Rainbow Electronics AT89C5132 User Manual


– USB Used as a Physical Layer – Device Firmware Upgrade Class Compliant – Auto-Frequency Detection
In-System Programming
In-Application Programming/Self-Programming
– Read/Write Flash Memory – Read Device ID – Block Erase – Read/Write Configuration Bytes – Bootloader Start


This document describes the USB bootloader functionality as well as the USB proto­col to efficiently perform operations on the on-chip Flash memory. Additional information on the AT89C5132 product can be found in the AT89C5132 datasheet and the AT89C5132 errata sheet available on the Atmel web site, www.atmel.com.
The bootloader software (binary file) currently used for production is available from the Atmel web site.
USB Microcontrollers
AT89C5132 USB Bootloader
Bootloader Revision Purpose of Modifications Date
Revisions 1.6.2 and higher First release 3/25/2003
Rev. 4256A–USB–06/03

Functional Description

The AT89C5132 USB Bootloader facilitates In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Appli­cation Programming (IAP) .

In-System Programming Capability

In-Application Programming or Self­Programming Capability
In-System Programming allows the user to program or reprogram the microcontroller on-chip Flash memory without removing it from the system and without the need of a pre-programmed application.
The USB bootloader can manage a communication with a host through the USB bus. It can also access and perform requested operations on the on-chip Flash memory.
IAP allows the reprogramming of the microcontroller on-chip Flash memory without removing it from the system and while the embedded application is running.
The USB bootloader contains some Application Programming Interface routines named API routines allowing IAP by using the user’s firmware.

Block Diagram This section describes the different parts of the USB bootloader. Figure 1 shows the on-

chip bootloader and IAP processes.
Figure 1. Bootloader Process Description
External host via the
USB Protocol
ISP Communication
User Call
Flash Memory
Flash Memory

ISP Communication Management

The purpose of this process is to manage the communication and its protocol between the on-chip bootloader and an external device (host). The on-chip bootloader imple­ments a USB protocol (see Section “Protocol”, page 10). This process translates serial communication frames (USB) into Flash memory accesses (read, write, erase...).

User Call Management Several Application Program Interface (API) calls are available to the application pro-

gram to selectively erase and program Flash pages. All calls are made through a common interface (API calls) included in the bootloader. The purpose of this process is to translate the application request into internal Flash memory operations.

Flash Memory Management This process manages low level accesses to the Flash memory (performs read and

write accesses).

Bootloader Configuration

Configuration and Manufacturer Information

The following table lists Configuration and Manufacturer byte information used by the bootloader. This information can be accessed through a set of API or ISP commands.
Tab le 1 . Configuration and Manufacturer Byte Information
Mnemonic Description Default Value
BSB Boot Status Byte FFh
SBV Software Boot Vector FOh
SSB Software Security Byte FFh

Mapping and Default Value of Hardware Security Byte

EB Extra Byte FFh
Manufacturer 58h
Id1: Family Code D7h
Id2: Product Name F7h
Id3: Product Revision DFh
The 4 MSB of the Hardware Byte can be read/written by software (this area is called Fuse bits). The 4 LSB can only be read by software and written by hardware using par­allel programmer devices, this area is called Lock bits.
Tab le 2. Hardware Byte Information
Bit Position Mnemonic Default Value Description
7 X2B U To start in x1 mode
6 BLJB P To map the boot area in code area between F000h-FFFFh
5– U
4– U
3 reserved U
2LB2 P
To lock the chip (see datasheet)1LB1 U
0LB0 U
Note: U: Unprogrammed = 1
P: Program = 0

Security The bootloader has Software Security Byte (SSB) to protect itself from user access or

ISP access.
The Software Security Byte (SSB) protects from ISP accesses. The command ’Program Software Security Bit’ can only write a higher priority level. There are three levels of security:
Level 0: NO_SECURITY (FFh)
This is the default level. From level 0, one can write level 1 or level 2.
In this level it is impossible to write in the Flash memory. The Bootloader returns an err_WRITE status. From level 1, one can write only level 2.
Level 2 forbids all read and write accesses to/from the Flash memory. The Bootloader returns an err_WRITE or an err_VENDOR status.
Only a full chip erase command can reset the software security bits.
Tab le 3 . Security Levels
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2
Flash Any access allowed Read only access allowed All access not allowed
Fuse bit Any access allowed Read only access allowed All access not allowed
BSB & SBV & EB Any access allowed Any access allowed Any access allowed
SSB Any access allowed Write level2 allowed Read only access allowed
Manufacturer info Read only access allowed Read only access allowed Read only access allowed
Bootloader info Read only access allowed Read only access allowed Read only access allowed
Erase block Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Full chip erase Allowed Allowed Allowed
Blank Check Allowed Allowed Allowed

Software Boot Vector The Software Boot Vector (SBV) forces the execution of a user bootloader starting at

address [SBV]00h in the application area (FM0).
The way to start this user bootloader is described in Section “Bootloader Configuration”.
USB Bootloader
User Bootloader

FLIP Software Program FLIP is a PC software program running under Windows

that supports all Atmel Flash microcontrollers and USB protocol communication media.
This free software program is available from the Atmel web site.
9x/Me/2000/XP and LINUX

In-System Programming

The ISP allows the user to program or reprogram the microcontroller’s on-chip Flash memory through the serial line without removing it from the system and without the need of a pre-programmed application.
This section describes how to start the UART bootloader and the higher level protocol over the serial line.

Bootloader Execution As internal C51 code space is limited to 64K bytes, some mechanisms are implemented

to allow boot memory to be mapped in the code space for execution at addresses F000h to FFFFh. The boot memory is enabled by setting the ENBOOT bit in AUXR1. The three ways to set this bit are detailed below.

Software Boot Mapping The software way to set ENBOOT consists in writing to AUXR1 from the user’s soft-

ware. This enables bootloader or API routines execution.

Hardware Condition Boot Mapping

Programmed Condition Boot Mapping

The hardware condition is based on the ISP# pin. When driving this pin to low level, the chip reset sets ENBOOT and forces the reset vector to F000h instead of 0000h in order to execute the bootloader software.
As shown in Figure 2, the hardware condition always allows In-System recovery when user’s memory has been corrupted.
The programmed condition is based on the Bootloader Jump Bit (BLJB) in HSB. As shown in Figure 2, this bit is programmed (by hardware or software programming mode), the chip reset set ENBOOT and forces the reset vector to F000h instead of 0000h, in order to execute the bootloader software.
Figure 2. Boot Process Algorithm
Hard Cond?
ISP# = L?
Standard Init
PC = 0000h
FCON = F0h
Process Process
Prog Cond?
Prog Cond Init
PC = F000h
FCON = F0h
Hard Init?
FCON = 00h?
User Boot?
SBV < F0h?
Hard Cond Init
PC = F000h
FCON = 00h

Physical Layer The USB norm specifies all the transfers over the USB line. The USB specification also

includes several CLASS and SUB-CLASS specifications. These stand-alone documents are used by the manufacturer to implement a USB link between a PC and a device sup­porting the In-System Programming. Mostly, the USB specification is implemented by hardware (automatic reply, handshakes, timings, ...) and the USB Classes and Sub­Classes are implemented by software at a data level.
Figure 3. USB Bus Topography
Downstream Transfer: OUT
Upstream Transfer: IN
48 MHz Frequency Auto­generation
PC driver PC application
USB line
application (Device)
PC (Host)
The USB used to transmit information has the following configuration:
USB DFU using the Default Control Endpoint only (endpoint 0) with a 32 bytes length.
48 MHz for USB controller: frequency auto-detection performed by the bootloader.
The following table shows the allowed frequencies compatible with the USB bootloader 48 MHz auto-generation.
12 MHz 16 MHz 20 MHz
X1 - X2 OK OK OK
Device Driver/API Firmware
Figure 4. 48 MHz Frequency Auto-generation
USB Connected?
Configure PLL for
Frequency X
Configure Timer 0
SOF Detected?
Timer 0 Overflow?
Change Frequency
USB Scheduler


Device Firmware Upgrade Introduction

Device Firmware Upgrade is the mechanism for accomplishing the task of upgrading the device firmware. Any class of USB device can exploit this capability by supporting the requirements specified in this document.
Because it is impractical for a device to concurrently perform both DFU operations and its normal run-time activities, those normal activities must cease for the duration of the DFU operations. Doing so means that the device must change its operating mode; i.e., a printer is not
a printer while it is undergoing a firmware upgrade; it is a PROM program-
mer. However, a device that supports DFU is not capable of changing its mode of operation on its own. External (human or host operating system) intervention is required.

DFU Specific Requests In addition of the USB standard requests, 7 DFU class-specific requests are employed

to accomplish the upgrade operations, see the following table.
Tab le 4 . DFU Class-specific Requests
bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
0010 0001b DFU_DETACH (0) wTimeout Interface (4) Zero none
0010 0001b DFU_DNLOAD (1) wBlock Interface (4) Length Firmware
1010 0001b DFU_UPLOAD (2) wBlock Interface (4) Length Firmware
1010 0001b DFU_GETSTATUS (3) Zero Interface (4) 6 Status
0010 0001b DFU_CLRSTATUS (4) Zero Interface (4) Zero none
1010 0001b DFU_GETSTATE (5) Zero Interface (4) 1 State
0010 0001b DFU_ABORT (6) Zero Interface (4) Zero none

DFU Descriptors set The device exports the DFU descriptor set, which contains:

A DFU device descriptor
A single configuration descriptor
A single interface descriptor (including descriptors for alternate settings, if present)
A single functional descriptor
DFU Device Descriptor This descriptor is only present in the DFU mode descriptor set. The DFU class code is
reported in the bDeviceClass field of this descriptor.
Tab le 5 . USB Parameters
Parameter ATMEL – AT89C5132 bootloader
Vendor ID 0x03EB
Product ID 0x2FFF
Release Number 0x0000
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