ProForm 831.15934, 831.159340, Cross Trainer e Owner's Manual

IMPORTANT SAFETYPRECAUTIONS .......................................................... ./
BEFOREYOU BEGIN ...................................................................... 2
ASSEMBLY............................................................................. 3
ADJUSTING THECROSS TRAINER e ........................................................... 8
TROUBLE-SHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE .................................................... 9
OPERATING THESTEPPERCONSOLE ......................................................... 11
OPERATING THE PERSONAL TRAINER COMPUTER ............................................... 12
Calories ............................................................................ 13
EXERCISEGUIDE........................................................................ 16
PARTUST ................................................................... .......... 25
EXPLODEDDRAWING ................................................................... 26
WARNING: To reduce the risk of serious injury, read the following important safety precautions before using the
CROSSTRAINERe. Before beginning any exercise program, consultyour physician.This is especially irnportont for
parsonsover the age of 35 or parsons with pre-existinghealth problems. SEARSassumesno responsibility for person-
al injury or properly damage sustainedby or through the use of this product.
I. Read this owner's manual and the accompanying FITNESSJOURNAL carefully before usingthe CROSSTRAINERe.
Use the CROSSTRAINERe only as described.
2. Inspect and tighten all parts each time you usethe CROSSTRAINERe. Replaceany worn par_ immediately.
3. Do not use the transformer if it is damaged. Keep the power cord away from walkways and heated surfaces.
4. Keep your hands away from moving parts. Always wear athletic shoesfor foot protection.
5. Keep small children away from the CROSSTRAINEReat all times.
6. To prevent damage to the weight system, do not put any pressureon the leg developer, arms or cables while the weight sefflng is changing. If the kit bar or rower bar isattachedto the high pulley station,rest it in the rack near the high pulley station. (See OPERATINGTHE PERSONALTRAINERCOMPUTERon page 12 of this owner's manual).
7. Always stand on the foot plate when _rformlng any exercise that could cause the CROSSTRAINERe to tip.
8. Make sure that the cables remain in the grooves in the pulleys as you usethe CROSST_dNER e.
9. The resistancecylinders become very hot during use.Allow the resistancecylinders to cool before buching them. Cover the floor beneath the stepper for protection;a small amount of oil leakage is normal for hydraulic
cyfinders. When uslng the stepper, keep your fee.t on the pedals atall times. If you lift your feet off the pedals;
the i_c/oIs'm_; b_ome's_!0arated from the resistancec'y_inde_s,resultingin injury.
10. If you feel pain or di=iness at any time while exercising,stop imr.Jedlatelyand begin cooling down. Find out 'what is wrong before continuing.
-'r I
,hans for purchasing the revabtioeary PROFORM* CROSS TP,_NER e. The CROSSTP-_NER e comb;nes ¢
.arianweight system with a full-slze stepper to letyou enjoy true cross tra_ning workou_ in the convenience oF
-,ur own home. And to help you get the mast from everyworkout, the CROSSTRAINERe fea_res the advanced PER- SONAL TP,AINERTM weight training computer. Whether your goal is improvedcardiovascular fitness, a shapely, toned body or dramatic muscle slze and strength,the CROSSTRAINER w_])help you to achievethe specificresu|_ you want.
Foryour safely and benefit, read this owner's manual and the accompanying FITNESSJOURNAL carefully before using the CROSSTRAINERe. Ifyou have additional questions,please call our CustomerSe_ce Depar_ent toll-free at
1-800-999-3756, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. until6 p.m. Mountain Time (excluding holidays). To help us assist
you qulckty, please note the model number and serial number oEyour CROSS TRAINERe before calling. The model
number is 831.159340. The serial number can be foundon a decal affached ta the CROSSTRAINER e. The location of the decal is shown in the drawing below. Write the serial number in the following spacefor reference:
Beforereading Further, please review the drawing below and fomiJlarize yourself with the parts that are labeled.
High Pulley Station
Stepper Console Stepper Handle
Leg Developer
Cable Cllp
t Backrest
t Selector Knob
SerialNo. Decal
Low PulleyStation
Foot Plate
Assembly requires two persons. To assemble the CROSSTRAINERe, use the included videocassette or follow the instructions below. Due to the weight oFthe CROSS TRAINERe, it should be assembled in the location where it will be used. Place all ports in o cleared area and remove the packing materials. Do not dispose of the packing materials until assembly iscompleted. Make sure to lower the resistancecylinders and pedals before beginning assembly; if the resistancecylinders fall, they may damage the side shields.Read each assemblystepand examine each drawing carefully. Make sure that all ports are oriented as shownin the drawings.
Thefollowing tools (notincluded)arerequiredforass_'nbly:two 8' AdjustableWrenches_ and a RubberMallet _. Theincludedlubricantanda smallamountof soapywater are also required.
1. Set the FrontBase (7) and the Rear Base (8) on the
floor as shown. Turn the Rear Base so the indented holesare toward the Floor.
Insertseven3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (1) up
through the indicated holes in the Frontand Rear Bases (7, 8).
2. With thehelp of o secondperson, setthe Tower
Frame (10} near the indicated ends of the Frontand Rear Bases(7, 8). The Tower Frame mustbe turned
sothe Pedals (75, 76) are on the someside as the extension on the Front Base. Raise the Tower Frame
and lower it onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (1) in the Rear Bose.
, Raise the front of the Tower Frame (I O)and lower it
onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (1) in the FrontBase {7).
Adjust the position o_ the Tower Frame (10) so the
four indlcoted 3/8 _'x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (1) are
centered in the slotted holes in the Tower Frame. Thread a 3/8" Nut (2) with el-3/8" Lockwasher (3) onto each Carriage Bolt. Do not tighten the Nuts yet.
3 2 . 2
10 j. s
._ilc_ethe Brace (29) onto the threaded boff protrud- ing from the Tower Frame (10). Thread a 3/8" Nylock Nut (6) onto the threaded bolt. Do not tight- en the Nytock Nut yet.
Placeyour Footon lhe extensionand slighl_yraise
the front of theTower Frame (10). Align the lower
end oFthe Brace (29) with the indicated 3/8" x
2 1/2" Carriage Bolt (1). Lower the Tower Frame so the Brace slidesonto the Corrlage Bolt.Thread a
3/8" Nut (2) with a 3/8" Lack'washer(3) onto the
Carriage Bolt. Do not t_ghtenthe Nut yet.
5. With the help of a second person, lift the Upright (9) and lower it onto the two indicaled 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts(1) in the Rear Bose (8). Thread a 3/8" Nut (2} and 3/8" Lockwasher(3) ontoeach
Carriage Bolt. Do not tighten the Nuts yet.
Attach the Front Bose (7) to the Upright (91with two
3/8" x 3/4" Bolts (31).
Tighten the 3/8" Nylock Nut (6) attached in assem-
bly step 4, and the seven 3/8" Nuts (2) attached _n
assembly steps3 through 5.
Attach the Foot Plate (102) to the Upright (9) with
two 3/8" x 3/4" Bolts (31) and 3/8" Nylock Nuts (6).
With the help of"a second person, lib the Front Base
(7).Peelthe backing off three Rubber Pads(48).
Presstwo onto the underside oFthe Front Basein the indicatedlocations, and one onto the underside oF
the Upright (9). Lower the Front Base.
Presstwo Rubber Pods (4B) onto the Rear Base(8) in ,'hesame manner.
29 6\
Insert the lower end oF _neLe[tArm (15) into the refi'
side of the Moment Arm (74). Make sure that the
bracket on the end of the LeftArm is positionedas shown in the inset drawing. If the bracket is not positioned as shown, the LeftArm will not function
Align the hole in the end of the Le[t Arm (15) with
the holes in the Moment Arm (74_. Insert the 3/4" x 4" Axle (54) into the Moment Arm and the Left Arm.
Tap a 3/4" Plastic Cap (57) onto the Axle.
Attach the Right Arm (16) in the same manner.
Wrap the Weight Cable (52) under a 3 1/2" Pulley
(5). Attach the Pulley and a Cable Trap (67) to the back of the Upright (9] with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt (40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6). Make sure that the
Cable Trap is in the "7 o'clock" position.
Lay the Weight Cable (52) over a 3 1/2" Pulley (5}.
Attach a Cable Trap (67) and the Pulley to the [eft
side oF the Upright (9] with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt (40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6). Make sure that the
Cable Trap isin the "12 o'cloc_ position.
Wrap the Weight Cobb (52) around a 2" Pulley (4). Attach the Pulley to the Left ,_'m (15) with a 3/8" x
1 3/4" Bolt (40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6}.
Wrap the Weight Cable (52) around a 2 3/4"
Pulley (13). Attach the Pulley to the indico_ed bracket
on the Upright (9) with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt (40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6).
Cibrrect position of Arms
/ again._t Moment Arm "
67 5
10. Wrap the Weight Cable (52) around a 2" Pulley (4). Attach the Pu]Yeyto the Right Arm (16) with a 3/8" x
1 3/4" BOlt(40) and 3/8" N/lock Nut (6).
Lay the Weight Cable (52) over a 3 1/2" Pulley (5). Attach a Cable Trap (67) and the Pulley to the side of the Upright (9) with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt (40) and 3/8" N/lock Nut (6}. ' _ake sure that the Cobb Trap is in the "12 o'clock" position.
1I. Wrap the Weight Cable (52) under a 2 3/4' Pulley
(13). Attach the Pulley to the bracket on the side of
the Moment Arm (74) with a 3/8" x 1 3/4" Bolt (40) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6).
Attach the end oFthe Weight Cable (52) to the right side oF the Leg Developer (23) with a 3/8" x 2" Bolt (45) and 3/8" Nylock Nut (6). Do not overfighten the Nylock Nut, the Cable must be able to swivel freely or it will be damaged.
12. Insertthe threaded bolt on the end oFthe Weight Cable (52) into the Adjustment Bracket (53). Thread the 5/16" Nut (82) exactly two complete turns onto
the threaded boil
13. Wet the upper ends of the Left and Right Arms (15,
16) and the insides of the two Large Pads (17) with
soapy water. Slide the Large Pods onto the Arms.
Attach theBackrest(19) to theUpright (9) w_ two
1/4" x 2 1/2" Bolts(46).
14. Attach the Seat (28) to the Upright (9} with the two 1/4" x 3/4" Bolts (20) and a 1/4" x 2 1/2" Bolt
15. Center one Pad Tube (22) in the Upright (9), and the other Pad Tube in the Leg Developer (23). Slide the
four Small Pods (17) onto the ends of the Pad Tubes.
16. Rest the Leftand Right Pedals (75, 76) on the hooks at the lower ends of the Resistance Cylinders (84).
Make sure that the hooks are fully inserted into the same slotsunder both Pedals.
Plug the TransFormer (39) intothe jack located near the bottom of the Right Side Shield (12).
17. Make surethat oil ports are properly tightened. Theuse of oil remaining PoX will be explained in ADJUSTING THE CROSSTRAINER e, beginning on page 8 oFthis owner's manual.
18. Before using the CROSS TRAINER e, test the cables and thepulleys. Make sure that the cables are in the grooves in the pulleys. If the cables do not move smoothlyover the pulleys, locate and correct the problem before using the CROSSTRAINER e. If the'€':ablesare not properly routed, they will be damaged when used.
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