PRASTEL GT+ User Manual

The GT+ is the MM, LOGIC, MR (Rolling Code) and MRxP memory management tool for receivers and transmitters in the XP range. This portable device allows the installation and assistance staff to check the programming of data stored in the memory, edit this data and possibly create a backup copy in the GT+ internal memory.
This tool may be used with Prastel receivers that have either a fixed, integrated memory or removable memory. For receivers with fixed memory, the GT+ is self-powered by the receiver via the GT+ – Receiver connecting cable. An external power supply is required if receivers with external memory are going to be used. This power supply is provided via the micro-USB port.
It also has a USB port enabling it to be connected to a PC that has the WINGTPROG program installed on it.
Figure 1.
Using the GT+ terminal allows the following operations to be carried out: On a radio receiver:
Management of the numbers of transmitters stored in the receiver internal or external memory (display, creation, deletion and space used, etc.).
Management of the type and time-out for relay commands.
Management of group codes and receiver passwords.
Possible backing up or restoring the receiver memory or the memory modules in the GT+. The data shall
be archived in the GT+ memory.
On a radio transmitter:
Reading the transmitter radio codes, group codes and copy codes.
Management of contactless programming of the transmitter numbers, group codes and copy codes (XP
On a UNIK control panel:
Management of the numbers of transmitters stored in the Unik card internal memory (display, creation, deletion and space used, etc.).
Unik card password management.
Management of parameters, operation counter and Unik card status (display and edit)
Possible backing up or restoring of the Unik card's radio memory or parameters in the GT+. The data shall
be archived in the GT+ memory.
On an M1000 or M2000 standalone access control unit:
Possible backing up or restoring of an M1000 or M2000 memory in the GT+. The data shall be archived in the GT+ memory.
Other features
Possible storage of up to 1000 receiver, Unik or M1000/2000 memories in the GT+ internal memory.
OK button
Right arrow button
Down arrow button
Up ar
row button
Left arrow button
programming area
Possible management of the GT+ archiving memory: contents of stored archives may be displayed or deleted, etc.
Possible conversion of an old memory databases into a new receiver or an M1000 or M2000.
Possible transfer of archived memory to the WinGTProg program and vice versa.
The GT+ can operate as a standalone, thanks to its display and joystick, or be steered in slave mode by the WinGTProg program via USB port. It is self-powered, either by its Micromatch connections when connected to a receiver or a Unik, or by its Micro USB port (in some cases you will need a mains-USB adapter).
Memory/receiver connecting cable
Micro-USB port
Figure 2.
GT+ positioning with respect to a transmitter during the programming step (the distance between the transmitter and the bottom of the GT+ housing should not exceed 1 cm during the entire programming):
Figure 3.
Press the up and down arrow buttons to move through the GT+ menus. The > cursor in front of the menu name indicates the position that has been selected. Press the OK button once a menu has been selected in order to enter the submenus. Press the left arrow button to exit a submenu.
List of GT+ Menus:
Main Menu Submenu 1 Submenu 2 Submenu 3
Extra site
Memory type
Reads the transmitter codes stored in Reads the relay command Reads the main site code Reads the extra-site code Reads the number of transmitters in Identifies the type of memory
Parameters Name Program TX code Radio
Relays Site Extra site Password
Parameters Name
Delete Total Single code
Files Mem->File
TRANSMITTERS Read Program Serial n. Site Copy M1000/2000 M2000->File
UNIK Read Code TX
Memory type
Parameters Version State Counter Error code
Configures the relay commands Programs the main site code Programs the extra-site codes Programming the password for
Sets up the receiver's parameters Programs the receiver's mnemonic
Erases the entire receiver memory Erases single transmitters stored in
Backs up the receiver memory in the Copies a backup stored in the GT+ to Reads a transmitter information
Edits data for a transmitter Edits site code for a transmitter Edits the copy code for a transmitter Backs up an M1000 or M2000
Copies a backup stored in the GT+ to Reads the transmitter codes stored in Reads the number of transmitters in Identifies the type of UNIK card Reads UNIK card parameters
Reads UNIK card release number Reads UNIK card status Reads the operation counter Reads the last error code
Program Code TX Radio
Programs the password for accessing Sets up UNIK card parameters
Description the receivers memory configuration configuration configuration the receiver memory connected to the GT+
Reads the receiver's parameters Reads the receiver's mnemonic name Programs a transmitter into the receiver memory by radio transmission Manually programs a transmitter into the receiver memory
accessing the receiver memory
the receiver memory, one at a time
GT+ memory the receiver memory
memory in the GT+ memory an M1000 or M2000 memory UNIK card memory UNIK card memory connected to the GT+
Programs a transmitter into UNIK card memory by radio transmission Manually programs a transmitter into UNIK card memory
the UNIK card memory
No memory!
> Read
Init. counter Delete Total Single code
Files UNIK->File
Format GT+ OPTIONS Language
LCD contrast Buzzer Info
The first time the terminal is turned on, the GT+ asks for an installer code which will be locked into its memory. Enter the desired code, which may be between 1 and 63. This code must be the same for all your installations. Confirm by pressing OK.
WARNING: once you have confirmed the installer code you can no longer change it.
This menu allows a receiver memory, whether external (removable) or internal, to be read, programmed or deleted.
When using an external memory, power the GT+ with an external power supply via its micro-USB port. Connect the supplied memory-receiver connecting cable to the GT+ “Memory” port. Connect the memory module to the red 12-pin connector at the end of the connecting cable. Check that the polarity is correct when you connect the memory using the locating pin integrated into the red connector.
Use the red 8-pin connector for MRxE or MRxS receivers. If the receiver is already powered, the GT+ shall automatically be powered by the receiver. Otherwise the GT+ must be powered by an external power supply via its micro-USB port.
“Read” Menu
This menu displays all the receiver information, i.e. the list of transmitter codes in the memory, the relay command configuration, the site and extra site codes, the memory used and the type of receiver.
An error in communicating with the memory or the receiver is indicated by the "No memory!" message.
If the installer code in the memory or the receiver is incorrect, the "Inst code ERR!" message will appear.
If the memory type or the receiver does not support a requested piece of information, the "Not available !" message will be displayed.
Resets the operation counter Erases the entire UNIK card memory Erases single transmitters stored in
the UNIK card memory, one at at time
Backs up a UNIK card memory in the
GT+ memory
Copies a backup stored in the GT+ to
UNIK card memory
Reads backups stored in the GT+
Erases a backup file in the GT+
Formats the entire GT+ memory Configures the language for the GT+
Adjusts the contrast of the display Activates the buzzer Reads the GT+ release and serial
Inst code ERR!
Not available!
TX code
” Submenu
Enable XP:
> Parameters
5th channel:
Only TX rolling:
Memory type
- Mode free
> M
emory type
102 / 1000
> Occupation
Memory type
> Enabled groups
Relays 1:
> Config. r
Enabled groups
Code: 00001234
C:1 R:1 Pos:0001
Code: 00001234
Ch: 1 Pos: 0001
> TX code
This submenu displays the transmitter codes in the receiver memory. Use the up and down arrow buttons to move through all the codes contained in the memory.
If a receiver is in default mode, the “Code” field refers to the transmitter number, “Ch” field refers to the channel number and the “Pos” field refers to the row in the receiver memory.
If a receiver is configured with a free mode association, the “Code” field refers to the transmitter number, “C” field refers to the channel number, “R” field refers to the commanded relay number and “Pos” field refers to the row in the receiver memory.
“Config. relays” Submenu
This submenu displays the configuration of the command relays. The up and down arrow buttons may be used to move through the
configuration of each receiver relay.
“Enabled groups“ Submenu:
This submenu displays the enabled groups contained in the memory or on the receiver.
The user may move through each of enabled groups using the up and down arrow buttons.
“Occupation“ Submenu:
This submenu displays the number of transmitter codes stored in the receiver memory.
The first number gives the number of transmitters in the memory; the second number gives the total capacity of the memory.
“Memory type” Submenu:
This submenu displays the type of memory and, depending on the type of receiver, the management mode for allocating relays according to the channels: “default mode” or “free mode”. A customized receiver (a receiver into which the installer code has been programmed) shall be indicated by a *. In default mode, the receipt channel 1 of a transmitter will activate relay 1, and channel 2 will activate relay 2, etc. In free mode, a relay of the user’s choice may be allocated to each channel. i.e. the receipt of channel 1 may activate any relay, it all depends on the installers programming.
“Parameters“ Submenu:
This submenu displays the receiver's different parameters. The user may scroll through each receiver parameter using the up and down arrow buttons. The accessible parameters are as follows: "Uniquem. TX roll" (Only TX roll): for allowing only transmitters with a rolling code.
"5th channel": for allowing a new transmitter to be programmed in the receiver by radio transmission from the fifth channel of a transmitter (see transmitter instructions) which is already in the receiver's memory.
"Enable XP" (Activate XP): for allowing a transmitter's sefl-learning in the receiver's memory using XP rule.
“ Submenu:
“Program” Menu:
Code: 00000000
> Manual
Code: 00012345
Chan.:2 Relay:1
Code: 00012345
Waiting for
> Radio
> TX code
No memory!
> Program
This submenu displays the receiver's mnemonic name.
This menu allows the transmitters to be programmed into the receiver memory and the receiver to be configured.
An error in communicating with the memory or the receiver is indicated by the "No memory!" message.
If the installer code in the memory or the receiver is incorrect, the "Inst code ERR!" message will appear.
If the memory type or the receiver does not support a requested piece of information, the "Not available” message will be displayed.
“TX code” Submenu:
This submenu allows the transmitter codes to be programmed into the memory of the receiver. A transmitter code may be entered in two different manners - by radio transmission from the transmitter or manual input.
“Radio” Submenu:
This submenu allows a transmitter code to be programmed into the receiver memory by radio transmission comprising the transmitter code. The "Waiting for transmission...” message indicates that the GT+ is waiting for a radio transmission from the transmitter.
If the receiver is in default mode, press the transmitter channel button. The screen of the GT+ will display the transmitter code and the channel number. In the example to the right, number 12345 was received on channel 2. If the received code matches this number, it should be confirmed by pressing OK. Otherwise, press the left arrow button. The code will be automatically copied to the receiver memory after confirmation and the GT+ will return to awaiting transmission mode.
If the receiver is configured in free mode, the number of the relay to be activated upon receipt of the transmitted channel must be selected. The relay number is selected using the up and down arrow buttons. Once the correct value is displayed, confirm it by pressing OK. The receiver memory will be automatically populated. The GT+ will return to awaiting radio transmission mode to be able to program the next transmitter. Press the left arrow button to exit the radio programming mode. If a receiver is in default mode, the transmitter number will be automatically copied to the receiver memory after confirmation and the GT+ will return to awaiting transmission mode.
“Manual” Submenu:
This submenu allows a transmitter code to be programmed into the receiver memory by manual input.
The cursor is placed under the figure which can then be edited using the up and down arrow buttons. The cursor may be moved using the left and right arrow buttons.
Inst code ERR!
Not available!
+ 12 hidden pages