RCA F20TF10, F19425, F19426, F19431, F19436 Service Manual

Back Cover Removal
1. Remove five screws to release the back cover. 2
from each side and a small Phillips screw located among the rear audio jacks.
2. Lift the back rear edge of the back cover and pull
Gemstar Module Removal
1. Remove the back cover.
2. Remove the small screw at the lower back edge of
the plastic support.
3. Disconnect the 2 ribbon cables (BG403 & BG 404)
from the top of the Gemstar PCB.
4. Lift the Gemstar module straight up and out.
8. Raise the 2 tabs at the top of the plastic holder and
pull the top of the PCB clear of the tabs. Lift the module strai ght up and out.
Main Chassis PCB Removal
9. Disconnect the AC power cable.
10. Remove the back cover.
11. Discharge the anode lead to the picture tube ground
strap and remove the anode lead before disconnecting other cable s.
12. Disconnect cable assemblies P1402, P3101, P3203,
P3401 and P4010 from the Main PCB.
Replacement Procedure for Chip Removal
The following proced u re s are recom mended for the replacement of the chip components used in this unit. Failure to follow these procedures may lead to damage to the copper traces and pads on the printed circuit boards.
1.Preparation for replacement
a. Soldering Iron: Use a pencil-type soldering iron
using less than 30 watts.
b. Solder Type: Eutectic Solder, Tin 63%/Lead
37%, is recommended.
c. Soldering Time: Do not apply heat for more than
4 seconds.
d. Preheating: Chip capacitors must be preheated
before installation. (130 degrees - 150 degrees C).
Note: Chip component must not be reused after removal.
Excessive mechanical stress and rubbing of the component electrode must be avoided.
2. Removing the chip component (Fig. 2-3): Grasp the chip component body with tweezers and
alternately apply heat to both electrodes.
Note: Do not attempt to lift the component off the board
until the component is completely disconnected from the board by a twisting action. A tte mp ting to
remove the component before it has completely been disconnected can break the copper foil on the printed circuit board.
3. Installing a chip com po n en t
a. Presolder the contact points on the circuit board
(Fig. 2-4).
Fig.2-4, Chip Component Presolder
b. Hold the component in position with tweezers and solder the e lectrodes as shown (Fig.2-3).
Fig. 2-3 - Chip Component Installa tion
Note: Do not glue the replacement chip component to the
circuit board.
E/W Correction Module Removal
5. Remove the back cover.
6. Remove the small screw at the top center back of
the PCB.
7. Disconnect the 2 cables (BL108 & BL103) from the
E/W Correction PCB.
Figure 2-3, Removing Chip Components
When the solder on both electrodes has melted, remove the chip component with a twisting motion.
13. Push out on the plastic Tabs on either side of the
tray and slide the chassis back and out until clear of the
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