Pro-Ject CLAMP IT Product Information

Record clamp
MSRP 99 € (incl. VAT)
Sound improvement for all turntables
Reduces unwanted resonances while playback
Fast and easy mounting
Full metal accessory with leather coating
Diamond cut nish
Material aluminium with leather coating Diameter 78 mm Height 33 mm Weight 120 g
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Functional and easy to use sound improvement!
Although it seems rather obvious that vinyl re-
cords are at platters, this is not always the case. In fact, a lot of vinyl records are warped and not plane. This leads to wow eects (wow and utter)
as the needle goes up and down on the record. Furthermore, resonances can arise as air bet­ween the record and the platter starts vibrating.
Vinyl sound can be signicantly improved, when
unwanted resonances between record and plat-
ter can be reduced, while playback. Therefo­re, the surfaces of record and platter should
be tightly connected. Standard record pucks
use high mass to achieve this. However, that
approach can lead to following disadvantages:
1. The weight can induce higher levels of rum­ble, when used with lower cost turntab­les which have less massive main bearings.
This will aect the sound negatively. There­fore, high mass record pucks are only sui-
table for turntables with high mass platters.
2. Instead of the desired closer contact bet­ween your vinyl and turntable, often the op­posite is achieved: Due to the high weight in the middle of the plate arching the record and the edge loses contact with the turntable.
Both have a signicantly negative eect on
the playback quality of your vinyl records.
Clamp it is the real solution, an accessory with a clamp mechanism around the center spindle, that will not add weight, which would induce rumble. You can ne-adjust pressure according condition of your
warped records. Fitting of Clamp it is easily done within seconds. This accessory will not only please your ears, its beautifully machined diamond-cut ed­ges will also look extremely cool on any turntable!
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