digital presentation systems
Users Guide
August, 2014 • PN: DOC-000025-00a
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Presenta on Switchers®, the “PS Box” logo or icon, and the names and marks associated with Presenta on
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The accompanying product is protected by one or more U.S. and foreign patents and/or pending patent
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We are constantly working to improve the quality of our documenta on, and we would appreciate your
feedback. Please send email to sales@PSwitchers.com.
© 2014 Presenta on Switchers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Presenta on Switchers, Inc.
2324 Cheney-Spokane Road
Cheney, WA 99004 USA
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmi ed in any form or by any means, electronic or
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Presenta on Switchers, Inc., retains tle to and ownership of all proprietary rights with respect to the so -
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onal treaty provision. Therefore, you must treat the so ware like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a
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Every eff ort has been made to ensure that the informa on in this manual is accurate. Presenta on Switch-
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Informa on in this document is subject to change without no ce.
Page 2 Presentation Switchers, Inc.
Contents ............................................................................................3
Introduction .......................................................................................4
Introducing the EX200 HDBaseT™ Receiver with Integrated Class-D Am-
plifi er ................................................................................................................. 4
Getting to Know the EX200 ............................................................................. 4
Front View ....................................................................................................... 4
Back View ....................................................................................................... 4
Connecting to the System ...............................................................5
HDBaseT™ Input ............................................................................................. 5
HDMI Output ..................................................................................................... 5
Speakers ........................................................................................................... 5
Powered Speakers or External Amplifi ers ..................................................... 5
Aux Stereo Audio Input ................................................................................... 5
RS232 Control .................................................................................................. 6
Advanced Features ..........................................................................6
Change Image Resolutions ............................................................................. 6
Page 3EX200 Users Guide