Reg. No.: L3145 Act No. 36 of 1947 • Namibia Reg. No.: N-AR 0974
An emulsifiable concentrate insecticide acting as a direct contact and stomach insecticide
for Agricultural use on crops as listed.
Cypermethrin …………………………………… 200 g/ℓ
Arysta LifeScience South Africa (PTY) LTD PROTEK, a division of PE-BEE Agri (PTY) LTD
Co. Reg. No.: 2009/019713/07 Co. Reg. No.: 2005/036308/07
7 Sunbury Ofce Park , Off Douglas Saunders Drive P.O. Box 72, Heidelberg, 1438
La Lucia, 4019 • Tel: (031) 514-5600 Tel: (011) 812 9800 or 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
EMERGENCY NO.: 082 446 8946
UN No.: 3351
Allow the following number of days between last application and harvesting or feeding/grazing:
Macademias, Rooibos tea 30
Citrus, Grapes, Sorghum, Cotton (F) 28
Apples, Pears, Table Peaches, Maize, Sweetcorn, Lucerne (F) 14
Beans, Soybeans, Peas, Groundnuts, (F hay) 7
Tomatoes, Cruciferae 4
Canning Peaches 3
* Warning against resistance: Resistance of American Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) to synthetic
pyrethoids has been confirmed.
COTTON: Synthetic pyrethoids must ONLY be applied to cotton during the period 1 January to 28
ALL OTHER CROPS: DO NOT apply more than two applications per growing season. If a pyrethoid gives
poor performance. DO NOT respray with synthetic pyrethoid, even at a corrective dosage rate. Use a
product from a different chemical group.
Poisonous when swallowed and moderately toxic by skin contact. Toxic to fish and bees and moderately
toxic to wild life. FLAMMABLE – Do not store or spray near open flames. Keep out of reach of children,
animals and uninformed persons. Store in a cool place away from food and feedstuffs.
Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, the
registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because
the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and
storage conditions; quality of dilution water, compatibility with other substances not indicated
on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the insect against the remedy concerned, as
well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore
does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment, or harm to
man or animal or for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user
to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been
foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty.
Wear a hat, face shield, cotton overalls and boots when applying the spray mixture. When preparing the
spray mixture wear a face shield and rubber gloves. Avoid skin contact by, and inhalation of the spray
mist. Avoid contact with eyes. Wash with soap and water immediately after accidental skin contact.
Wash overalls daily. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using or before having washed hands and face.
Clean applicator after use and dispose of wash water where it will not contaminate crops, grazing,
rivers or dams. Prevent contamination of food, feed, drinking water and eating utensils.
Invert the empty container over the spray or mixing tank and allow to drain for at least 30 seconds
after the flow has slowed down to a drip. Thereafter rinse the container three times with a volume
of water equal to a minimum of 10% of that of the container. Add the rinsings to the contents of the
spray tank before destroying the container and bury away from water courses. Do not re-use for any
other purpose.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed.
Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Measure out the required quantity of KEMPRIN 200 EC and
premix this with at least 1 litre of water. Add this to the spray tank while agitating the mixture. Fill the
spray tank while maintaining agitation to ensure thorough mixing of the spray mixture before spraying
commences. Maintain agitation during the whole spraying operation.
All spray applications must be made with suitable equipment that is in good working order and
correctly calibrated to give the desired coverage for that particular method of application.
The efficacy of KEMPRIN 200 EC can be harmed at high pH value of the spray mixture. It is more stable
at a pH of around 4. Where an acidifying agent is used to lower the pH of the water, the agent must be
added to the water before the KEMPRIN 200 EC. Prepared spray mixture must not be left in the spray
tank for any length of time e.g. overnight. The addition of molasses has an acidifying effect and reduces
evaporation of the spray mist. For ground application add 10% molasses by volume.
COMPATIBILITY: Not compatible with several adjuvants or any spray oils, sea weed extracts, amitraz,
dodine, Tokuthion (Reg. No. L0924) or Kilval (Reg. No. L1806).
American Bollworm 1,5
GROUND APPLICATION: Apply as a full cover spray at the
first signs of infestation. Repeat the application at 7 to 10
day intervals or as directed by inspection of the crop.
Banded fruit weevil
(Snout beetle) 1,0
Codling moth and
American Bollworm 0,5 Apply as a corrective spray. Do not apply before 75%
(Snout beetles)
Fruit flies 1,0 Full cover spray at 14 day intervals, beginning 8 weeks
False codling moth 0,5 EARLY CULTIVARS: Full cover spray at 14 day intervals,
Codling moth 0,5 Full cover spray at 75% petal drop. Repeat at 14 to 21
American Bollworm 0,5 Full cover application at 75% petal drop or when pest
Banded fruit weevil
(Snout beetle)
(including soyabeans)
American Bollworm
American Bollworm and
Lesser army worm
Caterpillar 1,0 Commence application as soon as eggs or larvae are
American Bollworm,
Caterpillars of the
Diamond back moth,
Greater cabbage moth
and Thrips
Cutworm 0,33 mℓ/
American Bollworm 1,5 mℓ/
0,5 Apply the first spray at 75% petal drop. Repeat every 14
1,0 Apply as a full cover application ensuring thorough
1,0 Apply as soon as damage is noticed. Repeat 4 weeks
1,0 Commence application as soon as eggs or larvae are
1,0 Commence application as soon as eggs or larvae are
1,0 Ensure good wetting of the plant by adding a wetting
100 m row
100 m row
Apply two sprays: The first at 75% petal fall and the
second four weeks later. A third spray can be applied in
mid January to prevent late season damage.
Initially this treatment will also control American bollworm
and Codling moth.
CAUTION: Toxic to bees.
days in orchards where high infestation warrant intensive
control or where pheromone traps dictate applications.
Repeat every 21 days in orchards when low infestations
are experienced.
CAUTION: Toxic to bees.
petal drop.
CAUTION: Toxic to bees.
coverage of all parts of the plant. Apply first spray when
the first signs of movement and/or feeding of weevils are
detected. Repeat within 21 to 28 days as necessary. The
first occurrence of weevils varies from area to area but
can be expected from mid-October to mid-November.
CAUTION: Toxic to bees.
prior to harvest. In the summer rainfall region, application
should commence not later than third week of December.
beginning 6 weeks prior to harvest.
LATE CULTIVARS: Full cover spray at 14 day intervals,
beginning 8 weeks prior to harvest. In summer rainfall
region, application should commence not later than the
third week of December.
day intervals depending on level of infestation.
is noticed.
later if necessary.
noticed on plants. Repeat the application at 14 day
intervals or as directed by inspection of the crop.
noticed on plants. Repeat the application at 14 day
intervals or as directed by inspection of the crop.
noticed on plants. Repeat the application at 14 day
intervals or as directed by inspection of the crop.
agent. Commence spraying at the first signs of the
pest and repeat sprays every 10 to 14 days. This spray
programme will suppress aphids. The use or addition of a
registered aphicide may be necessary.
ROW TREATMENT: Apply post emergence to the crop
as soon as pest is noticed in at least 3 ℓ water/100 m
row. Apply in a band at least 30 cm wide over the row.
Ensure that soil is moist right to the surface at time
of application. Later infestation may require a second
GROUND APPLICATION: If row width allows ground
application, use not less than 2 ℓ water/100 m. Direct
nozzles towards the heads.
Pink stalkborer 1,5 mℓ/
American Bollworm 1,5 mℓ/
Cutworm 0,33 mℓ/
Antworm 1,0 A pest of grasses only (veld, grazing and grass crops).
Stink bug 2,0
COTTON: See Warning against resistance under ‘WARNINGS’
All Bollworms, i.e.
American, Red and
Spiny bollworms as well
as Stainers
3,5 mℓ/
100 m row
100 m row
0,33 mℓ/
100 m row
100 m row
3,5 mℓ/
100 m row
100 m row
7,5 PREVENTIVE: Apply as determined by scouting for eggs,
GROUND APPLICATION: Preventive treatment against
young caterpillars based on scouting for eggs on plants.
Apply 7 to 10 days after 5% or more plants are found to
be infested with eggs. Do weekly scouting from 2 to 7
weeks after crop emergence by inspecting at least 100
plants at random per field. If eggs have hatched, spray
at first signs of infestation. Direct spray into the funnel.
Repeat application when scouting shows this to be
necessary later in the season. Apply in sufficient water,
i.e. 3 ℓ water/100 m row. This will result in the use of
3,5 mℓ/100 m
on 2 m row.
Sweetcorn: Start spraying 3 weeks after planting and
repeat within 10 to 14 day intervals until the ears appear.
Use in not less than 3 ℓ water/100 m row. Will suppress
Busseola stalkborer, American bollworm and Leafhoppers.
ROW TREATMENT: Apply post emergence to the crop
as soon as pest is noticed in at least 3 ℓ water/100 m
row. Apply in a band at least 30 cm wide over the row.
Ensure that soil is moist right to the surface at time
of application. Later infestation may require a second
GROUND APPLICATION: Direct application onto ears.
Apply in not less than 2 ℓ water/100 m row.
GROUND APPLICATION: Apply in not less than 3 ℓ
water/100 m row.
Apply ONLY if the top 3 cm of soil is moist. Post
emergence over the row in 3 ℓ water as a 30 cm band.
Apply when the nuts are marble size (October to
November) and repeat 4 weeks later. A third application
may be necessary 4 weeks after the second.
above. (In order to comply with the principals of pest
manage- ment and integrated control measures
KEMPRIN 200 EC is intended to be used during
the period from peak flowering until boll split, i.e.
approximately 10 to 22 weeks after plant emergence.)
KEMPRIN 200 EC is primarily intended for use as
preventive control measure against all bollworm larvae
based on weekly scouting, or a regular spray programme
applied at 7 day intervals.
Normally a bollworm spray programme will commence
at the beginning of flowering i.e. about 6 weeks after
emergence. From then until peak flowering use registered
non pyrethoid remedies.
(Cotton older than 12 weeks after plant emergence is
considered mature.)
i.e. for American bollworm an average of 12 eggs per
24 plants; Red bollwom 6 eggs per 24 plants. Spiny
bollworm: when two or more larvae are found during
scouting 24 plants at random in lands up to 15 ha in
extent. Scouting should be done at weekly intervals from
flowering until boll splits. Stainers will be controlled
during regular applications for control of bollworm.
GROUND APPLICATION: With boom and nozzles. Ensure
thorough coverage of the plants.
Do not use less than 1,5 mℓ KEMPRIN 200 EC/100 m
mature cotton.
on 1 m row width and 1,75 mℓ/100 m2
All bollworms and Leaf
eaters i.e. Plusia and
a) Reinfestation 4 to
9 weeks after petal
fall following use of
any other registered
b) Reinfestation mid
November to 20
December following
use of any other
registered treatment.
Aphids 1,0 Apply when pest is noticed. Repeat when necessary. Full
Mealy bug and
Australian bug
Flower beetles 1,0 Direct contact spray.
Lily borer 1,0 Apply regularly when pest is around.
Pine emperor moth and
(eg. On Protea)
Shield bug and Twig
White fly 1,0 Direct contact spraying in home garden only.
Crickets 5,0 Apply at the rate of 0,5 ℓ per square meter and/or pour
Lawn caterpillars 5,0 Apply when damage is noticed. Light full cover
Northern harvester
termite and Ants
Army worm 5,0 Spray as an overall light cover onto the lawn.
1) Restrict usage to a single application per season and preferable to the period 4 to 9 weeks after
petal drop.
2) Restrict usage to orchards in which the red scale (Aonidiella aurantii) is under commercial chemical
control. The use of this product may lead to the build-up of red scale.
3) Where there is any intention to use
designated time periods, apply a registered preventive treatment for red scale control in the early
spring and a second treatment 7 to 11 weeks after petal fall.
4) Do not use on trees with a history of Tetranychid mite infestations.
September, 1999
25,0 CORRECTIVE: Apply as a corrective spray to control an
1,5 to 2,0 Use progressively lower dosage the later the reinfestation
0,5 to 0,7 Use progressively lower dosage the later the reinfestation
1,0 Apply when pest is noticed. Repeat when necessary. Full
1,0 Direct contact spray.
1,0 Apply regularly when the pest is around.
5,0 Apply onto lawns at 5 ℓ spray mixture per 100 m
established infestation i.e. when more than 2 bollworms
per 24 plants are found during scouting or when leaf
eaters are found and damage to leaves is increasing.
Later instar red bollworms established in side bolls may
not be controlled successfully. Success of treatment can
be related to application, density of crop, foliage, stand
and instar of the caterpillars. Allow up to 4 days for
KEMPRIN 200 EC to achieve its full effect. A corrective
application is to be considered an emergency measure
and thereafter the regular programme must be resumed
irrespective of the crop stage.
GROUND APPLICATION: Wet plants thoroughly. Do not
apply less than 5 mℓ KEMPRIN 200 EC/100m
Not to be used in orchards where Red scale is under
Biological control.
occurs during the designated time period. Apply as a light
cover spray to wet foliage canopy to the point of run-off.
occurs during the designated time period. Apply as a light
cover spray to wet foliage canopy to the point of run-off.
NB: See use restrictions for citrus at the end of the label.
cover application.
cover application.
Full cover application. Pay particular attention to the
underside of the leaves.
50 mℓ of the mixture into each hole. Repeat when
application. A damp sack left on the lawn overnight will
reveal infestation when removed early in the morning.
application when activity is noticed again. Home garden
only. In the case of Northern harvester termite up to 30
days control may be expected.
if thrips reinfestation occurs during the
on mature
. Repeat
Reg. Nr.: L3145 Wet Nr. 36 van 1947 • Namibië Reg. Nr.: N-AR 0974
’n Emulgeerbare konsentraat kontak- en maaginsektdoder
vir huis en tuin op gewasse soos aangedui.
Sipermetrien …………………………………… 200 g/ℓ
Arysta LifeScience South Africa (EDMS) BPK PROTEK, ‘n divisie van PE-BEE Agri (EDMS) BPK
Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2009/019713/07 Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2005/036308/07
7 Sunbury Ofce Park Posbus 72, Heidelberg, 1438
Douglas Saunders-rylaan Tel: (011) 812 9800 of 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
La Lucia, 4019 • Tel: (031) 514-5600
NOOD NOMMER: 082 446 8946
UN Nr.: 3351
Laat die volgende aantal dae toe tussen laaste bespuiting en oes of voer/beweiding (F):
Makadamias, Rooibostee 30
Druiwe, Sorghum, Sitrus, Katoen (F) 28
Appels, Pere, Tafelperskes, Mielies, Suikermielies, Lusern (F) 14
Boontjies, Sojabone, Ertjies, Grondbone (Hooi F) 7
Tamaties, Koolgewasse 4
Inmaakperskes 3
* Waarskuwing teen bestandheid: Weerstand van Amerikaanse bolwurm (Helicoverpa armigera)
teen sintetiese piretrïoedes is bevestig.
KATOEN: Sintetiese piretroiede MOET SLEGS gedurende die periode 1 Januarie tot 28 Februarie op
katoen toegedien word.
ALLE ANDER GEWASSE: Moet nie meer as twee toedienings per groeisoen toedien nie. As ‘n
piretroïedbespuiting swak beheer gee MOET NIE met enige sintetiese piretroïed, selfs teen ‘n
korrektiewe dosis, herspuit nie. Gebruik ‘n produk uit ‘n ander chemiegroep.
Giftig indien ingesluk. Matig giftig deur velkontak. Giftig vir visse en bye. Matig giftig vir wild.
VLAMBAAR – moet nie naby oop vlamme stoor of gebruik nie. Hou buite bereik van kinders, diere en
oningeligte persone. Stoor in ‘n koel plek weg van voedsel en voer.
Alhoewel hierdie middel omvattend onder ‘n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is,
waarborg die registrasiehouer nie dat dit onder alle toestande doeltreffend sal wees nie
aangesien die werking en effek daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore soos abnormale
grond-, klimaats - en bergingstoestande; kwaliteit van verdunningswater, verenigbaarheid
met ander stowwe wat nie op die etiket aangedui is nie en die voorkoms van weerstand van
die plaag teen die betrokke middel, sowel as die metode, tyd en akkuraatheid van toediening.
Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie verantwoordelikheid vir skade aan gewasse,
plantegroei, die omgewing, of vir nadelige effek op mens of dier of vir ‘n gebrek aan prestasie
van die betrokke middel as gevolg van die versuim van die gebruiker om etiketaanwysings na
te kom of as gevolg van die ontstaan van toestande wat nie kragtens die registrasie voorsien
kon word nie. Raadpleeg die verskaffer in die geval van enige onsekerheid.
Dra ‘n hoed, gesigskerm, katoenoorpak en stewels tydens toediening. Wanneer die spuitmengsel
voorberei word moet ‘n gesigskerm en rubberhandskoene gedra word. Vermy kontak met oë. Vermy
velkontak. Was oorpakke daagliks. Moet nie eet, drink of rook tydens toediening of voordat hande en
gesig gewas is nie. Maak toedieningsapparaat skoon na gebruik – uitspoelwater moet nie gewasse,
weiveld, riviere of damme besoedel nie. Voorkom besoedeling van voedsel, voer, drinkwater en eetgerei.
Keer die lee houer om oor die spuittenk of mengbak en dreineer vir misntens 30 sekondes nadat die
vloei tot ‘n drup verminder het. Spoel die houer daarna driekeer uit met ‘n volume water gelykstaande
aan ‘n minimum van 10% van die houer. Gooi die spoelwater by die inhoud van die spuittenk voordat
die houer op die voorgeskrewe wyse vernietig word. Vernietig leë houer deur gate in te slaan en plat te
trap en begrawe weg van waterlope. Moenie vir enige ander doel hergebruik nie.
GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: Gebruik slegs soos aangedui.
Halfvul die spuittenk met skoon water. Meet die verlangde hoeveelheid KEMPRIN 200 EC af en meng
vooraf met 1 liter water. Voeg dit by die spuittenk terwyl geroer word. Hou aan met roer terwyl die
spuittenk gevul word asook tydens bespuiting.
Die doeltreffendheid va KEMPRIN 200 EC mag deur ‘n hoë pH waarde van die spuitmengsel verlaag
word. KEMPRIN 200 EC is meer stabiel by ‘n pH van ongveer 4. Indien ‘n versuringsmiddel gebruik
word om die pH te verlaag, moet dit eers met die water gemeng word, voordat KEMPRIN 200 EC
bygevoeg word. Aangemaakte spuitoplossing moenie onnodig oorstaan nie, veral nie oornag nie.
Byvoeging van melasse versuur en verminder ook verdamping van die spuitmis. Vir grondtoediening
behoort 10% melasse per volume bygevoeg te word.
met seewierookstrakte, amitras, dodine, Tokuthion (Reg. No. L0924) en Kilval (Reg. No. L1806) nie.
Amerikaanse bolwurm 1,5
Nie verenigbaar met verskeie bevorderingsmiddels en met enige spuitolies, asook
GRONDTOEDIENING: Dien toe as ‘n volle dekbesputing
sodra ‘n besmetting opgemerk word. Herhaal met 7 tot
10 dae tussenposes of soos met inspeksie raadsaam
gevind word.
Gebande vrugtekalander
Kodlingmot en
Amerikaanse bolwurm 0,5 Dien toe as ‘n korrektiewe bespuiting, maar nie voor 75%
Vrugtevlieë 1,0 Volle dekbespuiting met 14 dae tussenposes, vanaf 8
Valskodlingmot 0,5 VROEË VARIETEITE: Volle dekbespuiting met 14 dae
Kodlingmot 0,5 Volle dekbespuiting teen 75% blomblaarval. Herhaal met
Amerikaanse bolwurm 0,5 Volle dekbespuiting teen 75% blomblaarval of wanneer
Gebande vrugtekalander
(insluitende Sojabone)
Amerikaanse bolwurm 1,0 Begin spuit sodra eiers of ruspes op die plant waar-
Amerikaanse bolwurm
en klein kommandowurm
Lusernruspe 1,0 Begin spuit sodra eiers of ruspes op die plant
Amerikaanse bolwurm,
Ruspes van die
Ruitrugmot en die
Grootkoolmot asook
Snywurm 0,33 mℓ/
Amerikaanse bolwurm 1,5 mℓ/
1,0 Dien twee keer toe: Die eerste teen 75% blomblaarval
0,5 Eerste bespuiting teen 75% blomblaarval. Herhaal elke
1,0 Bespuit sodra vreetskade opgemerk word. Herhaal 4
1,0 Begin spuit sodra eiers of ruspes op die plant
1,0 Verseker goeie benatting deur ‘n benattingsmiddel by
100 m ry
100 m ry
en weer 4 weke later. ‘n Derde bespuiting mag raadsaam
wees teen middel Januarie om skade te voorkom. Sal ook
aanvanklik Amerikaanse bolwurm en Kodlingmot beheer.
PASOP: Giftig vir bye.
14 dae waar hoë besmetting intensiewe maatreëls
regverdig, of waar feromoonlokvalle so aandui. Herhaal
elke 21 dae in boorde met lae besmetting.
PASOP: Giftig vir bye.
blomblaarval nie.
PASOP: Giftig vir bye.
Volle dekbespuiting van alle dele van die wingerdstok.
Begin sodra die eerste teken van kalanders of vreetskade
opgemerk word. Herhaal binne 21 tot 28 dae indien nodig.
Die eerste voorkoms van kalanders wissel na gelang van
die gebied, maar kom gewoonlik tussen middel Oktober
tot middel November voor.
PASOP: Giftig vir bye.
weke voor oes. In die somerreënvalgebied moet met
bespuiting nie later as die derde week van Desember
begin word nie.
tussenposes vanaf 6 weke voor oes.
LAAT VARIETEITE: Volle dekbespuiting met 14 dae
tussenposes vanaf 8 weke voor oes. Op somerreënvalgebied moet met bespuiting nie later as die derde
week van Desember begin word nie.
14 tot 21 dae tussenposes afhangende van besmetting.
die plaag opgemerk word.
weke later indien nodig.
geneem word. Herhaal met 14 dae tussenposes of soos
na inspeksie raadsaam blyk.
waargeneem word. Herhaal met 14 dae tussenposes of
soos na inspeksie raadsaam blyk.
waargeneem word. Herhaal met 14 dae tussenposes of
soos na inspeksie raadsaam blyk.
te voeg. Begin spuit by eerste tekens van die plaag en
herhaal elke 10 tot 14 dae. Hierdie spuitprogram sal
plantluise onderdruk. Die gebruik of byvoeging van ‘n
geregistreerde plantluisdoder mag nodig wees.
RYBEHANDELING: Dien na opkom van die saailinge toe
sodra die plaag opgemerk word in ten minste 3 ℓ water
per 100 m ry. Spuit ‘n baan van ten minste 30 cm breed
oor die ry. NB: Die grond moet vogtig wees tot op die
oppervlak tydens toediening. Latere besmetting mag ‘n
tweede bespuiting vereis.
GRONDTOEDIENING: Waar die rywydte dit toelaat,
gebruik ten minste 2 ℓ water/100m ry. Rig die bespuiting
na die koppe.
Pienk stamboorder 1,5 mℓ/
Amerikaanse bolwurm 1,5 mℓ/
Snywurm 0,33 mℓ/
ommandowurm 1,0 ‘n Plaag alleenlik op grasse (veld, weiding en gras-
Stinkbessie 2,0 Volle dekbespuiting wanneer die neute albastergrootte
KOTOEN: Sien: Waarskuwings teen bestandheid onder
Alle soorte bolwurms
(Amerikaanse-, Rooi- en
stekelrige bolwurm)
asook Vlekbesie
3,5 mℓ/
100 m ry
100 m ry
0,33 mℓ/
100 m ry
100 m ry
3,5 mℓ/
100 m ry
100 m ry
7,5 KORREKTIEF: Dien toe soos volgens inspeksie, dit
GRONDTOEDIENING: Voorkomende behandeling teen
jong ruspes, gebaseer op eiertellings. Spuit 7 tot 10
dae nadat op 5% of meer van die plante eiers gevind is.
Inspekteer elke week tussen 2 en 7 weke na opkoms,
deur ten minste 100 plante ewekansig per land te ondersoek. Indien die eiers al uigebroei het, spuit sodra eerste
tekens van besmetting opgemerk word. Spuit direk in die
tregter. Herhaal die toediening later in die seisoen, indien
dit volgens tellings nodig is. Spuit in voldoende water, bv.
3 ℓ water/ 100 m ry. Dit sal lei tot die gebruik van
3,5 mℓ/100 m
Suikermielies: Begin spuit 3 weke na plant en herhaal
met 10 tot 14 dae tussenposes totdat die koppe verskyn
het. Gebruik nie minder as 3 ℓ water/100 m ry. Sal
ook Busseola stamboorder, Amerikaanse bolwurm en
Bladspringers onderdruk.
RYBEHANDELING: Dien na opkom toe sodra die plaag
opgemerk word, in ten minste 3 ℓ water/100 m ry. Dien
toe in ‘n band van minstens 30 cm breed oor die ry.
Die gron moet tot op die oppervlak klam wees. Latere
besmetting mag ‘n tweede bespuiting vereis.
GRONDTOEDIENING: Gerigte bespuiting op die are in ten
minste 2 ℓ water/100 m ry.
Dien toe in minstens 3 ℓ water/100 m ry.
Spuit ALLEENLIK indien die grond se boonste 3 cm klam
is. Na opkom oor die ry in ‘n 30 cm wye band teen
3 ℓ/100 m ry.
is (Oktober/November). Herhaal 4 weke later. ‘n Derde
toediening mag nodig wees 4 weke na die tweede
‘WAARSKUWINGS’ bo. (Om te voldoen aan die vereistes
van plaagbestuur en ge-integreerde beheermetodes,
word KEMPRIN 200 EC aanbeveel om gedurende
hoofblomperiode tot bolbarstyd gebruik te word, dit wil sê
van 10 tot 22 weke na opkom van saailinge.) KEMPRIN
200 EC word hoofsaaklik gebruik as voorkoming teen alle
soorte bolwurmruspes gebaseer op weeklikse inspeksie
of ‘n gereelde spuitprogram met 7 dae tussenposes.
Gewoonlik begin ‘n spuitprogram met begin van
blomstadium, dit wil se omtrent 6 weke na opkom. Van
dan af tot hoofblomperiode moet geregistreerde niepiretoïedmiddels gebruik word. (Katoenplante ouer as 12
weke na opkom word as volwasse beskou.)
wil se vir Amerikaanse bolwurm gemiddeld 12 eiers
per 24 plante; Rooi bolwurm 6 eiers per 24 plante;
Stekelrige bolwurm: wanneer 2 of meer ruspes per 24
plante voorkom, eweredig oor hele land tot 15 ha groot.
Inspeksie behoort weekliks vanaf blom tot bolbars
uitgevoer te word. Vlekbesies sal ook beheer word deur
gereelde toedienings vir die beheer van bolwurm.
GRONDTOEDIENING: Maak seker dat die plante deeglik
benat word.
Moenie minder as 1,5 mℓ KEMPRIN 200 EC/100m
volwasse plante gebruik nie.
vir 1 m rye en 1,75 mℓ/100m2 vir 2 m rye.
Alle soorte bolwurms en
(Plusia en Spodoptera)
a) Herinfestasie 4
tot 9 weke na
blomblaar-val na
gebruik van enige
ander geregistreerde
b) Herinfestasie
middel November
tot 20 Desember na
gebruik van enige
ander geregistreerde
Plantluise 1,0 Volle dekbespuiting wanner die luise opgemerk word.
Wit- en Australiese luis 1,0 Volle dektoediening. Alleenlik vir huistuin. Mierbeheer sal
Blomkewers 1,0 Direkte kontakbespuiting.
Lelieboorder 1,0 Dien gereeld toe wanneer die plaag aanwesig is.
Dennepouoogmot se
ruspes (bv. op Proteas)
Skildstinkbesies en
Witvlieg 1,0 Volle dekbespuiting, veral ook na die onderkant van die
Krieke 5,0 Dien toe teen 0,5 ℓ per vierkante meter en/of 50 mℓ van
Grasperkruspe 5,0
grasdraertermiet en
Kommandowurm 5,0 ‘n Ligte dekbespuiting oor die grasperk.
1) Beperk toediening tot ‘n enkele bespuiting per seisoen en verkieslik in die periode 4 tot 9 weke na
2) Beperk gebruik tot boorde waar rooidopluis (Aonidiella aurantii) onder kommersiele chemiese beheer is.
Die gebruik van hierdie produk vir blaaspootjiebeheer mag die opbou van rooidopluis tot gevolg he.
3) Waar daar enige voorneme is om KEMPRIN 200 EC te gebruik indien blaaspootjiebesmetting
voorkom gedurende die aangeduide periodes, dien ‘n geregistreerde voorkomende behandeling vir
rooidopluisbeheer vroeg in die lente en ‘n tweede behandeling 7 tot 11 weke na blomblaarval toe.
4) Moet nie op bome gebruik met ‘n geskiedenis van Teranychid myt infestasie nie.
September, 1999
25,0 KORREKTIEF: Dien as korrektiewe bespuiting toe om
1,5 tot 2,0 Gebruik progressief laer dosisse hoe later herinfestasie
0,5 tot 0,7 Gebruik progressief lear dosisse hoe later herinfestasie
1,0 Direkte kontakbespuiting.
1,0 Dien gereeld toe wanneer die plaag aanwesig is.
5,0 Bespuit die grasperk teen 5 ℓ/100 m2. Herhaal sodra
‘n bestaande infestasie te beheer, dit wil sê waar meer
as 2 bolwurmruspes per 24 plante tydens inspeksie
gevind word of wanneer blaarvreters gevind word en
die vreetskade toeneem. Latere instars Rooibolwurms
word moontlik nie effektief beheer nie. Die sukses
van ‘n behandeling hang af van toedieningstegniek,
digtheid en gewas en die ontwikkelingstadia van die
ruspes. Laat 4 dae toe vir KEMPRIN 200 EC om sy volle
effek uit te oefen. ‘n Korrektiewe toediening moet as
‘n noodmaatreël beskou word en daarna moet met ‘n
gereelde program voortgegaan word, ongeag die katoen
se ontwikkelingstadium.
GRONDTOEDIENING: Benat plante deeglik. Moenie
minder as 5 mℓ KEMPRIN 200 EC/100m
katoen gebruik nie.
Nie vir gebruik in boorde waar rooidopluis onder
biologiese beheer is nie.
voorkom gedurende die aangeduide periode. Dien as ‘n
ligte dekbespuiting toe. Benat blaardak tot die punt van
voorkom gedurende die aangeduide periode. Dien as
‘n ligte dekbespuiting toe. Benat blaardak tot die punt
van afloop. NB: Sien gebruiksbeperkinge by sitrus
onderaan tabel.
Herhaal wanneer nodig.
help met beheer van plaag.
blare. Alleenlik vir die huistuin.
die mengsel in elke gat. Herhaal wanneer nodig.
‘n Ligte dekbespuiting sodra skade opgemerk word. ‘n
Nat sak wat oornag op die grasperk gelaat word, sal die
infestasie aandui wanneer dit vroeg soggens verwyder word.
bedrywighede weer begin. Alleenlik vir huistuine. In die
geval van die grasdraertermiet mag tot 30 dae beheer
verwag word.
op volwasse