When starting, the fan will always start at the
set-point speed.
The boiler is fi tted with an anti-cycling device
on the control board. This delays the boiler
from re-fi ring within 10 minutes.
If the heating temperature goes 20 °C below
the set point, the burner restarts immediately.
The domestic hot water will always take
priority and is unaff ected by the anti-cycling
The instrument panel allows adjustment of the
boiler to the heating requirements, between
the maximum and minimum settings.
Air and gas are drawn by the fan for
combustion. The fan also forces exhaust gas
through the fl ue to the outside, this creates
a lesser pressure in the sealed combustion
chamber, thus sucking in combustion air,
through the inlet duct.
The boiler water temperature is automatically
controlled by a built in thermostat.
Interior space temperature is set by the
room thermostat to be installed as part of the
heating system. The boiler already carries
connection terminals for this thermostat, as
well as for an external timer if required. The
burner continues to operate until it is stopped
by the digital clock or one of the thermostats.
When the internal CH temperature sensor
or the room thermostat intervenes the burner
shuts down. The fan stops but the pump
continues to operate for 3 minutes.
The boiler also incorporates an anti-block
system which powers the pump every 24
hours, allowing it to operate for 2 minutes if
the boiler has not been in use. This operation
may in some cases be heard for a short
period when the pump has been activated.
The heat exchanger in the DHW circuit is
a stainless steel plate heat exchanger water
to water, and domestic water is heated by
converting the water in the central heating
circuit. The transfer of heat is very high
because the two fl uids move in a counter
Select the winter position by pressing the
ON/OFF button (item 1 fi g. 1).
When a hot water tap is turned on the
diverter valve motor moves to exclude the
central heating circuit, the boiler
automatically modulates to maintain
the domestic hot water at a constant
The water temperature can be regulated by
the digital display.
This boiler is designed for the production of
central heating and domestic hot water
combined in one unit.
It is fi tted with an automatic domestic hot
water priority valve.
It is possible to select either a summer or
winter function with the summer position
only being for domestic hot water.
The winter position being for central heating
with domestic hot water priority.
2.4 Domestic hot water mode
When the appliance is in rest mode, select
the summer position by pressing the ON/OFF
button (item 1 fi g. 1) please ensure that the
heating circuit is charged with water (above 1
If the domestic hot water tap is turned on, the
boiler will function in the following sequence:
The pump starts. The fan starts and sends a
signal back to the ignition board that the fan is
The spark ignition system is powered which in
turn commences the spark igniter to operate
and light the burner.
At this point the ignition board opens the gas
valve to light the burner.
When the electrode sensor senses the signal
that the burner is alight, the spark igniter
The fan speed settings on the boiler increases
to the maximum permissible speed over
a period of 5 seconds and will remain at its
maximum required power until its maximum
regulated temperature is achieved and then
will modulate to maintain this.
When the domestic hot water tap is closed the
diverter valve goes back into rest mode, the
burner is shut down along with the fan which is
also switched off .
2.5 Central heating mode
If the appliance is in winter mode with a
demand for heat to supply radiators, etc. ,
with the heating circuit fully charged above
1 bar, so as to operate the low water sensor
device the boiler will start in the same way
as domestic hot water mode.
As the heating sensor reaches temperature
the fan speed modulates to maintain the
temperature set on the display panel.