RAVPower RP-WD02 User Manual

Instruction for RAVPower RP-WD02 FileHub in Android System
1. Search RAV FileHub or “Airstor on Apple store or Android market.
2. Download the app and install it on your tablet on Smartphone.
3. Long press the power button for 3-5 seconds until the battery light and wifi light are on and solid.
4. Insert the Micro SD card or USB external HDD.
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5. Open Setting on your phone or tablet, enter into Wifi
6. Choose FileHub – XXXX to connect , the password is 11111111
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7. Open the downloaded APP RAV FileHub
8. Now you can read the data on your Micro SD card (My FileHub)
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9. Listen to the Music
10. View the Picture and Share it.
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