Quatech Inc. warrants the DS-202
to be free of defects for one
(1) year from the
/ DS-302
date of purchase. Quatech Inc. will repair or replace
any board that fails to perform under normal operating
conditions and in accordance with the procedures
outlined in this document during the warranty period.
Any damage that results from improper installation,
operation, or general misuse voids all warranty rights.
Although every attempt has been made to guarantee
the accuracy of this manual, Quatech Inc. assumes no
liability for damages resulting from errors in this
document. Quatech Inc. reserves the right to edit or
append to this document at any time without notice.
Please complete the following information and
retain for your records. Have this information
available when requesting warranty service.
/ DS-302
CHANNEL RS-422 / RS-485
IBMTM, PC/XTTM, PC/ATTM, and PS/2TM are trademarks of
International Business Machines.
The DS-202 is a dual channel RS-422 asynchronous
serial communications adapter for systems implementing
an ISA compatible I/O bus. Data is communicated
through two shielded D-9 connectors which provide
greater shielding from environmental noise. The DS-302
is an RS-485 version of the adapter.
The serial interface is implemented with a pair of
16450 Asynchronous Communication Elements (ACEs). The
16450 is compatible with the 8250 ACE found in the
original IBM PC/XT models. The optional 16550 ACE
provides an additional FIFO mode of operation which
reduces CPU overhead at higher data rates.
The DS-202 / DS-302 allows independent addressing
of each channel through a pair of address decode
switches (SW1 and SW2). These switches allow each
channel to be addressed in the I/O address range 0000H
through 07FFH. Each channel is also capable of
selecting and / or sharing one of six possible
interrupt request lines (IRQ 2,3,4,5,6,7).
A component diagram of the DS-202 / DS-302 showing
the locations of the 16450 ACEs, configuration jumpers,
address selection switches, and output connectors is
shown in figure 1. The first communication channel is
controlled by the ACE labeled U7, switch SW1 for
addressing, jumpers J2 and J5 for interrupt request
selection, jumpers J7 and J8 for output signal control,
and is output through connector CN1. The second
channel is controlled by the ACE labeled U8, switch SW2
for addressing, jumpers J3 and J6 for interrupt request
selection, jumpers J8 and J10 for output signal
control, and is output through connector CN2.
III. 16450/16550
The 16450 is an improved specification version of
the 8250 Asynchronous Communications Element (ACE)
found in the original IBM PC and PC/XT systems and is
functionally equivalent to the 8250. This ACE performs
serial-to-parallel conversion on received data and
parallel-to-serial conversion on data output from the
Figure 1. DS-202 / DS-302 component layout.
Designed to be compatible with the 16450, the
16550 ACE enters character mode on reset and in this
mode appears as a 16450 to application software. An
additional mode, FIFO mode, can be invoked through
software to reduce CPU overhead by providing two 16byte FIFOs (one transmit, one receive) to buffer data
and reduce the number of interrupts issued to the CPU.
Other features of the 16450/16550 include:
Programmable baud rate, character length, parity,
and number of stop bits.
Automatic addition and removal of start, stop, and
parity bits.
Independent and prioritized transmit, receive and
status interrupts.
The following pages provide a brief summary of the
internal registers available within the 16450 and 16550
ACEs. The registers are addressed as shown in figure 2
below. Registers and functions specific to the
optional 16550 are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Indicates highest priority interrupt pending if
any. See IP and figure 3. NOTE: IID2 is
always a logic 0 in the 16450 and in the 16550
character mode.
IP - Interrupt Pending:
When logic 0, indicates that an interrupt is
pending and the contents of the interrupt
identification register may be used to determine
the interrupt source. See IIDx and figure 3.
with optional 16550.
| IID2 IID1 IID0 IP | Priority | Interrupt Type |
| x x x 1 | N/A | None |
| 0 1 1 0 | Highest | Receiver Line Status |
| 0 1 0 0 | Second | Received Data Ready |
| 1 1 0 0 | Second | Character Timeout |
| | | (FIFO mode only)
| 0 0 1 0 | Third | Transmitter Holding |
| | | Register Empty |
| 0 0 0 0 | Fourth | MODEM Status |
Figure 3. Interrupt Identification bit definitions.
Receiver Line Status:
Indicates overrun, parity, framing errors or
break interrupts. The interrupt is cleared by
reading the line status register.
Received Data Ready:
Indicates receive data available. The interrupt
is cleared by reading the receive buffer.
FIFO mode:
Indicates the receiver FIFO trigger level has
been reached. The interrupt is reset when the
FIFO drops below the the trigger level.
Character Timeout: (FIFO mode only)
Indicates no characters have been removed from
or input to the receiver FIFO for the last four
character times and there is at least one
character in the receiver FIFO. The interrupt
is cleared by reading the receiver FIFO.
Transmitter Holding Register Empty:
Indicates the transmitter holding register is
empty. The interrupt is cleared by reading the
interrupt identification register or writing to
the transmitter holding register.
MODEM Status:
Indicates clear to send, data set ready, ring
indicator, or data carrier detect have changed
state. The interrupt is cleared by reading the
MODEM status register.
with optional 16550.
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