Quantum Travan 20GB, Travan User Manual

Quantum Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide, P/N 50002767, B01, July 2005 Made in USA.
Copyright 2005 by Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of Quantum Corporation is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.
Quantum and the Quantum logo, are all registered trademarks of Quantum Corporation.
Other trademarks may be mentioned herein which belong to other companies.
Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide iii
Chapter 1 Introduction and Installation 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
System Requirements........................................................................................ 2
Installing the Drive ............................................................................................ 2
Chapter 2 Operation and Maintenance 7
Loading and Unloading Cartridges ................................................................ 7
Handling Travan Cartridges ............................................................................9
Retensioning Tapes.......................................................................................... 10
Write-Protecting Cartridges ........................................................................... 10
Recommended Tape Cartridges ................................................................... 11
Cleaning the Tape Drive Mechanism............................................................ 12
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting 13
Basic Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 13
Advanced Troubleshooting............................................................................14
Tape Operations Troubleshooting................................................................. 16
Appendix A Disposal of Electronic and Electrical Equipment 19
iv Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide
Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide v
Figure 1 Travan Portable USB Tape Drive............................................... 3
Figure 2 Connecting a Power Adapter ..................................................... 3
Figure 3 Turning on the Drive ................................................................... 4
Figure 4 Connecting a USB Cable.............................................................. 5
Figure 5 Loading a Cartridge .....................................................................8
Figure 6 Write-Protecting a Cartridge .................................................... 11
Figure 7 Locating Your USB Controller (Windows 98)........................ 15
Figure 8 Locating Your USB Controller (Windows 2000 or
Windows XP) .............................................................................. 15
vi Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide
Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide vii
Table 1 Loading a Cartridge ..................................................................... 8
Table 2 Unloading a cartridge.................................................................. 9
Table 3 Compatible Tape Cartridges..................................................... 12
viii Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide
Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide ix
Audience This manual is written for users of the Travan Portable USB Tape Drive.
Purpose This document provides information about the Travan Portable USB
Tape Drive including:
Installing the drive
Basic operations
Document Organization
This document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Overview
, provides an overview of the Travan Portable
USB Tape Drive and installation instructions.
Chapter 2, Basic Operations
, describes how to operate and care for
your tape drive and cartridges..
Chapter 6, Running the Demonstration Programs
, troubleshooting
tips and technical support information.
x Travan Portable USB Tape Drive User’s Guide
Notational Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
Contacts Quantum company contacts are listed below.
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To order documentation on the Travan Portable USB Tape Drive or other products contact:
Quantum Corporation P.O. Box 57100 Irvine, CA 92619-7100 (949) 856-7800 (800) 284-5101
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Note: Notes emphasize important information related to the main
Caution: Cautions indicate potential hazards to equipment and are
included to prevent damage to equipment.
Warning: Warnings indicate potential hazards to personal safety and
are included to prevent injury.
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