Quick Start Guide
AirborneDirect™ Industrial Serial Device Server
Revision v2.1
February 2011
Document Number: 100-8106-210
Kit Contents:
Upon receiving the kit please check that you received the following:
ABDG-SE-IN5410 or ABDG-SE-IN5420 Unit
2dBi, 2.4Ghz 50 ohm, omni-directional antenna
Quick Start Guide
5 VDC power supply (optional, included only if ordered as an accessory)
Airborne Direct software and documentation CD
If any of the above contents are missing or appear damaged please contact Quatech Sales support directly at (800) 553-1170 or
What you will need:
To evaluate the unit you will need the following components and facilities:
ABDG-ET-IN50X0 unit with included antenna attached.
Laptop or desktop system with an Ethernet port.
5-36 VDC power for terminal block attachment, or an AC power outlet for optional ABDG-SE-IN5410/IN5420 power supply.
802.11b/g network for testing the unit, either AdHoc or Infrastructure (Access Points) mode. The test network configuration must be
known. Required information will include:
o SSID (Wireless network name).
o Security settings (WEP, WPA, WPA2, etc.).
o Security credentials (passphrase, key or certificates).
o Static IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway address if static IP addresses are used on the test network.
A web browser on the laptop top or desktop (MS Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Chrome v4.0 are supported).
CAT5 Ethernet cable for connecting the Airborne™ device to the laptop or desktop.
Serial cable to connect Airborne™ device to host system.

AirborneDirect™ Serial Device Server Quick Start Guide Quatech, Inc.
Open the AirborneDirect™ packaging and locate the Install CD.
Place the CD in the CD/DVD drive of the laptop or desktop you will be using to configure the
AirborneDirect™ device. Follow the on screen directions for installation of the appropriate device
software and documentation.
Connect the Ethernet cable on ABDG to an Ethernet port on the laptop or desktop system.
Apply power to the ABDG-SE-IN5XXX.
The unit will boot and display one of the following LED patterns:
LINK : Off
POST: Orange
Run the Airborne Management System application. This was installed during the CD installation and a
menu item will be found in the Airborne folder located in the programs directory of your system.
When the application opens the following dialog will be displayed:
Select Group Name: manuf and enter Group Password: dpac
The AMC will load and discover the attached device.
Getting Started:
100-8106-210 2 February 2011

AirborneDirect™ Serial Device Server Quick Start Guide Quatech, Inc.
Right Click the Unmanaged Device then:
1. Select Change Management State
2. Select Manage OEM-Cfg1
3. Select Device OEM-Cfg1 is Factory Default
The devices status will move to managed and the device will be displayed under the device type/group it
belongs too. Right click the device and then:
1. Select Connectivity Tools
2. Select Launch Web Browser for OEM-Cfg1
Opening web page shows adapter status.
Links to the available configuration options are identified in the left hand menu. The top menu bar
provides access to different operations that can be performed by the AirborneDirect™ device. Please
refer to the User’s Manual for a full description of how to use the web interface.
Using Express Setup:
If this is the first time you have configured the device the Express Setup page will be displayed. This
page provides access to the critical configuration items needed to get the ABDG up and running quickly.
See Express Setup Configuration Page section for details on how to configure the device.
Please refer to the User’s Manual for complete details on ABDG device configuration.
When the Reboot button is pressed the unit will restart and install new settings. This may take 15-20
seconds. Please refresh the web interface after the boot cycle has completed.
When configured correctly the LED pattern should match the following:
ABDG-SE-IN5XXX No TCP Connection TCP Connection
COMM: Off Green
LINK : Green Green
POST: Green Green
POWER: Blue Blue
To use the adapter on the wireless network, address all traffic to the IP address of the wireless interface
of the ABDG-SE- IN5XXX. This address is listed in the home page of the web interface.
100-8106-210 3 February 2011