Models 504 thru 2004
Category I with vertical vent
Models 503 thru 2003
Category IV Venting
Up to
88.4% thermal efficiency!
CSA Certified Lead Content
Less Than .25 Pb

Category I*-up to 85% efficiency
Category IV-up to 88.4% efficiency
Raypak’s Next Generation
Modulating Boiler
Time-honored technologies unite with cutting-edge advancements in
Raypak’s MVB modulating vertical boiler. Never before has a vertical
boiler provided both the installer and building owner such installation
flexibility, ease-of-commissioning, reliability and long-term performance. Small space, not a problem. The MVB has the smallest installed
footprint of any vertical boiler, only 5.4 square feet. Raypak’s MVB is
built with commercial-grade components and materials. From our
steel channel base to our stainless steel flue wrapper, you can tell the
MVB is built to last. It’s easy to handle and install, but still user
friendly to service. Our compact design fits through a 30” door opening making it the perfect choice for those hard to reach retrofit projects. Now is the perfect time to take a closer look at Raypak.
Small diameter vents and industry-leading vent length allowances
afford greater vent location options, thus reducing wasted space. Vent
versatility is further enhanced by the self-tuning combustion system
which compensates for unusual chimney and vent configurations.
Category I* -CSA-certified 84% boiler and up to 85% water heater
models available. Our category I solution is the perfect replacement
for your retro-fit applications. This reduces the installed cost by using
existing category I venting or chimney. Installation couldn’t be easier;
all connections are on the back of the unit. Start-up is a snap, it’s as
close to plug-n-play as a boiler can get.
Category IV -CSA-certified 87% efficiency at full fire–the highest possible for non-condensing boilers
the job requires high efficiency, our category IV solution meets your
At the heart of every Raypak MVB is a unique integral evaporator
system - the first defense against harmful condensation. Raypak’s
evaporator system collects and re-evaporates condensate which may
form during initial start-up or brief periods of cold-water operation,
eliminating the need for a boiler condensate drain. This saves you
money on installation costs as well as the headache of dealing with
multiple condensate drains.
(Up to 88.4% at part load!)
True Modulation
Modulation is nothing new to Raypak, we have honed our gas modulation experience for over 50 years. The Raypak MVB will infinitely
track the heating load precisely with it’s built in TempTracker Mod
control, eliminating costly overshooting. Utilizing the latest European
technology for the blower-gas valve package, the optimum fuel-air
ratio is maintained throughout the entire range of the load-tracking
operation. Our smooth 4:1 turndown (503 thru 2003) ensures efficiency is maintained through out the firing rate and actually increases
during part load, right when you want it! The MVB automatically selftunes to accommodate the widest range of gas supply pressures. The
high quality integrated blower-gas valve is self-correcting and allows
smooth operation with fluctuating gas supply pressures. The Raypak
MVB is cutting edge technology with atmospheric simplicity
Key Features
• 12 models from 500,000 to 2,000,000 BTUH
• Up to 85% efficiency (Cat. I*);
• Up to 88.4% efficiency (Cat. IV)
• No boiler condensate drain required (proprietary design)
• Lowest minimum required inlet water temperature (120F)
• Modulating gas valve and burner, up to 4:1 (503 thru 2003)
• Engineered with precisely matched system components
• Smallest installed footprint (5.4 square feet) design fits tight
spaces and easily replaces larger boilers
• Advanced diagnostics center, real English fault codes
• All models indoor/outdoor certified
• Complete cabinet protects all controls and wiring
• Meets all current Low NOx regulations
• Suitable for altitudes up to 10,000 ft. (derate above 5,000 ft.)
• With all copper and optional bronze waterways, the MVB is
available in boiler and water heater configurations
• Inline combustion air filter (MERVB)
*Category I with vertical vent, category III with horizontal venting and no extractor.

State of the art European combustion technology
1. Control Panel
Fully enclosed controls and wiring protect against damage or vandalism. Cabinet design affords easy access to
controls for installation and service.
2. Temp-Tracker Mod Control
This factory-mounted multi-function control
delivers precise load-tracking with selectable
mode displays that are easy to access and read.
3. On Board Diagnostic Center
Factory-mounted standard equipment. Gives relevant
service feedback as well as possible solutions to clear
the fault. All in plain English, no cryptic codes to decipher. The control also stores up to 16 fault codes in its
history file for the service technician to review.
4. Weather-Proof Jacket
Heavy gauge galvanized steel with a UV-resistant
Polytuf powder coat finish is impervious to weather and
5. Combustion Air Fan
Cast aluminum, non-sparking construction.
6. Vent Pressure Switch
Monitors vent pressure and provides safe shut down if
back pressure is excessive.
7. Minimum Clearance Requirements
Only one inch of side clearance is required from
combustible surfaces.
8. Vertical Heat Exchanger
Cylindrical, multi-pass heat exchanger captures all radiant energy, eliminating the need for heavy refractory.
9. Rugged Cast Headers
Bronze headers standard on water heater models. Castiron standard on boiler models, with bronze headers
Optional Equipment
Cold Water Solutions
Cold Water Start – For applications that
require reliable protection against harmful condensation caused by frequent, extended, cold
tem return water temperature is below the minimum acceptable
level. (See Cat. #1000.19)
while at the same time continuously maintaining the optimum inlet
water temperature to prevent condensation. (See Cat. #1000.19)
water start-ups. Raypak’s Cold Water Start protection system utilizes a proportional threeway valve to bypass water from the boiler outlet to the inlet during start-up, when the sys-
Cold Water Run – For applications requiring constant condensation protection. Raypak’s
Cold Water Run system utilizes a variablespeed pump to inject just the right amount of
water from the main system loop into the boiler to maintain the optimum inlet temperature.
This approach allows the full capacity of the
boiler to be utilized to meet the system load,
10. Tube Sheet Construction
Eliminates the repair & maintenance problems associated with rolled-tube construction. Easy, cost-effective
component replacement.
11. Viewing Port
Allows easy burner inspection.
12. Low Voltage Wiring Connections
Up front and easy to get to. Makes sensor wiring and
external control wiring simple and clean.
13. Drain Valves
Two drain valves located at the bottom of the heat
exchanger. This allows for complete winterizing and
drainage of the heater.
Multi Boiler Solutions
TempTracker Mod+ Hybrid– Controls up
to 16 Raypak boilers with PID logic. Automatic
or manually selectable lead-lag boiler operation. TempTracker Mod+ Hybrid monitors and
displays supply water temperatures on all
applications including outdoor temperature
Hybrid Control
BACnet BMS Link
when outdoor reset mode is selected. Can
also be used to control a mix of condensing
and non condensing boilers using our Hybrid
control algorithm. Now available with
optional BACnet
(See Cat. # 5100.22)
BMS link.