Cut open tape protecting the box. Take out the balance of factory package and
place it on a stable base. Take out all components and assemble them
according to below drawings:
Fig 1. The components installation for the balance with pan size 165 x 165mm
For balances 300 x 300mm or 410 x 410mm put on the pan and set the scale
working according to the chapter 2 of this manual.
Fig 1-1. The balance with pan size 300 x 300mm
Fig 1-2. The balance with pan size 410 x 410mm
Balances are supplied from 230 V AC / 11 V AC adapters. Connect to the
power source and turn on the balance.
Counting – labelling balances are designed for COUNTING PIECES OF THE
SAME MASS. Connection with label printer enables labels printing.
Balances are equipped with data bases of operators, assortments, labels and
contractors. Connected with bar code scanner searching out assortment by bar
code is possible.
Software of counting set makes possible:
- determining mass of single detail on main balance with highest
accuracy of weighing
- owing to application of graphic display, balance software is user-
- possibility of application PC type PS/2 keyboard simplifies moving in
software menu and data accessing
9 place balance on a stable and flat table or free from vibrations
9 balance should not be exposed to draughts and sudd en air movements
9 balance should be placed in room of stable temperature and humidity
9 balance should be placed far from heat sources
9 temperature of the room should be +15°C ÷ +30°C (for WLT balances)
9 if static electricity influence balances, indications, its base should be
earthed. Earthling clamp is in the back part of balance base
9 balances should be levelled according to a level condition indicator to
guarantee the appropriate weighing accuracy
3.2 Time of warming-up
Before performing measurements wait until balance reaches temperature
stabilization. It is so-called warm-up time. It takes about 15 minutes.
For weighing instruments that have been stored in low temperatures (e.g.
during winter) the warm-up time is about 2 hours.
The indications of display may change during temperature stabilization.
3.3. Balance levelling
To do the measurements correctly level the scale. Take the pan off carefully
(without rapid pulls and hits) and turn the legs in order to level the balance, air
bubble should be place in the centre of level condition indicator.
Fig. 2. Balance levelling
1- correct levelling
2- incorrect levelling
For scales with 165 x 165mm platforms can weigh underslinged loads (hanged
under the balance floor). In case of using this function:
− remove the hole plug made of plastic (placed in the balance floor),
− a suspension can be seen in the hole. It is standard equipment,
− Mount an appropriate hook for hanging loads (hook is non-standard
1. The suspense cannot be rotated, revolved or tampered in any way,
because of direct connection with the weighing mechanism of the
2. All the additional elements like pan, string etc. should be tarred (TARE).
3. Balances with 300 x 300mm or 410 x 410mm platforms do not have the
under-floor weighing mechanism.
5.1. Graphic display
Fig. 3. Graphic display
1. displayed mass of currently weighed load
2. unit of mass
3. upper „bargraph” in which description of operating mode, date and time of
internal balance clock are displayed
4. lower „bargraph” in which part of mass from range of max capacity used
currently is displayed
5. symbol of precise zero
6. symbol indicating stable weighing result
7. symbol indicating weighing with tare
5.2. Balance keyboard
Each key on balance keyboard is dual-function key, its function depends on
balance operating mode.
Function in weighing mode
zeroing zeroing
Enter to balance menu Enter to counting pieces menu
Function in Counting pieces
Enter to choice of operating mode
Change of weighing unit
Sending display state to external
device (PRINT)
Balance tarring Balance tarring
Introducing Id codes
Introducing mass of single pcs
Change of weighing platform Change of weighing platform
Enter to choice of operating
Determining mass of single
detail by weighing
Label printout
5.3. PC keyboard
PC keyboard is necessary for correct balance operating (moving in balance
menu). Without PC keyboard access to some functions is impossible, above
that database edition is more convenient and efficient by using PC keyboard.
Function in weighing
Indication zeroing Indication zeroing
Function in Counting pieces mode
Enter to balance menu Enter to counting pieces menu
Enter to choice of
operating mode
Change of weighing unit Determining mass of single detail by
Sending display state to
external device (PRINT)
Balance tarring Balance tarring
- Operators base – choice of operator
- Assortments base – choice of assortment
- Contractors base – choice of contractor
- Cumulative printout with counters deleting
- Printout of “cc” label with counters deleting
- Setting N1, N2 counters, V1, V2 any text,
- Printout of cumulative label without counter
Id codes edition Id codes edition
Enter to choice of operating mode
Label printout
M1, M2 sums of details quantity and
starting point of counter n1
- Printout of “cc” label without counters
- Introducing mass of single detail
- Deleting counters and statistics
Change of weighing
Resignation from
introduced changes
5.4. Connecting sockets
1. Adaptor socket (11V AC 50Hz)
2. PC keyboard socket
3. RS 232 socket
4. additional display socket
5. earthling screw
6. RS 485 socket
7. main switch
Change of weighing platform
Resignation from introduced changes
Fig. 4. Sockets
User’s menu comprises 9 groups of parameters signed by P. Below you can
see listed groups and parameters.
P1 Calibration
P3 Date/Time
P4 Reading
01 Ext. calibration |
02 User calibration |
03 Report printout | * * * * * *0.1 | on
01 User | No wak Jan |
02 Project | AR – 65/04 |
03 Time printout | * * * * * *0.0 | off
04 Date printout | * * * * * *0.0 | off
05 User printout | * * * * * *0.0 | off
06 Proj. printout | * * * * * *0.0 | off
07 Id printout | * * * * * *0.0 | off
08 Calibr. printout | * * * * * *0.0 | off
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
01 Date format | * * * * * * * 0 | DA/MO/YR
02 Time format | * * * * * * * 0 | 24 hours
03 Time |
• functional – for particular activities e.g. balance calibration
• selectable – enable choice one of few values which are permanently
declared in balance memory e.g. refreshing, display screensaver,
declaring measuring units, declaring functions
•introduced – enabling change of some of setting saved in balance
memory e.g. date, time, user number, texts
6.1. Menu view
While in weighing press F key, display shows main balance menu (display I).
Moving by marker up or down, set it next to submenu which contents you want
to see. Press → key, display will show contents of submenu (display II)
Fig. 5 View of balance menu
1 – number of main menu
2 – choice of function marker
3 – name of function
4 – name of currently performed activity
5 – number of submenu
6 – name of submenu
7 – attribute of submenu
8 – value referring to attribute
6.2. Menu navigating
Moving in user menu is possible by means of balance keyboard or attached PC
By means of balance keyboard
Balance keyboard Description
By means of PC keyboard
Key Description
Exit to one step higher level to menu
Enter to parameter edition
Moving marker downwards
Moving marker upwards
Confirmation of introduced value
Cancellation of changes, exit from menu
Enter to balance menu
Cancellation of changes, exit from submenu
Confirmation of introduced value
Moving cursor downwards menu
Moving cursor upwards menu
Enter to submenu, parameter edition
Exit to one step higher level e.g. from submenu to main
6.3. Return to weighing
Introduced changes in settings will be saved after return to weighing
mode with procedure of saving changes.
Fig. 6. Return to weighing
After introducing all changes in parameters settings press several times ESC
key. When display indicates message, choose one of two options:
ENTER – save changes
ESC – without saving
Basic conditions which should be fulfilled to ensure reliability of measurements:
9 stable base for balance,
9 choice of appropriate parameters for existing external conditions
Before measurements or in case of essential changes of external conditions,
balance should be calibrated according to manual (for verified balances,
function of calibration is not accessible for user)
Before measurements check if unloaded balance indicates „precise zero” –
indicated pictogram -
parameter is set on 1: yes or P4 07 for second platform), if balance doesn’t
indicates zero press key:
If conditions for zeroing are unfavourable (lack of stable result), display
indicates horizontal lines. After exceeding set zeroing time of balance will
return to weighing without performing zeroing. In such case wait for
stabilization of conditions and press again
Place on the pan weighed load and when results are stable (indicated
read on the display result of weighing.
- in left lower corner (only when P4 06 Autozero
Fig. 7. Weighing- choice of weighing platform
TAB- by means of PC keyboard11
PRINT+n – by means of balance keyboard
7.1. Tarring
For determining net mass place on the pan package
of load and when indication is stable press T key.
Fig. 7a. Tarring – display view
1 –TARE signature (NET is being displayed)
2 –stable result signature
Tarring can be performed repeatedly in the whole balance weighing range.
Using tare function pay attention not to exceed the maximum weighing range.
After removing the load and package display will indicate mass equal to mass
of tare with minus sign.
Tare value is not stored in balance memory and is deleted after disconnecting
from mains
7.2. Inscribing tare value
It is possible to inscribe tare value.
To do it in weighing mode follow the below instructions:
• Select the platform for tarring,
• Using PC keyboard inscribe a tare value (in basic unit) according to
display format e.g.: if the basic unit is “kg” and 0,005kg is a scale division
and you want to inscribe 1.05kg as a tare value, enter it in the following
format: 1.050,
• In the bottom left corner the editing field appears for inscribing a tare
Fig. 7b. Inscribing tare – display view
1 – tare designator
2 – stability designator
3 – tare value
• press T or F6 (PC keyboard),
• Tare can be inscribed any time.
Use “point” for decimal fractions.
7.3. Automatic tare
This function is useful for quick determining net mass of weighed goods when
tare values are different for each weighings. It is accessible in <P4 Readout>
parameters group.
Enabling function:
Fig. 7c. Automatic tare – enabling
After setting an appropriate value of the parameter return to weighing 5.3. of
this manual.
The way of operation:
• Press ZERO button when the pan is empty,
• Put a package on the pan,
• After stabilizing tarring is performed (Net designator is displayed in the
top left corner of the display),
• Put an article on the pan,
• The display shows the net mass of the article,
• Unload the pan,
• Indication returns to zero,
• Put the next package … and the cycle repeats.
7.4. Zeroing
For zeroing display indication press
to zero and display will indicate a graphic signature in left lower
Zeroing of indication is possible only in range of 2% of maximum capacity
currently displayed balance/platform. If zeroed value is bigger than 2% of
maximum capacity display will indicate error message and return to displaying
previous value – for main balance or displayed mass will not change.
key. Indication will return
Balance zeroing determines a new zero point treated by balance as precise
zero. Zeroing is possible only in stable states of the indication.
To ensure very high accuracy of weighing, periodical entering to memory
correction factor of balance indication referring to standard mass is required; it
is so called balance calibration. In WLT balances it is inaccessible for user. The
procedure of calibration can be performed only by authorized services of the
Fig. 8. Internal setting of calibration
1 – main menu number
2 – cursor
3 – group of parameters
4 – status bar
5 – parameter number
6 – parameter name
7 – parameter value
8 – parameter description
In verified scales calibration can be accessed from the user’s menu. Calibration
should be performed with no load on the pan!
P2 GLP his group of parameters allows to enable/disable printing some
variables on the standard printout and calibration report.
For variables:
User and project name (max 8 alphanumerical characters) enter names with
balance keyboard or with PS/2 keyboard.
For remaining fields, select digits:
- 0 no (do not print during report)
- 1 yes (print during report)
Balances have a real time clock, which can be modified. Enter menu group P3
Date/Time according to the below scheme:
Fig. 9. Date/Time submenu
01 Date format
has doublestate choice according to below dependance
- 1 date format Month/Day/Year
- 0 date format Day/Month/Year
After choice of appropriate value confirm with ENTER key.
02 Time format
has doublestate choice according to below dependance:
- 1 time format 12 hours
- 0 time format 24 hours
After choice of appropriate value confirm with ENTER key.
Format 12 hours. Is diffrentiated by placing letters PM or AM on printouts.
03 Time
With F key enter parameter 03 Time setting according to below scheme.
Fig. 10. Submenu Date / Time – time setting
Set cursor next to value which os to be changed (Hour, Minute, Second).
Confirm choice pressing F key. Using keys Pcs and n change values.
Fig. 11. Submenu Date / Time – time setting – steering keys
Confirm set value (last changed digit will stop pulsing)
Above activities repeat for next values. After setting new values of time press
ENTER key. Balance will return to submenu P3 Date/Time and hour displayed
on upper bargraph will change.
04 Date
With F key enter parameter 04 Date setting.. According to previous description
(03 Time) set current date. After date setting return to weighing mode with
changes saving in menu.
Fig. 12. Submenu Date / Time – date setting
05 Disp time
For setting 1 – YES on upper bargraph, time will be displayed, for setting 0-NO
time will not be displayed.
05 Disp date
For setting 1 – YES on upper bargraph, date will be displayed, for setting 0 –
NO date will not be displayed.
User by means of appropriate setting of parameters from menu group <P4
Readout> can adjust the balance to existing operating conditions (filter) and
one’s expectations (refreshing, autozero, last digit displaying)
Fig. 13. Submenu Readout – internal settings
11.1. Filter setting
For perfect conditions filter can be set as very fast, however if conditions are
bad (vibrations, draughts) filter should be set as slow or as very slow.
Effectiveness of filter operating is different for weighing range. Filter works
slower in time of “reaching” the final result, however stronger when mass gets
to set range of filter operating (parameter range of filter operating available only
in service menu – user do not have access to it).
11.2. Median filter setting
Task of median filter is to eliminate single big disturbances. By setting digital
value determines speed of filter operating. For zero option filter operating is off.
11.3. Setting the time of display refreshment
This parameter determines how often indication of display is refreshed. It is
realized by comparing what in given moment is on the display with information
sent by balance processor about state of weighed mass placed on the pan.
For higher refreshment parameters value display do not indicate intermediate
unstable mass indication by placing and removing the load on balance pan,
however for low values all changes of mass during weighing are visible – e.g.
this enables dosing loose or liquid materials. Time of refreshment is set in
11.4. Setting of autozero operating
To ensure accurate balance indications software “AUTOZERO” function was
introduced. Task of this function is automatic control and correction of balance
zero indication.
When function is active comparison of successive results takes place in
declared distance of time e.g. every 1 s. If these result differ in value lower than
declared range of AUTOZERO e.g. 1 interval, balance will automatically zero
and markers of stable result –
and zero indication – will be
When AUTOZERO function is on every measurement starts from precise zero.
There are some special cases when this function interrupts in measurem ents.
Example of it can be very slow placing the load on the pan (e.g. pouring the
load) in such case system of zero indication correction can also correct
indication of real mass of load. AUTOZERO can be switch on or off in
parameter P4 06 – main platform 07 – additional platform.
11.5. Last digit
To ensure appropriate comfort of operating with balance user determines
(depending on needs) if last digit of mass indication is to be displayed and in
which states of balance. One of below values can be set:
- 0 never
- 1 always
- 2 when stab
For verified balance option 1 – always is set (without possibility of changing)
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