Quatech DSPXP-100, DSPXP-200, DSPXP-300, QSPXP-100, QSPXP-200 User Manual

ExpressCard Serial Adapters
User’s Manual
QSPXP-100 SSPXP-200/300 DSPXP-200/300 QSPXP-200/300
QUATECH, INC. 5675 Hudson Industrial Parkway Hudson, Ohio 44236-5012 Toll free: 1-800-553-1170 TEL: (330) 655-9000 FAX: (330) 655-9010 http://www.quatech.com SSPXP/DSPXP/QSPXP-100/200/300 User’s Manual P/N: 940-5000-100G
Rev. 1.00 – July 2007
Copyright Copyright © 1998 - 2007, Quatech, Inc. All rights are reserved. The
information contained in this document cannot be reproduced in any form without the written consent of Quatech, Inc. Any software programs that might accompany this document can be used only in accordance with any license agreement(s) between the purchaser and Quatech, Inc. Quatech Inc. reserves the right to change this documentation or the product to which it refers at any time and without notice.
Trademarks QUATECH® is a registered trademark of Quatech, Inc. Other product
and brand names listed in this manual may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Disclaimer The information in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable at
the time of posting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Quatech assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this manual, and expressly disclaims any liability or damages for loss of data, loss of use, and property damage of any kind, direct, incidental or consequential, in regard to or arising out of the performance or form of the materials presented herein or in any software program(s) that may accompany this document.
Changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by
Quatech will void the user's authority to operate this device.
Feedback Quatech, Inc. encourages and appreciates feedback concerning this
document. Please send any written comments to the Technical Support department at the address listed on the cover page of this manual.
Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i
Figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
System requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Installing the Serial Adapter------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Installing under Windows XP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Uninstalling under Windows XP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Installing under Windows Vista--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Uninstalling under Windows Vista----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
Making external connections -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
RS-232 serial connections ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 RS-422/485 serial connections-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 Testing serial ports in HyperTerminal -----------------------------------------------------------------------------15
Running Hyperterminal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Using Device Manager-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Accessing Device Manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Exploring Device Manager screens----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Windows XP / Vista -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Setting advanced options -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
Operating Mode (RS-422/485 adapters only)----------------------------------------------------------------25 Receiver Control (RS-422/485 adapters only) ---------------------------------------------------------------27
Connector Set-up : AuxOut/AuxIn (RS-422/485 adapters only)----------------------------------------27 Troubleshooting-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 Appendix A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
Appendix B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32
Warranty information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32
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Table of Contents Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual
Figure 1 - Windows XP Found new hardware prompt.............................................................................. 2
Figure 2 - Windows XP Choose your installation options prompt............................................................ 3
Figure 3 - Windows XP “software has not passed Windows logo testing” prompt ................................ 4
Figure 4 - Windows XP “please wait” message......................................................................................... 5
Figure 5 - Windows XP Finished installing prompt.................................................................................. 5
Figure 6 - Device Manager.......................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 7 - Windows Vista "Found new hardware" prompt ....................................................................... 7
Figure 8 - "Windows needs your permission to use this program" prompt .............................................7
Figure 9 - Windows Vista "Insert the disc that came with your hardware" prompt............................... 8
Figure 10 - Windows Vista “Windows can’t verify the publisher of the driver software” prompt ........9
Figure 11 - Windows Vista “Installing driver software” message......................................................... 10
Figure 12 - Windows Vista "The software has been successfully installed" prompt............................ 10
Figure 13 - Device Manager...................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 14 - Use of DTEs and DCEs in a communication link ................................................................12
Figure 15 - Cabling requirements for RS-232 devices.............................................................................12
Figure 16 - RS-232 DB-9 pin designations............................................................................................... 13
Figure 17 - RS-422/485 DB-9 pin designations........................................................................................14
Figure 18 - Windows XP Device Manager - Adapter properties, General tab....................................... 17
Figure 19 - Windows XP Device Manager - Adapter properties, Advanced tab.................................... 18
Figure 20 - Windows XP Device Manager - Serial Port, General Tab ................................................... 20
Figure 21 - Windows XP Device Manager - Serial Port, Port settings tab............................................ 21
Figure 22 - Windows XP Device manager - Serial Port, Advanced settings box................................... 22
Figure 23 - Windows XP Device Manager - Serial Port, Driver tab....................................................... 23
Figure 24 - Windows XP Device manager - Serial Port, Driver file details box.................................... 24
Figure 25 - Windows XP Device Manager - Serial Port, RS-422/485 tab .............................................. 25
Table 1 - Device port and connection options ............................................................................................ 1
Table 2 - RS-232 DB-9 signal definitions................................................................................................. 13
Table 3 - RS-422/485 DB-9 signal definitions.......................................................................................... 14
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Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual Introduction
This User’s Manual describes how to setup and install your Quatech Serial Adapter.
The Quatech SSPXP-100, DSPXP-100, and QSPXP-100, respectively, provide one, two, or four independent RS-232 serial ports.
The Quatech SSPXP-200/300, DSPXP-200/300, and QSPXP-200/300, respectively, provide one, two or four independent RS-422/485 serial ports. Each of these serial ports can be used as desired for RS-422 or RS-485 communications.
Table 1 - Device port and connection options
Device Ports Connection Device Ports Connection
SSPXP-100 1 RS-232 SSPXP-200/300 1 RS-422/485
DSPXP-100 2 RS-232 DSPXP-200/300 2 RS-422/485
QSPXP-100 4 RS-232 QSPXP-200/300 4 RS-422/485
System requirements
Each adapter uses high-speed UARTs and deep FIFOs, allowing each channel to obtain data rates up to 921.6 kbps. The adapters are Plug­and-Play devices and require no hardware configuration.
Quatech Serial Adapters are supported under the Windows XP (and later) operating systems. All device drivers are available for download from the Quatech World Wide Web site at
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Installing the software Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual
Installing the Serial Adapter
This section explains how to install the Serial Adapter under different
Caution! Be sure to allow the installation process to finish without interruption.
Installing under Windows XP
Step Procedure Description
Step 1 Turn on the power to your computer
operating systems. Please locate and follow the procedure for your computer’s operating system.
The Serial Adapter includes Windows device drivers that enable the serial ports to appear to Windows as standard COM ports.
Follow these steps to install the adapter under Windows XP.
This is the system in which the device is to be installed.
Step 2 Plug the ExpressCard into an available
ExpressCard slot on the computer.
Figure 1 - Windows XP Found new hardware prompt
Figure 1 illustrates the Windows XP Found new hardware prompt. The Found New Hardware Wizard launches automatically when you first plug in the Serial Adapter.
Windows tells you that it has found new hardware and launches the Found New Hardware Wizard.
Step Procedure Description
Step 3 When the “welcome to the found new
hardware wizard” appears, select the “No, not this time” option
Step 4 Click the Next button Windows will continue to the next step.
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Please do NOT allow Windows Update to search for the software on the internet.
Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual Installing the software
Figure 2 - Windows XP Choose your installation options prompt
Procedure Description
Step 5 Insert the Quatech installation CD into
your CD-ROM drive.
Step 6 Select the “install automatically
(Recommended)” option.
Step 7 Click the Next button. Windows searches for drivers for the
This is the CD that shipped with the product.
The installation options prompt displays.
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Installing the software Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual
Figure 3 - Windows XP “software has not passed Windows logo testing” prompt
Figure 3 illustrates the “software has not passed Windows logo testing” prompt. This prompt will only appear in the case of a new unsigned driver.
Step Procedure Description
Step 8 In the case of a new unsigned driver, the
“software has not passed Windows logo testing” prompt will appear. Please click the [Continue Anyway] button to continue with the installation.
Windows displays a warning prompt if the software drivers are not signed with the Windows logo. New drivers have been tested at our lab facilities, but may not yet have received the official logo from Microsoft.
Step 9 The Wizard locates and starts to install
the necessary software.
The “wait while the Wizard installs the software” prompt displays (fig.4), followed by the “Finished installing” prompt (fig.5).
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Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual Installing the software
Figure 4 - Windows XP “please wait” message
Figure 5 - Windows XP Finished installing prompt
Step Procedure Description
Step 10 Press the Finish button to continue. The ExpressCard Adapter installation is
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Installing the software Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual
Uninstalling under Windows XP
Follow these steps in the event that you need to uninstall or reinstall the Serial software.
1. From the Control Panel, select System.
2. Press the Hardware tab.
3. Click on Device Manager.
Figure 6 - Device Manager
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4. Scroll down to Multi-port serial adapters and expand.
5. Highlight your Quatech Serial Adapter; for example, SSPXP-100
ExpressCard RS-232 Serial Adapter.
6. Select the Action menu option.
7. Select Uninstall from the drop down menu.
8. Click OK at the Confirmation screen. Note that this also removes
all the serial ports associated with your Serial Adapter.
Quatech ExpressCard Serial Adapter User’s Manual Installing the software
Installing under Windows Vista
Follow these steps to install the adapter under Windows Vista.
Step Procedure Description
Step 1 Turn on the power to your computer
This is the system in which the device is to be installed.
Step 2 Plug the ExpressCard into an available
ExpressCard slot on the computer.
Figure 7 - Windows Vista "Found new hardware" prompt
Figure 7 illustrates the Windows Vista Found new hardware prompt. The Found New Hardware Wizard launches automatically when you first plug in the Serial Adapter.
Windows tells you that it has found new hardware and launches the Found New Hardware Wizard.
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Figure 8 - "Windows needs your permission to use this program" prompt
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