1)Read these instructions.
2)Keep these instructions.
3)Heed all warnings.
4)Follow all instructions.
5)Do not use this apparatus near water.
6)Clean only with a dr y cloth .
7)Do not block any ventilation openings.
Inst all in ac corda nce wit h th e
manufacturer's instructions.
8)Do no t insta ll near a ny heat s ou rce s su ch
as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or
other apparatus (Including amplifiers) that
produce heat.
9)Do not defect the safety purpose of the
polarized or grounding-type plug.
A polarized plug has two blades with one
wide r than th e other .
A grou nding type plug has two blades
and a third grounding prong.
The wi de blad e or the th ird pro ng i s
prov ided fo r your sa fety.
If the p rovid ed plug d oes not f it i nto you r
wall o utlet , consu lt an ele ct ricia n for
replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10)Protect the power cord from being walked on
or pin ched pa rticu larly a t pl ugs, co nveni ence
rece ptacl es, and t he poin t wh ere the y exit
from t he appa ratus .
11)On ly use at tachm ents / ac ce ssori es spec ified
by the m anufa cturer.
12)Us e only wi th the ca rt, sta nd ,
trip od, bra cket, o r ta ble
spec ified b y the manufacturer,
or sol d with th e appar atus.
When a c art is us ed, use c autio n when
movi ng the ca rt / appa ratus c om binat ion to
avoi d injury from tip-over.
13)Unplug this apparatus during lightning
Stor ms or whe n unuse d for lon g pe riods o f
time .
14)Refe r all ser vicin g to qual if ied s er vice
pers onnel . Servi cing is r equired when the
appa ratus has bee n damag ed i n any w ay ,
such a s the pow er cord o r plug is d am aged,
liqu id has be en spilled or objects have fallen
into t he appa ratus , the app ar atus ha s been
expo sed to ra in or moi sture , do es not op erate
norm ally, o r has bee n dropped.
15)To pre vent el ectri c shock , en sure th e groun ding
pin on t he AC cor d power p lug is se cu rely
conn ected .