Printronix P5000LJ User Manual

P5000LJ Series Printers
User’s Manual
P5000LJ Series Printers
User’s Manual

Software License Agreem ent

“Software” shall mean the digitally encoded, machine-readable data and program. The term “Software Product” includes the Software resident in the printer and its documentation. The Software Product is licensed (not sold) to you, and Printronix either owns or licenses from other vendors who own, all copyright, trade secret, patent and other proprietary rights in the Software Product.
1. Authorized Use. You agree to accept a non-exclusive license to use the Software resident in the printer solely for your own customary business or personal purposes.
2. Restrictions. a. To protect the proprietary rights of Printronix, you agree to maintain
the Software Product and other proprietary information concerning
the typefaces in strict confidence. b. You agree not to duplicate or copy the Software Product. c. You shall not sublicense, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer all or any
portion of the Software Product separate from the printer, without the
prior written consent of Printronix. d. You may not modify or prepare derivative works of the Software
Product. e. You may not transmit the Software Product over a network, by
telephone, or electronically using any means; or reverse engineer,
decompile or disassemble the Software. f. You agree to keep confidential and use your best efforts to prevent
and protect the contents of the Software Product from unauthorized
disclosure or use.
3. Transfer. You may transfer the Software Product with the printer, but only if the recipient agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Your license is automatically terminated if you transfer the Software Product and printer.
Limited Software Product Warranty
Printronix warrants that for ninety (90) days after delivery, the Software will perform in accordance with specifications published by Printronix. Printronix does not warrant that the Software is free from all bugs, errors and omissions.
Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Printronix in connection with the Software is replacement of defective software with a copy of the same version and revision lev el .
Disclaim er of Warra n ti e s and Limi tation of Re med i es
1. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY ARE EXCLUDED. Printronix does not warrant that the functions contained in the Software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. Printronix reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements in the Software without notice at any time.
3. Printronix will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by delay in furnishing a Software Product or any other performance under this Agreement.
4. Our entire liability and your exclusive remedies for our liability of any kind (including liability for negligence except liability for personal injury caused solely by our negligence) for the Software Product covered by this Agreement and all other performance or nonperformance by us under or related to this Agreement are limited to the remedies specified by this Agreement.
5. California law governs this Agreement.
Termination of License Agreement
This License shall continue until terminated. This license may be terminated by agreement between you and Printronix or by Printronix. If you fail to comply with the terms of this License and such failure is not corrected within thirty (30) days after notice. When this License is terminated, you shall return to the place you obtained them, the printer and all copies of the Software and documentation.
U.S. Government Restricted Rights
Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at FAR 242.227-7013, subdivision (b) (3) (ii) or subparagraph (c) (1) (ii), as appropriate. Further use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions applicable to restricted rights software as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (c) (2).
Acknowledgment of Terms and Conditions
Printronix makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Printronix shall not be held responsible for errors contained herein or any omissions from this material or for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, in connection with the furnishing, distribution, performance or use of this material. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, translated or incorporated in any other material in any form or by any means, whether manual, graphic, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Printronix.
COPYRIGHT © 2000, 2003 PRINTRONIX, INC. All rights reserved.
T rademark Acknowledgments
Hewlett-Packard, HP, HP-UX, Bi-Tronics, HP in a circle, Hewlett Packard, PCL and HP rounded rectangle are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company.
AIX, AS/400, IBM, NetView, Proprinter and OS/2 are registered trademarks, and AFP, Intelligent Printer Data Stream, IPDS, Print Services Facility, and PSF are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
IBM and Proprinter are registered trademarks, and PC-DOS is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Portions of this manual used by permission of Wyndham Technologies, Inc. Copyright © 1991-1999 Wyndham Technologies Inc.
ANSI is a registered trademark of American National Standards Institute, Inc. Centronics is a registered trademark of Genicom Corporation. DEC is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. DG/UX is a registered trademark of Data General Corporation. EIA is a registered trademark of the Electronic Industries Association.
ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency. As an Packard has determined that this product meets the guidelines for energy efficiency.
Partner, Hewlett-
Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. Frontier Technologies and SuperTCP are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Frontier Technologies Corporation. FTP Software and OnNet are trademarks or registered trademarks of FTP
Software, Inc. IGP, PGL, LinePrinter Plus, Network Interface Card (NIC) and Printronix are
registered trademarks, and RibbonMinder is a trademark of Printronix, Inc. IRIX is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. LINUX is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Magnum and QMS are registered trademarks, and Code V is a trademark of
Quality Micro Systems, Inc. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PKZIP and PKUNZIP are registered trademarks of PKWARE, Inc. NetManage and Chameleon are trademarks or registered trademarks of
NetManage, Inc. Netscape and Netscape Navigator are registered trademarks, and the
Netscape Communications logo is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Ultrix is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. Unix is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Limited. This product uses Intellifont Scalable typefaces and Intellifont technology.
Intellifont is a registered trademark of Agfa Division, Miles Incorporated (Agfa).
CG, Garth Graphic, Intellifont, and Type Director are registered trademarks, and Shannon and CG Triumvirate are trademarks of Agfa Division, Miles Incorporated (Agfa). CG Bodoni, CG Century Schoolbook, CG Goudy Old Style, CG Melliza, Microstyle, CG Omega, and CG Palacio are products of Agfa Corporation. CG Times, based on Times New Roman under license from The Monotype Corporation Plc is a product of Agfa.
Univers is a registered trademark of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. Letraset is a registered trademark, and Aachen, Revue and University Roman
are trademarks of Esselte Pendaflex Corporation. Futura is a registered trademark of Fundición Tipográfica Neufville, S.A. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Benguiat, ITC Bookman, ITC Century, ITC
Cheltenham, ITC Clearface, ITC Galliard, ITC Korinna, ITC Lubalin Graph, ITC Souvenir, ITC Tiepolo, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation.
Albertus, Gill Sans, and Times New Roman are registered trademarks, and Monotype Baskerville is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation Plc, registered in the U.S. Pat. and TM office and elsewhere.
Hiroshige and Marigold are trademarks of AlphaOmega Typography, Inc.
Table Of Contents
1 Introduction..........................................................17
About This Manual .................. ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ....17
Warnings, Cautions, And Notes.......................................................17
Printing Conventions Used In This Manual ......................................17
Related Documents..........................................................................18
Printer Overview....................................................................................19
The Printronix P5000LJ Series Printer Family .................................19
Taking Care Of Your Printer.............................................................21
Standard Features ...........................................................................21
Graphics Options .............................................................................23
Protocols And Emulations................................................................23
Line Matrix Printing ..........................................................................24
Printing Speed..................................................................................25
Network Interface Card (NIC)................................................................26
What Special Features Are Available?.............................................26
2 Downloading Function Code In
P5000LJ Series Printers......................................29
Downloading In A Nutshell...............................................................29
Preparation For Downloading... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .................30
Copying Function Code To Your Computer ..........................................31
Loading Function Code To Flash Memory In The Printer .....................32
Installing Printer Emulations....................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....32
Downloading Software Through the Serial
or Parallel Port .................................................................................33
Downloading Software Through the
Network Interface Card (NIC)...........................................................37
Downloading Optional Font Files to Flash Memory..........................39
Table of Contents
3 Configuring The Printer ........................................45
Overview ...............................................................................................45
Configuring The Printer .........................................................................45
Operating Modes..............................................................................48
The Configurations...........................................................................48
Locking And Unlocking The ENTER Key.........................................48
Changing And Saving Parameter Settings.......................................49
Factory Default Configuration Values ..............................................50
Changing Parameters ...........................................................................54
Example ...........................................................................................54
Saving Your New Configuration.......................................................56
Printing The Current Configuration ..................................................58
Loading Configuration Values..........................................................60
The Power-Up Configuration............................................................62
Deleting Configurations....................................................................64
Protecting Your Configurations ........................................................66
Configuring NIC.....................................................................................67
Connecting To The Network ............................................................67
Configuration Setup .........................................................................67
Configuration Using The Printer Control Panel................................68
Configuration Alternatives................................................................69
4 The Configuration Menus.....................................73
Overview ...............................................................................................73
Configuration Main Menu......................................................................74
Config. Control Menu ............................................................................77
Active Emulation Menu..........................................................................79
Emulation Menu ....................................................................................80
PCL-II Emulation..............................................................................81
LP Plus Emulation............................................................................86
P-Series Emulation ..........................................................................90
Proprinter XL Emulation ..... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................93
Epson FX Emulation ........................................................................95
Serial Matrix Emulation ....................................................................97
P-Series XQ Emulation ..................................................................100
IGP/PGL Emulation........................................................................102
IGP/VGL (Code V) Emulation ........................................................107
Maint/Misc Menu .................................................................................114
Table of Contents
Host Interface Menu............................................................................115
Bi-Tronics Submenu.......................................................................116
Centronics (Parallel) Submenu ......................................................117
Serial Submenu..............................................................................119
Ethernet Submenu .........................................................................122
Auto Switching Submenu...............................................................123
Ethernet Params Menu .......................................................................125
Printer Control Menu ...........................................................................127
Diagnostics Menu................................................................................129
RibbonMinder Menu.......................................................................133
5 Approaches To Network Printing ....................... 137
Overview .............................................................................................137
Peer To Peer Networks..................................................................137
Print Job Servers............................................................................138
Logical Printer Architecture............................................................138
6 Embedded NIC Web Page.................................141
Overview .............................................................................................141
Configuration Network.........................................................................143
TCP/IP Network .............................................................................143
Windows Network (NetBIOS TCP/IP) ............................................144
Novell Network...............................................................................144
Configuration Print Path ......................................................................145
Destination Settings .............................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..145
Current Model Settings ..................................................................146
Current Log Path Settings..............................................................147
Configuration - Print Model..................................................................147
Configuration - Log Path .....................................................................148
Configuration - I/O Port .......................................................................149
Parallel Port (PRN).........................................................................149
Configuration – SNMP.........................................................................150
Configuration - Administration.............................................................154
System Information ........................................................................154
Configuration - System........................................................................155
Status ..................................................................................................155
Status - I/O Port...................................................................................155
Status - Network..................................................................................155
Table of Contents
7 TCP/IP Configuration .........................................157
TCP/IP NIC Configuration ...................................................................157
Before You Begin...........................................................................157
Creating Aliases.............................................................................158
Methods For Setting TCP/IP Values ..............................................159
Assign TCP/IP Values....................................................................160
Using BOOTP ................................................................................163
8 HP e3000/NIC Configuration..............................165
Overview .............................................................................................165
HP e3000 / MPE-XL / MPE / iX: Host Configuration ...........................165
NIC Configuration Verification.............................................................168
Methods Of Adjusting Paper Position..................................................170
Method 1 ........................................................................................170
Method 2 ........................................................................................171
Using Page Level Recovery On P5000LJ Printers..............................171
HP e3000 / MPE-XL / MPE / iX: DTC Configuration ...........................173
MPE-XL / MPE / iX Typical Configuration ......................................173
9 Windows Configuration ......................................175
Overview .............................................................................................175
Windows Environment Description......................................................175
Windows NIC Configuration ................................................................176
Mandatory ......................................................................................176
Communicating Across Routers............ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..177
Changing Workgroup Names.........................................................177
Changing Destination Names ........................................................178
Windows Host Configuration ...............................................................179
Windows NT 3.51 Host Setup........................................................179
Windows NT 4.0 Host Setup ..........................................................180
Windows 95/98/ME Host Setup .....................................................186
Windows 3.1 Host Setup................................................................187
Windows Troubleshooting Tips ...........................................................187
NIC Cannot Be Found On The Network.........................................188
HTML Configuration Forms Will Not Display..................................188
Errors Occur When Defining An LPR Printer .................................188
Cannot Browse The NIC On The Network.....................................189
Printer Errors When Printing Or No Output....................................189
TCP/IP Access Problem.................................................................189
Table of Contents
Web Browser/HTTP Problem.........................................................191
Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 Host Setup Problems.............................191
Installing Microsoft TCP/IP Printing. ...... ....................................... ..191
10 Unix Configuration ............................................. 193
Overview .............................................................................................193
Unix Environment Description ..................................................... ...... ..194
Unix NIC Configuration............................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........195
Mandatory ......................................................................................195
Communicating Across Routers...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........195
Unix Host Configuration .......... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..196
Printing Setup On HP-UX...............................................................196
Printing Setup On Sys V ...............................................................198
LPR/LPD Printing Setup On BSD Systems
(Sun 4.x, DEC‚ Ultrix‚, Free BSD, etc.)...........................................200
FTP Printing ...................................................................................201
Remote Shell Printing ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .....................20 1
Unix Troubleshooting Tips............. ....... ...... ....................................... ..202
Nothing Prints.................................................................................202
Stair-stepped Output ......................................................................203
No Form Feed Or Extra Page Comes Out.....................................203
11 Novell Configuration........................................... 205
Overview .............................................................................................205
Novell Environment Description ..........................................................206
Novell NIC Configuration.....................................................................206
Using HTML Forms........................................................................207
Novell Host Configuration....................................................................208
NetWare Version 3.x PSERVER Setup..........................................208
NetWare Version 3.x RPRINTER Setup ........................................210
NetWare Version 4.x and 5.x PSERVER Setup.............................211
NetWare Version 4.x and 5.x RPRINTER Setup............................213
Novell Troubleshooting Tips................................................................215
NetWare 3.x - No PSERVER Connection......................................215
NetWare 4.x and 5.x - No PSERVER Connection .........................216
Table of Contents
12 Novell Configuration For 10/100Base-T
Overview .............................................................................................217
Novell NIC Configuration (10/100Base-T)...........................................217
Preferred File Server (NDS & Bindery) ..........................................218
Setting Password Security (NDS & Bindery)..................................221
Adjusting Polling Time (NDS & Bindery) ........................................222
Changing The Print Server Name (NDS & Bindery) ......................223
Changing The Frame Type (NDS & Bindery).................................225
Changing The Print Server Mode (NDS & Bindery) .......................226
Setting The NIC Context (NDS) .....................................................227
Setting The Print Server Preferred NDS Tree (NDS).....................228
Novell Host Configuration (10/100Base-T)..........................................229
NDS PSERVER Setup (Netware 4.x and 5.x)................................229
Bindery PSERVER Setup (Netware 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x) ...................231
Referencing A Bindery Queue In NDS
(Netware 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x) .............................................................231
RPRINTER/NPRINTER Setup (Netware 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x)............232
NPDS Configuration (Netware 4.11 and Above) .................................234
Troubleshooting (10/100Base-T).........................................................236
PSERVER Setup............................................................................236
RPRINTER/NPRINTER Setup........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..239
Printing Related..............................................................................240
13 Commands.........................................................243
Command Shell Overview...................................................................243
Access Methods.............................................................................243
Main Command Shell Prefixes.......................................................243
Getting Command Help................................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..243
Complete Command List.....................................................................244
Store Commands ...........................................................................244
Set Commands ..............................................................................247
List Commands .................................................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ..254
Debug Commands .........................................................................255
Miscellaneous Commands . ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ..256
Table of Contents
14 Extra Features ................................................... 259
NIC Security ........................................................................................259
Users And Passwords............................................... ...... ....... ........259
TCP Access Lists..................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .....................26 1
Printer Monitoring And Logging...........................................................262
Printer And Print Job Monitoring ....................................................262
Printer Logging Through Logpaths.................................................263
NIC Naming Schemes.........................................................................264
15 Interfaces ........................................................... 265
Overview .............................................................................................265
Centronics Parallel Interface ...............................................................266
Centronics Interface Signals ..........................................................267
Centronics Parallel Interface Configuration....................................267
Bi-Tronics Parallel Interface ................................................................268
Operating Modes............................................................................268
The Negotiation Phase...................................................................269
Signals ...........................................................................................269
RS-232 And RS-422 Serial Interfaces.................................................271
RS-232 And RS-422 Serial Interface Signals.................................272
RS-232 And RS-422 Serial Interface Protocol ...............................273
RS-232 And RS-422 Serial Interface Error Handling.....................273
RS-232 And RS-422 Serial Interface Configuration.......................274
16 Routine Service And Diagnostics.......................275
Routine Service...................................................................................275
Exterior Cleaning............................................................................275
Interior Cleaning.............................................................................275
Diagnosing Problems ........................... ...... ....................................... ..278
Printer Self-Tests ...........................................................................278
Printing A Hex Dump......................................................................280
Fault Messages..............................................................................282
A Printer Specifications And Regulatory
Information......................................................... 291
Ribbon Specifications..........................................................................291
Genuine Printronix P5000LJ Supplies.................................................293
Printer Dimensions ..............................................................................294
Environmental Characteristics.............................................................294
Electrical Characteristics.....................................................................295
Material Safety Data Sheets................................................................296
Communication Notices .... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............................297
Table of Contents
B Paper Specifications And Forms Design............301
General Paper Specifications..............................................................301
Paper Guidelines.................................................................................303
Terms And Definitions....................................................................303
Environmental Considerations .......................................................305
Form Types....................................................................................305
Form Weight...................................................................................305
Form Thickness..............................................................................305
Form Evenness..............................................................................305
Tractor Pin Engagement ................................................................305
Methods Of Forms Attachment ................................. ...... ....... ...... ..306
Chaff Content.................................................................................307
Form Design Checklist ........................................................................308
Storage And Handling ....................................................................310
C Standard ASCII Character Set...........................313
D Monitoring Prin te r s .................. .. ... .............. .. ... ...315
Implementing Remote Management Software (RMS).........................315
Agent/Manager Model....................................................................315
Monitoring Tools..................................................................................317
Monitoring With AIX NetView/6000................................................317
Monitoring With Web JetAdmin......................................................317
OS/2 TCP/IP ..................................................................................317
Setting The SNMP Community Name............................................317

1 Introduction

About This Manual

This manual explains how to configure and perform routine service on the
P5000LJ Series printers for maximum efficiency.

Warnings, Cautions, And Not es

Read and comply with all information highlighted under special headings:
Warning Warning messages call attention to situations that could hurt you or
damage the equipment.
Caution Conditions that could damage the printer or related equipment.
Note A note gives you helpful hints about printer operation and maintenance.

Printing Conventions Used In This Manual

UPPERCASE print indicates control panel keys.
Example: Press the CLEAR key, then press the ON LINE key.
Quotation marks (“ ”) indicate messages you see on the Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD). Example: Press the ON LINE key. “OFFLINE” appears on the LCD.
The + (plus) symbol represents key combinations.
Example: “Press
(DOWN) key at the same time.
+ >” means to press the = (UP) key and the >
Chapter 1 About This Manual
Command syntax and examples are formatted as follows:
The Courier font in boldface indicates commands that you type:
Example: $ ping
Regular Courier font indicates displayed results:
Example: is alive
Variable values are shown in italics in command syntax, output, and
in text.
Example: ping ipname
Example: ipname is alive

Related Documents

Following is a list of related documentation shipped with every Printronix P5000LJ printer.
P5000LJ Series Printers Installation Instructions, Cabinet and Pedestal
Models — Explains in a step-by-step process how to set up the printer for operation.
P5000LJ Series Printers Quick Reference Guide — Describes the keys
on the control panel and provides qui ck refere nc e informa t io n on dail y printer operations such as loading paper and replacing ribbons. Italian, French, German, and Spanish are included.
Note This manual and the reference manuals listed below are located on the
software starter CD shipped with your P5000LJ printer.
P5000LJ Series Printers PCL-II/LinePrinter Plus Technical Reference
Manual — Describes the host control codes and character sets for the LinePrinter Plus
and PCL®-II emulations.
P5000LJ Series Printers IGP/VGL Technical Reference Manual —
Explains how to write graphics programs using the optional QMS V™ Printronix the user to create and store forms; generate logos, bar codes, and expanded characters; create other graphics; and merge graphics with alphanumeric data as a document is printed.
emulation. This graphics programming language allows
P5000LJ Series Printers IGP/PGL Technical Reference Manual —
Explains how to write graphics programs using the optional PGL Printronix IGP the user to create and store forms; generate logos, bar codes, and expanded characters; create graphic images; and merge graphics with alphanumeric data as a document is printed.
emulation. This graphics programming language allows

Printer Overview

The Printronix P5000L J Series Printe r Family

The P5000LJ series of line matrix printers consists of 500, 1000, and 1500
lines per minute (lpm) models packaged in various configurations. All of the
models offer software versatility and the latest refinements in line matrix
printing technology. The model numbers indicate printing speed and physical
Table 1. The P5000LJ Series Printer Family
The Printronix P5000LJ Series Printer Family
C3201D C3201E 500P 500 lpm C3201ND C3201NE 500P 500 lpm C3202D C3202E 500Q 500 lpm C3202ND C3202NE 500Q 500 lpm C3203D C3203E 1000P 1000 lpm C3203ND C3203NE 1000P 1000 lpm C3204D C3204E 1000Q 1000 lpm C3204ND C3204NE 1000Q 1000 lpm C3205D C3205E 1500Q 1500 lpm C3205ND C3205NE 1500Q 1500 lpm C3206D C3206E 1500P 1500 lpm C3206ND C3206NE 1500P 1500 lpm C5640D C5640E 1500QS 1500 lpm
Pedestal Cabinet
Serial/ Ethernet Interface
C5640ND C5640NE 1500QS 1500 lpm
Most line matrix printers have specialized architectures which enable the printer to emulate, or behave like, another printer. These specialized architectures are restricted. The P5000LJ printer, however, introduces an open architecture concept that is not available on any other line matrix printer.
The P5000LJ printer offers the standard emulation of Hewlett-Packard's Printer Control Language, PCL Level II, to allow easy online programming capabilities and compatibility with Hewlett-Packard systems. The Printronix P5000LJ Series printers are fully compatible with HP LineJet and LP Series printers.
Chapter 1 Printer Overview
Additionally, the P5000LJ printer offers the following three emulations as part of its LinePrinter Plus grouping: Proprinter
III XL, Epson® FX-1050, and Serial Matrix P-Series. No matter what emulation is configured, your printer is very easy to use. The message display and indicator on the control panel communicate with you directly and clearly. You can select every function on your printer at the control panel, or you can send commands from the host computer.
500Q 1000Q 1500Q
P5000LJ 500P 1000P 1500P
Figure 1. The P5000LJ Printers

Taking Care Of Your Printer

Taking Care Of Your Printer
Your printer will produce high quality print jobs if it is well taken care of. Periodic cleaning, handling the printer properly, and using the correct printer supplies, such as paper and ribbons, will ensure optimum performance. Chapter 16 explains how to clean the printer, and printer supplies are listed in Appendix A.
Whenever it is necessary to service the printer, remember these important maintenance concepts:
Use only the ribbons specified in Appendix A. Use of incorrect ribbons
can cause ink migration problems, degraded print quality, and expensive damage to the printer.
Incorrect closure of the forms thickness lever can cause smearing,
degraded print quality, paper jams, and damage to the platen and shuttle assembly. Never close the forms thickness lever too tightly.
Excessive printing outside of the boundaries of the paper will degrade
print quality and cause hammer bank damage. Never print outside of the paper width.

St andard Fea tures

All of the printers offer a wide range of horizontal and vertical dot densities, operate quietly, and can load an emulation very easily. Other features are specified in the following secti ons.
Host Computer Interfaces
The following host computer interface choices are available:
RS-232 serial interface
RS-422 serial interface
Ethernet™ (optional on 500P and 500Q only)
Printer Emulations
The following printer emulations (or protocols) are selectable at the control panel:
LP Plus, which consists of:
Printronix P-Series Epson FX-1050 IBM
PCL-II (the default)
Proprinter III XL
QMS (optional)
PGL (optional)
Each emulation provides a different set of configuration menus, control codes, and character sets.
Chapter 1 Printer Overview
Output Control
Depending on the active emulation, the printers have the following output control features:
Four modes for printing text:
1. Correspondence (High Density)
2. Data Processing (DP) (Standard Density)
3. Sparse (high speed) (Sparse Density)
4. OCR A and OCR B
Selectable forms length and width
Character attribute specification:
1. Selectable pitch: normal, expanded, and compressed
2. Emphasized (shadow) printing
3. Automatic underlining and overscoring
4. Superscript and subscript printing
5. Double high and wide printing
Resident multinational cha ra cte r sets and bar code s
Graphics and V ertical Form atting
Several graphics and vertical formatting features are available:
Built-in graphics genera tors :
1. IBM Proprinter III XL bit-image graphics
2. Epson FX-1050 dot graphics mode
3. P-Series Plot
4. PCL raster graphics
Programmable electronic vertical formatting provides rapid vertical paper
movement to specified lines for printing repetitive and continuous forms. You can choose from the following methods:
1. Vertical tabbing in Proprinter III XL and Epson FX emulation modes
2. Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) in P-Series emulation mode
3. PCL vertical forms control (VFC)
Built-in Diagnostic Tools
The following diagnostic tools are provided with the printer:
Comprehensive diagnostic self-tests permanently stored in the printer
Configuration printout
Data stream hex code printout
Symbol set printout

Graphics Options

Graphics Options
The PGL and VGL emulations allow you to create and store forms; generate logos, bar codes, and expanded characters; and create other graphics. Alphanumerics and bar code data are added as the form is printed.

Protocols And Emulations

A protocol is a set of rules governing the exchange of information between the printer and its host computer. These rules consist of codes which manipulate and print data and allow for machine-to-machine communication. A printer and its host computer must use the same protocol.
Most impact printers use single ASCII character codes to print text, numbers, and punctuation marks. Some characters, both singularly and in groups of two or more, are defined as control codes. Control codes instruct the printer to perform specific functions, such as underlining text, printing subscripts, setting page margins, etc. The main difference between most printer protocols is in the characters used to create control codes and the ways in which these characters are formatted.
When the printer executes the character and control codes of a particular printer protocol, it is “emulating” that printer. For example, if the printer uses the Proprinter III XL protocol, it is emulating an IBM Proprinter III XL printer; if the printer is using the Epson FX-1050 printer protocol, it is in Epson FX-1050 emulation mode. As used in this manual, “protocol” and “emulation” mean the same thing.
Chapter 1 Printer Overview

Line Matrix Printing

Your printer is an impact printer; it creates characters by printing ink dots on paper. The dots are printed on an invisible matrix mapped in printer memory (see Figure 2). Dot impressions are made by an array of steel hammers mounted on a rapidly oscillating shuttle. The hammers strike the paper through a moving ink ribbon.
Dot Row
Dot Column
Matrix visible only to the printer
Ink dots formed by hammer tips.
Serial matrix printers use a moving printhead with pins to form single characters sequentially along the printed line. Unlike serial matrix printers, the P5000LJ printer is a line matrix printer. Line matrix printers divide every printable line into horizontal dot rows, then print a dot row of the entire line at every lateral sweep of the shuttle.
During each sweep, hammers are activated to print dots at the required positions in the dot row. When the shuttle reache s the end of a sweep, it reverses direction, the paper advances one dot row, and the hammers print the next row of dots as the shuttle sweeps in the opposite direction, as shown in Figure 3.
Character Row
Character Column
Figure 2. Dot Matrix Character Formation
After a line of characters is printed, the paper advances to the first dot row of the next print line. This creates a number of blank rows between lines of characters, depending on the print mode and line spacing you selected.
One Text
Row Start
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
** 10 11
Number of rows is determined by line spacing.
n 1 2

Printing Speed

Direction of Shuttle Movement
Feed Direction
This row is used only for lowercase descenders.
This row is used for underlining and lowercase descenders.
Figure 3. Dot Matrix Line Printing
Printing Speed
The speed at which text prints is measured in lines per minute (lpm). This speed is directly proportional to the number of dot rows required to produce a character line, regardless of the number of characters in the line. More dot rows are required to print lowercase characters with descenders; consequently, those character lines print at a fractionally lower rate.
The printer also prints dot-addressable graphic images. The speed at which graphics are plotted is measured in inches per minute (ipm). Unidirectional plotting produces slightly better print quality and takes about twice as long as bidirectional plotting. You can select either plotting mode from the control panel.
Printing and plotting rates also vary according to the print mode you select. Print mode refers to the way you instruct the printer to create characters. If, for example, you select standard quality (data processing) mode, the printer uses more dot rows to form characters than if you choose Sparse (high speed) mode. Character formation and print speed are faster in Sparse mode, because the printer prints fewer dot rows to form characters. Vertical dot density is a factor in printing speed.
Nominal printing rates are charted in Appendix A.
Chapter 1 Network Interface Card (NIC)

Network Interface Card (NIC)

Network Interface Card (NIC) allows you to attach printers on a local area network (LAN) rather than attaching them directly to a host system. Following simple configuration steps, these peripherals can be simultaneously shared with users on the network whether you are using TCP/IP, NetBIOS over TCP/ IP, or IPX (Novell
NIC contains a network interface card to attach itself and the printer to the network. This Ethernet™ 10/100Base-T interface connector is what allows the printer to communicate with the network, and the interface itself has a number of options, status indicators, and switches which are described in “NIC” on page 27.

What Special Features Are Available?

NIC offers an extensive list of features including:
built-in HTML forms for easy cross-platform configuration
availability of printer manager software
a detailed and easy-to-use command shell built in to the firmware
multi-level configuration security through passwords, permission levels,
and access lists
Wide Area Network (WAN) communication access
numerous printer logging methods (e.g., automatic email) to record
printer errors and usage
remote management through HTML forms, Telnet sessions, rsh/
commands, SNMP, and pre-defined log methods
extensive built-in troubleshooting tools
built-in telnet and ping clients
configurable memory usage by disab ling pr otoc ols and destination
multiple destinations/queues for versatile printer manipulation and distinct
print setups
header and trailer strings to instruct printers on font, pitch, printing, etc.
flexible naming conventions
automatic network connection and frame type sensing
simultaneous printing across all I/O ports and all supported protocols
multiple network protocol support
The NIC at the rear of the printer has two indicator lights and two dipswitches, as shown in Figure 4.
Shown in OFF
(default) position
STAT (System Status)
NET (Data to Network)
Figure 4. Status Indicator Lights and Dipswitches
Run and Auto Reset Modes
Run Mode is the normal operating state of NIC. Auto Reset mode is entered when the watchdog timer is triggered and the Print Server resets itself. In either mode, the STAT LED flashes at a varying rate, depending on whether the unit IP address is configured. The Run Mode and Auto Reset Mode indicator descriptions are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Indicator Modes
STAT Indication Description
OFF flashes on once per second Normal Mode, IP address
OFF flashes on twice per second IP address not configured
ON flashes off once per second Download (MOS) ON flashes off twice per second Error
Chapter 1 Network Interface Card (NIC)
Network Indicator
The NET LED displays the status of the network link. When the NET LED is on, link integrity is confirmed. The NET LED flashes off for 1/3 second when a data packet is being transferred. When the NET LED is off, the network connection has been severed.
On the back of the interface, you will find a small window where you can access two dipswitches labeled 1 and 2 (see Figure 4). The functions of the dipswitches are explained in Table 3.
Table 3. Dipswitch Functions
OFF OFF Normal operation. With both dipswitches in the OFF
position, the NIC boots up using the settings in flash memory rather than the default settings.
ON OFF Factory default settings. With the dipswitches in this
configuration, the NIC boots up and erases all settings stored in flash memory except the Ethernet address and key value.
OFF ON Default IP. With the dipswitches in this configuration,
the NIC boots up with factory default settings. However, the stored settings in flash memory are intact. Setting dipswitch 2 to ON does not clear any settings stored in flash memory ; inste ad, it boots the unit with the IP settings in flash memory temporarily ignored.
ON ON Reserved. This dipswitch setting is not for customer
2 Downloading Function


Code In P5000LJ Series Printers
Downloading the function code is equivalent to updating firmware in the printer. This chapter explains how to load function code into P5000LJ printers.
You must download function code when:
you require upgraded firmware for maintenance or other reasons;
the CMX controller board is replaced;
the flash memory SIMM is replaced;
the NIC is installed or replaced;
you need different emulation software or buy the VGL or PGL graphics
option after the printer is installed.

Downloading In A Nutshell

Updating the function code in a P5000LJ printer consists of three tasks:
1. Obtaining the appropriate download file and loading it into the PC or laptop you will use to download the code into the printer.
2. Obtaining the appropriate interface cable if necessary.
3. Printing all saved configurations in the printer, making the function code upgrade, and restoring your saved printer configurations.
Chapter 2 Introduction

Preparation For Downloading

There are several function code files available for the P5000LJ printers. The file you use depends on the printer emulation in use.
Note Always upgrade the function code to the latest version available that meets
the minimum flash memory and DRAM SIMM sizes listed in Table 4.
To verify what function code is already installed, observe the control panel display when the printer is online. If a configuration printout is available, the function code file version is printed at the top of the configuration printout on the line that begins “Program File Version.” For example, if the line is “Program File Version (2.07P Part No. 356351), the number “356351” is the function code download file active at the time the configuration printout was generated.
You can download function code from a networked PC or laptop computer which contains the function code. If the printer has the NIC installed, the function code must be updated via the network to successfully update the NIC firmware. Loading function code via the network is done using the Printronix Remote Management (RMS) software available on the PrintNet Enterprise CD or using the file transfer protocol (ftp) procedure.
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