RCA 27V510T Owner’s Manual

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TOCOM 1634765A
[_ his symbol indicates that this product incorporates double
Cautbn: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back). No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servich'_gto qualified service personnel.
This symbol indicates [mpm'tant A This symbol indicates "dangerous voltage" inside the instructiorls accompa'@ng the _ product that presents a risk of electric shock or
product, personal [njuw.
insulation between hazardous mains voltage and user accessible parts. When servicing use only identical replacement parts,
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock,
do not expose this product to rain or moisture.
The apparatus shall not be exposed to
dripping or splashing and that no objects
filled with liquids, such asvases, shall be
placed on the apparatus.
Product Registration Please fill out the product registration card (packed separately} and return it immediately. Fm U.S.
customers: Your RCA Consumer Electronics product may also be registered at www.rca.com/ productregistrat[on. Registering this product allows us to contact you if needed.
Product Information Keep your sales receipt to obtain warranty parts and service and for proof of purchase. Attach it here
and record the serial and model numbers. These numbers are located on the product. Model No. Serial No. Purchase Date:
Refer to the identification/rating label located on the bacl< panel of your product for its proper operating
FCCRegulations state that unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment may void the user's
authority to operate it. Caution: Using video games or any external accessory
with fixed images for extended periods of time can cause them to be permanently imprinted on the
picture tube (or projection 11/picture tubes)_ ALSO,
some network/program Iogos, phone numbers, etc.
may cause similar damage. This damage is not covered
by your warranty,
Cable TV Installer: This reminder is provided to call your attention to Art[de 820-40 of the National Elech[cal
Code (Sect[on 84 of the Canadian Elech[cal Code, Part
1) which provides guidelines for propel grounding arid,
in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
_ _ _l _ _ _ ...... _ ,,, 4 ....
Chapter I : Connections _€Setu_
Things to Consider Before You Connect ....................................................................... 3
ProtectAgainst PowerSurges....................................................................................................................3
ProtectComponentsfrom Overheating..................................................................................................3
PositionCablesProperlyto AvoidAudio Interference ........................................................................3
Important Standand BaseSafety Information .....................................................................................3
UseIndirect Light ..........................................................................................................................................3
CablesNeededto ConnectComponentsto Your TV............................................................................3
TV + DVD.......................................................................................................................... 4
Exphnation of Jacks ....................................................................................................... 5
The Front of Your TV ...................................................................................................... 6
Front InputJacks...........................................................................................................................................6
Front PanelButtons ......................................................................................................................................6
Hug in the TV .................................................................................................................. 6
Put batteries in the remote ........................................................................................... 6
How to Use the Remote Control to Complete the Initial Setup ................................ 7
Turn on the TV ................................................................................................................. 7
Complete the initial Setup ............................................................................................. 7
CompleteAuto ChannelSearch.................................................................................................................7
_ter 2: Using the Remote Control
Button Descriptions for TV Mode .................................................................................. 8
Button Descriptions for DVD and VCR Modes .............................................................. 8
Usingthe INPUTButton ...............................................................................................................................9
_ter 3: Using the ]Ii's Features
Channel Banner ............................................................................................................. 10
Why You Should Use the Auto Tuning Feature ......................................................... 10
How to Set Up the Auto Tuning Feature ...............................................................................................10
Parental Controls and V-Chip ....................................................................................... 11
How V-Chip Works ......................................................................................................................................12
USAV-Chip Rating System .......................................................................................................................12
Canadian English V-Chip Rating System ..............................................................................................13
Canadian French V-£h[p Rating System ...............................................................................................14
USAV-Chip TV Rating Limit .....................................................................................................................14
Blocking Specific Content Themes .........................................................................................................16
Viewing Specific Content Themes...........................................................................................................16
, I> , .... i _, I i %..... i .......
Chapter 4: Using the ]_/'s Menu System
Sound Menu ................................................................................................................... 19
Picture Menu ................................................................................................................. 19
Setup Menu ................................................................................................................... 20
Parental Control Menu ................................................................................................. 21
Time Menu ..................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter S: Other Information
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 22
Care and Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 24
Limited Warranty .......................................................................................................... 25
Accessory Information .................................................................................................. 27
Thingsto Consider Before You Connect
Protect Against Power Surges
Connect all comporlents before you plug any of their power colds into the wall outlet. Turn off the TV and/or component before you connect or disconnect any cables.
® Make sure all antennas and cables are properly grounded. Refer to the Important Safety Instructions
packed separately=
Protect Components from Overheating
o Don't block ventilation holes on any of the components, Arrange the components so that air can
circulate freely,
* Don't stack components. ® If you place components [n a stand, make smeyou allow adequate ventilation.
o If you connect an audio rece[vel or amplifier, place it on the top shelf so the heated air from it won't
flow around other components.
Position Cables Properly to Avoid Audio interference
o Insert each cable firmly into the designated jack. o If you place components above the TV, route all cables down the side of the back of the TVinstead
of straight down the middle of the IV.
o If your anterma uses 300-ohm twin lead cables, do not coil the cables. Also, keep the twin lead
cables away from audio/video cables.
mmportant Stand and Base Safety information Choose the location for your TV carefully. Place the IV on a stand or base that is of adequate size and
strength to prevent the IV from being accidentally tipped over, pushed off, or pulled off. This could cause personal injury and/or damage the IV. Refer to the Important Safety Instructions packed separately.
Use indirect Light Don't place the IV where sunlight ol room lighting will be dheeted toward the screen. Use soft or
indirect lighting. Cables Needed to Connect Components to Your TV The pictures below show the cables needed fol the cormeet[ons represented in this book.
Coaxial cable S-Video cable Audio/Video cables
Chapter 1 Graphics contoined within this publie_ltion _lre for representotion only 3
1. Conne_'t your DVD Hayer to your TV.
A. Connect the audio (white and red) cables to the R and L/MONOAUDIO jaeks on the back of the
TVand to the Audio Output jacks on the DVD player.
B. If your DVD player has an S-Video jack, connect an S-Video cable to the S-VIDEO jack on the
back of the TV and to the S-Video jack on the DVD player. If your DVD player doesn't have an S-Video jack, go to C.
C, Connect a video cable (yellow) to the VIDEO jack on the back of the TV and to the Video Output
.Jack on the DVD pJayer.
2. Make sure cabJe or antenna is connected to your TV. Connect the coaxial cable fl'om youl cable outlet or antenna to the TV ANT jack on 'four TV.
Go to page 6
4 Grophics contoined within this puDlieetion _lre for represent_tion onlF Chapter 1
Exj_lanation of Jacks
This section describes the jacks you can use to make connections. There ale several ways to connect components to your TV.
TVANT Letsyou connect a eoaxial cable to rece[ve the signal from the antenna,
cable, or cable box.
@@@® -
R 'MoHo--
Lets you connect a compor_er_t such as a VCR or DVD player.
o R (Right) AUDIO Provides right audio connection. The
right audio connector is usually red.
o LiMONO AUDIO Provides left audio connection. The
left audio connector is usually white.
o VIDEO Provides composite video connection. The video
connectol is usually yellow.
o S-VIDEO IN Provides bettel picture quality than the
video jacks because the color palt of the signal is
sepalated from the black and white palt of the picture, When using S-VDEO IN, make sure to connect left and right audio cables to the R and L/MONO AUDIO jacks,
...... t p
Chapter 1 Graphics eontoined within this publication tire for representdtion only 5
The Front of Your TV
Front input Jacks
The -rv has one set of front audio/video input jacks for your convenience, These
jacks are towards the front of the IV on the side, To access the component you
connected to the front of the IV, press the INPDT button on your remote until FRNTappears on the screen, The jacks are ideal fol connecting a video game
console Ol a earncorder,
Note Whenconnecting a component thot onlyhasone audiojock,such ossome comcorders, use the TV'sAUDIOL/NlONOjockto heor the oudio,
H-PHONE Allows you to connect headphor_es to l[sten to the sound coming from the TV,
VUDEO Receives video from another component such as a VCR, camcorder, or
video game console, L/MONO and R AUDIO Receives audio from another component such as a VCR,
camcorder, or video game console,
Front Panel Buttons If you cannot locate your remote, you can use the buttons on the front of your _/
to operate many of the TV's features, MENU/OK Brings up the Main menu, In the menu system, it selects highlighted
items, CH v Scans down through the current channel list, In the menu system, acts like
the down arrow button on the remote control and adjusts menu controls, CH ^ Scans up through the channel list, In the menu system, acts like the up
arrow button on the remote control and adjusts menu controls,
VOL< Decreases the volume, In the menu system, acts like the left alrow button
on the remote control and adjusts menu controls,
VOL> Increases the volume, In the menu system, acts like the right arrow button
on the remote control and adjusts menu controls, POWER Turns the TV on and off,
Plug in the TV
Plug the end of the power cold into a grounded wall outlet, Insert the plug completely into the outlet,
Put batteries in the remote
Remove the battery compartment cover from the back of the remote by pushing down on and sliding off the cover,
o Insert 2 fresh "AAA" batteries, Make sure the polarities (+ and -) are aligned
correctl% Replace the cover.
6 Grophics contained within this puL>lic_tion _lre for representotion onl_ Chapter 1
How to Use the Remote Control to Complete
the Initial Setu !
The technical term is "Navigation" - how you move through the on-screen menus, The method is the same throughout the menu screens: highlight your choice and select it.
To Mghlight a menu item, press the arrow buttons on the
rernote to highlight one of the items listed on the screen. Use
the up m down alrow button to move up or down. Use the
right or left arlow button to move right or left.
To select the item that you've highlighted, press OK.
Note;Highlightedmeansthat themenu itemstandsout from other menu items on the list (appearsdarker,brighter,oradifferent color}
Turn on the TV
PressONoOFF on the remote, or press POWERon the TV's
front panel.
Note:Pressingthe TVOutrannot only turns on the TV,butputs the remoteinto TVmode "77Vmode"meansthat the buttons onthe
remotecontrol operatethe7V'sfunctions
: GO Back.
AutoCh, Search _ , , , Closed Caption •, ,
Au_o Tuning ,
Complete the Initial Setup_
The menu system in your TV allows the TV's features to work
properly. The first time you turn on your TV, the SEI-UPsereen appears with Language highlighted. The default language is English. To choose another language, Hess the right arrow
button on the remote.
Complete Auto Charme[ Search TMs part of the setup allows the -IV to search for all channels
viewable through youl antenna or cable TV system. This is sonletimes called auto programming.
1. Highlight Auto C& Search and press OK.
2. The Signal Type option is set to Cable. To change the
option to Antenna, press the right arrow button and then press OK.
3. Press the down alrow button to highlight StarL Press OK
to begin the auto channel search.
Once the search is complete, you can begin watching TV.For information on customizing your channels or menu options, go to Chapter 3.
Chapter 1 Graphics contained within thispuDlieation are for representation only 7
Button Descriptions for TV Mode
Arrows Used to highlight different items in therv menu and to adjust the menu
eontlols. (0-9) Number Buttons Enter chanr_ei numbers and time settings directly
through the remote eontroi.
To enter a one-digit channel, enter a zero first. To enter a two-digit channel, press
the two digits and expect a few seconds delay. This [sif you want to enter a tMrd digit.
CC Toggles closed captioning on and off. CH+orCH- Seans up or down through the current channei iist. Press once to
change the channel up or down; press and hold to continue changing channels. CLEAR Removesanymenuordisplayfromthesemenandretmnsyoutonormal
GO BACK Returnsyou to the previous ehanneL INFO Br[ngs up the channei banner.
iNPUT Toggles through the available input sources (VIDI/SVID1, FRNT, and ('urmnt channel).
MENU Brings up the Main menu. MUTE Reduees the TV's volume to its minimum level. Pressagain to restore the
OK When in the menu system, selects highlighted items. ON*OFF When inTVmode, turnsthelVonandoff.
PRESETS Picture options are reset to original factory settings. SKiP Press once before changing channels and the TV will wait 30 seconds before
returning to the original channel. Press repeatedly to add more time.
1V Turns on the TVand puts the remote [n TV mode. Also displays currant status. VOL - or VOL + Decreases or increases the TV'svolume.
Button Descriptions for DVD and VCR Modes
AGAIN In DVD mode, replays the last several seconds of the title you're playing. ANTENNA In VCR mode, functions as a W/VCR button.
DVD Puts the remote [n DVD mode and, [f auto tin'ring is enabled, will turn on the TVand tune to the correct video input channel
GUIDE Ifyou'moperat[nganothercomponentthathasagu[de, th[sbutton accesses the on-screen Guide.
OPEN,CLOSE In DVD mode, opens or closes the DVD disc tray.
8 Graphics contained within thi_ publication _re fi)r representotion on/_ Chapter 2
+ 22 hidden pages