RCA CTC185A, F19207BCTX1, F19205GYTX1 Service Manual

E:fact® Technical Service Data
Parts List
Coils & Transformers Miscellaneous Controls & Resistors, 2 pages Capacitors & Electrolytics, 2 pages Cabinet Parts Semiconductors, 2 pages
Schematics ................... Location
Television ................. 2A, 2B
Television ................. 2C, 2D
Audio .......................... 3A
Power Supply .................. 2E
System Control ................ 2F
Tuner ......................2G, 2H
Placement Chart
To purchase a complete paper version of this service manual, order PHOTOFACT
set #3960
Models Chassis
F19207BCTX1 CTC185A F19205GYTX1 CTC185A
For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part,
see parts list.
Circuitry not used in some versions. Circuitry used in some versions. Ground
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For E:fact ordering or information, use the following web site link.
Product #083960
© Copyright 1999 Howard W. Sams & Co. All rights reserved.
Chassis ground Common tie point Taken from common tie point
Schematic voltage source tie point.
Cabling: Heavy lines reduce use of multiple lines.
Waveforms and voltages are taken from ground, unless
noted otherwise.
Waveforms taken with triggered scope and keyed rainbow
generator. Waveform voltage is peak to peak. Timebase
is per division. Waveforms shown at 10 divisions. Supply voltages maintained as seen at input. Voltages measured with digital meter and a 1000µV RF
signal, with colorbar pattern, applied to antenna terminal. Controls adjusted for normal operation. Capacitors are 50 volts or less, 5% or greater unless noted. Electrolytic capacitors are 50 volts or less,
20% or greater unless noted. Resistors are 1/2W or less, 5% or greater unless noted. Value in ( ) used in some versions. Measurements with switching as shown, unless noted. Rated voltage shown on zener diodes.
Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No.
FB3101 Ferrite Bead 226467 FB3901 Ferrite Bead 226467 FB4110, 11 Ferrite Bead 215546 FB4401 Ferrite Bead 227410 FB4501 Ferrite Bead 215547 L2301 15µH 197613 L2302 VCO 215502 L2303 FM Tank 233056 L2305 10µH 175409 L2701, 02, 03 8.2µH 149170 L2705 10µH 175409
# L4000 (1) Yoke Horiz 3.1mH -
Vert 23.1mH
# L4001 Line Choke 190507
L4102 320µH 231466 L4200 Degaussing 221042 L4401 6.8µH 191141 L5001 180µH 231467 L7101 - 215507 L7102 - 236641 L7103 - 223929 L7104, 05 - 236642 L7106 - 215507 L7107 - 233057 L7108 - 233074 L7109 3.9µH 200559 L7110 - 233075 L7111 - 233076 L7112 - 231441 L7113 - 233077 L7114 - 231441 L7115 - 233078 L7301 - 231443 L7302 - 231444 L7303 - 233079 L7304 - 233080 L7305 - 236643 L7306 - 231448
# T4301 Horizontal Driver 215541 # T4401 (2) Horizontal Output 231530
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
(1) Bonded part of CRT. (2) Focus and screen controls are part of T4401.
PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Description Mfr. Part No. Notes
CF1201 Filter 195702 4.5MHz CF2301 Filter 181125 4.5MHz
# F4001 Fuse 175425 5Amp, 125V, Fast Acting
FL7102 Filter 181470 LC High Pass IR3402 Receiver 226508 Remote
# K4201 Relay 190490 Degaussing # KS5001 Socket 233120 CRT # PW4001 Line Cord - AC, Polarized
SF2301 Filter 217318 SAW SP1902 Speaker 183163 2 1/4" x 3 1/2", 32 Ohms, 1.5W SW3410 Switch 215500 Channel Up SW3411 Switch 215500 Power SW3420 Switch 215500 Channel Down SW3421 Switch 215500 Volume Up SW3430 Switch 215500 Menu SW3431 Switch 215500 Volume Down
# V5000 CRT A48AAB13 A48AAB13X02
Y2801 Crystal 161235 3.58MHz Y3101 Crystal 217322 8MHz Y4101 Crystal 227064 507kHz Y7401 Crystal 182839 4MHz
Adapter AH0155 Antenna 75 To 300 Ohms PC Board 235667 CRT Transmitter 226551 Remote (CRK20A1)
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. NTE Part No.
# R1907 4.7 5% 1/4W 200197 QW4D7 # R1908 56 5% 3W 231514 3W056
R2302, 03 120K 2% 1/8W 180816 EW410
100K 5% 1/8W 176816 EW410
R2304 1000 2% 1/10W 197638 -
3000 2% 1/10W 194917 -
R2317 1000 2% 1/10W 197638 -
180 2% 1/10W 194918 ­R2801 30K 2% 1/10W 200176 ­R2804 27K 2% 1/4W 175326 QW327
27K 5% 1/4W 205565 QW327
# R3108 10 5% 1/4W 829010 QW010
R3111, 12 220 2% 1/4W 175324 QW122 220 5% 1/4W - QW122 R3202 120K 2% 1/10W 205370 -
120K 5% 1/10W - ­R3343 5100 2% 1/4W 175417 QW251
10K 5% 1/4W 175317 QW310
# R4001 2.7 10% 15W Wirewound 190487 - # R4002 1000 5% 10W 231504 10W210 # R4004 1.8M 10% 1/2W 220333 HW518 # R4103 .51 5% 2W 196073 2WD51 # R4105 2 5% 1/4W 181419 QW2D0
R4111 100K 1% 1/10W 215221 -
# R4114 10K 5% 3W 189989 3W310 # R4119 10 5% 1/4W 829010 QW010 # R4121 1000 5% 1/2W 175350 HW210 # R4122 2200 5% 1/4W 175042 QW222
R4136 143K 1% 1/10W 184980 ­R4137 2870 1% 1/10W 231505 -
# R4146 430 5% 1W 831143 1W143 # R4147 220 5% 3W 231461 3W122 # R4305 4700 5% 3W 175368 3W247 # R4315 1000 2% 3W 231462 3W210 # R4402 91 5% 1/2W 227249 HW091 # R4404 360 5% 2W 231465 2W136 # R4507 1.5 5% 1W 178619 1W1D5 # R4511 1 10% 2W Wirewound 215577 - # R4517 51 5% 1W 217314 1W051 # R4701 10 2% 1/2W Nonflammable 830010 HW010 # R4703 3.3 5% 3W Wirewound 195730 - # R4704 82K 5% 1/2W 830382C HW382 # R4705 27K 5% 1/2W 206037 HW327
R4706 1270 1% 1/4W 231516 -
# R4707 3.6 5% 5W 235699 -
3.3 5% 5W 233073 5W3D3
# R4708 3000 5% 1W 200446 1W230 # R4710 3 5% 2W Wirewound 223898 - # R4901 100 5% 1/4W 829110 QW110 # R4902 24.9K 1% 1/4W - -
26.7K 1% 1/4W 196081 -
28.7K 1% 1/4W 236691 -
28K 1% 1/4W 195731 -
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. NTE Part No.
# R4903 41.2K 1% 1/4W - -
34.8K 1% 1/4W 228939 -
32.4K 1% 1/4W 210066 -
39.2K 1% 1/4W 190469 -
# R4908 576K 1% 1/10W 231513 - # R5001, 02, 03 20K 2% 2W Nonflammable 233034 2W320 # R5004, 05, 06 2200 10% 1/2W 502222 HW222 # R5010 2200 10% 1/2W 502222 HW222
R5012 270 2% 1/4W 178282 QW127 R5014, 16 300 2% 1/4W 175354 QW130
# R5018 2200 10% 1/2W 502222 HW222
R5019 6200 2% 1/4W 179316 QW262
7500 2% 1/4W - QW275
R5020 680 2% 1/4W 175312 QW168
910 2% 1/4W 203097 QW191
# R5021 1200 5% 1W 179782 1W212 # R7139, 40 1.8M 10% 1/2W 220333 HW518
RN4501 Network 215499 -
# RT4201 5.5 PTC Cold 207768 -
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Rating Mfr. Part No.
C2303 120pF 5% 50V NPO 194902 C2701 3.3µF 20% 50V NP 224270
3.3µF 20% 100V 151119
C2803 18pF 5% 50V NPO 214028
15pF 5% 50V NPO 202907 C2805 120pF 5% 50V NPO 194902 C3101, 02 100pF 5% 50V NPO 193340 C3114, 15 27pF 5% 50V NPO 197604 C3121 100pF 5% 50V NPO 193340 C3124 47pF 5% 50V NPO 210689 C3306, 07 22pF 5% 50V NPO 194903 C3312 330pF 5% 50V NPO 205227 C3314 22pF 5% 50V NPO 194903 C3316 200pF 5% 50V NPO 218986 C3318 100pF 5% 50V NPO 193340
# C4001 .22 20% 125V 231451
.22 250V -
# C4003, 04 680pF 20% 1kV 190538 # C4007 680µF 20% 200V 190560
C4108 120pF 5% 50V NPO 194902 C4120, 24 680pF 20% 1kV 190538 C4134, 35 220pF 5% 50V NPO 205551 C4303 470pF 5% 50V NPO 214732 C4310 15pF 1% 250V NPO 223899 C4311 47pF 5% 50V NPO 210689 C4401 470pF 5% 50V NPO 195918
# C4402 .0064 2% 1.6kV 231456
.0064 2% 1.6kV 231455
# C4403 .32 5% 250V 223819 # C4406 470pF 5% 2kV 227068
C4702, 04, 06 680pF 20% 1kV 190538 C4710 .01 20% 1kV 137583 C4712 680pF 20% 1kV 190538
# C4904 .22 +80% -20% 25V 217298
C5001 .001 10% 3kV 120696 C5005 390pF 5% 50V N750 220630 C5006 330pF 5% 50V N750 147667 C5007 470pF 5% 50V N750 233025
# C7101 330pF 20% 125VAC 231454
330pF 20% 125VAC 235376 C7102 4pF +0pF -.25pF 50V NPO 214757 C7103 22pF 5% 50V NPO 194903 C7105 .75pF ±.25pF 50V NPO 214758 C7108 27pF 5% 50V N750 214760 C7110 1.5pF ±.1pF 50V NPO 223146
# C7114 100pF 20% 120V 217305
100pF 20% 125V 235376 C7117 2pF ±.5pF 50V NPO 194905 C7118 22pF 5% 50V NPO 194903
# C7120 330pF 20% 125VAC 231454
330pF 20% 125VAC 235377 C7124 27pF 5% 50V NPO 197604 C7127 120pF 5% 50V NPO 194902
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
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