Radio Shack 15-1868 Owner's Manual

39-inch, Telescoping, black chrome-plated, VHF/FM antenna elements — fully
adjustable to give you the best possible reception.
12 Position Phase Control — lets you
improve picture quality as needed.
Gold plated 75-ohm Coaxial Connector and Cable (supplied) — for use with
cable-ready televisions.
If an icon appears at the end of a paragraph, go to the box on that page with the corresponding icon for pertinent information.
— Important
±±±± — Note
— Hint
OWNER’S MANUAL — Please read before using this equipment.
Thank you for purchasing a RadioShack Amplified Indoor TV Antenna. Your antenna provides excellent reception of VHF and UHF broadcast TV channels and FM radio stations in most listening locations. You can connect the antenna's 75-ohm connector directly to your TV or FM receiver.
Higher frequencies are noticeably affected by obstructions.
In weak-signal areas you might get slightly better reception by doing the following:
• For Channels 7-13 and FM radio, shorten the telescoping elements slightly.
• For all other VHF channels, adjust the angle of the telescoping elements.
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To get the best performance from your antenna, select a mounting location indoors, on a flat surface, as high as pos sible, suc h as on top of your TV. Make sure the front of the antenna faces the general direction of the nearest television or radio station's broadcasting antenn a.
For the best results, make sure the antenna is located away from obstructions such as metal cabinets or bookshelves. Do not place the antenna near any metal surface such as
a refrigerator, a met al door or wall, or a w ater pipe hidden behind a wall. This greatly reduces the antenna’s ability to receive signals.
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1. Connect the 75-ohm coaxial cable to your TV’s antenna input terminal or your radio’s FM antenna input terminal.
If your TV has screw terminals for VHF/ UHF connection ,
to-300 ohm transformer between the coaxial cable and the VHF/UHF terminals.
If your TV has a 75-ohm VHF connector and a 300-ohm UHF connector,
an optional signal splitter between the coaxial cable and the TV’s VHF/UHF connector.
2. Fully extend the telescoping antenna elements.
For VHF TV Channels 2-13 and FM
radio stations,
until you get the best picture and sound.
For UHF TV channels 14-69,
base of the antenna until you get the best picture and sound.
connect an optional 75 -
adjust the rotary knob
rotate the
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used by RadioShack Corporation.
Reception ........................................................................................................................ FM, VHF, and UHF
Operating Bands ................................................................................................... 88–108 MHz, 54–890MHz
Output Impedance ..................................................................................................... .. .... .. .............. 75 Ohms
Dimensions (HWD) ................................................................................................... 9
Weight .................................................................................................................................. 1.5 lb. (0.68 kg)
Specifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifications are subject to change and improvement without notice.
/2 × 91/8 × 41/2 inches
× 23.2 × 11.4 cm)
This product is warranted by RadioShack against manufacturing defects in material and workmanship under normal use for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase from RadioShack company-owned stores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT­NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CON­TAINED HEREIN. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY, LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY USE OR PER­FORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DAM­AGES RESULTING FROM INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF TIME, DATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE, OR PROFIT OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RadioShack HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allo w limita tions on how lo ng an implied war ranty la sts or the exclus ion or limitat ion of i nciden tal or con seq uential d amage s, so the above limitations or exclusions ma y not apply to you. In the event of a produ ct d efe ct du ring the w ar ran ty p erio d, t ake the pro du ct and the RadioShack sal es r ece ipt as pro of o f p urch ase da te to an y Ra­dioShack store. RadioShack will, at its option, unless otherwise provided by law: (a) co rrect the defect by product repa ir without charge for parts and labor; (b) replace the pr oduct with one of the sam e o r similar design; or (c) ref und the purchase price . A ll re plac ed parts and product s, an d p rod uct s on which a refund is m ade, b ecome the pro perty o f Radi oShack. Ne w or recond ition ed par ts and p roduct s may be used in the per forma nce of war­ranty service. Repaired or replaced parts and products are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period. You will be charged for repair or replacement of the product made after the expiration of the warranty period. This warranty does no t cov er: (a ) d ama ge or failure caused by o r a ttri b uta ble to a c ts o f Go d, abu se, acci d ent , m is use, imp rop er or abnormal usa ge, failure to follow instructions, improper installation or maintenance, alteration, lightning or other incidence of excess voltage or current; (b) any repairs other than those provided by a RadioShack Authorized Service Facility; (c) consumables such as fuses or batteries; (d) cosmetic dam age; (e) trans­portation, shipping or insurance costs; or (f) costs of product removal, installation, set-up service adjustment or reinstallation. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
RadioShack Customer Relations, 200 Taylor Street, 6th Floor, Fort Worth, TX 76102
RadioShack Corporation Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Limited Ninety-Day Warranty
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