registered trademark of DirecTV, Inc., a unit of Hughes Electronics Corporation
........ ., . , . .......
HI, MY NAME IS SCO'I-F... ...and I wrote this us.er manual. You're probably
saying to yourself, "so you're the guy., Well, laugh if you must, but it's my job to see that you have a
rewarding user manual experience. No, really.
I 1
INSTRUCTION BOOK? Back in the old days, you bought a TV, stuck some
rabbit ears on it, and sat back and enjoyed test patterns and bad sitcoms. Now, TVs are more like
computers than radios, and you haveto jump
through a few hoops to get the TV up and running.
Don't worry, it sounds more complicated than it is.
These chapters cover the four big hoops: get the TV
out of the box and hooked up, learn to move through themenu system, run the interactive setup
routine, and program the remote to control your
VCR and other stuff. That's about thirty pages' worth
of user manual stuff.
The rest of the manual should be used as reference
material. You can thumb through these sections
whenever you get some time. If you have a specific
question, refer to the table of contents or the index.
I've spent a lot of time pestering the people who
made your TV: engineers, designers, product managers--you name it, I cornered them. In the process; I've gotten some great advice about how to
tweak the TV. I've passed on as many of these,tips as
I could, so keep an eye out for notes in the text.
IThe road map on the first page of n
each of the four main chapters is
to let you know where you are in the setup process.
STEP 1 "
Unpack the TV and accessories_-The accessories packed with TV include the Universal Remote, the four AAA batteries, an
antenna adapter, and an AV jack for plugging your camcorder or other audio/video component into the front of the TV.
Make sure to locate the Connections Foldout.
Important Information: Optional Stand for Table Model TVs ONLY
CAUTION: Matching stands were designed to be used with 25-inch and larger table model TVs. All recommended stands come with hardware to secure your TV to the stand so that it cannot be easily pulled off, pushed off, or tipped over. Your television dealer can help you choose an
appropriate stand.
If you choose not to use a recommended stand for
your TV: Make surethat the stand or other furniture on which you place the TV is properly !ocated and of adequate
size and strength_ This will help prevent the TV from
accidentally being pulled off, pushed off, or tipped over. Failure to use a proper stand could cause damage to the TV
and/or personal injury.
If you're only going to connect the TV to your home antenna or cable box, use the "IV Only" connection shown below. If
you'r e going to connect the TV to a VCR, laser disc player or other component, we recommend you use the Connections
Foldout. The Connections Foldout details ten diagrams that are recommended for hooking up the TV to a cable box or
antenna, one or two VCRs,a laserdisc player, and a DSS®receiver.
This is a basic connection from an antenna or cable box tO your TV. Connect the cable as shown. If you have a VCR or other comp0nentsto connect to the TV, skip to the top of the
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Use the Connections Foldout to connectyour TV to a VCR, laserdisc player, and/or DSS®receiver. After connecting your TV and other components, proceed to the next step. See
AppendixA, p. 55, for detailed information about using each of these connections.
If your components don't match those shown on the foldout0
or if you prefer a differentconnection, see your dealer or specific component user manuals.
DSS° is a registered trademark of DirecTV, Inc., a unit of Hughes Electronics Corporation
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Plug in the TV. Plug the end into the wall outlet, matching the wide blade of
the plug with the wide slot in the outlet. Be sure to insert the
plug completely.
Put batteries in the remote.
Slide the battery compartment cover off back of the remote.
0 Insert the four AAA batteries as shown, matching the +
and - ends of each battery in the compartment.
- Replace the cover.
Turn on the TV.
Press TV on the remote, or press POWER on the TV itself.
Read the next section, Using the Menu System, which is a brief overview of the basic rules for getting around in the menus.
Proceed tosection three, Interactive Setup. The interactive setup
routine walks you through the steps needed to fully configure the TV. The first step is the auto channel search, which puts available cable TV or antenna signals into the TV's memory. You
must complete the auto channel search. After this first step, you can skip any of the remaining steps and return to them later.
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TV Button
I nteractive Setup is designed 1
to be used with the Connections
You control and customize the TV by making
changes to various control panels in the menu
system. The great thing is, you only need to know one rule: point and select.
- , . ,
if you want a lotof cool features, you have to use some kind of
menuing system. Look at it this
way: you only need to know one rule.
You only need to know one rule to use the on-screen menus and control panels: point and select.
The point and select method has two steps:
1. Point to a menu item using the MOVE arrows on the remote.
To point up or down, press the up or down arrows. To
point left or right, press the left or right arrows.
2. Select a menu item by pressing MENU,PROG.
Selecting an item tells the TV's menu system to go ahead and make the change or go to a place you have indicated.
For example, to select the Channel menu from the Main Menu:
1. PressMENU to bring upthe Main Menu.
2. Point to Channelby pressing the down arrow until the
word Channel is highlighted in green.
., . ; .
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.. , ,
Press CLEAR atany time to re-
move all displays from the screen and return to TV viewing.
Because many VCR user manuals refer to a PROG button, the MENU button on this remote is called MENU-PROG. The rest of this man- ual refers to this button only as MENU.
3. PressMENU to select Channel. The Channel menu comes up.
Point to Exit and press MENU to return to the Main Menu. Point to Exit and press MENU to leave the menu system
and return to TV viewing.
If you ever want to leave the menu system, press CLEAR.
Once you know how to point and select your way through the menus, you can apply this rule in the control panels,
which do the real work in the menu system.
I One Way to exit out of the menus,|
is to press zero (0) until you back
out of the menusystem and re_ turn to TV viewing.
There are two parts t ° the menu system: menus and control
panels. But before you can use a control panel, you first have
to move through at least one menu--the Main Menu.
The first menu is called the Main Menu. To bring up the
Main Menu:
1. Press MENU on the remote or front panel:
Menus take you to another menu or a control panel. There are two ways to make a choice in a menu:
Point and select with the MOVE arrows and MENU.
Pressa number button on the remote. For example, in the
Main Menu press 3 to go straight to the Screen menu.
. . .. _%. ,
Exiting a menu
There are three ways to exit a menu:
Point to Exit and press MENU.
Press0 on the remote.
PressCLEAR. The on'screen displays are cleared from the
screen and you are returned to TV viewing.
. . . . .
. - .-
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Feel free tO explore the. menu system. If you ever get lost or
confusedrathe menus, or you're just plain_tired _Ofexpior!ng, press,
CLEAR to remove the menus from the screen"and sta_€)ver again.
-" _ 7_'.-
Control Panels do the work in the menu system: it's where_ you choose a setting, enter a nUmber, or adjust a level suchl as
tint or brightness. There are three kinds of control panels: sliders, choice lists, and numeric entry.
Sliders Sliders are Used tO make adjustments to a particular control.
For example, to adjust the TV's tint:
1. Press MENU to bring up the Main Menu.
2. Point to Picture Quality and press MENU. The Picture
Quality menu comes up.
- : : .
3. Press MENU to select Picture Controls.
4. Press the down arrow to point to Tint.
You don't need to remember the names of the control panel types. Once you've learned how each
type works, you'll be able to use
:any part ofrthe menu system.
. +
+ r'. - +
-++ •j_+_ ' !+
5. Press the right or left arrow to adjust the indicator line.
Notice that the picture changes as you adjust the tint.
Now that you know how the Tint slider works, you know how all sliders work.
Choice Lists
Choice lists are used to choose a particular setting from a list of settings. The current setting in a choice list is always
highlighted in'green. For example, to indicate whether you're currently using a
home antenna or a cable TV signals:
1. Press MENU to bring up the Main Menu.
2. Point to Channel and press MENU. The Channel menu comes up.
+ ,
. Point to Signal Type and press MENU. The Signal Type
choice list comes upwith the current setting highlighted
in green. For example:
4. Point to the correct setting for your connection and press
MENU. As soon as you select a choice, the TV saves your
change, and you are returned to the previous menu.
5. Point to Exit and press MENU to return to the Main Menu.
6. Point to Exit and press MENU to return to TV viewing.
You can enter numbers directly by •using the number buttons.
Numeric Entry A numeric entry'control panel is used to enter numbers
or letters. For example, to set the current time:
1. Press MENU to bring up the Mair_ Menu.
2. Point to Time and press MENU.
. Point to Set Timeand press MENU. TheSet Time numeric
entry control panel comes up. Notice the pointer underneath the first dash.
4. Press the up arrow to enter a number in that column.
5. Press the right arrow to move to the next column, then
press the up or down arrow to enter a number.
6. Repeat Step 5 until you have entered the hour and
minute for the current time. Notice that when you reach
the last column, pressing the up or down arrow changes whether the time reads AM or PM.
Trivia: This type of control panel
is referred to as a "one-armed bandit." I don't know why.
If the Control panel is not set at
the current time, use the left
arrow to go back over the columns and the up arrow to make changes.
. . ,
. . .
'tour TV has software that tells it what to do, just like a computer. The interactive setup routine takes you through the steps needed to configure the TV:
Search for available channels
Set the time
Make channel lists and labels
Set the VCR1 channel
Set the DVD/VCR2/LD channel
Set thq DSS/CABLEchannel
. s
f Complete the first step; auto -: ] /channel search, to receiVe anten- /
/na or cable TV signals. After that, / "
/you can skip other steps and re- / Lturn to them at your convenience.. J
Setup is accessed through the Main Menu:
1. Press MENU to bring up the Main Menu.
2. Point to Setup and press MENU. The first Setup screen comes up, asking you to confirmthat you want to begin.
3. Press MENU to begin the Setup routine.
The first part of the setup routine asks you if you want the TV to search automatically for all channels available through
your antenna or cable TV system. This is sometimes called
.. Press MENU to tell the TV to begin searching for channels.
The display gives you a progress report and tells you when it has finished.
2. Press MENU to continue,
You must complete the Auto Channel Search to receive TV sig-
nals and put channels in memory.
Auto ChannelSearch can also
be accessed through the Chan- nel menu.
, ,. . . ,
'The second step lets you set the time of day.
1. Press MENU to bring up the Set Time control panel.
Use the left and right arrows to point to the hour and minutes spaces. Use the up and down arrows to scroll
through the numbers and change from AM to PM.
3. Press MENU to continue.
The thirdstep lets you make your channel list, labe I your
channels, and choose whether each channel belongs in the
parent-approved channel list. (For more, see Lists and Labels, page 42.)
1. Press MENU to bring up the Listsand Labels control panel.
, Use the left and right arrows to point to the four different
areas of the control panel (called _fields").
3. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the numbers and letters and select Yes or No in the Normal
and Parent approved fields. You may wish to refer to the call I_tters iisted_in yOufnewspaper's TV section for ideas
on labelling the channels.
4..i Repeat_this process for each of your channels. Then press
MENU to continue. _
_-L =
Two Tips from Keith, the
Design Engineer:
Use the CHAN buttons to change channels inthe Chan# field.
This works even if you,re not
in the Chan # field. Or, enter
the channel number directly
using the number buttons on
the universal remote. To enter a number greater than 99, press
and hold "1" to enter the hun- dreds digit, then press the two
remaining numbers.
The lists and labels feature can also be accessed from the Channel menu. Because this
procedure can be time con- suming, feel free to skip this
step and come back to it later.
The fourth step lets you set the VCR1 channel. When you set
the VCR1 channel, you're telling the TV what channel to tune 1:owhen you press the VCR1 button on the remote.
For example, if you have a VCR connected to the Video 1
input jacks on the back of the TV, you want the TV to tune to the Video 1 input channel when you press the VCR1 button.
1Ifyou don't have a VCRl,component connected to the TV, skip
this step or select Not Connected from VCR1 Channel choice
1list.(For more, see Auto Tuning, page 43.)
1. Press MENU to bring up the VCR 1 choice list.
k "
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. i
2. Point to'the choice that matches the way you have your VCR connected to the TV.
If you used the Connections Foldout tohook up your TV,
use the table shown at theright to select the VCR1 channel:
3. Press MENU to continue.
k . . . ..
If you used . Select " ConnectionA Video I Inl)ut Connection B Video I Input
Connection C Video,I Input Connection D Video I Input
Connection E Not Connected Connection F Not ConneCted
Connection G Video 2 Input
Connection H Ch3 Antenna A* Connection I Video 2 Input
* Or Ch4 AntennaA, dependingon how
yourVCR's 314switch is set.
The fifth step lets you set up a channel on which to run your
DVD player, second VCR, or laserdisc player. When you set
the D.VD/VCR2/LD channel, you're tellingthe TV what channel to tune to when you press the VCR2.LD button on the remote.
This remote player, however, will not operate your DVD player.
For example, if you have a DVD player or other component connected to the Video 2 input jacks on the back of the TV,
you want the TV to tune tothe Video 2 input channel when you press VCR2.LD. If you don't have a DVD/VCR2/LD
component connected to the TV, skip this step or select Not Connected from DVD/VCR2/LD Channel choice list. (For more,
see Auto Tuning, page 43.)
1. Press MENU to bring up the DVD/VCR2/LD choice list.
2. Point to the choice that matches the way you have your
DVD player, second VCR, or laserdisc player connected to the TV.
3. Press MENU to continue. :
I C_nA ., " Not Connected.
I_no B_ _ .N.otConnected
I V'._,d_.o2,,,,=
I c°n_=i°n D Ch3Antenna A*
i ConnecUon E. y_ol Input .
I NotConnected
J _C onG , _No_tC_onnected " I _ Connection H ' V!deo 2 _Input._.
i _on.o_t, on, .i..CH3AntennaA*"
I _epending onhow
_i_S S_ l " _ ,
- , . .
The last step lets you set the DSS/CABLE channel. When you
set the DSS/CABLE channel, you're telling the TV what chann.el to tune to when you •press the DSsoCABLE button on
1:he remote.
For example, if you have a cable box connected to the
Antenna A on the back of the TV, and you usually tune your TV to channel 3 to see cable •stations, you want the TV to tune
CH3 AntennaA when you press DSSeCABLE. If you don't
I_ave a DSSreceiver or cable box connected to the TV, •skip this
step or select Not Connected from the DSS/CABLE Channel
choice list. (For more, see Auto Tuning, page 43.)
1. Press MENU to bring up the DSS/CABLE choice list.
\• , -
(Continued on next page)
If you have both a DSS ° receiv- er and a cable box connected to
the TV...
...The remote cannot control both a cable box and the DSSe receiver. The chart details how to set the DSSoCABLE button to control the DSSe receiver, You
must then use your cable box remote to control the cable
box. You may, however, prefer to use the DSS e remote for DSS
programming, and•set your _
DSS-CABLE button to control
your cable box. It's your choice.
2: Point to the ch0ice that ma_tcl_esthe way you have your
DSS® receiver or;.Cabte boxconnected to the TV. If you used the Connections Foldout to hook upyour TV,
use the table at the right to selectthe DSS/CABLE channel.
3. Press MENU to complete the Setup routine andreturn to
"IV viewing. "_' _ -
Now that you've finished the interactive setup, you can sit
back, relax, and enjoy the "IV. Or.... :_
Since you've gone this far, you can take a few minutes to program the remote tocontrol your VCR, laserdisc player, and
other component. To find out how to program both of the
remotes, go to the next section.
If you used With Cable Box No Cable Box
Select Select
Connection A Ch3 Antenna A* Not Connected Connection B Ch3 AntennaA* Not Connected Connection C Ch3 AntennaA* Not Connected
Connection D Ch3 Antenna A* Not Connected Connection E Ch3 AntennaA* Not Connected
Connection. F Video I°Input Video I- Input
Connection G Video I Input Video I Input
Connection H Video I Input Video I Input Connection I Video I input Video I Input_
* Or Ch4 Antenna A, dependingon how yourVCR's
3/4 switch is set.
COMPON ENT... The universal remote can be programmed to control
most brands of remote controllable TVs, VCRs, and _ cable boxes. If you own an RCA, GE, or ProScan VCR,, you probably don't need to program it at all. Other
manufacturer's brands need to be programmed.
Once you've pFogrammed the remote, you will have
completed all four setup sections. Now you can sit back and enjoy the TV. If you want to know more
about the different parts of the TV, see the next section, Tour of the 73/. Refer to the other sections
and appendice s as needed.
.- .: [
r _
The universal remote can be programmed to control most brands of remote controllable TVs, VCRs, and cable boxes. Most RCA, GE and ProScan TVs and VCRs are already programmed. Other
manufacturer's brands need to be programmed.
To determine whether the universal remote needs to be
programmed, turn the VCR on, point the remote at the VCR, and press the VCR1 button. Then press POWER or CHAN UP or
DOWN to see if the VCR responds to the remote commands. If not, the remote needs to be programmed.
Follow these steps to program your universal remote to
control your VCR:
1. Turn on the VCR to be programmed.
2. Look up your VCR brand and code number(s) on the code
list on the next page.
3. Press and hold theVCR1 button on the remote.
4. Enter the two-digit code from the code list.
5: •Release VCR1 then press POWER tO see if the VCR
responds tO the remote commands. If it doesn't, try pressing VCR1 and POWER to see if the VCR responds.
This remote may not operate all
models of the brands that are shown below. Use the codes on
the next page or on the sheet packed with your remote.
To program the VCR2.LD button to control a second VCR, follow
these steps but use the VCR2.LD button instead of the VCR1 button.
+ 58 hidden pages