Ramsey Electronics RR1 User Manual

Ramsey Electronics Model No. RR1
Have you ever been so frustrated with the range of your remote that you go to the extreme of rearranging your entertainment room just to make it work? Tired of having to bounce your IR remote off of ceilings and walls? Do you want to run your system from another room? Here is the answer to your prayers! Extend the range of your remote controls as far as you need; it’s only limited by the length of wire you use!
remote control up to 36 feet away before re-broadcasting it.
The RR1 reconstitutes the receive signal using a PIC micro
controller, restores noisy or weak signals, and then re-broadcasts the IR remote signals to your components via a long wire (tested over 500 feet!) to a high-efficiency IR LED.
Extend the range of your remote control around corners or down
floors by running a wire to an IR LED in front of the components you wish to control.
Works with almost any remote control (38 kHz carrier), does not
need to be programmed.
Will operate from 8V to 16V AC or DC. Use our AC125 wall adapter
for long operation.
LED indicator lets you know when you are receiving an IR signal
or not.
RR1 1
FM100B Professional FM Stereo Transmitter
FM25B Synthesized Stereo FM Transmitter
MR6 Model Rocket Tracking Transmitter
TV6 Television Transmitter
RR1 Wired Remote Repeated
RRW1 Wireless Remote Repeater
FR1 FM Broadcast Receiver
AR1 Aircraft Band Receiver
SR2 Shortwave Receiver
SC1 Shortwave Converter
SG7 Personal Speed Radar
SS70A Speech Scrambler
BS1 “Bullshooter” Digital Voice Storage Unit
AVS10 Automatic Sequential Video Switcher
WCT20 Cable Wizard Cable Tracer
ECG1 Electrocardiogram Heart Monitor
LABC1 Lead Acid Battery Charger
LC1 Inductance-Capacitance Meter
DDF1 Doppler Direction Finder
HR Series HF All Mode Receivers
QRP Series HF CW Transmitters
CW7 CW Keyer
CPO3 Code Practice Oscillator
QRP Power Amplifiers
RAMSEY MINI-KITS Many other kits are available for hobby, school, Scouts and just plain FUN. New kits are always under development. Write or call for our free Ramsey catalog.
Ramsey Electronics publication No. MRR1 Rev 1.1
First printing: January 2002 MRW
COPYRIGHT 2002 by Ramsey Electronics, Inc. 590 Fishers Station Drive, Victor, New York
14564. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be copied or duplicated without the written permission of Ramsey Electronics, Inc. Printed in the United States of America.
RR1 2
Ramsey Publication No. MR R1
Price $5.00
Introduction ...........................................4
Theory of Operation ..............................5
Learn As You Build Strategy .................7
Parts List ...............................................9
Assembly Instructions .........................10
Testing the RR1 ..................................13
Using your RR1 ...................................14
Troubleshooting Guide ........................15
RR1 Schematic ...................................16
RR1 Parts Layout ................................17
Specifications ......................................18
Warranty .............................................. 19
RR1 3
590 Fishers Station Drive
793 Canning Parkway
Victor, New York 14564 Victor, New York 14564
Phone (585) 924-4560 Phone (585) 924-4560
Fax (585) 924-4555 Fax (585) 924-4555
Welcome to the RR1 kit (and if you don’t have the time, the wired and tested version). Let’s take a moment to help you understand the basic workings of IR remote controls and how the RR1 works. This will better help you understand what you are about to build. As simple as it may look, the RR1 is one of the best remote repeaters money can buy thanks to some specialized technology we have added to restore normally unusable signals. We will get more into that in the circuit description section.
The RR1 has multiple uses. A common application is to extend the normal range of your remote control by receiving your remote’s signal and then re­broadcasting it a distance away via a wired IR element. Many stereo component manufacturers skimp on the IR receiver sections of their equipment so the range of the remote is very poor. Have you ever thrown your remote at the power switch because the darn thing wouldn't work from across the room?!. This kit helps to surmount that very problem. Another common use is to control your unsightly stereo components that are hidden within a cabinet while you’re entertaining. The unit allows your remote to control these items while they are tucked away inside of a cabinet (or even locked away for security reasons) with only the RR1 exposed so it can relay the information!
To use my house as an example, the stereo components are positioned behind the couch and it is very cumbersome to have to reach way up with the remote and beam it backwards in order to control them. Half the time it doesn’t work even work for me because the batteries keep popping out of the remote (I lost the remote’s back plate a long time ago in one of the many apartments I’ve rented in the past, but that’s another story)! I don’t want to have to re-arrange the room (that is the Wife won’t let me!) just so the remote will work better. Instead I use the RR1 in front of the couch someplace and have it relay the signal back to the equipment for me.
To increase the effectiveness of this kit, we take advantage of a high­sensitivity IR receiver element which claims on its specification sheet to work up to 36 feet (11 meters) away from the remote control (that’s about 30 feet further than my VCR remote works!). Now I can truly atrophy on the couch when my favorite program comes on and feel the pounds start packing on! “Hey… another bag of chips when you get a chance Honey!!”
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The RR1 may look simple but there is actually quite a lot being done inside each one of the parts. Many individual components are packed inside of the IR receiver part (U2) itself; so many in fact that if it was built up with discrete components, it would never fit in this little kit case. Inside of the part there is an IR detector diode, amplifier, AGC circuit, bandpass filter, a peak-hold cir­cuit, an integrator, comparators, and an output amplifier. Heck, the part is a kit in itself! Just be glad it’s all in one nice module and ready to go.
IR remote controls send out their data on a 38 kHz carrier much like the way your FM radio does. By modulating the carrier signal with the data you want to send, it is possible to increase the range of the transmission and decrease in­terference from other IR sources like ambient light (the sun pumps out lots of IR!!!). The modulation style used with remotes is called OOK (on off keying). In a nut shell, OOK modulation means the IR LED is switched on and off at a rate of 38 kHz in order to send the needed data. The digital data being sent (ones and zeros) is composed of a certain duration pulse for a one and a dif­ferent duration pulse for a zero. There are pauses with no carrier in-between each one and zero data bit being sent for easy determination of the bit boundaries. A common format for this type of data transmission is called 60/30 PWM. While this may sound complex, it really is not. Let’s take a closer look.
PWM stands for Pulse­Width-Modulation (not Pretty-Wild-Muscles). In our case this means that we change the amount of time the IR LED is turned on versus off in accor­dance with the data we want to send. For exam­ple, let’s say we’re send­ing data at a rate of 1 bit per second (bps). Each bit would take one second to send. To represent a logical one, the LED must be switched on and off at a rate of 38 kHz for 60%
0Sec 1Sec
IR Remote Output
RR1 5
0Sec 1Sec
IR Detector Output
of the one second time frame (0.60 seconds total of the entire second). For a logical zero, the LED will still be switched on and off at a rate of 38 kHz, but this time only for 30% of the total time (0.30 seconds total of the entire sec­ond).
When the IR detector “sees” a 38 kHz IR signal, the output of the detector goes low (it is inverted). Conversely when there is no 38 kHz carrier signal present, the output idles high. If you were to look at the output of the IR detec­tor you wouldn’t see the original 38 kHz carrier present, just the logical data that the PWM 38 kHz represents from your IR remote control. If we want to re­send this data, we have to modulate a 38 kHz carrier again in accordance with the data the IR detector puts out. There are a number of different ways we could do this. One possibility is to turn a 38 kHz oscillator on and off using the IR detector output as the switch, this lends itself to the problem of how fast our oscillator can start up and settle however. A better idea is to go one step fur­ther and use a micro-controller to generate the 38 kHz carrier. The data output from the IR detector can be sampled by the micro-controller which in-turn gen­erates a 38 kHz carrier signal that is Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) according to the detected data.
By using this method with a micro-controller, we can add some intelligence to the regenerated signal as well. The sample IR remotes we have looked at send their data at a rate of around 2400 bits per second. This means that our minimum pulse length for a zero should be 1/2400 x 0.30 seconds long (125 uS). Consider this example, let’s say that the signal from the IR remote is weak and it fades out due to interference from some other IR source before the data pulse is finished (i.e. 80 uS instead of 125 uS). The micro-controller will continue to send the 38 kHz until 125 uS is up, not allowing the re­transmitted signal to drop out the way the original source did. This error cor­rection feature can be disabled in case you have a strange remote that is not compatible (to this point we have yet to run across one that doesn’t work). Re­move the jumper from J2 to disable this feature and have U1 blindly re-create the data it sees.
Once the micro-controller has re-generated your 38 kHz carrier (modulated by the data), we buffer its output with transistor Q1 to drive the IR LED. The current through the IR LED is limited by R1 and is typically around 50 mA. This is pretty hard for an LED but don’t worry. Even though the steady ‘on’ state of a typical IR LED can only handle about 20 mA, we are switching the LED on and off at 38 kHz during the entire send sequence. The LED may be on only about 50% of the total time to send the data. To achieve the maximum transmission range and peak performance from the system, we’ve cranked up the current a bit to get More Power!!!!
RR1 6
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