Ramsey Electronics HR40 User Manual

Ramsey Electronics Model No. HR40
Small in size but BIG in features:
Easily tunes SSB, CW, RTTY and AM
Smooth varactor tuning of any desired 250KHz segment of the 40
meter band, easily retuned
efficient operation
Front panel RF Gain, Tuning and Volume controls
Efficient LM-386 Audio amplifier drives speaker or earphones with a
clean, crisp audio
Informative manual answers questions on receivers, hookups and
uses - enhances resale value, too!
Ideal companion to the Ramsey QRP-40 CW Transmitter
Runs on a standard 9-volt battery
Clear, concise assembly instructions lead you to a finished product
that works FIRST time!
HR40 1
FM100B Professional FM Stereo Transmitter
FM25B Synthesized Stereo Transmitter
AM1, AM25 AM Transmitters
TV6 Television Transmitter
FR1 FM Broadcast Receiver
AR1 Aircraft Band Receiver
SR2 Shortwave Receiver
AA7 Active Antenna
SC1 Shortwave Converter
SG7 Personal Speed Radar
SS70A Speech Scrambler
SP1 Speakerphone
WCT20 Wizard Cable Tracer
PH10 Peak hold Meter
LC1 Inductance-Capacitance Meter
HR Series HF All Mode Receivers
QRP Series HF CW Transmitters
CW7 CW Keyer
CPO3 Code Practice Oscillator
Packet Computer Interfaces
QRP Power Amplifiers
RAMSEY MINI-KITS Many other kits are available for hobby, school, Scouts and just plain FUN. New kits are always under development. Write or call for our free Ramsey catalog.
Ramsey Electronics publication No. MHR40 Revision C1
First printing: January 1995
COPYRIGHT 1994 by Ramsey Electronics, Inc. 590 Fishers Station Drive, Victor, New York
14564. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be copied or duplicated without the written permission of Ramsey Electronics, Inc. Printed in the United States of America.
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Ramsey Publication No. MHR40
Price $5.00
Introduction to the HR40 ................ 4
About Direct Conversion ................ 5
Circuit description .......................... 6
Parts list ......................................... 7
Schematic diagram ........................ 9
Parts layout .................................. 10
Assembly instructions .................. 11
Initial testing ................................. 14
Alignment ..................................... 15
Using your HR40 .......................... 16
Troubleshooting guide ................. 19
Notes for experienced users ........ 20
Warranty ...................................... 26
HR40 3
590 Fishers Station Drive
Victor, New York 14564
Phone (585) 924-4560
Fax (585) 924-4555
Our HR40 and HR80 models are thought of as “best for beginners” because Hams with a Novice or Technician licenses can operate CW in the 80 and 40 meter bands. If you like plenty of action and DX (long distance) communications, the 40 meter Ham band is the place to be. Almost 24 hours a day there’s something interesting happening on 40 meters.
These are several groups of people who will enjoy this Ramsey HR40 Receiver:
Experienced Ham operators who want a simple extra receiver for keeping
one ear on 40 meters while doing something else.
Beginners who would like to start by listening in on one of Ham radios
most active bands.
QRP builders who want a quick, easy and reliable SA602 board kit for 40
meter projects.
QRP builders not interested in our warranty or following our step-by-step
assembly and use directions, but who want to get their hands on our most versatile receiver PC-board and parts kit for their own projects.
The Ramsey HR40 has something fun and easy for each of them.
Note To Beginners: Building the HR40 is really no harder than any of our other receivers in this series. Just follow the directions carefully. All you need to know to successfully complete this receiver is contained in this detailed manual. Enjoy your HR40 receiver.
All Ramsey Direct Conversion Receiver Kits share the same basic PC-boards and most components which are not frequency critical. However, there are enough differences among the band characteristics, desirable operating features for each band, and differences among the people who would most typically choose a particular band, that a separate instruction manual is published for each receiver.
Other circuit details which vary from band to band include the tuning range provided by the varactor circuit. “Bandspread” for favorite band segments is easy on 160 or 80 meters but requires other considerations on higher frequencies. Also, some bands appeal to QRP operators more than others, and some are better suited for portable and travel use.
Therefore, we are pleased to assure you that your manual for the HR40 receiver and the receiver circuit itself has been designed with an understanding of typical operating needs and expectations for the 40 meter band.
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This receiver circuit is ideal for discovering just how simple a true “Communications Receiver” can be. That’s right- there is a BIG difference between the Ramsey HR40 and other simple short wave radio circuits we can try to build.
Yet it is very easy to build. Our HR-series are by far the easiest to build of all the Ramsey kit receivers and therefore very nice for radio newcomers. Consequently, our manuals for the 40 and 80 meter receivers are written with beginners in mind, since both of these bands offer Novice and Technician privileges. The manuals for the 30 and 20 meter versions assume the general Ham radio know-how that should accompany a General Class or higher license.
The HR40 is a “Direct Conversion” receiving circuit. There is no need for IF (intermediate frequency) circuitry. The receiver “processes” the incoming signal right at its own frequency, with no need to mix or transform it with additional internal oscillators and amplifiers running at intermediate frequencies such as 455 KHz.
The advantage of this type of receiver is that it permits tuning of CW, AM and SSB signals with no need for a separate BFO. (A BFO or “beat frequency signal oscillator” is an entirely separate oscillator circuit used in the IF “intermediate frequency” section of a superhetrodyne receiving circuit). Since this frequency is designed specifically for SSB and CW, you will also hear the carrier signal of any AM shortwave broadcast station.
The most elementary “DC” receiver consists of just an oscillator and an antenna connected to the inputs of a “Product Detector” whose tiny audio output is then amplified for listening. A product detector can be made from simple diodes, or a pair of transistors, or a dual gate FET transistor, or various IC’s. The Ramsey HR40 efficiently utilizes the Signetics SA602 IC for both the tunable oscillator and the product detector circuits, giving the equivalent of seven transistors in the mixer-oscillator stages.
Advantages of any Direct Conversion receiver include:
It is simple, and therefore economical and easy to build
It is quite sensitive even with a simple antenna
Its tuning oscillator could even be set up to serve directly as
a transmitter VFO in a simple transceiver setup.
A common problem with DC receivers is that they are easily overwhelmed by strong AM broadcast stations from almost anywhere, whether it’s your local rock and roll broadcaster, Radio Moscow or the Voice of America. Even popular classics like Heath Kit’s HW-8 QRP transceiver exhibit this characteristic to a frustrating degree. Another problem with DC receivers is
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called “microphonics” which is a phenomenon where almost anything in the physical circuitry of the receiver can act as a sort of microphone or audio sound pickup. Touch or bump such radios and you will hear a thump or ring in the speaker or earphones. Still another problem is that of AC line hum whenever an unregulated power supply is used rather than batteries.
The Ramsey HR40’s use of the SA602 integrated circuit chip offers a circuit configuration that is as immune as any simple superhetrodyne to the classic problems with Direct Conversion receivers. The receiver is not as easily overloaded by the VOA or Radio Moscow broadcasts, and there are few annoying ”microphonics” or incurable AC hum.
Circuit Description
U1 combines a double-balanced active mixer and oscillator in a single 8-pin IC chip. L1 peaks the RF input to pins 1 and 2 of U1. L2, with varactor diode D1 and R2, C1, C2, and C4, control the resonant frequency of U1’s internal oscillator. Rotating R2 gives about a 250 KHz tuning range. The audio output is fed from pins 4 and 5 through R3 (volume control) directly to the LM 386 audio amplifier. R1 controls RF gain. C9 boosts the gain figure of the LM 386 from 20 to 50.
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CAPACITORS: 1 .001µF disc capacitor [marked 102, .001 or 1nF] (C3) 3 100pF disc capacitor [marked 100 or 101K] (C1,C2,C4) 3 .01µF disc capacitor [marked 103 , .01 or 10nF] (C5,C6,C7) 2 4.7 to 10µF electrolytic capacitor (C8,C9) 3 100-220µF electrolytic capacitor (C10,C11,C12)
RESISTORS: 3 10K ohm potentiometers (R1,R2,R3) 1 270 ohm resistor [red-violet-brown] (R4) 2 10K resistors [brown-black orange] (R5,R6)
INDUCTORS: 1 Shielded Coil [K6883 or K6886] (L2) 1 Antenna input transformer [marked 421F-123] (L1)
SEMICONDUCTORS: 1 1N4002 Diode [black epoxy style] (D1) 1 SA602 IC (U1) 1 LM386 IC (U2) 1 6.2 volt Zener Diode [small glass body] (D2)
HARDWARE AND MISC: 1 Drilled printed-circuit board 1 9-volt battery hold-down bracket 1 9-volt battery connector 1 RCA-style jack [antenna connector] (J1) 1 subminiature earphone jack (J2) 1 PC mount pushbutton switch (S1)
REQUIRED, NOT SUPPLIED: 9-volt battery (alkaline or heavy duty type) Earphone, or small speaker Antenna and suitable cable
OPTIONAL: Ramsey Electronics Case and Knob Kit, Model CHR or; Your own choice of enclosure and hardware
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To help you learn just what exactly is going on we'll discuss the purpose of most of the components or groups of components as we go along. Since we are trying to keep assembly of the board simple, we will not be able to fully describe each individual component’s function as you build, but Ramsey's "Learn-As-You-Build" kit assembly philosophy still stands.
Check off each step as understood and completed. Examine the schematic diagram and PC-board X-ray illustration as you proceed. In all steps, “install” means to insert into the correct PC-board holes, solder properly, and trim all excess component leads.
Use good soldering skills - let your soldering iron heat each connection wire so that the wire itself and the foil trace both become hot enough together to melt the applied solder so that it flows smoothly around the wire lead and on to the PC board trace.
Mount all electrical parts on the top side of the board provided. This is the side that has no traces or pads on it. When parts are installed, they are placed flat to the board, and the leads are bent on the backside of the board to prevent the part from falling out before soldering. The part is then soldered securely to the board, and the remaining lead length is then clipped off. The clipped off leads should be saved for later use as jumper wires.
As you can see in examining the circuit board and parts there are many tall components such as the potentiometer, capacitors, and switches along with a lot of small parts. First you will install the larger components so they can be used as markers. So that you don't spend extra time "troubleshooting" we strongly recommend that you follow the assembly strategy and step-by-step procedures we have provided.
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+ 19 hidden pages