8.5 Test Mod e O peration ........................................................................................................... 17
8.6 Things to Know About Loops .............................................................................................. 17
Section 1 General Description
This Operation Manual was written for people installing, operating, and troubleshooting Reno A & E Model T-110
inductive loop vehicle detectors. The Model T-110 inductive loop vehicle detector is a single channel, shelf-mount
type loop detector with delay and extension timing. The M odel T-110 is designed to meet or exceed the NEM A
Standards TS 1-1989.
The Model T-110 uses a microcontroller to monitor and process signals from the loop / lead-in circuit. The
operation of the detector is programmed with a front pane l mounted s ix-posit ion DIP switc h module to provide t he
following selections:
Seven S ensiti vity Levels (-ΔL/L%) and OFF.
Presence or Pulse Mode.
Four Fr equenc y Select ions.
Delay and extension timing settings are programmed w ith a twelve-position DIP sw itch module to provide de lay
timing intervals of 0 to 63 seconds and extension timing intervals of 0 to 15.75 seconds.
The Model T-110 constantly monito rs the loop circuit. During t his process, loop data is obtained and recorde d.
The data is compared to previous samples for the amount and rate of change. A slow rate of change, as is the case
with environmental drift, is continuously tracked. If a rapid change exceeds a threshold set by the sensitiv i t y le v e l,
the output is activated.
If the total inductance of the loop input network goes out of the range specified for the detector, or rapidly changes
by more than ±25%, the detector will ente r the Fail-Safe mode of operation. Fail-Safe operation, generates a
continuous CALL output state as long as a loop failure condition exists.
The detector has a single, dual color (green / red) Detect / Fail LED indicator. The LED provides an indication of
the detector’s output state, delay and/or extension timing settings, and loop failure conditions. Output state
conditions are indicated when the Detect / Fail LED is illuminated in a green state. Loop failure conditions are
indicated when the Detect / Fail LED is illumina te d in a red state.
The Detect / Fail LED will illuminate (red) to indicate that an Open Loop Failure or an inductance change
condition of greater th an +25% exists. The D ete c t / Fail LED will flas h (red) at a one Hz rate to indicate a Shorted
Loop Failure or an inductance change condition o f greater than -25% e xis ts . Eit he r i nd ica t io n w ill c o nt in ue fo r a s
long as the loop failure exists. If t he loop self-heals, the detector will resume operation in a normal manner, except
the Detect / Fail LED will flash (red) at a rate o f three 50 millisecond flashes per second, t hus providing an alert
that a loop fail condition has occurred. Any prior loop failure indication will continue until the detector is
manually reset or power is removed.
The Detect / Fail LED will illumina te (green) to indicate a vehicle presence in the loop area. If a prior Loop
Failure condition has occurred and detection occurs, the Detect / Fail LED will flash (red) at a rate of three 50
millisecond flashes per second followed by a single 750 millisecond flash (green). This prior Loop Failure
indication will continue until the detector is manually reset or power is removed.
In add ition, the Reno A & E Model T-110 has a Test Mode that uses the microco ntroller to verify the proper
operation of the detector’s controls and indicators (switches and LEDs). The detector’s loop oscillator circuit can
also be tested to verify the correct frequency range in each of the four frequency selections.
The Model T-110 Series is comprised of the following detectors:
Model T-110-R For NEMA TS-1 applications ca lling for a single channel, shelf
Model T-110-SS For NEMA TS-1 app lications calling for a single channel, shelf
mount detector with delay and extens ion timing and relay outputs.
mount detector with delay and e xtension timing and so lid state
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Section 2 General Characteristics
There are four (4) selectable loop frequency settings (normally in the range of 20 to 100 kilohertz) for the detector.
The actual loop operating frequency is a function of the loop / lead-in network and the co mponents of the loop
oscillator circuit. Adjacent loops connected to different detectors may crosstalk and require changing of the
operating frequency of one of the loop circuits. If crosstalk is a problem, select another loop frequency for sta ble
operat ion. The fo ur f re q uency se le c t io ns are cont rolled w it h t w o D IP s w i tches (la beled 1 a nd 2) on the front pane l
mounted six-posi tion DIP switch module.
NOTE: The detector must be RESET after changing the frequency setting.
Two modes of detector operation are available. Presence or Pulse Mode is selected by setting the state of a DIP
switch (labeled 3) on the front panel mounted six-position DIP switch module.
RESENCE MODE: Provides a Call hold time of at least four minutes (regardless of vehicle size) and typically
one to three hours for an automobile or truck. This is the factory default setting and the most common setting.
ULSE MODE: An ou tp ut p u lse of 1 25 ± 10 mi lli se co nd s d ura tio n is ge ne ra te d for e ac h ve h ic le e nte ri ng the loop
detection zone. Each detected vehicle is insta ntly tuned out if it remains in the loo p detection zone longer t han
two seconds. This enables detection of subsequent vehicles entering the loop detection zone. After each vehicle
leaves the loop detection zone, the detector resumes full sensitivity within one second.
NOTE: Changing the Presence / Pulse switch setting will RESET the detector.
There are seven (7) selectable detector sensitivity levels plus OFF. The sensitivity levels are designed so that a one
level increase actually doubles the sensitivity and a one level decrease halves the sensitivity. The seven sensitivity
levels and OFF setting are selected via three DIP switches (labeled 4, 5, and 6) on the front panel mounted sixposition DIP switch module. (See Section 3.4 for actual detection levels and response times for each sensitivity
NOTE: Changing the sensitivity leve l s e tting will RESET the detector.
Call Extension can be ad justed from 0 to 15.75 in ¼-second s teps. C all Exte nsion set tings are co ntrolled w ith s ix
DIP switches (labeled 1 through 6) on the fro nt pane l mounted twelve-position DIP switch module . Call Extens ion
time starts counting down when the last ve hicle leaves the loop detect ion zo ne. I n the eve nt a ve hic le ent ers t he
loop detection zone before the extension time expires, the detector will return to the detect state (regardless of the
setting of the delay timer) and the extension timer will be reset. When the last vehicle leaves the loop detection
zone, full Extension time is reestablished and the detector begins counting down again. The detector will indicate
that the ext ens ion inte rva l is cur re ntly t imi ng b y fla sh ing t he D etec t / Fail LED a t 16 Hz ( gree n) w ith a 50% dut y
cycle. When operating in Pulse Mode, t he 125 millisecond pulse output w ill be extended by the amount o f time
programmed into the Extension timer.
Call Delay can be adjusted from 0 to 63 in one-second steps. Call Delay settings are controlled with six DI P
switches (labeled 7 through 12) o n the front panel mounted twelve-po sit io n DI P sw it ch mod ule. Ca ll D ela y t ime
starts counting down when a vehicle first enters the loop detection zone. If the Delay feature is activated, the
output will only be turned on after the selected delay time has passed with a vehicle continuously present in the
loop detection area. If a vehicle leaves the loop detection area during the delay interval, detection is aborted and
the next vehicle to enter the loop dete ction area will initiate a new full delay interval. Whenever the detector’s
Phase Green Input (call delay override) signal (pin J of the front panel mounted connector) is active (high state),
the Call Delay functio n for the detecto r is aborted and the Ca ll de lay time is forced to zero. The detector indicates
that a vehicle is being detected, but that the outputs are being delayed, by flashing the Detect / Fail LED at four Hz
(green) with a 50% duty cycle. When operat ing in Pulse Mode, the 125 millisecond pulse output will be delayed
by the amount o f time programme d into the Delay timer.
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