Instruction with Screenshot for Windows System
1. Download the software for Windows from:
http://www.ravpower.com/downloads-RP-WD02.html -- RAV_FileHub_V1.0.8.2.rar
2. Install the software, simply double click software and follow the on-screen instruction. And
there should be a “RAV FileHub” icon on your PC/Laptop.
3. Power on the RP-WD01 Wi-Fi Disk. Choose “FileHub-XXXX” to connected in your Network
connection. The password is “11111111”.
4. Create a shortcut on your main screen, and double click the “RAV FileHub” icon on your
PC/Laptop. The software utility will search all the connected devices in your network.
5. Select the WD01 on the list and click “Login” on the left corner, and you can enter into the
login screen (User Name: admin / leave password blank. Click “Login”.
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There are 4 main webpage Management Interface:
1. Explorer Function:
Allow the user to upload files to the devices, create new folders, copy, move, delete and
rename the folders or files.
Refresh Button – To refresh the display.
Upload Button – To upload the files in your PC/Laptop to Micro SD Card or USB
External storage devices.
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Create Folder – To create new folders on you Micro SD Card or USB External storage
Copy Button – To copy files and paste them into another folder.
Cut/Move Button – To move files and paste them into another folder.
Download Button – To download files to your PC/Laptop.
Delete Button – To delete the files you do not need any more.
Rename Button – To rename the file or the folder.
Photo Viewer – To view the photos on one folder with slide.
2. Information Function:
1> Device: You can see all the information of the RP-WD01, including the host name, serial
number, model etc.
2> Storage: Provides information of the Micro SD Card or USB external storage device,
including the brand, total capacity, available capacity.
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3> Network: Provide detailed information regarding the current network setting, including
the connections access to the Internet, WIFI SSID and IP address.
3. Setting Function
User Setting:
This window will allow you to modify the admin password (5 characters minimum and 32
characters maximum.)
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