Qua Tech Inc. warrants the DS-1000
defects for one
Tech Inc. will repair or replace any board that fails to
perform under normal operating conditions and in accordance
with the procedures outlined in this document during the
warranty period. Any damage that results from improper
installation, operation, or general misuse voids all warranty
Although every attempt has been made to guarantee the
accuracy of this manual, Qua Tech Inc. assumes no liability
for damages resulting from errors in this document. Qua Tech
Inc. reserves the right to edit or append to this document at
any time without notice.
Please complete the following information and retain for
your records. Have this information available when requesting
warranty service.
(1) year from the date of purchase. Qua
to be free of
IBMTM, PS/2TM, and Micro Channel
are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines.
| |
| The Qua Tech DS-1000 is certified to comply |
| with Class B limits, Part 15 of FCC Rules. |
| |
| FCC ID: F4A4LUDS1000 |
| |
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy
and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause
interference to radio and television reception. It has been
type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
computing device in accordance with the specifications in
Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to
provide reasonable protection against such interference in a
residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient the receiving antenna.
Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver.
Move the computer away from the receiver.
Plug the computer into a different outlet so that the
computer and receiver are on different branch circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an
experienced radio / television technician for additional
suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared
by the Federal Communications Commission helpful:
"How to Identify and Resolve
Radio-TV Interference Problems"
This booklet is available from:
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
Stock No. 004-000-00345-4
The DS-1000 is a dual channel RS-232C asynchronous serial
communication adapter for the PS/2. The DS-1000 is designed
to be used in the Serial 1 through Serial 8 address range as
specified for the PS/2, although eight other addresses are
available for applications requiring additional serial ports.
The available interrupt selections (IRQ 3,4,7 and 9) can be
used to reduce the number of interrupt sources on a single
interrupt input. This feature can reduce software overhead in
interrupt driven, high throughput applications.
The DS-1000 serial interface is accomplished through a
pair of 16550 Asynchronous Communication Elements (ACEs). The
16550 is compatible with the 8250 and 16450 ACEs used in the
IBM PC/XT/AT models. The 16550 also has an additional FIFO
mode that reduces CPU overhead at higher data rates.
The DS-1000 address and interrupt selections are selected
through the Programmable Option Select (POS) using the IBM
installation utilities. In addition, jumpers are provided on
the DS-1000 to configure the adapter as Data Terminal
Equipment (DTE) or Data Communications Equipment (DCE).
DTE/DCE selection can ease the cabling burden in local
applications where MODEMS are not required.
A component diagram of the DS-1000 showing the locations
of the 16550 ACEs, DTE/DCE configuration jumpers, and D-9
connectors is shown in Figure 1. The first communication
channel is controlled by the 16550 labeled U27, jumper J1, and
is accessed through connector P1. The second channel uses the
16550 labeled U28, jumper J2, and is accessed through
connector P2.
The 16550 is an upgrade of the standard 16450
Asynchronous Communications Element (ACE). Designed to be
compatible with the 16450, the 16550 enters the character mode
on reset and in this mode will appear as a 16450 to user
software. An additional mode, FIFO mode, can be selected to
reduce CPU overhead at high data rates. The FIFO mode
increases performance by providing two internal 16-byte FIFOs
(one transmit and one receive) to buffer data and reduce the
number of interrupts issued to the CPU.
Other features include:
Programmable baud rate, character length, parity,
and number of stop bits
Automatic addition and removal of start, stop, and
parity bits
Independent and prioritized transmit, receive and
status interrupts
Transmitter clock output to drive receiver logic
The following pages provide a brief summary of the
internal registers available within the 16550 ACE. The
registers are addressed as shown in Figure 2 below.
| 0 0 0 0 | Receive buffer (read only) |
| | Transmit holding register (write only) |
| 0 0 0 1 | Interrupt enable |
| x 0 1 0 | Interrupt identification (read only) |
| | FIFO control (write only) |
| x 0 1 1 | Line control |
| x 1 0 0 | MODEM control |
| x 1 0 1 | Line status |
| x 1 1 0 | MODEM status |
| x 1 1 1 | Scratch |
| 1 0 0 0 | Divisor latch (least significant byte) |
| 1 0 0 1 | Divisor latch (most significant byte) |
Figure 2. Internal register map for 16550 ACE. DLAB is
accessed through the Line Control Register.
D7 | 0 |
D6 | 0 |
D5 | 0 |
D4 | 0 |
D3 | EDSSI |----- MODEM status
D2 | ELSI |----- Receiver line status
D1 | ETBEI |----- Transmitter holding register empty
D0 | ERBFI |----- Received data available
Figure 3. Interrupt enable register bit definitions.
EDSSI - MODEM Status Interrupt:
When set (logic 1), enables interrupt on clear to
send, data set ready, ring indicator, and data carrier
ELSI - Receiver Line Status Interrupt:
When set (logic 1), enables interrupt on overrun,
parity, and framing errors, and break indication.
Indicates highest priority interrupt pending if any.
See IP and Figure 5. NOTE: IID2 is always a logic 0
in character mode.
IP - Interrupt Pending:
When logic 0, indicates that an interrupt is pending
and the contents of the interrupt identification
register may be used to determine the interrupt
source. See IIDx and Figure 5.
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