Reg. No.: L7176 Act No. 36 of 1947
Namibia: N-AR 1029
An emulsifiable concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of various garden insects.
Cypermethrin (pyrethroid)…………………200 g/ℓ
Arysta LifeScience South Africa (PTY) LTD PROTEK, a division of PE-BEE Agri (PTY) LTD
Co. Reg. No.: 2009/019713/07 Co. Reg. No.: 2005/036308/07
7 Sunbury Ofce Park , Off Douglas Saunders Drive P.O. Box 72, Heidelberg, 1438
La Lucia, 4019 • Tel: (031) 514-5600 Tel: (011) 812 9800 or 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
EMERGENCy NO.: 082 446 8946
UN No.: 3351
• Withholdingperiods:Minimumdaysbetweenlastapplicationandharvest:
Beans …………………………………………………………7 days
Cabbage & Brussels sprouts ……………………………… 4 days
Peaches ……………………………………………………..14 days
Peas ………………………………………………………… 7 days
Tomatoes ……………………………………………………. 4 days
• Handle concentrate with care.
• Harmful by contact, swallowing or inhalation.
• Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
• Very toxic to sh. Under eld conditions, sh are not at risk from normal agriculture usage.
• Highly toxic to bees. No hazard to bees under normal application conditions.
• FLAMMABLE– do not tore near open ame.
• Keep under lock and key, out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
• Store in a cool, dry place away from food and feedstuffs.
• In case of poisoning call a doctor and make the label available to him/her.
• Re-entry: Do not enter treated area within 1 day after treatment, unless wearing protective clothing.
Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under
all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and storage conditions: quality of dilution water,
incompatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the pest against the remedy concerned as well as by the method
time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man
or animal or for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could
not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty.
• Do not inhale fumed and/or spray mist.
• Avoid skin and eye contact.
• Wear protective clothing, suitable for face shield, rubber gloves and rubber boots when handling and mixing the product and whilst applying the spray mixture.
• Wash with soap and water after use and accidental skin contact.
• Wash contaminated clothing after use.
• Do not eat, drink or smoke while mixing or applying the product or before washing hands and face and changing clothing.
• Avoid drift of spray onto other crops, grazing, sh dams, rivers, dams and areas not under treatment.
• Clean application equipment after use. Dispose of wash water where it will not contaminate crops, grazing, rivers, dams and boreholes.
• Triplerinseemptycontainersinthefollowingmanner: Invert the empty container over the spray or mixing tank and allow to drain for at least 30 seconds after the ow has
slowed down to a drip. Thereafter, rinse the container three times with a volume of water equal to a minimum of 10 % of that of the container. Add the rinsings to the contents of
the spray tank before destroying the container in the described manner.
• Destroy the empty container by perforation and attening and dispose of it in a safe manner.
• Never re-use the empty container for any other purpose.
• Prevent contamination of food, feeds, drinking water and eating utensils.
If product is aspirated into the lungs during ingestion or vomiting, mild to severe chemical pneumonia may be caused.
May cause burning, itching or tingling sensations of the skin and readily disappear within 24 hours of exposure. Inhalation causes nasal discharge an a scratchy throat. Symptoms
of high-dose ingestion include nausea, prolonged vomiting, stomach pains and diarrhea, which progresses to convulsions, unconsciousness and coma.
Remove patient from source of poisoning and keep him quiet and reassured.
Eyes: Flush eyes with clean gentle owing water for at least 20 minutes, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids, until not evidence of chemicals remains. If irritation occurs and
persists, obtain medical attention.
Skin: Remove contaminated clothing and rinse contaminated body area thoroughly with plenty of soap and cold water, until no evidence of chemical remains. Do not rub skin. Apply
olive oil to affected areas for prompt relief. Get medical attention if irritation occurs and persists.
Inhalation: Move the patient to fresh air. If breathing difculty or irritation occurs and persists, obtain medical attention.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. If the patient is alert, have the mouth thoroughly rinsed with water. Do not give anything by mouth. Get medical attention.
This product contains a pyrethroid and an aromatic solvent.
If product is aspirated into the lungs during ingestion or vomiting, mild to severe chemical pneumonia may be caused. The stomach should be emptied as soon as possible by careful
gastric lavage.
Antidote is not available. Treat symptomatically and supportively. In case of ingestion, consider gastric lavage with water or 5 % sodium bicarbonate solution. Convulsions should
be treated with anti-convulsants.
For resistance management, KNOXWORM is a group code 3 insecticide. Any insect population may contain individuals naturally resistant to KNOXWORM and other group
code 3 insects. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if these insecticides are used repeatedly. These resistant insects may not be controlled
by KNOXWORM or any other group code 3 insecticide.
To delay insecticide resistance:
Avoid exclusive repeated use of insecticide from the same insecticide group code. Alternate or tank mix with products from different insecticide group codes.
Integrate the control methods (chemical, cultural, biological) into insect control programmes.
For specic information on resistance management contact the registration holder of this product.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed.
• KNOXWORM is compatible with a wide range of pesticides. However, since it is not possible for Arysta LifeScience SA to test all possible combinations, the onus lies with
the user to carry out a compatibility test in the event of any uncertainty.
• The efcacy of KNOXWORM can be harmed at high pH value of the spray mixture. It is more stable at a pH of around 5. Where an acidifying agent is used to lower the pH
of the water, the agent must be added to the water before the KNOXWORM.
• Half ll the spray tank with clean water.
• Ensure pH of water is around 4. Add a suitable buffering agent to correct pH of water if necessary.
• Measure out the required quantity of KNOXWORM and premix this with at least 10 litre of already pH corrected water (pH 4). If any other product is to be added to the tank
mixture, the required volume of that product must be premixed in similar fashion.
• Agitate the water in the spray tank and add the premixed product(s) to the tank.
• Fill the spray tank with water to the required volume, while maintaining agitation to ensure thorough mixing.
• Maintain agitation during spraying.
• Use the prepared mixture immediately.
• Do not allow to stand overnight.
Ensure that sprayers are calibrated before spraying and that thorough coverage is obtained.
A uniform distribution must be ensured.
Africa bollworm
Africa bollworm, Diamond
back moth larvae & Thrips
Army worm
Africa bollworm & Aphids
Africa bollworm & Lesser
army worm
Africa bollworm, Codling moth
larvae, False Codling moth
larvae & fruit Flies
Africa bollworm
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Apply as soon as eggs or larvae are noticed. Inspect plants regularly and if necessary repeat application.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Ensure good wetting of the plant. At rst signs of pest commence spraying. Repeat 10 to 14 days later. When
5 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Apply as a full cover spray to lawns when caterpillars are noticed.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Apply as a full cover spray.
4 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Apply treatment either pre- or post-emergence when pest is noticed. Ensure that top 3 cm of the soil is moist.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Apply as a full cover spray. If necessary repeat at 15 day intervals.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Apply as full cover spray at 75 % petal drop. Ensure good coverage. Repeat at 14 to 21 day intervals.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water At rst signs of infestation, apply as full cover spray. Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals or as necessary.
the caterpillars are already in the cabbage head, or in the clusters of the leaves of the Brussels sprouts, variable
control can be expected.
Repeat treatment in cases of re-infestation. Apply directly to the soil at a rate of 1 litre mixture to 20 m
Reg. Nr.: L7176 Wet No. 36 van 1947
Namibia: N-AR 1029
‘n Emulgeerbare konsentraat kontak- en maaginsekdoder vir die beheer van verskillende tuininsekte.
Sipermetrien (piretroïed)…………………200 g/ℓ
ArystaLifeScienceSouthAfrica(EDMS)BPK PROTEK, ‘n divisie van PE-BEEAgri(EDMS)BPK
Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2009/019713/07 Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2005/036308/07
7 Sunbury Ofce Park Posbus 72, Heidelberg, 1438
Douglas Saunders Drive Tel: (011) 812 9800 of 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
La Lucia, 4019 • Tel: (031) 514-5600
NOOD NR.:: 082 446 8946
UN No.: 3351
• Onthoudingsperiodes:Minimumaantaldaetussenlaastebespuitingenoes:
Boontjies …………………………………………… 7 dae
Ertjies ………………………………………………. 7 dae
Koolgewasse ……………………………………… 4 dae
Perskes …………………………………………… 14 dae
Tamaties …………………………………………… 4 dae
• Hanteer konsentraat versigtig.
• Skadelik deur kontak, insluk of inaseming.
• Irriterend vir oë, asemhalingstelsel en vel.
• Baie giftig vir vis. Onder veld toestande, is visse nie in gevaar met normale landbou gebruik nie.
• Uiters giftig vir bye. Geen gevaar vir bye onder normale toedieningstoestande nie.
• VLAMBAAR–moet nie naby oop vlamme berg nie.
• Berg agter slot en grendel. Buite bereik van kinders, oningeligte persone en diere.
• Berg in ‘n koel, droë plek weg van voedsel en voer.
• In geval van vergiftiging, ontbied ‘n geneesheer en toon hierdie etiket aan hom/haar.
• Herbetreding: Moet nie behandelde gebied betree vir 1 dag na bespuiting nie, tensy beskermende oorklere gedra word.
Althoewel hierdie middel omvattend onder ‘n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is waarborg die registrasiehouer nie dat dit onder alle toestande doeltreffend sal
wees nie aangesien die werking en effek daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore soos abnormale grond-, klimaats en bergingstoestand; kwaliteit van verdunningswater,
onverenigbaarheid met ander stowwe wat op die etiket aangedui is nie en die voorkoms van weerstand van die plaag teen die betrokke middel sowel as die metode, tyd
en akkuraatheid van toediening. Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie verantwoordelikheid vir skade aan gewasse, plantegroei, die omgewing of vir nadelige effek
op mens of dier of vir ‘n gebrek aand prestasie van die betrokke middel as gevolg van die versuim van die gebruiker om etiketaanwysings na te kom of as gevolg van
die ontstaan van toestande wat nie kragtens die registrasie voorsien kon word nie. Raadpleeg die verskaffer in die geval van enige onsekerheid.
• Moet nie spuitnewel en/of dampe inasem nie.
• Vermy kontak met vel en oë.
• Dra beskermende klere, geskikte gesigskerm, rubberhandskoene en rubberstewels wanneer produk hanteer en gemeng word en tydens toediening van spuitmengsel.
• Was met seep en water na gebruik en toevallige velkontak.
• Was besoedelde klere na gebruik.
• Moet nie eet, drink, rook of drink gedurende vermenging of bespuiting of voordat hande en gesig gewas is en skoon klere aangetrek is nie.
• Vermy wegdryf van spuitnewel na ander gewasse, weiveld, visdamme, riviere, damme en plekke wat nie behandel word nie.
• Maak toedieningsapparaat skoon na gebruik. Doen weg met uitspoelwater waar gewasse, weiveld, riviere, damme en boorgate nie besoedel word nie.
• Leëhouersmoetdriekeeruitgespoelwordsoosvolg: Keer die leë houer om oor die spuittenk of mengbak en dreineer vir minstens 30 sekondes nadat die vloei tot ‘n gedrup
verminder het. Spoel die houer daarna driekeer uit met ‘n volume water gelykstaande aan ‘n minimum van 10 % van die inhoud van die houer. Gooi die spoelwater by die inhoud
van die spuittenk voordat die houer op die voorgeskrewe wyse vernietig word.
• Moet nooit die leë houer vir enige ander doel hergebruik nie.
• Voorkom besoedeling van voedsel, voer, drinkwater en eetgerei.
Indien produk ingesluk en na longe ingeasem is, kan chemiese inammasie van die longe veroorsaak word. Kan branderigheid, jeuk of tintelende sensasie van die vel veroorsaak
en geredelik verdwyn binne 24 uur na blootstelling. Inaseming veroorsaak loopneus en krapperige keel. Simptome van hoe dosis inname sluit in naarheid, aanhoudende braking,
maagpyn en diarree, wat toeneem na stuiptrekkings, bewusteloosheid en koma.
Verwyder die pasient van bron van vergiftiging en hou hom rustig en kalm.
Oogkontak: Spoel oë met skoon sagvloeiende water, vir ten minste 20 minute terwyl bo- en onder-ooglede gereeld opgelig word, totdat geen chemikalieë oorbly. Indien irritasie
voorkom en voortduur, ontbied mediese hulp.
Velkontak: Verwyder gekontamineerde klere en spoel geaffekteerde liggaamsdele deeglik met oorvloedige seep en koue water af, totdat geen chemikalieë oorbly. Moet nie vel hard
vryf nie. Smeer olyfolie aan geaffekteerde areas vir onmiddellike verligting. Ontbied mediese hulp indien irritasie voorkom en voortduur.
Ingeasem: Neem pasient na vars lug. Indien asemhalingsprobleme, of irritasie voorkom en voortduur, ontbied mediese hulp.
Ingesluk: Moet nie braking veroorsaak nie. Indien die pasiënt wakker is, spoel mond deeglik met water uit. Moet nie iets per mond gee nie. Ontbied mediese hulp.
Hierdie produk bevat ‘n piretroïed en ‘n aromatiese oplosmiddel.
Indien die produk na longe ingeasem word tydens inname of braking, kan ligte tot ernstige chemiese inammasie van die longe veroorsaak word. Die maag behoort leeggemaak te
word, so spoedig moontlik deur versigtige maagspoeling.
‘n Teenmiddel is nie beskikbaar nie. Behandel simptomaties en ondersteunend. In geval van inname, oorweeg maagspoeling met water of 5 % natrium bikarbonaat oplossing.
Stuiptrekkings kan met anti-stuipmiddel behandel word.
KNOXWORM is ‘n groepkode 3 insekdoder. Enige populasie van ‘n spesieke insek mag individue insluit wat ‘n natuurlike weerstand teen KNOX WORM of enige ander
groepkode 3 insekdoder het. Indien hierdie insekdoder herhaaldelik aangewend word, kan die weerstandbiedende individue uiteindelik die insekpopulasie oorheers. Hierdie
weerstandbiedende insekte sal waarskynlik nie deur KNOXWORM of enige ander groepkode 3 insekdoder beheer word nie.
• Vermy die eksklusiewe herhaaldelike gebruik van insekdoders met dieselfde groepkode. Wissel af met, of gebruik tenkmengsels van produkte in verskillende insekdodergroep
• Integreer ander beheermaatreëls (chemiese, verbouing, biologies) of insekdoder programme.
Vir spesieke inligting oor weerstandbestuur kontak die registrasiehouer van hierdie produk.
GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: Gebruik slegs soos aangedui.
KNOXWORM is verenigbaar met ‘n wye verskeidenheid plaagbeheermiddels. Aangesien Arysta LifeScience SA nie alle moontlike kombinasies kan toets nie, dra die verbruiker
die verantwoordelikheid om ‘n mengbaarheidstoets uit te oefen indien daar enige twyfel bestaan.
Die doeltreffendheid van KNOXWORM mag deur ‘n hoe pH waarde van die spuitmengsel verlaag word. KNOXWORM is meer stabiel by ‘n pH van ongeveer 4. Indien ‘n
versuringsmiddel gebruik word om die pH te verlaag, moet dit eerste met die water gemeng word, voordat KNOXWORM bygevoeg word.
• Maak die spuittenk halfvol met skoon water.
• Verseker pH van water is ongeveer 4. Voeg ‘n geskikte buffer agent by om die pH reg te stel, indien nodig.
• Meet die benodigde hoeveelheid KNOXWORM af en meng dit eers in minstens 10 liter reeds korrekte pH water (pH 4). Indien enige ander produk bygevoel word as ‘n
tenkmengsel, moet die benodigde hoeveelheid van daardie produk eers op soortgelyke wyse vooraf gemeng word.
• Roer die water in die spuittenk en voeg die voorafgemengde produk(te) by.
• Vul die spuittenk met die regte hoeveelheid water, terwyl roering gehandhaaf word sodat deeglike vermenging verseker word.
• Roer tydens toediening.
• Gebruik die voorbereide spuitmengsel dadelik.
• Moet nie oornag laat staan nie.
Die spuit moet akkuraat gekalibreer word en tydens toediening moet goeie bedekking verseker word.
Eenvormige verspreiding moet verseker word.
Afrika bolwurm
Afrika bolwurm, Ruitrugmot
larwes & Blaaspootjies
Afrika bolwurm & Klein
Afrika bolwurm, Kodlingmot
larwe, Valskodlingmot larwe &
Afrika bolwurm
Afrika bolwurm & Plantluise
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Dien toe sodra eiers of larwes opgemerk word. Verken plante gereeld en indien nodig herhaal bespuiting.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Spuit met eerste tekens van besmetting en verseker goeie benatting. Herhaal 10 tot 14 dae later. Wanneer die
5 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Dien toe as ’n volle dekbespuiting sodra die wurms opgemerk word.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Dien toe as ‘n volle dekbespuiting. Herhaal indien nodig met 14 dae intervalle.
4 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Dien toe as voor- of na plant opkoms bespuiting sodra plaag opgemerk word. Die boonste 3 cm moet nat wees.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Dien toe by 75 % blomblaarval. Verseker volle bedekking. Herhaal met 14 tot 21 dae tussenposes.
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Dien ‘n volle dekbespuiting toe met eerste tekens van ‘n besmetting. Herhaal met 7 tot 10 dae tussenposes soos
1 mℓ / 10 ℓ water Dien toe as ‘n volle dekbespuiting.
ruspes alreeds binne in die kopkool of tussen die blare van die Brusselsspruite is, kan wisselvallige beheer verwag
Indien ‘n her-besmetting voorkom, herhaal behandeling. Dien direk op die grond toe teen 1 liter mengsel per 20