On your purchase of a Pyramid Signature Series
amplifier. This amplifier extends the pyramid
tradition into a totally new series of amps, designed
from the ground up to deliver the power,
performance and flexibility the modern car audio
enthusiast demands.
When you check the list of features offered by
the PB744,PB844 and PB1644, you’ll know you
made the right choice with a Pyramid Power
Do not operate the amplifier when it is unmounted,
Attach all audio system components securely within
the automobile to prevent damage, especially in an
Do not mount this amplifier so that the wire connections
are unprotected, or in a pinched condition, or likely to be
damaged by nearby objects.
Before making or breaking power connections in your system,
disconnect the vehicle battery. Confirm that your head unit or
other equipment is turned off while connecting the input jacks
and speaker terminals.
If you need to replace the power fuse, do so only with a fuse
identical to that supplied with the amplifier. Using a fuse of a
different type or rating may result in damage that isn’t covered
in the manufacturer’s warranty.
The built-in protection circuitry in the Pyramid
Signature amplifiers will disable the ampl ifier i f it
senses an input overload, a speaker short
circuit, or extreme temperature conditions.
When the protection circuit is activated by any
of these conditions, the Protection LED will be
If thi s occurs ,carefully inspect the system to
determine the source of the problem.
If the s hutdown was a result of a thermal overload
condition, allow the amplifier to cool down be fore
attempting to restart it.
If the s hutdown was a result of an input overload,
or speaker short circuit, be sure to corr the
condition before restarting.
The amplifier can be restarted by turning the
remote power OFF and then ON again.
No out pu t.
No out pu t.
Conf ir m th at all terminal s tr ip c onnections ar e se cu re and tight.
Chec k bo th i n-line and buil t- in f uses. Both the +1 2V a nd the Remote ter mi na ls
must h av e +1 2V referenced t o ch as sis ground.
Conf ir m th at the audio sign al s ou rce(car radio , eq ualizer, etc.) I s co nn ected
and is s up pl ying output sig na l. To ch ec k if t he amp is supplyi ng s ig nal, unplug
the ca bl es f rom the signal so ur ce (but leave them p lu gged into the amp ).
Brie fl y ta p the center pin of e ac h of t he disconnect ed R CA pl ugs with your f in ge r.
This s ho ul d produce a noise )f ee dback) in you r sp ea kers.
Only o ne c ha nnel works.
Conf ir m th at all terminal s tr ip c onnections ar e se cu re and tight.
Conf ir m th at all terminal s tr ip c onnections ar e se cu re and tight.
Chec k th e Ba lance control o n th e he ad unit(or othe r so urce) to verify t ha t it
is set t o it s mi dpoint.
If you a re u si ng the Low Level RC A inp ut , r everse the inpu t pl ugs at the
ampl if ie r(i.e.,swit ch t he L with the R) . If t he c hannels which i s si le nt switches
to the o th er s ide, the proble m is e it her in the head uni t/ ot her source or t he
conn ec ti ng cables.
Weak output.
Read ju st t he Input Level Co nt ro l(s) to better su it t he i nput signal .
Nois e in t he a udio.
If the n oi se i s a “whine” whose p it ch f ollows the engi ne s peed, confirm t ha t
the am pl if ier and any other s ig na l sources(hes d un it, etc.) Are prop er ly g round.
If the n oi se i s a “clicking” or “ po pp ing” noise whos e ra te follows the en gi ne
spee d, t hi s usually means t ha t th e vehicle is equi pp ed with resisto r sp ar k
plug s an d wi res, or that the ig ni ti on is in need of serv ic e.
Chec k th e ro uting of the spea ke r an d input wires to ma ke s ur e they are not
adja ce nt t o wire which inte rc on nect lights and o th er accessorie s.
If the a bo ve s teps fail to impr ov e or c lear noise inte rf er ence, the sys te m
shou ld b e ch ecked by a profes si on al mobile aud io i ns taller.
table of contents
general features
features and speifications
2ch amp PB744
4ch amp PB844
4ch amp PB1644
electrical connections
2ch amp PB744
4ch amp PB844
4ch amp PB1644
stereo input connections
2CH amp PB744
mono input connections
2CH amp PB744
2/4 channel input connections
4CH amp PB844 PB1644
3- 4
5- 6
7- 8
mono input connections
4CH amp PB844 PB1644
speaker connections
2ch amp PB744
4CH amp PB844
4CH amp PB844
mounting and installation
protection circuitry and troubleshooting
general features
High Performance 1000Watt 2 channel
Bridgeable MOSFET Amplifier
500 Wa tts×2 Outpu t
100 0 Watts×1 Bridged O utput
Variabl e Hi/Lo Elec troni c Cross over Ne twork
Variabl e Bass Boost (0-+1 8dB@6 0Hz)
Variabl e Input Leve l(Gai n)Con trol
Rem ote Turn o n/Off
RCA In puts
Pow er ON LED I ndica tor
LED P rotec tion In dicat or
S/N R atio: > 95dB
THD : <0.04 %
The rmal Pr otect ion
Ove rload P rotec tion
Sho rt Circ uit Pro tecti on
Ant i-Thu mp Turn- On
High Performance 1600Watt 4 channel
Bridgeable MOSFET Amplifier
400 Wa tts×4 Output
800 Wa tts× 2 Bridged Ou tput (4 00W×2+800W×1) 200 0 Watts× 2 Bridged O utput ( 100W×2+20 00 W×1)
Variabl e Hi/Lo Elec troni c Cross over Ne twork
Variabl e Bass Boost (0-+1 8dB@6 0Hz)
Variabl e Input Leve l(Gai n)Con trol
Rem ote Turn o n/Off
RCA In puts
. .
. .
Mul tiFun tion VF DMul tiFun tion VF D Mul tiFun tion VF D
Pow er ON LED I ndica tor
LED P rotec tion In dicat or
S/N R atio: > 95dB
THD : <0.04 %
The rmal Pr otect ion
Ove rload P rotec tion
Sho rt Circ uit Pro tecti on
Ant i-Thu mp Turn- On
High Performance 4000Watt 4 channel
Bridgeable MOSFET Amplifier
100 0 Watts×4 Outp ut
Variabl e Hi/Lo Elec troni c Cross over Ne twork
Variabl e Bass Boost (0-+1 8dB@6 0Hz)
Variabl e Input Leve l(Gai n)Con trol
Rem ote Turn o n/Off
RCA In puts
Pow er ON LED I ndica tor
LED P rotec tion In dicat or
S/N R atio: > 95dB
THD : <0.04 %
The rmal Pr otect ion
Ove rload P rotec tion
Sho rt Circ uit Pro tecti on
Ant i-Thu mp Turn- On
mounting and installation
Your new Pyramid Signature Series amplifier comes complete with required mounting hardware.
When determining a suitable location in your vehicle for the amp, please remember that it is a highpower electronic device capable of generating high heat.
For this reason,
ventilation, a minimum of dust, and no moisture.
always choose a location in your vehicle which has low vibration,
Be sure to mount the amp
Be sure to mount the amp
to allow reasonable airflow over the cooling fins.
Mark the location for the mounting screw holes by positioning the amp where you
it and use a scribe (or one of the mounting screws) inserted in each of the mounting holes to mark
by positioning the amp where you
the mounting surface for the mounting surface. If the mounting surface is carpeted, measure the
hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen.
Before attempting to drill the mounting holes, take note of any wires, lines or otherdevices
in your vehicle which may be located behind the mounting surface!
mounting surface for the mounting screws and insert them. Tighten the screws securely.
When making electrical connections to your amplifier, please observe the following:
Use at least 8 gauge wire for power and ground connections.
Wire the amplifier directly to the car battery.
For the ground connection, use the shortest possible wire to a good chassis ground point.
Wire the Remote connection to the auto start lead of your head unit, equalizer or power antenna.
About power fuses:
Pyramid Signature Series amplifiers feature built-in fuse systems. These fuses protect both the
amplifier and the electrical system in your vehicle from fault conditions. If you ever need to replace
the fuse in your Pyramid Signature Series amp, use a fuse of exactly the same type and rating. A
different type or rating of fuse may result in damage or fire.
in such a manner as
in such a manner as
wish to install
wish to install
drill pilot holes in the
speaker connections
4ch amp PB1644
2CH Bridged Output Mode With Subwoofer Output
protection LED
low level inputs
power LED
high pass frequency control
low pass frequency control
speaker connections
features and controls
2ch amp PB744
output level
remote bass boost
input level control
bass boost level
crossover mode selector
power fuse
power terminals