Radio Shack 15-1586 - Digital Optical Selector Owner's Manual

4-Way Digital Optical Selector
OWNER’S MANUAL — Please read before using this equipment.
Your RadioShack 4-Way Digital Op tical Selector let s you con­nect up to four optical home or portable audio components such as a digital recei ver, MD (Min iDisc) player , CD/DV D play­er, or satellite receiver to your home theater sys tem (via a ste­reo receiver) with a digital optical input. The selector allows you to switch from one component to another just by turning the se­lector knob – no more disconn ecting and connecti ng cables or moving equipment around. You can play any of the four compo­nents you connect and enjoy the output through your home the­ater system.
The selector’s features include:
Toslink Jacks
— let you connect Toslink digital optical cable to
provide interference and distortion free signal transmission.
Four Optical Inputs, each wit h 1 Tosli nk jack
— let you con-
nect up to four audio/video sources to the optical selector.
Connect your audio sources’ (such as satellite receiver, CD/ DVD player, or portable MiniDisc player) digital optical output to the selector’s a Toslink connector at each end (available at your local Ra­dioShack store).
A, B, C, D
input jacks using fiber optical cable with
If your audio sou rce’s output jack is a
mini optical jack, use a Tosli nk to
/8-inch (3.5 mm) optical plug
/8-inch (3.5 mm) adapter (available at your local RadioShack store). Connect the selector’s output jack to your home theater sys-
tem’s stereo receiver’s input jack using a fiber optical cable.
To watch and hear your connec ted s ourc es throug h yo ur hom e theater system, turn on your h ome theater sy stem and t he au­dio source you want to hear. Then, press in the lock rele ase button on the selector’s di al and rotate the dial to the indicator
, or D). The ind i-
corresponding with th e source yo u want ( cator you select appears green . Release the button to loc k the selector in place.
Indicator (green when selected)
Lock Release Button
Satellite Receiver
Stereo Receiver with Optical Input
Home CD Changer
1Bit DAC
Portable CD Player
Mini Disc Player
Selector Dial
The sound from the sele cte d source comes throug h yo ur hom e entertainment system’s speakers.
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Limited Ninety-Day Warranty
This product is warrant ed by RadioShack ag ainst manufactur ing defects in mater ial and workman ­ship under normal use for ninety (90) day s from the da te of purchas e from RadioS hack company ­owned stores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack SHALL HAVE NO LIABIL­ITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY WITH RE­SPECT TO ANY LIABILITY, LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WAR­RANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM INCO NVE­NIENCE, LOSS OF TIME, DATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE, OR PROFIT OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL , OR CONSEQUENTI AL DAMAGES, EV EN IF Radio Shack HAS BEEN A D­VISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limita­tion of incidental or consequen ti al da mag es, so the ab ove li mit ation s or exclu sion s may no t app ly to you. In the event of a p roduct defect dur ing the warranty p eriod, take the pr oduct and the Rad ioShack sales receipt as proof of purchase date to any RadioShack store. RadioShack will, at its option, un­less otherwise pro v ided by law: (a) cor re ct th e d efe ct b y pr od uct repair without c har ge for pa rts an d labor; (b) replace the product with o ne of the same or sim ilar design; or (c) r efund the purchas e price. All repla ced parts and prod ucts, and products on which a refun d is ma de, becom e the pr op­erty of RadioShack. New or reconditi oned parts an d products may be u sed in the pe rformance of warranty service. Repaired or repla ced parts and products are war ranted for the remainder of th e original warranty period. You will be charged for repair or replacement of the product made after the expiration of the warranty period. This warranty does not cover: (a) damage or failure caused by or attributable to acts of God, abuse, accident, misuse, i mp roper o r abnormal usage, fa ilure t o follow instructions, im proper installation o r maintenance, altera tion, lightning or other incidence of excess voltage or current; (b ) any repairs other than those provided by a RadioShack Authorized Service Facility; (c) consumables such as fuses or batteries; (d) co smetic dam age; (e ) transp ortatio n, shi pping or insurance costs; or ( f) cos ts of product removal, installation, set-up service adjustment or reinstallation. This warranty gives you specific lega l rights, and you may also have other righ ts which vary from state to state.
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