PSC PowerScan User Manual

Handheld Laser Scanner
Programming Guide
PSC Scanning, Inc.
959 Terry Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 Telephone: (541) 683-5700 Telefax: (541) 345-7140
Should future revisions of this manual be published, you can acquire printed versions by con­tacting PSC Customer Administration. Electronic versions will either be downloadable from the PSC web site ( or provided on appropriate media. If you visit our web site and would like to make comments or suggestions about this or other PSC publications, please let us know via the Contact PSC page.
Reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information included in this manual is complete and accurate. However, PSC reserves the right to change any specification at any time without prior notice.
PSC and the PSC logo are registered trademarks of PSC Inc. All other trademarks and trade names referred to herein are property of their respective owners.
PowerScan is a trademark of PSC, Inc.
is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation, NCR is a regis-
IBM tered trademark of NCR Corporation, and Wincor Nixdorf is registered trademark of Wincor Nixdorf GmbH & Co. KG. Their inclusion in this manual is for customer information only, and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation for these companies products or services.
Table of Contents
Understanding the Basics............................................................................................................1
Integrating the Scanner With Your Host System.........................................................................2
Changing Interfaces ........................ ..... ........................................... .... ..........................2
Hardware ................................................................................................................2
Software ..................................................................................................................4
Customizing Your Scanner’s Operation ............................ .... ..... ...................................5
Programming Overview...................................... ..... ..... .......................................... ..... ................6
What Is Programming Mode? ........................................................................................6
Programming Session .................................................. .......................................... ..... ..7
Programming Sequence ........................................ ..... .......................................... ..9
LED and Beeper Indicators........................................................................................................11
LED Indicators ......................................................................................................11
The Beeper ...........................................................................................................11
If You Make a Mistake...............................................................................................................12
Return to Factory Settings ...........................................................................................12
Where To Go From Here...........................................................................................................13
Interface Selection............. ..... ..... .... ........................................... ..... ..........................................14
Wand Emulation Interface ...........................................................................................14
Wand Emulation Settings ............................................................................................15
Wand Emulation Pre/Post-Noise Settings ............................................................18
RS-232 Interface/WN-RS-232 (SNI) Interface .............................................................20
RS-232 Communication Parameters ...........................................................................20
Baud Rate .............................................................................................................21
Data Format Settings ............................................................................................22
Handshaking .........................................................................................................24
RS-232 ACK/NAK Options ..................................... .......................................... .....29
RS-232 Intercharacter Delay ....................................................................... .... .....30
Keyboard Wedge Interface ........................................... ..... .... ......................................32
PC Keyboard Wedge Interface Selection ............................ .................................33
Connect to a Laptop/No Keyboard Attached ........................................................36
Caps Lock .............................................................................................................38
Country Mode .......................................................................................................39
Keyboard Wedge Intercharacter Delay .................................................................41
Quiet Interval .................................. ........................................... .... ........................43
Programming Guide i
IBM Interface .................................................... .......................................... ..... ............44
Transmit Labels in Code 39 Format .....................................................................45
Label Transmit Configuration (RS-232 and Keyboard Wedge Interfaces only)........................46
Prefix, Suffix, and Label I.D. ........................................................................................46
Setting Global Prefix(es) .......................................................................................47
Setting Global Suffix(es) .......................................................................................48
Single Character Prefix or Suffix ..........................................................................50
Disabling Prefix or Suffix ......................................................................................52
Setting Label I.D. ..................................................................................................53
Label Identifiers ....................................................................................................53
Setting Label I.D. Location ...................................................................................53
Setting Label I.D. by Symbology ..........................................................................55
Label I.D. Symbology Selection ............................................................................56
Setting Single Character Label I.D. ......................................................................59
Disabling Label I.D. for a Specific Symbology ......................................................59
Symbologies Supported............................................................................................................60
Symbology Overview ..................................................................................................61
Symbology Selection ...................................................................................................63
Symbology Options...................................................................................................................66
Code 39/PharmaCode 39 ........................... ........................................... .... .................66
Code 39 Options ........................................ .......................................... ..... ..... .......66
Configuring the Code 39 Options .........................................................................67
PharmaCode 39 Options ...................... ..... ..... .... ........................................... ..... ..72
Configuring the PharmaCode 39 Options .............................................................73
Code128 and UCC/EAN 128 Options .........................................................................74
Configuring the Code 128/and UCC/EAN 128 Options ........................................75
Interleaved 2 of 5 Options ...........................................................................................79
Configuring the Interleaved 2 of 5 Options ...........................................................81
Codabar Options .........................................................................................................88
Configuring the Codabar Options .........................................................................90
UPC/EAN Options .......................................................................................................98
Configuring the UPC/EAN Options ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ...........................................100
Code 93 Options .................. .... ........................................... ..... .................................110
Configuring the Code 93 Options .......................................................................111
Standard 2 of 5/IATA Options ...................................................................................114
Configuring the Standard 2 of 5 Options ............................................................115
IATA .......................................................................................................................... 121
MSI/Plessey Options .................................................................................................122
ii PowerScan ™ Scanner
Configuring the MSI /Plessey Options ................................................................124
General Features.....................................................................................................................130
Programming the General Features ......................................................... .................130
Green LED Lamp Idle State ...... ..... ..... .......................................... ..... .................130
Beeper Settings ..................................................................................................131
Marker Beam Settings ........................................................................................134
Stand Mode ....................................................................................136
Low Power Mode ................................................................................................137
Low Power Shut-down Delay ..............................................................................138
Half-Angle ...........................................................................................................139
Multiple Read Mode ............................................................................................140
Appendix A: Additional Information..........................................................................................143
RS-232 Host Commands ................................ .... ..... ..... .......................................... ...143
Need More Information? ............................................... ..... ........................................144
Appendix B: Sample Bar Codes..............................................................................................145
Appendix C: Keypad................................................................................................................147
ASCII Character Set................................................................................................................149
Programming Guide iii
Blank Page
iv PowerScan ™ Scanner


The programming bar code labels contained in this manual will allow you to customize and configure features and settings for your PSC
PowerScan use only the programming bar codes in this manual and other product­specific publications to program scanner features.
This manual has been developed to make it quick and easy for users of all levels to find the information needed to understand and configure scanner features. The following descriptions will help you to determine where to go from here.

Understanding the Basics

If you have little or no prior experience with programming using bar code labels, you should review this introductory section to familiarize yourself with the basics of scanner programming before performing any changes to you r scanner s co nfiguration. Contents of this section are:
Integrating the Scanner With Your Host System
- Changing Interfaces
Customizing Your Scanners Ope ration
Programming Overview
- What Is Programming Mode?
Programming Session
scanner. To ensure full compatibility and proper function,
- Programming Sequence
LED and Beeper Indicators
If You Make a Mistake...
- Return to Factory Settings
Where To Go From Here
Programming Guide 1

Integrating the Scanner With Your Host System

Your scanner MUST be equipped with the correct hardware (interface board, cable, etc.) to properly communicate with your host system. Contact your PSC dealer for information if you have questions about your scanners hardware compatibility.
You may also want to contact the dealer or your system administrator if you have no record of how your scanner was pre-programmed at the factory. Scanners are typically programmed with the default settings for specific interface types, however, your scanner may have been cus­tom configured with settings that are unique to your company or application.
Once you know the scanners current settings, you can determine what changes will be required to allow communication with your host sys­tem and/or optional features you choose to modify to customize your installation. After recording the modifications needed, finish reading this section, then turn to the appropriate page and follow the instruc­tions to program the scanner.
When all scanner features are programmed to your satisfaction, the scanner is ready to be placed into operation.

Changing Interfaces

When moving the scanner to a host terminal of a different interface type than previously connected, it may be necessary to alter the scan­ners hardware and/or software to allow connecti on and communica­tion between the two devices.


An interface board swap is usually unnecessary, since multiple host interface protocols are supported in combination on most interfa c e boards. For example, RS-232, Standard Keyboard Wedge, and Wand Emulation are all available on a single interface board. Activation of alternate available interfaces on these boards requires only that you connect the scanner to the new host using the appropriate interface cable. The scanner will automatically chan ge to the interface functions specific to that cable.
2 PowerScan™ Scanner
T o determine if your desir ed new interface is available on your scanner, check the following section titled Software on page 4. The section lists host interface types supported by each interface board available at the time of this writing. If you are still unsure of your scanners available interface connectivity, consult your PSC dealer.
The scanner will need to be sent to a Level I Service repair depot if the interface board must be swapped; however, if necessary, you can change your sc ann e rs interface cable by following these instructions. (Refer to Figure 1.):
1. Loosen the screw at the bottom of the handle. This screw is
captive and does not come all the way out.
DO NOT try to pull the end cap off, as this may damage the scanner.
2. Swing the forked cable retainer clear of the square hole in the
end cap and rotate away from the cable.
3. Holding the scanner handle and end cap together in one hand,
pull the connector out of the handle end cap to free the inter­face cable.
4. Connect the new interface cable at the scanner and rotate the
forked cable retainer to secure it. Tighten the screw to between 6 and 10 in-lbs.
Figure 1. Removing/Replacing the Interface Cable
Programming Guide 3

Software Verify that your scanner supports the desired interface

indicates the interface groupings the scanner supports. Contact your nearest PSC service depot if you dont know your scanners group, or need assistance to change the scanner to another interface group.
The Standard Keyboard Wedge/Wand Emulation/RS-232 Group supports:
I/F Type A - PC/XT w/Alternate Key Encoding
I/F Type B - AT, PS/2 25- 286, 30-286, 50, 50Z, 60, 70, 80, 90 & 95
w/Alternate Key Encoding
I/F Type C - PS/2 25 and 30 w/Alternate Key Encoding
I/F Type D - PC/XT w/Standard Key Encoding
I/F Type E - AT, PS/2 25- 286, 30-286, 50, 50Z, 60, 70, 80, 90 & 95
w/Standard Key Encoding
I/F Type F - PS/2 25 and 30 w/Standard Key Encoding
I/F Type H - IBM
I/F Type I - PS/555530T w/104 keyboard
I/F Type J - NEC
Wand Emulation
-RS-232 (SNI)
3xxx w/102 keyboard
9801 keyboard
. The list below
The IBM/RS-232 Group supports:
IBM Port 5B IBM Port E
IBM Port 9B RS-232
IBM Port 17 WN-RS-232
For interface groupings supported by the Universal [Keyboard] Wedge Group:
Consult the Universal Wedge Programming Guide for more infor-
1. Contact your dealer or sales representative if your desired interface is not listed. Interface group definitions are subject to change without notice.
2. Wincor Nixdorf® (formally SNI)
4 PowerScan™ Scanner
After familiarizing yourself with the basi c scanner programming pro­cedures in this section, turn to the appropriate interface programming section (RS-232, Wand Emulation, etc.) of this manual to set other inter­face features, completing the scanners conversion to a new interface type.
Upon changing a scanners interface setting, scan a bar code to verify that the scanner communicates correctly with the new host system. Some sample bar codes are provided in Appendix B: Sample Bar Codes on page 145. If any changes to the scanners factory settings are needed, consult Customizing Your Scanner’s Operation below.

Customizing Your Scanners Operation

Most scanner programming falls within three general categories:
Interface Selection and Settings - are the mandatory settings
necessary to allow communication with your host terminal. Examples of these settings are: RS-232 baud rate and parity.
Ensure that your planned modifications are com­patible with the current interface. For example, baud rate selections are only valid in the RS-232 interface. The scanner will sound an error tone when scanning programming labels for features
invalid to the current interface group.
Symbology Selection and Settings - gives the scanner the
capability to autodiscriminate as few as one, and as many as all available symbologies. For optimal scanner performance enable only those symbologies required. Additionally the scan­ner may be programmed with the standard options available for the various symbologies, such as check d igit, minimum label length, fixed and variable length bar codes, QuadraLogic Decoding, etc.
General Feature Set tings - are feat ures common to all interface
types. Examples include beeper adjustments such as volume and length, read verification settings, etc.
If you experience difficulties, have questions or require additional information, contact your local distributor, or call your dealer or sales representative.
Programming Guide 5

Programming Overview

The scanners programmable feature settings can be modified to accommodate your systems unique requirements. These settings can be communicated to the scanner in one of two ways:
1. Commands can be sent directly from the host. A limited set of
host command s are available. Refer to Appendix A: Additional
Information on page 143 for more details.
2. The easiest, most comprehensive way to program the scanner
is to use the Configurator Express On-Screen Programmining
Kit. Ask your dealer for more information about this product.
3. Programming bar code labels can also be used to modify the
scanners programmable settings. This manual provides the bar code labels and instructions necessary to configure the scanners features/options.

What Is Programming Mode?

When you program the scanner using any of the methods above, the scanner will store the changes until reprogrammed or returned to factory defaults.
Programming Mode is a state in which the scanner must be placed in order to accept programming commands. When programming using the bar code labels in this manual, the scanner is typically placed in Programming Mode by scanning the “SET” label at the top of most programming feature pages.
While in the Programming Mode, the scanner only recognizes the spe­cial programming bar codes contained in this programming guide. See the section, LED and Beeper Indicators on page 11 for information about scanner indications while in the Programming Mode.
6 PowerScan™ Scanner

Programming Session

A typical programming session is conducted as follows:
1. Scan the SET bar code at the beginning of each set of program-
ming bar codes to place the scanner in Programming Mode. The scanner will emit three beeps, indicating it has read the bar code and the green LED will flash on and off slowly while the scanner remains in Programming Mode. Normal scann ing functions are disabled.
2. Scan the programming label(s) that is (are) specially encoded
to make the desired changes. With few exceptions
, the scanner will emit a triple beep each time you scan a valid programming bar code.
Not all features are available for all interfaces and the scanner will sound an error tone when scanning programming bar codes for features invalid to the current interface. Only features supported by the currently active interface will
be implemented.
If a label is scanned that changes the scan­ners interface, all previous configuration items scanned in the programming session
are lost.
Additionally, when programming a feature requiring you to scan sin­gle digits to set a multi-digit number, such as Minimum Label Length, scanning the END bar code (or any item tag/item value bar code) before completing all input will result in an error tone and cause the scanner to exit Programming Mode. Under these circumstances, the current feature you were trying to set is thrown out; any previous bar codes scanned during the session will take effect.
1. Some features, such as Minimum Label Length, require you to select the labels length by scan­ning a series of single-digit bar codes. A single good read beep is soun d ed wh en sc an n in g th es e single digits in Programming Mode. Only the final required digit in the sequence will produce a tri­ple beep when scanned, indicating a successfully programmed feature.
Programming Guide 7
It is recommended that programming ses­sions be limited to one feature at a time. Should you make a mistake in the program­ming sequence, it can be difficult to discover where an error has been made if several fea­tures are programmed at once. Additionally, it
3. Scan the END label at the bottom of the page to save any new
settings and exit Programming Mode. The scanner will sound a beep and reset upon exiting Programming Mode, and the green LED will return to its usual state (on steady or off).
The scanner will not exit Programming Mode unless the END bar code is scanned or power is disconnected. Disconnecting power during Programming Mode, before scanning the END label, will cause all new settings to be ignored. On power-up, the scanner will return to previous settings.
4. Maintain a good record of all changes made to ensure that you
know if the original factory settings have been changed.
can be confusing to determine which features may or may not have been successfully set following such a session.
8 PowerScan™ Scanner
To modify a scanner feature (item), the programming bar codes con­tained in this manual must be scanned in a given sequence depending upon the feature being programmed (as shown in Table 1). There are three possible programming sequences:
A. Programming sample A (the most commonly used format)
demonstrates how three bar codes are scanned in sequence to do the following:
1. Place the scanner in Programming Mode (SET bar code).
2. Scan the Item Tag
that will enable the new feature.
3. End the programming session and reset the scanner (E ND bar code).
B. Sample B provides an example of a programming feature
requiring the entry of a range value. Like sample A, the scan­ner is placed in Programming Mode and an Item Tag
is scanned. Then, a value must be entered before ending the pro­gramming session. In the example, three digits must be scanned fr om th e nu mber p ad in Appendix C : Ke ypad. This type of format, requiring a total of as many as six programming bar codes, is necessary to allow flexible programming with larger item value numeric ranges.
C. The programming sequence shown in example C requires
scanning of a single, extended length bar code. This special programming bar code contains all the data necessary to enter
Programming Mode, set the Item Tag
and Item V alue, and exit
Programming Mode (all in one step).
1. An Item Tag is a term used to describe an assigned number, which is encoded in a programming bar code, that toggles (selects, enables, disables, etc.) a specific programming feature.
Programming Guide 9
Table 1. Programming Sequence
10 PowerScan™ Scanner

LED and Beeper Indicators

The scanner provides a set of indicators that verify/announce the vari­ous scanner functions.

LED Indicators The Amber Laser ON LED (located on top rear of scanner)

- lights whenever laser power is on.
The Green Good Read LED (also located on top rear of scanner)
- Flashes
- Flashes
gramming Mode.

The Beeper While in Scanning mode...

While in Programming mode...
once to indicate when a good read has occurred.
slowly on and off to indicate the scanner is in Pro-
four times at power-up.
once following a good read.
six rapid “chirps” to indicate an error (error tone).
one time when entering/exiting the Programming
three times to indicate a successfully programmed
1. The green LED and Beeper are configurable features and may have been modified or disabled at an earlier programming session. See the section in this manual titled more details.
General Features for
Programming Guide 11

If You Make a Mistake...

If, during a programming session, you find that you are unsure of the scanners settings or wish to reset the scanners configuration, use the Return to Factory Settings label below to return the scanners configu­ration to the factory settings. Scannin g this label will also reset any changes made during previous programming sessions.

Return to Factory Settings

Scan this label to return the scanner to the default settings configured at the factory. This label is typically used to return the scanner to a known operating state when the present programming status is not known, faulty, or suspect.
SET ----------------------- --------------------
Use this label with caution, since it will reset ALL features that may have been programmed for that interface type since the scanner’s installation.
Return to Factory Setting ---------
END ------------------------------------------
If you dont have a rec or d of yo ur s ite /s ys te ms original configuration, you may need to contact your sale representative for assistance to return the scanner to normal function. Please be prepared to provide information about the company, location, host terminal system and other pertinent information about the scanner being repaired.
12 PowerScan™ Scanner

Where To Go From Here

Programming is easy and straightforward if you fol low these steps:
1. If you are changing the scanners interface type, follow the
instructions in the section titled, Changing Interfaces on page 2 before proceeding.
2. Scan any feature bar codes that are unique to the interface you
are currently programming. These interface specific program­ming bar codes immediately follow each interface selection label.
3. Turn to Symbologies Supported on page 60 if you are going to
change any bar code symbologies o r modify any symbology­related features.
If you are changing some interface types (for example; if you are mo ving th e scanner f r om a Universal Keyboard Wedge to an RS-232 host) you must first change the hardware. Replace the scanners interface board (if required) and connect the scanner using the new interface cable BEFORE performing any programming changes.
4. Turn to General Features on page 130 if you wish to change or
modify any of the scanners other features.
Once the necessary changes have been made, and you have scanned the END bar code, you are ready to scan.
Programming Guide 13

Interface Selection

This section contains programming bar code labels to select the following interfaces:
Wand Emulation Interface
Pre-Noise Settings
Keyboard Wedge Interface
IBM Interface

Wand Emulation Interface

Scan these labels to enable the Wand Emulation Interface.
SET ----------------------- --------------------
Enable Wand Emulation ---------
END ------------------- ---------------- -------
14 PowerScan™ Scanner

Wand Emulation Settings

Use these programming bar codes to configure the settings for the Wand Emulation Interface.
SET ----------------------- --------------------
Space Low, Bar High ---------
Space High, Bar Low ---------
Signal Speed
Low (660 µs) ---------
High (330 µs) ---------
Programming Guide 15
Data Format
Transmit in Normal Format ---------
Transmit in C39 Format ---------
Transmit in C39 Full ASCII Format ---------
Transmit in C128 Format ---------
Idle State
Low ---------
High ---------
16 PowerScan™ Scanner
Transmit C128 Function Characters
Disable ---------
END ------------------- ---------------- -------
a. This feature should only be enabled when the Wand Data Format is con-
figured for Transmit in Normal Format or Transmit in Code 128 Format.
Programming Guide 17
Emulation Pre/
The number of noise transitions generated prior to or following label transitions are independently configurable options. To set either pre- or post-noise transitions, enter Programming Mode by scanning the SET bar code, then follow these steps:
1. Scan Don’t Transmit Pre-Noise or Don’t Transmit Post-Noise,
followed by the END bar code to disable noise transitions, or...
2. Scan the Set Pre- or Post -Noise Transitions bar code followed
by the digits from Appendix C: Keypad that represent the desired number of noise transitions. Select from one to twenty noise transitions for either pre- or post-noise. Complete the programming sequence by scanning the END bar code.
Settings for this feature have been enhanced since the product was originally released, add­ing the option to select a specific quantity of noise transitions. If your scanner has a date code of February, 2001 or before, pre-noise/ post-noise transitions are enabled by following Step 2 above, EXCEPT the single digit selected from Appendix C: Keypad MUST be one (1).
This will either set the pre-noise transitions to one or the post-noise transitions to three depending on which feature is being pro­grammed. The feature is disabled in the same manner as Step 1 above.
SET ----------------- --------------------------
Don’t Transmit Pre-Noise ---------
1. Scanners with a date code of February of 2001 or before MUST select the digits zero-one (01).
See the note on this page for details.
18 PowerScan™ Scanner
Post-Noise Settings
Set Pre-Noise Transitions ---------
Scan two digits representing the desired number of Pre-Noise Transitions
using the number pad from Appendix C: Keypad, padded with leading zeros
(example: 03 = three transitions, 08 = eight, 15 = fifteen, etc.)
END ----------------- ----------- ------------ --
SET ----------------- --------------------------
Dont Transmit Post­Noise ---------
Set Post-Noise Transitions ---------
Scan two digits representing the desired number of Post-Noise Transitions
using the number pad from Appendix C: Keypad, padded with leading zeros
(example: 03 = three transitions, 08 = eight, 15 = fifteen, etc.)
END ----------------- ----------- ------------ --
Programming Guide 19

RS-232 Interface/WN-RS-232 (SNI) Interface

Scan these labels to enable either the standard RS-232 interface (PSC RS-232) or the WN-RS-232 (SNI) Interface.
SET ----------------------- --------------------
Enable Standard RS-232 ---------
Enable WN-RS-232 ---------
END ------------------- ---------------- -------

RS-232 Communication Parameters

This section contains the following RS-232 communication parameters in the order listed:
Baud Rate
Data Format Settings
- Data Bit
- Parity Bit
- Stop Bit(s)
- Hardware Handshaking (CTS/RTS)
- Software Handshaking (Xon/Xoff)
ACK/NAK Options
Intercharacter Delay
Go to the sections titled Symbology Select ion starting on page 63 and
General Features on page 130 if you want to change any other settings
for this interface.
20 PowerScan™ Scanner

Baud Rate Use the bar codes on this page to select the communications Baud Rate.

Only one Baud Rate selection may be active at any one time. The last Baud Rate label you scan during a programming session will be the set­ting that is stored when you scan the END label.
SET ----------------------- --------------------
Baud Rate = 1200 ---------
Baud Rate = 2400 ---------
Baud Rate = 4800 ---------
Baud Rate = 9600 ---------
Baud Rate = 19200 ---------
Baud Rate = 38400 ---------
END ------------------- ---------------- -------
Programming Guide 21
Data Format
The bar codes on this page can be used to select the data format config­uration needed to communicate with your system. Refer to Table 1, RS-232 Data Format below for acceptable combinations of these setting.
Data Format
There are many possible data format configurations for an RS-232 interface. Check your host system manual to find out your system’s communications requirements.
Table 1. RS-232 Data Format
Data Bit Parity Bit Stop Bit(s) Start Bit
Seven 0 2 1 Seven 1 1 1 Seven 1 2 1 Eight 0 0 1 Eight 0 2 1 Eight 1 1 1
Use these bar codes to set the Data Format options desired.
SET ----------------------- --------------------
Data Bit
Seven ---------
Eight ---------
22 PowerScan™ Scanner
Parity Bit
None ---------
Even ---------
Odd ---------
Mark ---------
Space ---------
Stop Bit(s)
One ---------
Two ---------
END ------------------- ---------------- -------
Programming Guide 23
Handshaking Review your system documentation to identify handshaking require-
ments, and use these labels to change the settings if required. The fol­lowing brief descriptions explain each selection.


CTS/RTS Flow Control - is hardware handshaking. The scanner acti-
vates the RTS (Request to Send) line when it is ready to send data to the host. The scanner waits for an active Clear to Send (CTS) signal from the host before transmitting data. If hardware control is disabled, CTS/ RTS communication will not take place. If the host deactivates the CTS line during data transmission, the host will receive additional charac­ters for no more than 2ms
CTS/RTS Flow Control
Label Transmission Label TransmissionXmission
CTS Scan Control - is also a hardware handshaking. When scan con-
trol is enabled, label scanning is disabled until CTS is asserted and de­asserted as illustrated below.
CTS Scan Control
Label 1 Label 2Label 1
Disabled until
Will not scan again until toggled
1. Timing varies slightly depending upon the baud rate selected.
24 PowerScan™ Scanner
+ 126 hidden pages