Reg. No.: L 7959 Act No. 36 of 1947
Namibia: N-AR 1031
leafminer and psylla on citrus trees, aphids on cucurbits, roses and potatoes and white fly on tomatoes.
A systemic suspension concentrate insecticide for the control of aphids, red scale, thrips,
Imidachloprid (chloro-nicotinyl) ………………… 350 g/ℓ
Arysta LifeScience South Africa (PTY) LTD PROTEK, a division of PE-BEE Agri (PTY) LTD
Co. Reg. No.: 2009/019713/07 Co. Reg. No.: 2005/036308/07
7 Sunbury Ofce Park , Off Douglas Saunders Drive P.O. Box 72, Heidelberg, 1438
La Lucia, 4019 • Tel: (031) 514-5600 Tel: (011) 812 9800 or 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
EMERGENCy NO.: 082 446 8946
UN No.: 2902
WARNINGS: Withholding periods:
Allow the following minimum number of days between the last application and harvest:
Citrus: 212 days Potatoes: 120 days Broccoli: 76 days
Cucurbits: 100 days Brussel sprouts: 91 days Tomatoes: 23 days
NOTE: The recommended withholding period between last application and harvest meets local residue requirements but may not meet export requirements. If the treated crop is intended for
the export market, consult the relevant exporting body before application of the product with regard to pre-harvest interval requirements.
• Handle with care.
• Harmful when absorbed through the skin, swallowed or inhaled.
• Toxic to fish and wildlife.
• Store in a cool place away from food and feedstuffs.
• Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
• Re-entry: Do not enter a treated area within one day after treatment unless protective clothing is worn.
• In case of poisoning call a physician and make this label available to him/her.
Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions
because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and storage conditions, quality of dilution water; incompatibility with other
substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the pest against the remedy concerned as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application.
The registration holder, furthermore, does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for lack of performance of the
remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration.
Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty.
• Do not inhale fumes.
• Wash contaminated clothing daily.
• Wash with soap and water after use or accidental skin contact.
• Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst mixing, applying or before washing hands and face.
• Clean applicator after use, dispose of wash water where it will not contaminate crops, grazing, rivers and dams.
• Triple rinse the empty container in the following manner: Invert the empty container over the spray tank and allow to drain for at least 30 seconds after the flow has slowed down to a drip.
Thereafter rinse empty container three times with a volume of water equal to at least one tenth of that of the container and add the rinsing to the contents of the tank before disposing of
the container in the prescribed manner.
• Dispose of the empty container in a safe manner, according to local regulations and do not re-use for any other purpose.
• Prevent contamination of food, feedstuffs, drinking water and eating utensils.
Apathetic state, depressed muscular tone, respiratory disturbances and trembling and muscular cramps in severe cases of poisoning.
Inhalation: Remove patient from source of poisoning to a cool and well ventilated area and keep him quiet and reassured.
Skin contact: Removed contaminated clothing and rinse contaminated body area thoroughly with plenty of soap and cold water. Do not rub skin.
Eye contact: Flush contamination out of eyes with clean water for 15 minutes or longer.
Ingestion: If swallowed induce vomiting by tickling the back part of the throat. Repeat until vomit is clear and free from smell of poison. Administer respiration or closed chest cardiac massage
if necessary. Do not apply direct mouth to mouth respiration. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Immediately take the patient to the nearest physician.
Treat symptomatically. Check blood pressure and pulse rate frequently as brachycardia and hypotonia are possible. Provide supportive measures for respiratory and cardiac action. Give
respiration if signs of paralysis appear. Additional measures involve the elimination of the substance from the body or acceleration of its excretion e.g. gastrolavage and saline laxatives.
For resistance management COMPLETE 350 SC is a group code 4A insecticide. Any insect population may contain individuals naturally resistant to COMPLETE 350 SC and other group code
4A insecticides. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if these insecticides are used repeatedly. These resistant insects may not be controlled by COMPLETE
350 SC or any other group code 4A insecticides.
To delay insecticide resistance:
• Avoid exclusive repeated use of insecticides from the same insecticide group code. Alternate with products from different insecticide group codes.
• Do not apply COMPLETE 350 SC or any product that belongs to the same chemical group more than once per year on citrus (bearing, non-bearing and nursery trees).
• Integrate other control methods (chemical, cultural, biological) into insect control programs.
For information on resistance management contact the registration holder of this product.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as indicated.
• The of COMPLETE 350 SC with other agrochemicals is unknown.
• It is therefore recommended to do a compatibility test on a small scale before using COMPLETE 350 SC in a tank mixture with other agrochemicals.
Mixing Instructions:
• Pour the required quantity of COMPLETE 350 SC into the water while agitating.
• Do not allow the COMPLETE 350 SC mixture to stand any length of time before using.
• Do not use brackish water.
Bearing Trees
not older than 15 years
(excluding Kumquat)
Aphids (Toxoptera citricidus),
Red scale (Aonidiella aurantii)
& Psylla (Trioza erythreae)
Aphids (Toxoptera citricidus) 6 mℓ / tree
Non-bearing Trees
Aphids (Toxoptera citricidus)
Leaf miner (Phyllocnistis citrella) 8 mℓ / tree
Nursery Trees
Aphids (Toxoptera citricidus) &
Leaf miner (Phyllocnistis citrella)
Thrip (Scirtothrips aurantii) 3,0 mℓ / seedling
• Trees should be healthy, stress free and regularly irrigated before and after application.
• Do not apply the soil drench treatment through the irrigation system.
• Do not apply to trees immediately after pruning.
Aphids (various spp.)
(Macrosiphum rosae &
Metopolophium porosum)
(Myzus persicae)
Whitefly nymph (Trialeurodes
For use on tomatoes in enclosed areas
only, e.g. glass houses, tunnels, etc
9 mℓ / tree
6 mℓ / tree
1,5 mℓ / seedling
20 mℓ /10 ℓ water
0,5 mℓ /plant
(for 4 to 6 weeks
1,0 mℓ /plant
(for season-long
4,5 mℓ / 100 m
row length
3,0 mℓ / 100 m
row length
0,05 mℓ / plant
Soil drench:
Apply during August/September at green tip to white bud growth stage of the trees. Dilute in 1 litre water and
apply around the base of the trunk with a jug. Irrigate within 24 hours after application. When used on lemon
trees apply only after removal of all fruit (including immature fruit). With lemons control can only be
expected on the fruit set after application.
Soil drench:
Apply during August/September. Dilute in 1 litre water and apply around the base of the trunk with a jug. Irrigate
within 24 hours after application.
Soil drench:
Dilute in 200 mℓ water and apply 2 days after transplanting of the grafted root stock seedlings into plastic bags.
Ensure that the COMPLETE 350 SC application does not take place prior to grafting.
Apply 30 mℓ of the mixture per planting hole during planting or immediately after planting. Should aphids appear
later in the season, apply additional sprays with suitable registered products.
Soil drench:
Apply as a soil drench in spring or at the signs of infestation. Mix 5 mℓ COMPLETE 350 SC with 10 litres water
and apply 1 litre of this mixture on the soil around the base of the stem of each plant. Irrigate within 24 hours
after application.
Soil drench:
Apply as a soil drench in spring. Mix 10 m mℓ COMPLETE 350 SC with 10 litres water and apply 1 litre of this
mixture on the soil around the base of the stem of each plant. Irrigate within 24 hours after application. Follow-up
applications may be necessary, depending on the amount of rainfall or irrigation and soil type.
Spray the COMPLETE 350 SC mixture in the planting furrow from ridge tip to ridge tip before planting of the
tubers. Use a 8006 or 8008 flat fan nozzle and apply in 3 to 4 litres water per 100 metre furrow length. The
application may also be made after planting but before emergence over the row. lrrigate immediately afterwards
with ± 15 mm water. COMPLETE 350 SC may also be used in a tank mixture with fenamiphos 400 EC or
pencyeuron 250 SC or with both for the simultaneous control of aphids, Rhizoctonia and nematodes.
When COMPLETE 350 SC is mixed with fenamiphos 400 EC, the COMPLETE 350 SC dosage can be reduced to
3,0 mℓ per 100 metres row length.
Warning: When the above-mentioned mixtures are applied, the application should be in such a manner that the
tubers are not covered by the spray mixture containing COMPLETE 350 SC. Apply in open furrow before planting
of the tubers.
Soil drench:
Apply as a soil drench, 1 day after transplanting. Mix 10 mℓ COMPLETE 350 SC with 20 litres water and apply
100 mℓ of this mixture to the soil around the base of the stem of each plant. Irrigate within 24 hours after
Repeat application 28 days later.
VR PRINT (031) 569 1235
Reg. Nr.: L 7959 Act NR. 36 van 1947
Namibia: N-AR 1031
‘n Systemiese suspensie konsentraat insekdoder vir die beheer van plantluise, rooidopluise, blaaspootjie,
blaarmyner en bladvlooi op sitrus bome, plantluise op pampoengewasse, rose en aartappels en witvlieg op tamaties.
Imidaklopried (chloro-nikotiniel) ………………… 350 g/ℓ
Arysta LifeScience South Africa (EDMS) BPK PROTEK, ‘n divisie van PE-BEE Agri (PTY) LTD
Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2009/019713/07 Mpy. Reg. Nr: 2005/036308/07
7 Sunbury Ofce Park , Douglas Saunders Rylaan Posbus 72, Heidelberg, 1438
La Lucia, 4019 • Tel: (031) 514-5600 Tel: (011) 812 9800 of 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35)
NOOD NR.: 082 446 8946
UN Nr.: 2902
WAARSKUWINGS: Onthoudingsperiodes:
Laat die volgende minimum aantal dae toe tussen laaste toediening en oes:
Sitrus: 212 dae Aartappels: 120 dae Broccoli: 76 dae
Pampoengewasse: 100 dae Brussels spruitjies: 91 dae Tamaties: 23 dae
NOTA: Die aanbevole onthoudingsperiode tussen laaste toediening en oes voldoen aan die vereistes vir plaaslike residuvlakke, maar mag dalk nie voldoen aan die vereistes vir uitvoer nie.
Indien die behandelde gewas bestem is vir die uitvoermark, skakel met die betrokke uitvoerliggaam voor toediening van die produk, rakende onthoudingsperiodes.
• Hanteer versigtig.
• Skadelik wanneer ingeasem, deur die vel opgeneem of deur die mond ingeneem word.
• Giftig vir vis en wild.
• Bewaar in ‘n koel plek, weg van voedsel en voer.
• Hou buite bereik van kinders, oningeligte persone en diere.
• Herbetreding: Moet nie behandelde gebied betree vir een dag na die bespuiting nie, tensy beskermende oorklere gedra word.
• In die geval van vergiftiging ontbied ‘n geneesheer en toon etiket aan hom/haar.
Alhoewel hierdie middel omvattend onder ‘n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is waarborg die registrasiehouer nie dat dit onder alle toestande doeltreffend sal wees
nie aangesien die werking en effek daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore soos abnormale gronds-, klimaats- en bergingstoestande; kwaliteit van verdunningswater;
onverenigbaarheid met ander stowwe wat nie op die etiket aangedui is nie en die voorkoms van weerstand van die plaag teen die betrokke middel sowel as die metode, tyd
en akkuraatheid van toediening. Verder aanvaar die registrasiehouer nie verantwoordelikheid vir skade aan gewasse, plantegroei, die omgewing of vir nadelige effek op mens
of dier of vir ‘n gebrek aan prestasie van die betrokke middel as gevolg van die versuim van die gebruiker om etiketaanwysings na te kom of as gevolg van die ontstaan van
toestande wat nie kragtens die registrasie voorsien kon word nie. Raadpleeg die verskaffer in die geval van enige onsekerheid.
• Verhoed inaseming van dampe.
• Was besoedelde klere daagliks.
• Was met seep en water na gebruik of toevallige velkontak.
• Moenie eet, drink of rook tydens vermenging, toediening of voordat hande en gesig gewas is nie.
• Maak spuitapparaat skoon na gebruik, raak ontslae van uitspoelwater waar dit nie gewasse, weiding, riviere en damme kan besoedel nie.
• Spoel die leë houer driekeer as volg uit: Keer die leë houer om oor die spuittenk en dreineer vir minstens 30 sekondes na die vloei tot ’n drup verminder het. Daarna spoel die leë houer drie
keer uit met ‘n volume water gelyk aan ten minste een tiende van die houer en voeg die uitspoelwater by die inhoud van die spuittenk voordat van die houer op die voorgeskrewe metode
ontslae geraak word.
• Doen weg met die leë houer op ‘n veilige manier, volgens plaaslike regulasies en moet nie hergebruik vir enige ander doel nie.
• Voorkom besoedeling van voedsel, voer, drinkwater en eetgerei.
Apatiese toestand, verlaagde spierfunksie, asemhalingsversteurings, bewing, spierkrampe in gevalle van ernstige vergiftiging.
Inaseming: Verwyder die pasiënt van die oorsaak van vergiftiging na ‘n koel en goed geventileerde omgewing en stel hom gerus en hou hom stil.
Velkontak: Verwyder besoedelde klere en spoel die besmette liggaamsdele deeglik met baie seep en koue water af. Moet nie die vel hard vrywe nie.
Oogkontak: Besmette oë moet vir 15 minute of langer met skoon water uitgespoel word.
Ingesluk: Indien ingesluk is, veroorsaak braking deur die agterste gedeelte van die keel te prikkel. Herhaal totdat braaksel helder is en nie langer na gif ruik nie. Pas kunsmatige asemhaling
of geslote hartmassering toe indien nodig. Moet nie direkte mond-tot-mond asemhaling toepas nie. Moet nooit iets per mond aan ‘n bewustelose persoon toedien nie. Neem die pasiënt
onmiddellik na die naaste geneesheer.
Behandel simptomaties. Monitor bloeddruk en polsslag gereeld, aangesien hartvertraging en hipotonia kan voorkom. Dien ondersteunende maatreëls toe om asemhaling- en hartfunksie te
ondersteun. Gee kunsmatige asemhaling indien verlamming intree. Addisionele maatreëls soos maagspoeling en soutpurgasie om die gif uit die liggaam te verwyder kan gebruik word.
COMPLETE 350 SC is ‘n groepkode 4A insekdoder. Enige populasie van ‘n insek mag individue insluit wat ‘n natuurlike weerstand teen COMPLETE 350 SC of enige ander groepkode 4A
insekdoder het. Indien hierdie insekdoders herhaaldelik aangewend word kan die weerstandbiedende individue uiteindelik die insekpopulasie oorheers. Hierdie weerstandbiedende insekte sal
waarskynlik nie deur COMPLETE 350 SC of enige ander groepkode 4A insekdoder beheer word nie.
Om weerstand teen insekdoders te vertraag:
Vermy die eksklusiewe herhaaldelike gebruik van insekdoders met dieselfde groepkode. Wissel af met, of gebruik tenkmengsels van produkte in verskillende insekdodergroep kodes.
• Moet nie COMPLETE 350 SC of enige ander produk wat in dieselfde chemiese groep behoort meer as een keer per jaar op sitrus (draende, nie-draende en kwekery bome) toedien nie.
• Integreer ander beheermaatreëls (chemies, verbouing, biologies) in insekbeheer programme.
Vir inligting oor weerstandsbestuur kontak die registrasiehouer van hierdie produk.
GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: Gebruik slegs soos aangedui.
• Die verenigbaarheid van COMPLETE 350 SC met ander landbouchemikalieë is onbekend.
• Dit word dus aanbeveel om verenigbaarheid op ‘n klein skaal te toets voor dit in ‘n tenkmengsel met ander landbouchemikalieë gebruik word.
• Voeg die nodige hoeveelheid COMPLETE 350 SC by die water terwyl dit geroer word.
• Moet nie die COMPLETE 350 SC mengsel vir ’n tyd lank laat staan voor gebruik nie.
• Moet nie brakwater gebruik nie.
Draende Bome
nie ouer as 15 jaar nie
(uitsluitend Koemkwat)
Plantluise (Toxoptera citricidus),
Rooidopluise (Aonidiella aurantii) &
Bladvlooi (Trioza erythreae)
Plantluise (Toxoptera citricidus) 6 mℓ / boom
Nie-draende Bome
Plantluise (Toxoptera citricidus)
Blaarmyner (Phyllocnistis citrella) 8 mℓ / boom
Kwekery Boompies
Plantluise (Toxoptera citricidus) &
Blaarmyner (Phyllocnistis citrella)
(Scirtothrips aurantii)
• Bome moet gesond en stremmingsvry wees en gereeld besproei word voor en na toediening.
• Moet nie die gronddeurdrenkingsbehandeling toedien deur die besproeiingssisteem nie.
• Moet nie toedien op pas gesnoeide bome nie.
Plantluise (verskeie spp.)
(Macrosiphum rosae &
Metopolophium porosum)
(Myzus persicae)
Witvlieg nimf (Trialeurodes
Slegs vir gebruik op tamaties in bedekte areas bv. glashuise, tonnels, ens.
9 mℓ / boom
6 mℓ / boom
1,5 mℓ / saailing
3,0 mℓ / saailing
20 mℓ / 10 water
0,5 mℓ / plant
(vir 4 tot 6 weke
1,0 mℓ / plant
(vir seisoenlange
4,5 mℓ / 100 m
ry lengte
3,0 mℓ / 100 m
ry lengte
0,05 mℓ / plant
Dien toe in Augustus/September tydens groen- tot witblomknopgroeistadium van die bome. Verdun met 1 liter
skoon water en dien toe rondom die basis van die stam met ‘n beker. Besproei binne 24 uur na toediening.
Wanneer op suurlemoene gebruik word moet alle vrugte (selfs klein onvolwasse vrugte) eers verwyder word. Op
suurlemoene kan beheer slegs verwag word op die eerste vrugset na toediening.
Dien toe gedurende Augustus/September. Verdun met 1 liter water en dien toe rondom die basis van die stam met
‘n beker. Besproei binne 24 uur na toediening.
Verdun met 200 mℓ water en dien toe 2 dae na uitplanting van die alreeds geënte wortelstoksaailinge in
plastieksakke. Die COMPLETE 350 SC behandeling moet nie voor enting plaasvind nie.
Dien 30 mℓ van die mengsel toe per plantgat tydens plant of onmiddellik na plant. Indien plantluise later in die
seisoen voorkom, dien addisionele bespuitings toe met geskikte geregistreerde produkte.
Dien toe as ‘n gronddeurdrenking in die lente of by die eerste tekens van infestasie. Meng 5 mℓ COMPLETE 350
SC met 10 liter water en dien 1 liter van hierdie mengsel toe op die grond om die basis van die stam van elke plant.
Besproei binne 24 uur na toediening.
Dien toe as ‘n gronddeurdrenking in die lente. Meng 10 mℓ COMPLETE 350 SC met 10 liter water en dien 1
liter van hierdie mengsel toe op die grond om die basis van die stam van elke plant. Besproei binne 24 uur na
Opvolgtoedienings mag nodig wees afhangende van die hoeveelheid reënval of besproeiing en grondtipe.
Spuit die COMPLETE 350 SC mengsel in die plantvoor van rif tot rif voordat die moere geplant word. Gebruik ‘n
8006 of 8008 platwaaier spuitneus en dien in 3 tot 4 liter water per 100 meter ry lengte toe. Die toediening kan
ook oor die ry toegedien word na plant, maar voor opkoms en operd. Besproei onmiddellik daarna met ± 15 mm
water. COMPLETE 350 SC mag ook in ‘n tenkmengsel met fenamiphos 400 EC of pencycuron 250 SC of met beide
toegedien word vir gelyktydige beheer van plantluise, Rhizoctonia en aalwurms.
Wanneer COMPLETE 350 SC gemeng word met fenamiphos 400 EC, kan die COMPLETE 350 SC dosis verminder
word na 3,0 mℓ per 100 meter ry.
Waarskuwing: Wanneer bogenoemde mengsels toegedien word, moet toediening op so ‘n wyse geskied dat
die aartappelmoere nie met die spuitmengsel wat COMPLETE 350 SC bevat, benat word nie. Dien dus toe in die
plantvoor voor die lant van die moere.
Dien toe as ‘n gronddeurdrenking, 1 dag na uitplanting. Meng 10 mℓ COMPLETE 350 SC met 20 liter water en
dien 100 mℓ van hierdie mengsel toe op die grond om die basis van die stam van elke plant. Besproei binne 24
uur na toediening.
Herhaal toediening 28 dae later.
VR PRINT (031) 569 1235