Keep an ear on the local repeater action from your easy chair
with this simple and fun to build FM receiver. Tune the entire 2
Meter band or the VHF high Police and Fire band.
•Tunes any 5 MHz portion of the 136 to 175 MHz band.
•Excellent performance, less than 1 uV sensitivity.
•Tuned input, low noise preamp stage.
•True Dual-conversion superhet design with 2 pole
Ceramic High IF and 6 pole Ceramic low IF filters!
•Front Panel Volume, Squelch, and Tuning controls.
•Excellent receiver for weather band, police, fire, etc.
•Informative manual answers questions on theory, hook-
ups, and uses - enhances resale value, too!
•Add our case set for a finished ‘Pro’ look. Cases match
Many other kits are available for hobby, school, scouts and just plain FUN. New
kits are always under development. Write or call for our free Ramsey catalog.
Ramsey Electronics publication NO. MFR146 Rev. E1
First printing: January 1992
COPYRIGHT 1992 by Ramsey Electronics, Inc. 590 Fishers Station Drive, Victor, New York
14564. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be copied or duplicated without the
written permission of Ramsey Electronics, Inc. Printed in the United States of America.
FR146 • 2
Ramsey Publication No. MFR146
Price $5.00
ntroduction to the FR146 .............. 4
Circuit Description ......................... 5
Parts List ........................................ 6
Simplified Block Diagram .............. 8
Parts Layout Diagram .................... 9
FR146 Assembly Instructions ........ 10
Schematic Diagram ....................... 12
Testing and Alignment ................... 18
Enclosure Ideas ............................. 20
Troubleshooting Guide .................. 21
Notes for Advanced Users ............ 21
Ramsey Kit Warranty ..................... 23
FR146 • 3
590 Fishers Station Drive
Victor, New York 14564
Phone (585) 924-4560
Fax (585) 924-4555
Most Ramsey kits can be classified as “Skill Level 1”. That means that our
kits are intended to be sucessful for first-time kit builders. This FR146 FM
Receiver is best regarded as a “Skill Level 2” project (or at least Level 1.46!)
and should not be taken lightly, even by experienced, licensed radio
Still, this step-by-step manual is written with the beginner in mind, because
we are well aware of the fascination that Two Meters and its maze of
repeaters holds for newcomers, which means this could be your very first kit
project. The same holds true for those who just want to peek in on VHF
public service communications without the cost of a scanner. To be honest,
we'd like to see first-time builders start out with an easier kit such as the
Ramsey HR-40 Forty Meter receiver before assembling the FR146, but we
are confident that you can construct the FR146 successfully if you follow this
manual carefully and patiently.
This receiver is a good project for amateurs wishing to become more familiar
with 2 meter FM before choosing a transceiver, or for those active on 2 who
want an inexpensive receiver to take on trips, keep in a briefcase or to watch
for band openings.
Before beginning the project or even studying the circuit description, it is
worthwhile to develop some prior respect for how much receiver is packed
onto the circuit board. The nine semiconductor devices (diodes, transistors
and IC chips) give the equivalent of about 30 or more transistors diodes.
And, in addition to four inductors, a crystal and two ceramic filters, there are
nearly 60 capacitors and resistors. Surely, all that should result in a decent
receiver! You could easily spend twice the money plus hours of time trying to
gather the equivalent parts from catalogs and still need to make your own
circuit board.
There are just over 200 solder connections on the FR146 printed circuit
board. That means your work could be 99% excellent and you could STILL
have 2 or 3 cold solder points or solder bridges. Since this circuit is more
sophisticated than a direct-conversion HF receiver or a simple transmitter, a
beginner or casual amateur could have a harder time tracing a problem due
to a poor solder connection. Therefore, PLEASE take us seriously when we
say that good soldering is essential to the proper operation of your receiver!
Use a 25-watt soldering pencil with a clean, sharp tip.
Use only rosin-core solder intended for electronics use.
FR146 • 4
Use bright lighting. A magnifying lamp or bench-style magnifier may be
Do your work in stages, taking breaks to check your work.
Carefully brush away wire cuttings so they don't lodge between solder
VHF signals from the antenna are amplified through the tuned input circuit (L1,
C3 and L2,C4) by Q1, a microwave bipolar transistor. Q1's output is fed to the
input of the SA602 IC, an efficient single-package (8-pin DIP) mixer-product
detector-oscillator. The tuneable oscillator section of the SA602 is aligned to
operate at 10.7 MHz higher than the signal fed and amplified by Q1. For
example, to receive 144-148 MHz signals, the oscillator must tune 154.7 to
158.7 MHz in order for the SA602's mixing capability to produce a steady 10.7
MHz output signal to the rest of the circuit. The oscillator frequency is
determined by L3 and its associated capacitors, and varied by the varactor
tuning network using D1 and varied by R1.
The output from pin 4 of the SA602 passes through a ceramic 10.7 MHz filter,
amplified by transistor Q2 and applied to input pin 18 of U2.
Q3 provides AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) by keeping the local oscillator
of U1 from drifting away from an incoming signal. This is accomplished by
tuning the varactor circuit in the direction opposite the drift.
The MC3359 IC has an internal oscillator controlled by the 10.24 MHz crystal.
The 10.24 MHz signal is mixed with the 10.7 MHz input from U1 to convert
down to the low IF of 450 KHz. The 450 KHz IF is filtered by FL2 and then
amplified by a limiting amplifier in U2. Audio demodulation takes place in the
quadrature detector, with L4 adjusting the detector.
The audio modulation is detected in U2, and the background noise is used to
control the squelch. U3 amplifies the audio output from pin 10 of U2 to a
practical level for speaker or headphone operation. Pin 16 of U2 will ground the
input of U3 when the squelch is closed.
L4, a 450 KHz IF coil, permits adjustment of the 90-degree voltage-current
phasing ("quadrature") of FL2's output to the FM detector demodulator (pin 8 of
the MC3359).
3 4.7 or 10 uF electrolytic (C15,30,36)
4 100 to 220 uF electrolytic (C14,32,33,35)
Controls and Hardware
1 Printed circuit board
3 10K ohm potentiometer (R1,R2,R3)
1 DPDT push switch (S1)
1 PC mount RCA jack (J1)
1 PC mount subminiature speaker jack (J2)
1 9-volt battery bracket
1 9-volt battery snap-on clip
1 9-volt alkaline battery
1 VHF antenna with cable terminated in RCA-style plug or adapter
1 Speaker or headphones
Your receiver kit is supplied with a standard subminiature 2.5 mm (3/32") audio
output jack, which mates with commonly available earphone plugs and
adapters available at Radio Shack, such as 274-290 (plug) or 274-327 (adapter
for 1/8" mono plug). If you prefer to use another size and style jack, we suggest
that you still install the original jack and then wire your own jack in parallel with
it rather to rough up the PC board to accommodate your jack.
U1 SA602 (Signetics) Contact Ramsey Factory
U2 MC3359 (Motorola) ECG860 or SK7731
U3 LM386 (National) available at Radio Shack, other suppliers
Q1 2SC2498 ECG10 or SK9139
Q2,3 2N3904 available at Radio Shack, other suppliers
D1 BB505 contact Ramsey Factory
D2 1N4148 available at Radio Shack, other suppliers
FR146 • 7
U2, 3359
FR146 • 8
+ 16 hidden pages
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