RaySafe i2 User Manual

RaySafe i2
dose manager
User ManUal
© 2012.03 Unfors RaySafe 5001049-A
All rights are reserved. Reproduction or transmission in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 5
About the RaySafe i2 System ......................................................................... 5
How the system works ................................................................................... 6
About this user manual ................................................................................... 6
GET TO KNOW DOSE MANAGER ...........................................................................7
Introduction to dose manager ........................................................................7
Application menu overview ........................................................................... 9
Home toolbar overview ................................................................................. 10
Dose navigation toolbar overview ................................................................ 18
Reports preview toolbar overview .............................................................. 22
All dosimeters window overview ................................................................ 24
Details tab overview .................................................................................... 26
Dose graph tab overview ............................................................................. 29
Dose table tab overview............................................................................... 32
USE DOSE MANAGER .......................................................................................... 33
Get started with dose manager ................................................................... 33
Work with the main window ......................................................................... 39
Analyze dose history from one dosimeter ................................................... 40
Analyze dose data from several dosimeters ............................................... 46
Reports ......................................................................................................... 50
Dose manager options ................................................................................. 52
Dose manager license .................................................................................. 53
USING THE DOSIMETER...................................................................................... 54
Introduction ................................................................................................... 54
Getting started .............................................................................................. 54
USING THE CRADLE ............................................................................................ 55
Introduction ................................................................................................... 55
Getting started .............................................................................................. 55
TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................... 56
Dose manager and cradle ............................................................................ 56
System requirements .................................................................................... 56
Other user manuals ...................................................................................... 56
TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................ 58
Dosimeter and real time display/dose manager memories ........................ 58
Time management ....................................................................................... 58
Security and privacy requirements ............................................................. 58
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Introduction



Figure 1. RaySafe i2 System overview
The RaySafe i2 System can contain the following components:
• dosimeter
• real time display
• dose viewer (computer software)
• dose manager (computer software)
• cradle (dock station used to connect dosimeters and computer)
• dosimeter rack (dosimeter storage)
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Introduction


The dosimeter measures and records X-ray exposure every second and transfers the data wirelessly, via radio, to the real time display.
The real time display shows real time dose exposure from up to eight dosimeters in range at a time. Color indication bars (green, yellow, red) represents the intensity of the currently received exposure. The accumulated dose per individual is displayed next to the color indication bars. By tapping a dosimeter name the user can look at historical data in separate views.
When the dosimeter is not in use, it should be stored in the dosimeter rack, away from the real time display.
More detailed historical dose information can be transferred from dosimeters via the cradle connected to a computer and viewed using the computer software (dose viewer and dose manager).
The dose viewer software is also used for administrating dosimeters, change dosimeter names, colors and reset dose history. The dose manager software is an advanced software for analyzing, reporting and archiving dose information. It handles multiple dosimeters and can retrieve the dose information from multiple real time displays through the hospital network or via USB storage.


This user manual are intended to assist users in the safe and eective operation of the product described.
Before attempting to operate the product, you must read these instructions for use, noting and strictly observing all WARNINGS and CAUTION notices.
WARNING A WARNING alerts you to a potential serious outcome, adverse event or safety hazard. Failure
to observe a warning may result in death or serious injury to the operator or patient.
CAUTION A CAUTION alerts you to where special care is necessary for the safe and eective use of
the product. Failure to observe a caution may result in minor or moderate personal injury or damage to the product or other property, and possibly in a remote risk of more serious injury, and/or cause environmental pollution.
NOTE Notes highlight unusual points as an aid to an operator.
These Instructions for Use describe the most extensive configuration of the product, with the maximum number of options and accessories. Not every function described may be available on your product.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager


This chapter describes the available features in dose manager. Instructions and commonly used work flows are found in section “Use dose manager” on page 33 .


Dose manager is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for analyzing, reporting and storing dose information as well as administrating multiple dosimeters.
Dose manager makes it possible for you to:
• Store and manage dose history for multiple dosimeters.
• Collect dose history from real time displays in your local network.
• Analyze dose data.
• View dose history as a graph or table.
• Export dose data for further analysis with other software tools, such as Excel.
• Create and print reports of dose history.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
2 3 4
7 8
Figure 2. Dose manager overview
The following items are available when you start dose manager:
Table 1. Dose manager overview
1 Application menu Manage databases and printing and access the Options dialogs (see
section “Application menu overview” on page 9).
2 Home Show and manage dosimeters, groups and reports (see section “Home
toolbar overview” on page 10).
3 Dose navigation Navigate in the dose history (see section “Dose navigation toolbar
overview” on page 18).
4 Report preview Preview and export reports (see section “Reports preview toolbar
overview” on page 22)
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
5 All dosimeters Show available items (see section “All dosimeters window overview” on
page 24).
6 Details tab Display information of selected items (see section “Details tab
overview” on page 26).
7 Dose graph tab Show dose data as a graph (see section “Dose graph tab overview” on
page 29).
8 Dose table tab Show dose data as a table (see section”Dose table tab overview” on
page 32).


Figure 3. Application menu
The application menu is where you work with dose manager databases and printing. This is also where you find general dose manager settings. The following functions are available in the application menu:
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
Table 2. Application menu functions
New Create a new database.
Open Open an existing database.
Save as Save your current database with a new name.
Print Print dose graphs, dose tables and reports.
Print preview Preview and customize dose graphs and dose tables. In this menu you
can also find tools to export and e-mail the current view.
Options Set or change an optional dose manager password, change the user
interface language.
NOTE The database can only be saved on a local drive. A network drive is not supported.


Figure 4. Home toolbar
The home toolbar provides you with tools to manage separate dosimeters, groups of dosimeters and dose data reports. It is also where you find tools to synchronize dose data from dosimeters and real time displays.
In the dosimeters group you can find the following tools:
Table 3. Dosimeter functions
Show Show available dosimeters in a list.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
Dosimeter options Show and manage options for a dosimeter that is placed in a cradle.
You can only access and change dosimeter options when the dosimeter is in a cradle.
When this information is changed in dose manager, it will be synchronized to real time displays and dose viewer. The dosimeter options dialog is separated in three tabs, see below.
Groups Show and manage groups of dosimeters. Use groups to arrange
dosimeters in dierent departments, clinical roles or for studies, for example.
Delete Delete the selected dosimeter(s) or group(s).
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
The Information tab contains information about the person using the dosimeter.
Figure 5. Information tab
Table 4. Information tab functions
Full name Full name of the person using the dosimeter. This text field is limited
to maximum 40 characters due to space limitations in the real time display.
If dosimeters are shared with others, it may be convenient to name the dosimeters “Doctor1”, “Doctor2”, and so on, for the clinical role “Doctor”. Using dierent colors on the dosimeter can also help to separate each clinical role.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
Displayed name The name that is displayed when the dosimeter appears in a real time
display. This name is also used to identify a dosimeter in dose viewer and dose manager. This text field is limited to maximum 16 characters due to space limitations in the real time display.
Dosimeter position Reflects where on the person the dosimeter is positioned and can be
set to one of Head, Torso, Hand, Belly, Leg or Other.
Clinical role Reflects the role of the person using the dosimeter and can be set to
one of Doctor, Nurse, Technician or Other.
Displayed symbol The color which is displayed when the dosimeter appears in a real time
Annual dose limit This value is used to show the annual dose value in relation to the
annual dose limit in percent. If you do not want to show this relation, set this value to 0.
NOTE The annual dose limit for the dosimeter is dependent of the shielding factor of the lead apron,
as well as other radiation protection used. The more protection the higher the limit can be for the same eective dose to the user. The annual dose limit may or may not be chosen to reflect the legal dose limit where it is used. It could reflect the legal limit or for example a lower target for the clinical user case. These and other considerations need to be counted for when choosing the annual dose limit.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
The settings tab contains the dosimeter’s settings.
Figure 6. Settings tab
Table 5. Settings tab functions
Dosimeter time See the dosimeter’s time and synchronize the dosimeter’s time with
your computer.
Real time display mode Enable or disable the dosimeter from appearing on real time display
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
Power mode • On – Communication with real time displays will take place and
registration of dose data will occur
• O – Power saving mode. No communication with real time displays will take place and no registration of dose data will occur.
Dose history The accumulated dose history, the dose rate history and Dose Sessions
1 and 2 will be reset to 0. The following happens when the dose history is reset:
• In dose viewer and real time displays it will appear as if the dosimeter has started measuring from 0 again. The deleted dose history cannot be retrieved.
• In dose manager, the dose history that was available before reset will be archived and possible to retrieve by clicking + next to the dosimeter in the All dosimeters window. Dose manager will start a new session for the dosimeter and it will appear as if the dose history will start measuring from 0 in the new session.
Technical information Battery status indicates the dosimeter’s battery status:
• Green and yellow indicates normal use.
• Red indicates that the dosimeter need to be replaced in 4-6 months
at normal use.
• A crossed battery indicates that there is no battery left. The dosimeter does not measure radiation and will not communicate with real time displays.
Firmware version refers to the firmware that is currently installed in the dosimeter.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
The Dose tab shows and manages dose information.
Figure 7. Dose tab
Table 6. Dose tab functions
Accumulated personal dose The dosimeter’s accumulated annual dose measured this calendar year
or since last reset, measured in Sv.
Time of last reset.
Percentage of yearly max The dosimeter’s accumulated annual dose measured this year or since
last manual reset, measured in Sv.
Dose Session 1 Trip meter for dose values. The accumulated dose for a session since
last Dose Session reset, measured in Sv. Use the Reset button to reset this Dose Session to zero.
Time of last reset.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
Dose Session 2 Trip meter for dose values. The accumulated dose for a session since
last Dose Session reset, measured in Sv. Use the Reset button to reset this Dose Session to zero.
Time of last reset.
Total personal dose The total dose exposure for a dosimeter since last dose history reset.
Time of last reset.
In the reports group you can find the following tools:
Table 7. Reports group functions
Show Show all available reports.
New Enter the report wizard to create a new report. There are 4 standard
report templates available to base reports upon:
• Yearly dose report
• Monthly dose report
• Weekly dose report
• Dosimeter report
Delete Delete the selected report(s).
For information about how to work with reports, see section “Reports” on page 50. For information about the reports preview, see section “Reports preview toolbar overview” on page 22.
RaySafe i2 dose manager user manual – Get to know dose manager
The real time displays group provides the following tools:
Table 8. Real time displays group functions
Synchronize Synchronize data from real time displays that are added to dose
Manage Find real time displays in your local network and add them to dose
manager. Manage real time displays that are added to dose manager.
Synchronize USB Synchronize real time display data from USB.


Figure 8. Dose navigation toolbar
The dose navigation toolbar, accessible when viewing dose graphs or dose tables, is where you find tools to navigate in graphs and tables. The following items are available in the dose navigation toolbar:
The Navigation group contains access tools for dose history navigation.
Table 9. Navigation group functions
Undo zoom Move one step back in a sequence of zoom actions, showing the last
selected time range.
Redo zoom Move one step forward in a sequence of zoom actions, showing the
time range that was selected before the last undo zoom action.
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