Thank you for choosing Precision Power audio equipment. At PrecisionPower , we proudly
design and engineer the world's finest audio products. Our award winning products utilize
innovative design and technology to consistently deliver Absolutely State of the Art
performance, sound quality, reliability, and value. This PrecisionPower product reflects our
commitment to offer you unparalleled versatility and quality for years of dependable service
and listening enjoyment.
Dual Zone Concept
The concept behind E.DZ is the ability to equalize the front stage and rear fill of the vehicle
audio system independently. The front stage is the focal point of your audio system, requiring
different processing than the rear fill. The front stage should appear higher on the dash, very
crisp and clear, and a slightly higher amplitude level when compared to the rear fill. The rear
fill does not require as extensive processing like the front stage, as it is not the focal point of
the audio system. E.DZ achieves this with independent multi-band equalization of the front
stage and rear fill audio signals.
Service & Warranty
Do not attempt to serv ice PrecisionPower products yourself. Performing exploratory surgery
on your audio equipment yourself will void the warranty. Many parts of your PrecisionPower
gear are custom built to our specifications. Our factory parts are not made available to anyo ne
else nor are they for sale. Our goal is to make sure that your PrecisionPower product will
always sound as good as the day it was purchased. Contact your autho rized PrecisionPower
dealer about obtaining any warranty service through PrecisionPower .
(See Warranty inside back cover)
High-powered car audio systems may produce sound pressure lev els that exceed the
threshold at which hearing loss may result. They may also impair a driver's ability to hear
traffic sounds or emergency vehicles. Use common sense and practice safe listening habits
when listening to or adjusting your audio system.

20dB Headroom Switching Power Supply
Built-in Low Noise Bi-FET Op-Amps
2 Selectable Balanced RCA Inputs w/ Input Gain
Front, Rear, & Subwoofer RCA Outputs
Four 18dB Front Bands; 125Hz, 500Hz, 3.5kHz, 12kHz
Three 18dB Rear Bands; 50Hz, 600Hz, 6.3kHz
Independent Subwoofer Level Control
Selectable Low-Pass Filter; 32Hz, 64Hz, 125Hz
Fader Control
Blue Backlit Control Knobs
Control Panel Functions
1.Input Selection Switch
The Input Selection Switch controls which of the two inputs the E.DZ processes. Press the switch
in to accept the audio signal from your source unit through the CD input. Leave the switch out to
accept and process the audio signal from a secondary source unit or auxiliary device through the
AUX inputs.
2.Master Volume Control
The Mater Volume Control can be used as a primary or secondary volume control for your audio
system. Generally, the source unit volume is set at a mod erate l evel, then utilize the E.DZ's
Master Volu me Co ntrol. The ring around the Mater Volum e Con trol is a fader, to inc rease or
decrease the output levels between the front and rear outputs.
3.Subwoofer Level Control
The Subwoofer Level Control will increase or decrease the output level of the subwoofer pre-amp
output in relation to the Master Volume Control.
4.Graphic Equalizer Controls
The Graphic Equalizer Controls will increase or decrease the level of its corresponding frequency,
-18dB or +18dB. Turn the knob counter-clockwise (left) to decrease the level, clockwise (right) to
increase the level.