L - 1200 Series
Single Channel Shelf Mount Detector
• Back-lit LCD screen displays complete detector status and
function settings:
• Eliminates guess work and provides critical information
• Provides accurate, direct visual feedback of channel
• Allows easy access to built-in detector diagnostic
• TrueCount versions provide 97% to 99% count accuracy
when used with either a single long loop or multiple 6’ x 6’
necessary for proper detector setup.
frequency and sensitivity settings.
loops connected together.
• Audible detect signal (buzzer) facilitates loop and / or
detector troubleshooting.
• Upgrades or addition of user specic options are easily
accomplished by changing the socket mounted processor.
• Push button programming ensures long term reliability by
eliminating switch contacts.
• All programmed detector parameters are stored in non-
volatile memory.
• Directional logic capability.
The Model L-1200 series consists of detectors designed to meet or exceed NEMA Standards TS 1-1989. The L
- 1200 detector is a singe channel, shelf mount type loop detector with detect and loop fail indications provided
via a high intensity red LED and an easy to read LCD screen. All detector settings and parameters are congured
using a set of three push-buttons and the LCD screen. The L-1200 offers advanced features providing builtin diagnostic capabilities all of which are viewable by means of the LCD screen. These include: 1.) real-time
loop frequency, 2.) loop inductance and -∆L/L%, 3.) a bar-graph indication of relative inductance change (which
ensures proper selection of sensitivity level), 4.) a record of accumulated loop failures, and 5.) a timer countdown
of programmed timing functions.
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L - 1200 Series Specications
This is a basic performance specication and is not intended to be used as operating
Loop Frequency: The LCD screen displays the actual loop operating frequency which
makes it easy to quickly identify and eliminate crosstalk in the most difcult to congure
intersections. There are eight (8) selectable loop frequency settings (normally in the
range of 20 to 100 kilohertz). The actual loop operating frequency is a function of the loop
/ lead-in network and the components of the loop oscillator circuit.
Sensitivity: A unique bar graph displayed on the LCD makes it easy to quickly set
sensitivity at the ideal level for any loop / lead-in network situation. There are nine (9)
selectable sensitivity levels, plus settings for Continuous-Call and Channel-Off. See
Continuous-Call: When set to the Continuous-Call state, the detector output is
continuously in the Call state regardless of the presence or absence of vehicles over
the loop. The loop oscillator is disabled when in the Continuous-Call state. This state
is indicated by “CALL” ashing on the LCD. This option is selected from the Sensitivity
menu in Program Mode and is useful for checking controller response and other
troubleshooting activities.
Channel-Off: When set to the Channel-Off state, the detector output is continuously in
the No-Call state regardless of the presence or absence of vehicles over the loop. The
loop oscillator is disabled when in the Channel-Off state. This state is indicated by “OFF”
ashing on the LCD. This option is selected from the Sensitivity menu in Program Mode
and is useful for checking controller response and other troubleshooting activities.
Call Delay: Call Delay is adjustable from 0 to 255 seconds in 1-second steps. Call Delay
time begins when a vehicle enters the loop detection zone. The remaining Call Delay
time is continuously displayed on the LCD. Whenever a Phase Green Input (call delay
override) signal (pin J of the front panel mounted connector) is active (high state), the Call
Delay function is aborted and the Call Delay time is forced to zero.
Call Extension: Call Extension is adjustable from 0 to 25.5 seconds in 0.1-second steps.
Extension time begins when the last vehicle clears the loop detection zone. The
remaining Extension time is continuously displayed on the LCD. Any vehicle entering the
loop detection zone during the Extension time returns the detector to the Detect state,
and later, when the last vehicle clears the loop detection zone, the full Extension time
starts counting down again. NOTE: See Option 3, Call Extension Control for an alternate
mode of operation for Call Extension.
Presence / Pulse: One of two mutually exclusive modes of operation can be selected
in Program Mode:
Presence Mode: Provides a minimum Call hold time of at least 4 minutes (regardless
of vehicle size) and typically 1 to 3 hours for an automobile or truck.
Pulse Mode: An output Pulse of 125 ±10 milliseconds duration is generated for each
vehicle entering the loop detection zone. Each detected vehicle is instantly tuned out
if it remains in the loop detection zone longer than 2 seconds. This enables detection
of subsequent vehicles entering the loop detection zone. After each vehicle leaves
the loop detection zone, the detector resumes full sensitivity within 0.5 seconds.
Max Presence Timer: The Max Presence timer is adjustable from 1 to 999 seconds
in 1- second steps, plus OFF. The Max Presence function is used to limit presence
time by automatically resetting the detector. If this function is enabled (on), the Max
Presence timer begins counting down when a Call is initiated and the remaining time
is continuously displayed on the LCD. If the loop becomes vacant before the Max
Presence timer reaches zero, the Call is dropped and no automatic reset occurs. If
the End-Of Green (EOG) function is not enabled (off) and the Call is still present when
the Max Presence timer reaches zero, the detector is then automatically reset. If the
EOG function is enabled (on) and the Call is still present when the Max Presence timer
reaches zero, the detector enters a Wait state. The Wait state continues until the loop
becomes vacant; or the Phase Green Input signal for the detector (pin J of the front
panel mounted connector) transitions from green to not green with the Call still present.
If the loop becomes vacant rst, the Call is dropped and no automatic reset occurs. If
the Phase Green Input transitions from green to not green while the detector is in a Wait
state, the detector is automatically reset. The phase green signal on pin J is also called
Call Delay Override.
End-Of-Green (EOG): The EOG function is used to synchronize a detector reset with
the termination of the associated phase green. The EOG function is only available when
the Max Presence function is set between 1 and 999 seconds. It is not available when
the Max Presence function is OFF. When the EOG function is enabled (on), the detector
will automatically reset at the time the phase green input signal (pin J of the front panel
mounted connector) transitions from the ON state to the OFF state if the Max Presence
Time has counted down to zero and is resting in the Wait state. The phase green signal
on pin J is also called Call Delay Override. If an out of range loop failure condition exists
and is identied (i.e. channel will not be reset at End-of Green and the channel will
remain in the failed state.
Option 1, Loop Inductance Display: When this option is enabled (on), the LCD
screen displays the total loop inductance (actual loop inductance plus actual lead-in
inductance) in microhenries for loop inductance values in the range of 20 to 2500
microhenries. NOTE: This option is automatically disabled 15 minutes after activation
or on loss of power.
Option 2, Loop Inductance -∆L/L Display: When this option is enabled (on), the
LCD screen displays the percentage of inductance change (-∆L/L value) during the
Call state. To facilitate viewing of the maximum change in the -∆L/L value while trafc
is in motion over the detection zone, the detector will hold the peak -∆L/L value for
a period of 2 seconds. NOTE: his option is automatically disabled 15 minutes after
activation or on loss of power.
Option 3, Call Extension Control: When this option is enabled (on), the detector will
extend calls for the programmed extension time only when the Phase Green Input
signal (pin J of the front panel mounted connector) is active for the detector. When
this option is off, the detector extends ALL calls for the programmed extension time.
The signal on pin J is also called Call Delay Override.
Option 4, Noise Filter Disable: When Option 4 is enabled (on), internal noise ltering
is disabled thus providing a faster response time. When this option is off, internal noise
ltering is utilized. It is recommended that this option not be activated. The factory
default setting of “Off” provides stable operation in high crosstalk environments.
NOTE: Changing the setting of this feature will reset the detector. See “SENSITIVITY,
-∆L/L, & RESPONSE TIME” table.
Option 5, Phase Green Loop Compensation: When Option 5 is enabled (on), normal
loop compensation is used until the Phase Green Input signal (pin J of the front panel
mounted connector) becomes active. Once the Phase Green Input signal is active,
concurrent with a call output, the detector desensitizes the loop by 0.05% (-∆L/L)
over a 15 second period. This desensitization “tunes out” small changes, such as
adjacent lane pickup, therefore minimizing the chance of max timing an empty lane.
A small motorcycle may also be tuned out following the start of Phase Green. This
option is useful in minimizing the effects of false detection from adjacent lane pickup
when the detector must be run with a high sensitivity setting to ensure detection of
motorcycles. When Option 5 is not enabled (off), normal loop compensation is used.
Option 6.0, Vehicle Counting Display (TrueCount Models - See “Model Numbers”
Table): When Option 6.0 is enabled (on), the normal operating display is replaced
with the accumulated vehicle count display. The unit is capable of accumulating
65,535 counts before rolling over to 0. The LCD display will show just the hundreds,
tens, and ones digits until the accumulated count exceeds 999. At this point the
LCD display will alternate between the ten thousands and thousands digits and the
remaining three digits for hundreds, tens, and ones.
Option 6.1, Counter Reset: This setting is used to reset the accumulated count
for the detector. When Option 6.1 is changed from the off state to the on state,
the accumulated count for the detector is reset to zero. Option 6.1 will always be
in the off state when rst viewed.
Option 7.00, Vehicle Counting Loop Conguration (TrueCount Models - See
“Model Numbers” Table): The detector’s Vehicle Counting Loop Conguration
setting can be set from 7.01 to 7.05. This setting indicates the number of loops
installed in a single lane. Option 7.01 would indicate a single 6’ x 6’ loop or a long loop
such as a 6’ x 50’ Quadrupole™. The remaining four settings indicate the number of 6’
x 6’ loops installed in a single lane of trafc. NOTE: Refer to the Model L-1200 Series
Operation Manual for complete installation and operation details.
Option 11, Audible Detect Signal: When this option is enabled (on), an audible signal
will be activated whenever the detection zone is occupied. The audible signal indicates
actual occupancy of the loop detection zone. Timing and disconnect functions have
no affect on the audible signal. This feature allows a technician to watch the detection
zone on the street and conrm correct detector operation without having to look at
the detector display as well. NOTE: This option is automatically disabled 15 minutes
after activation or on loss of power.
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