RAE Systems MultiRAE Lite Gas Instruction Manual

Technical Note TN-106 05/15/VK
RAE Systems PIDs can be used for the detection of a wide variety of gases that exhibit different responses. In general, any compound with ionization energy (IE) lower than that of the lamp photons can be measured.* The best way to calibrate a PID to different compounds is to use a standard of the gas of interest. However, correction factors have been determined that enable the user to quantify a large number of chemicals using only a single calibration gas, typically isobutylene. In our PIDs, correction factors can be used in one of three ways:
1. Calibrate the monitor with isobutylene in the usual fashion to
read in isobutylene equivalents. Manually multiply the reading by the correction factor (CF) to obtain the concentration of the gas being measured.
2. Calibrate the unit with isobutylene in the usual fashion to read
in isobutylene equivalents. Call up the correction factor from the instrument memory or download it from a personal computer and then call it up. The monitor will then read directly in units of the gas of interest.
3. Calibrate the unit with isobutylene, but input an equivalent,
“corrected” span gas concentration when prompted for this value. The unit will then read directly in units of the gas of interest.
Example 1:
With the unit calibrated to read isobutylene equivalents, the reading is 10 ppm with a 10.6 eV lamp. The gas being measured is butyl acetate, which has a correction factor of 2.6. Multiplying 10 by 2.6 gives an adjusted butyl acetate value of 26 ppm. Similarly, if the gas being measured were trichloroethylene (CF = 0.54), the adjusted value with a 10 ppm reading would be 5.4 ppm.
Example 2:
With the unit calibrated to read isobutylene equivalents, the reading is 100 ppm with a 10.6 eV lamp. The gas measured is m-xylene (CF = 0.43). After downloading this factor, the unit should read about 43 ppm when exposed to the same gas, and thus read directly in m-xylene values.
Example 3:
The desired gas to measure is ethylene dichloride (EDC). The CF is 0.6 with an 11.7 eV lamp. During calibration with 100 ppm isobutylene, insert 0.6 times 100, or 60 at the prompt for the calibration gas concentration. The unit then reads directly in EDC values.
Conversion to mg/m
To convert from ppm to mg/m3, use the following formula:
* The term “ionization energy” is more scientifically correct and replaces the old term “ionization potential.” High-boiling (“heavy”) compounds may not vaporize enough to give a response even when their ionization energies are below the lamp photon energy. Some inorganic compounds like H when their ionization energies are well below the lamp photon energy.
RAE Systems by Honeywell 877-723-2878 raesystems.com
and NO
give weak response even
For air at 25°C (77°F), the molar gas volume is 24.4 L/mole and the formula reduces to:
Technical Note TN-106 05/15/VK
For example, if the instrument is calibrated with a gas standard in ppmv, such as 100 ppm isobutylene, and the user wants the display
to read in mg/m
of hexane, whose m.w. is 86 and CF is 4.3, the
overall correction factor would be 4.3 x 86 x 0.041 equals 15.2.
Correction Factors for Mixtures
The correction factor for a mixture is calculated from the sum of the mole fractions Xi of each component divided by their respective correction factors CFi:
Thus, for example, a vapor phase mixture of 5% benzene and 95% n-hexane would have a CFmix of CFmix = 1 / (0.05/0.53 + 0.95/4.3) = 3.2. A reading of 100 would then correspond to 320 ppm of the total mixture, comprised of 16 ppm benzene and 304 ppm hexane.
For a spreadsheet to compute the correction factor and TLV of a mixture see the appendix at the end of the CF table.
TLVs and Alarm Limits for Mixtures
The correction factor for mixtures can be used to set alarm limits for mixtures. To do this one first needs to calculate the exposure limit for the mixture. The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) often defines exposure limits. The TLV for the mixture is calculated in a manner similar to the CF calculation:
In the above example, the 8-h TLV for benzene is 0.5 ppm and for n-hexane 50 ppm. Therefore the TLV of the mixture is TLVmix = 1 / (0.05/0.5 + 0.95/50) = 8.4 ppm, corresponding to
8.0 ppm hexane and 0.4 ppm benzene. For an instrument calibrated on isobutylene, the reading corrsponding to the TLV is:
2. Pressurized gas cylinder (Demand-flow regulator):
A demand-flow regulator better matches pump speed differences, but results in a slight vacuum during calibration and thus slightly high readings.
3. Collapsible gas bag: The instrument will draw the
calibration gas from the bag at its normal flow rate, as long as the bag valve is large enough. The bag should be filled with enough gas to allow at least one minute of flow (~ 0.6 L for a MiniRAE, ~0.3 L for MultiRAE).
4. T (or open tube) method: The T method uses a T-junction
with gas flow higher than the pump draw. The gas supply is connected to one end of the T, the instrument inlet is connected to a second end of the T, and excess gas flow escapes through the third, open end of the T. To prevent ambient air mixing, a long tube should be connected to the open end, or a high excess rate should be used. Alternatively, the instrument probe can be inserted into an open tube slightly wider than the probe. Excess gas flows out around the probe.
The first two cylinder methods are the most efficient in terms of gas usage, while the bag and T methods give slightly more accurate results because they match the pump flow better.
B. Pressure. Pressures deviating from atmospheric pressure
affect the readings by altering gas concentration and pump characteristics. It is best to calibrate with the instrument and calibration gas at the same pressure as each other and the sample gas. (Note that the cylinder pressure is not relevant because the regulator reduces the pressure to ambient.) If the instrument is calibrated at atmospheric pressure in one of the flow configurations described above, then 1) pressures slightly above ambient are acceptable but high pressures can damage the pump and 2) samples under vacuum may give low readings if air leaks into the sample train.
A common practice is to set the lower alarm limit to half the TLV, and the higher limit to the TLV. Thus, one would set the alarms to 1.3 and 2.6 ppm, respectively.
A. Flow Configuration. PID response is essentially
independent of gas flow rate as long as it is sufficient to satisfy the pump demand. Four main flow configurations are used for calibrating a PID:
1. Pressurized gas cylinder (Fixed-flow regulator):
The flow rate of the regulator should match the flow demand of the instrument pump or be slightly higher.
RAE Systems by Honeywell 877-723-2878 raesystems.com
C. Temperature. Because temperature effects gas density and
concentration, the temperature of the calibration gas and instrument should be as close as possible to the ambient temperature where the unit will be used. We recommend that the temperature of the calibration gas be within the instrument’s temperature specification (typically 14° to 113° F or -10° to 45° C). Also, during actual measurements, the instrument should be kept at the same or higher temperature than the sample temperature to avoid condensation in the unit.
D. Matrix. The matrix gas of the calibration compound and
VOC sample is significant. Some common matrix components, such as methane and water vapor can affect the VOC signal.
Technical Note TN-106 05/15/VK
PIDs are most commonly used for monitoring VOCs in air, in which case the preferred calibration gas matrix is air. For a MiniRAE, methane, methanol, and water vapor reduce the response by about 20% when their concentration is 15,000 ppm and by about 40% at 30,000 ppm. Despite earlier reports of oxygen effects, RAE PID responses with
10.6 eV lamps are independent of oxygen concentration, and calibration gases in a pure nitrogen matrix can be used. H
and CO2 up to 5 volume % also have no effect.
E. Concentration. Although RAE Systems PIDs have electronically
linearized output, it is best to calibrate in a concentration range close to the actual measurement range. For example, 100 ppm standard gas for anticipated vapors of 0 to 250 ppm, and 500 ppm standard for expected concentrations of 250 to 1000 ppm. The correction factors in this table were typically measured at 50 to 100 ppm and apply from the ppb range up to about 1000 ppm. Above 1000 ppm the CF may vary and it is best to calibrate with the gas of interest near the concentration of interest.
F. Filters. Filters affect flow and pressure conditions and therefore
all filters to be used during sampling should also be in place during calibration. Using a water trap (hydrophobic filter) greatly reduces the chances of drawing water aerosols or dirt particles into the instrument. Regular filter replacements are recommended because dirty filters can adsorb VOCs and cause slower response time and shifts in calibration.
G. Instrument Design. High-boiling (“heavy”) or very reactive
compounds can be lost by reaction or adsorption onto materials in the gas sample train, such as filters, pumps and other sensors. Multi-gas meters, including EntryRAE, MultiRAE and AreaRAE have the pump and other sensors upstream of the PID and are prone to these losses. Compounds possibly affected by such losses are shown in green in the table, and may give slow response, or in extreme cases, no response at all. In many cases the multi-gas meters can still give a rough indication of the relative concentration, without giving an accurate, quantitative reading. The ppbRAE and MiniRAE series instruments have inert sample trains and therefore do not exhibit significant loss; nevertheless, response may be slow for the very heavy compounds and additional sampling time up to a minute or more should be allowed to get a stable reading.
CF = Correction Factor (multiply by reading to get corrected
value for the compound when calibrated to isobutylene)
NR = No Response
IE = Ionization Energy (values in parentheses are not well
C = Confirmed Value indicated by “+” in this column; all others are preliminary or estimated values and are subject to change
ne = Not Established ACGIH 8-hr. TWA
C## = Ceiling value, given where 8-hr.TWA is not available
TN-106 is a general guideline for Correction Factors (CF) for use with PID instruments manufactured by RAE Systems. The CF may vary depending on instrument and operation conditions. For the best accuracy, RAE Systems recommends calibrating the instrument to target gas. Actual readings may vary with age and cleanliness of lamp, relative humidity, and other factors as well. For accurate work, the instrument should be calibrated regularly under the operating conditions used. The factors in this table on the following pages were measured in dry air (40 to 50% RH) at room temperature, typically at 50 to 100 ppm. CF values may vary above about 1000 ppm.
Updates The values in this table on the following pages are subject to change as more or better data become available. Watch for updates of this table on the Internet at http://www.raesystems.com.
IE data are taken from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 73rd Edition, D.R. Lide (Ed.), CRC Press (1993) and NIST Standard Ref. Database 19A, NIST Positive Ion Energetics, Vers. 2.0, Lias, et.al., U.S. Dept. Commerce (1993). Exposure limits (8-h TWA and Ceiling Values) are from the 2005 ACGIH Guide to Occupational Exposure Values, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH 2005. Equations for exposure limits for mixtures of chemicals were taken from the 1997 TLVs and BEIs handbook published by the ACGIH (1997).
RAE Systems by Honeywell 877-723-2878 raesystems.com
Technical Note TN-106 05/15/VK
Compound Name Synonym/Abbreviation CAS No. Formula 9.8 C 10.6 C 11.7 C IE (eV)TWA
Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 C2H4O NR + 6 + 3.3 + 10.23 C25
Acetic acid Ethanoic Acid 64-19-7 C2H4O
Acetic anhydride Ethanoic Acid Anhydride 108-24-7 C4H6O
Acetone 2-Propanone 67-64-1 C3H6O 1.2 + 0.9 + 1.4 + 9.71 500
Acetone cyanohydrin 2-Hydroxyisobutyronitrile 75-86-5 C4H7NO 4 + 11.1 C5
Acetonitrile Methyl cyanide, Cyanomethane 75-05-8 C2H3N 100 12.19 40
Acetylene Ethyne 74-86-2 C2H
Acrolein Propenal 107-02- 8 C3H4O 42 + 3.9 + 1.4 + 10.10 0 .1
Acrylic acid Propenoic Acid 79-10-7 C3H4O
Acrylonitrile Propenenitrile 107-13 -1 C3H3N NR + 1.2 + 10.91 2
Allyl alcohol 107-18 -6 C3H6O 4.5 + 2.4 + 1.6 + 9.67 2
Allyl chloride 3-Chloropropene 107-05-1 C3H5Cl 4.3 0.7 9.9 1
Ammonia 76 64-41-7 NH
Amyl acetate mix of n-Pent yl acetate &
628-63-7 C7H14O
2-Methylbutyl acetate
Amyl alcohol 1-Pentanol 75-85-4 C5H12O 5 10.00 ne
Aniline Aminobenzene 62-53-3 C6H7N 0.50 + 0.48 + 0.47 + 7.72 2
Anisole Methoxybenzene 100-66-3 C7H8O 0.89 + 0.58 + 0.56 + 8.21 ne
Arsine Arsenic trihydride 77 84-42-1 AsH
Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 C7H6O 1 9.49 ne
Benzene 71-4 3-2 C6H
Benzonitrile Cyanobenzene 100-47-0 C7H5N 1.6 9.62 ne
Benzyl alcohol
α-Hydrox ytoluene,
100 -51-6 C7H8O 1.4 + 1.1 + 0.9 + 8.26 ne Hydroxymethylbenzene, Benzenemethanol
Benzyl chloride
100- 4 4-7 C
Cl 0.7 + 0.6 + 0.5 + 9 .14 1
Benzyl formate Formic acid benzyl ester 104-57-4 C
Boron trifluoride 7637-07-2 BF
Bromine 7726-95-6 Br
Bromobenzene 108-86 -1 C6H5Br 0.6 0.5 8.98 ne
2-Bromoethyl methyl ether 6482-24-2 C3H7OBr 0.84 + ~10 ne
Bromoform Tribromomethane 75-25-2 CHBr
Bromopropane,1- n-Propyl bromide 106-94-5 C3H7Br 150 + 1.5 + 0.6 + 10.18 ne
Butadiene 1,3-Butadiene, Vinyl ethylene 106-99-0 C4H
Butadiene diepoxide, 1,3- 1,2,3,4-Diepoxybutane 298-18-0 C4H6O
Butane 106-97-8 C4H
Butanol, 1- Butyl alcohol, n-Butanol 71-36-3 C4H10O 70 + 4.7 + 1.4 + 9.99 20
Butanol, t- tert-Butanol, t-Butyl alcohol 75-65-0 C4H10O 6.9 + 2.9 + 9.90 100
Butene, 1- 1-Butylene 106-98-9 C4H
Butoxyethanol, 2- But yl Cellosolve, Ethylene
111-76-2 C6H14O
glycol monobutyl ether
Butoxyethyl Acetate, 2- 2-Butoxyethyl acetate; 2-Butoxy-
112- 07-2 C8H16O ethanol acetate; But yl Cellosolve acetate; Butyl glycol acetate; EGBE A; Ektasolve EB acetate
Butyl acetate, n- 123-86-4 C6H12O
Butyl acrylate, n- Butyl 2-propenoate,
141-32-2 C7H12O Acrylic acid but yl ester
Butylamine, n- 109-7 3-9 C4H11N 1.1 + 1.1 + 0.7 + 8.71 C5
Butyl cellosolve see 2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2
Butyl hydroperoxide, t- 75-91-2 C4H10O
NR + 22 + 2.6 + 10.66 10
NR + 6.1 + 2.0 + 10.14 5
2.1 + 11.40 ne
12 + 2.0 + 10.60 2
NR + 10.9 + 5.7 + 10 .16 25
11 + 2.3 + 0.95 + <9.9 100
1.9 + 9.89 0.05
0.55 + 0.47 + 0.6 + 9.25 0.5
0.9 + 0.73 + 0.66 + ne
NR NR NR 15 .5 C1
NR + 1. 30 + 0.74 + 10.51 0.1
NR + 2.7 + 0.5 + 10.48 0.5
0.8 0.6 + 1.1 9.07 2
25 + 3.5 + 1.2 ~10 ne
67 + 1.2 10.53 800
0.9 9.58 ne
1.8 + 1.2 + 0.6 + <10 25
2.0 + 1.6 + <10 1
1.27 + 20
2.6 + 10 150
1.6 + 0.6 + 10
RAE Systems by Honeywell 877-723-2878 raesystems.com
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